《From This Dream》I'm Sorry


Jimi's P.O.V.

I sit on the couch thinking about Karen. I messed up. I lied. She'll never trust me again. Why was I so stupid?! Nothing happened between me and Julie. But I see why Karen thought so... After everything with Mark, I am just as bad. I feel awful for hurting her. I will earn back her trust for me.

As I sit there thinking of how I can make it better, Karen comes down stairs from her shower

"Jimi, You want me to heat up the pizza?" I keep thinking about how to make it better and how I can fix it.

"Jimi?... Jimi!" I finally hear her and face her.

"Sorry... What?"

"I asked if you wanted me to heat up the pizza?"

"Oh... Yeah, sure."

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah. Are you?" Karen just gives me a look. "Sorry... I k ow you're not okay. But I love you and I am so grateful you stayed..." She nods and goes to heat the pizza up. I sigh and turn the TV on. Karen comes back with the pizza and two glasses and the wine. She sits beside me and starts pouring the wine. I grab a piece of pizza and start eating. She sips on her wine.

A couple hours pass and the pizza is gone and so is the wine. I had one glass of wine. Karen has the rest. She is a little drunk but sits there watching the TV.

"Do we have more alcohol?"

"There might be more... But I think you had enough for tonight."

"No I didn't."

"Karen you drank a bottle of wine."

"You had some too."

"One glass. But that's not the point. You are still healing and you shouldn't be drinking this much."

"I'm fine."


"I'm fine. I promise. I'll be back."

"Where are you goin?"

"To get more alcohol!" She gets up a little unsteady and walks to the kitchen. I sigh and get up following her making sure she doesn't cause any damage to the house or herself. She gets the tequila. Bad news already.

"Babe, maybe you shouldn't drink that."

"It'll be fine."

"K, you know what happens when you drink tequila."

"Yup. I feel fantastic."

"You also get very sick in the morning."

"No I don't." I give her a look and she just shrugs it off and opens the bottle.

"Would you like a drink?"

"No. I'd like for you to go to bed. You've had enough."

"You wanted me to stay. I stayed. I'm having a good night."

"This isn't why I wanted you to stay."

"I'm here aren't I?" And with that she put the bottle to her lips and took a mouth full. She held the bottle and swallowed and made a face. "That burns. I like it." She does it again.

"Karen stop." She does it again this time taking more. She holds the bottle in her hand and I take it from her. "You've had enough"


"C'mon! You're ruining the fun!"

"No I'm helping you."

"Helping involves giving that back"

"No. It involve getting you to bed." She starts laughing. Why is she laughing?

"I knew you wanted me in bed... That's why you wanted me to stay... So you could have your way with me..."

"No. That's not what I am doin. That would be taking advantage of you, and I don't do that."

"Yeah ya do."



"Anyways. Time for bed. Let's go." She walks upstairs and I lock the doors and windows and turn the lights off and follow her up.

I walk into the bedroom to find her taking off her clothes and getting in bed.

"Not gonna put your pajamas on?"



"Cause I'm hot."

"You are. But you still need clothes."

"No... Not that hot... I'm sweating. I'm really hot..."

"Are you getting sick?"

"I don't know... Come lay with me." I take my clothes off and leave on my boxers as I do Every night, and lay down. Karen moves closer and cuddles me. I wrap my arms around her and hold her close. She starts drawing circles on my chest with her index finger.

"Do you ever wonder what would've happened if I didn't lose the baby..? Like what we'd be doin now instead of fighting and getting drunk..?"

"All the time baby..." She nods and continues to draw circles. I hold her close and kiss her head. She falls asleep after a while and I'm not far behind.

Karen's P.O.V.

I wake up with a hangover. What the hell did I drink last night? I let out a groan and lift my head and I'm alone in the bed.

"J..?" He sticks his head out the bathroom door.


"Nothing... Just wondering where you were at..." I lay back down and he comes out and comes to me with a smile on his face.

"How ya feeling?"

"Shut up." He laughs slightly and walks to the window.

"Jimi... Don't do it." He smirks and opens the curtains and the sunlight comes in and hits my face. I retreat under the blankets and yell.

"Ass! You did that on purpose!"

"Yup. We have to go. We go on tour. Remember."

"I'm hungover."

"That don't matter. Take some advil and let's go" He rips the sheets off me and I shut my eyes.

"I hate you."

"No you don't you love me."

"Same thing."

"Big difference."

"Shut up." He laughs and comes over leaning down and kisses my head.

"I'll have breakfast ready when you get done your shower." He walks downstairs and I get up. I feel like shit. I grab my clothes for today and set them in the bathroom and get in the shower. I come out a few minutes later and dry off and change into sweat pants and Jimi's shirt. I feel like shit, so I'll dress like shit. I throw my hair into a messy bun and goes downstairs.


Jimi has hash browns and bacon split on two plates with coffee at each one.

"Did I mention I love you?"

"A couple times." I peck his lips and sits down and eat. He does the same.

After we eat we clean up and Jimi gets our bags and puts them in the truck. I put some more coffee in mine and Jimi's travel mugs and sets them on the counter. I grab my purse and set it beside the travel mugs and makes sure my wallet, prescription and everything else is in there. I run upstairs and grab mine and Jimi's phone and chargers. I come back down to Jimi being a child and sitting on the floor.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah just waiting for you"

"And you sat on the floor? You couldn't sit on the couch or the kitchen chairs..?"

"Nope. Floor was good."

"You are such a child..." I walk towards the kitchen but Jimi grabs my foot almost making me fall but I catch myself.

"I am not a child... Come here." He pulls my leg towards him and I obey and stand in front of him. He grabs my hips and pulls me down on top of him, my knees are on each side of him as I straddle him and hold his shoulder laughing.

"There. Now you're on the floor too."

"I am.. Because you were a child and pulled me down."

"Would a child do this...?" He grabs my ass and pulls my closer as I sit on top of his manhood.

"That would be an exotic teen... And we have to go."

"The bus can wait an extra couple minutes..."

"Jimi you know I can't..."

"I know... I'm sorry... Let's go..." He starts moving me off and he sounds sad. I force myself to stay on him.


"It's okay. Last night... I had a choice... To leave or to stay... I stayed... And I'm not giving up. So that means... We are not giving up. I'm gonna do this. And you're gonna enjoy it."

"Baby... I don't want you to get hurt..."

"You can't hurt me anymore then I already do..."

"Babe..." I kiss him and he kisses back. Things get heated and we end up having sex on the floor.

I lay on the floor with Jimi on top of me. We stay that way catching our breathes. After a couple minutes he gets off me and starts getting dressed. I lay there and watch him for a couple seconds and then sits up wincing. Well... Jimi was right. I hurt more then I did. But I wasn't gonna tell him. I can't. If I did he would feel awful. I grab my clothes and stand up with my back to Jimi so I can wince with out him seeing. I get dressed and face him. He smiles and walks close to me putting his hands on my sides.

"You okay?"

"Never better."


"I'm serious. I'm great."

"Okay. Just wanna make sure I didn't hurt you."

"You didn't."

"Okay." I smile and walk into the kitchen and grab my purse and Jimi and I'd travel mugs and walks to him. Passing his travel mug to him.

"Here babe. And don't forget your wallet and to lock up." He smiles and grabs his wallet and keys and exits the house after me and locks up. I use my set of keys to unlock the door of the truck and get in. I wince and groan inside the truck so Jimi can't hear. This is not good. The bumps on the road to get to the bus is gonna kill. Jimi gets in the truck and starts it and drives.

Today would be the only day Jimi decides to hit every bump on the damn road! I swear I'm gonna kill him. We finally arrive and I get out groaning. I stop when Jimi comes around the truck with our bags. He smiles and I smile back.

"I'll be on the bus."

"Okay babe. I'll go see Jay for a little until everyone gets here."

"Okay" I walk on the bus and walk to the back. I immediately hit a wall. I hate this. I walk to my bunk and lay down wincing and groaning. I don't even bother closing my curtain. I just lay there and breathe trying to relax. I relax some and eventually fall asleep.

Jimi's P.O.V.

I walk on the bus with mine and Karen's bags when I see the other pull up. I walk to the back to put our bags back there and notice Karen sleeping. I set our bags down and walk to Karen. I lean down and kiss her head and close her curtain. I walk back to the front as Kim and Phillip walk on.

"Hey guys." Phillip has a seat and waves and Kim is all chipper like she always is.

"Hey Jimi! Where's Karen?"

"She's sleeping."

"Oh.. How is she doin...?"

"Better. She's just tired from earlier... She's been over doin it."

"That's too bad... I hope she heals quickly. It hurts for at least a week after losing a baby. I know from the time with Steve."

"I remember Kim... Its okay..."

"Yeah, I could do anything for a week. I don't know how she does anything."

"She's tough."

"She is... But she's probably in a lot of pain."

"Actually she wasn't earlier..." I laugh and Kim makes a face.

"Jimi you didn't."

"Didn't what..?"

"Please tell me you and her didn't... Ya know.."

"I don't think that's your business."

"Jimi! There is a reason why the doctor says no sex for a week. It can cause permanent damage."

"Wait... It can..?"


"Oh shit"

"Karen knew this... Why did she do it?"

"She knew?!"

"Duh, the doctor told her when you were getting a coffee. Go check on her." I know and go to Karen, I open her curtain and she's awake facing me with sad eyes.

"I'm sorry..."

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