《From This Dream》The Club


Karen's P.O.V

A few years later

I woke up sore and in pain again. I look over at Mark's side of the bed. He's gone. I sigh in relief and lays there for a moment and try to remember the events of last night

*********Flash Back*********

"Do you want kids? Ever?"

"Not with a discusting, ugly slut like you" I just sat there and listened to him talk about me. I don't know why I'd expect anything else from him. It's been 4 or 5 years and nothings changed. I got a text from Jimi

~Hey! You free for drinking and dancing tomorrow night at the new club that just opened up? As friends?~

~I'd love too. I'll meet you at your house and we can take one truck?~

~Sounds great! See you tomorrow at 8?~

~8 is perfect! See you!~ I smiled at the thought of me and Jimi hanging out.

"Who the hell you talking too that's got you smiling?" Mark asked with slight temper in his voice.

"It was Jimi. He asked me to hang with him tomorrow night and check out this new club that opened up"

"You are not goin! Tell him you can't!"

"I already said yes."

"You're fucking cheating on me you little whore!" Mark was pissed. He stood up and threw the TV remote at me which hit me in the shoulder. I winced in pain a little and stood up

"No. I'd never cheat on you."

"Liar! When did you do it? When I was gone to work? When you go 'Shopping'? Apparently your husband isn't good enough. Well tonight, Your husband will be better then enough. You'll be sorry for cheating on me after tonight. You'll beg for me to stop" He grabbed my arm and dragged me upstairs. I tried to fight and push him off, but he'd only punch and push me into a wall. I was too weak to fight back. He knew it and I knew it. So after he threw me against the wall breaking the mirror. I gave up, I let him do whatever he wanted.


*********Flash Back********

I laid there and wiped the tears off my face and got up. I went in the bathroom and did my morning routine. Look at the damage. Get in the shower, do my makeup and hair. Cover the rest of the damage with clothes. As I stare at myself in the mirror I think "I'm damaged. Not just my body. Me. I can't cover it all, they only way to get rid of all the damage is too just let it fall apart. Just break. A few cuts to the wrists, a bullet through the head, that's all it would take. No one loves me, so no one would miss me, or even acknowledge that I'm gone. Why do I let my self suffer here? With him. With the man that shows me that I truly am garbage. I'm nothing. I'll never be more then nothing."

I'm pulled out of my thoughts by a text message from Jimi

~Hey, I don't know what kind of club it is that we are goin too, so I'd say wear something casual, like jeans and a shirt or something :)~

~Thanks for the heads up. I'll be goin in my everyday clothing then. Nothing fancy~

~It's always fancy when you walk into a place. You wear these amazing clothes and even catch most of the guys' eyes.~

~I doubt that.~

~I only speak the truth ~

~Alright. Stop flattering yourself. I'll see you tonight at your place. 8 o'clock.~

~See ya Kiki!~

I'd like to know why he insists on calling me that. I don't know where he got it, but it's kinda cute and I only let him say it. I shake my head and finishes covering the open bruises with foundation.

I finish a few minutes later and goes back into the bedroom and makes the bed and picks up the clothes, taking them downstairs and doing a load of laundry. I do the dishes and clean the kitchen getting a yogurt to eat. When I finish that I go to the living room and clean that up as well. It was nearly 12 when I finish cleaning all of downstairs. I made dinner and set it in the oven for when Mark gets home. I grab my keys and head to the store. I get in the store, get what I need and get out and goes home. I put everything away and its only 4. I sigh and go into the living room and turn on the TV. I watch TV for a few hours until it was time to go. I get up, grab my keys and drives to Jimi's.


Jimi's P.O.V.

It was almost 8 o'clock and Karen will soon be here. I'm kinda nervous but kinda happy she said yes to coming with me. I changed into something more comfortable which is Jeans and a T-shirt. I sit on the couch and wait for Karen. A few minutes after I sit, there is a truck pulling up and within seconds, a knock on the door. I get up and open it " Hey Kiki! Come on in"

"Hey, thanks." She smiles at me and comes inside. I shut the door.

"Would it be okay if we took a cab instead? I wanna drink a little and I have a feeling you do too?"

"Only if I pay one way. You pay goin to the club, I'll pay leaving."

"Deal" I smile and grab my phone and calls a cab. "They will be here in 5"

"Okay. You got anything to start us off? Shots maybe?"

"Yeah! I have tequila" I go in to the kitchen and grab the bottle and a shot glass. " I only have one shot glass" Pours the tequila in the shot glass and offers Karen the first shot. She takes it and smiles as I fill it up again and take the shot. We decided to go down and wait for the cab that arrived when we stepped outside. We got in and drove to the pub.

We arrived 10 minutes later and I paid the cab. We walked inside and go straight to the bar. We drink and dance and we both end up getting really drunk and decide to leave and call it a night around 3AM. We got the bar keep to call us a cab and we waited for it. We get in the cab when it arrived and he drove us to my place. I got out and Karen stuttered out and I paid him and he leaves. I face Karen and she says slurring every word "I was suppose to pay that" and I reply slurring every word

"It's okay, I got it." Karen sway and I put an arm around her "Let's get you to a bed." I take her in my house and to my bedroom. I help lay her down and she looks at me, grabs my face and pulls me down for a kiss. I can't help but kiss back.

Karen's P.O.V.

I am very drunk, I have Jimi's arm around me and he's taking me to bed. He manages to lay me down and I look in his eyes. I see happiness, I see light. Not depression, or death, not even darkness, I feel safe when I look at him. I feel protected when he touches me. So I pull him down and kiss him as if it was natural. He kisses back and things start to get heated after a while. I didn't pull back and neither did he.

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