《His Unknown Child》Chapter 16: Off Track



"There you go."

"Thanks, Aidan, come get your ice cream." As soon as Aidan ran over, Lilly came out of the bathroom.

"Hey beautiful." I kissed her lips and Aidan made a sour face. "Oh come on dude. That ice creams not that bad."

"No daddy, you and Lilly. Yuck!" We shared a chuckle and he continued eating ice cream.

"Where to next?" I asked Lilly.

"Well, you need to go grocery shopping. So do I."

"Okay, the grocery store it is." I have a really big secret, and I can't wait to ask Lilly. Shhhh!!!

"Daddy, are you and Lilly getting married?"

I chuckled. "No buddy, maybe some day. But no."

"Oh, okay."

"Do you want us?" Lilly asked.

"I don't know." Young ones. Never quite understand.


"Milk, butter, cheese, soup, bread, what else?"

"PIZZA!" Aidan jumped.

"Yes, pizza, fruit, veggies too." I pointed to Aidan. "And candy."

"Alright, you go get the pizza and veggies, while me and Aidan go get that fruit and candy." Lilly commanded.

"Yes ma'am." Then we split our ways.

I walked to the veggies. I bagged up cucumbers, onions, tomatoes, potatoes, jicama, and carrots.

Next, I walked to the frozen isle.

Two pepperoni, one cheese, two sausage, and three supremes.

Don't judge, we love our pizza.

I walked around the store to find Lilly and Aidan.

"There you are. Got everything?" I asked.

"Yep, let's go." We walked to the check out.


"Who wants to play Xbox?" I shouted.

"PS4 daddy!"

"Lilly? PS4 or Xbox 360?" Lilly searched for an answer.

"PS4!" Then she and Aidan high-fived.

"Okay, PS4 it is. What game? I got COD three, COD ghosts, Battlefield 4, Halo three, Halo 4, Minecraft, GTA V, and a bunch of racing games." I know that all of these or like not good for Aidan. But he's young and doesn't know how to play, and besides, he's gonna be doing it when he's like fourteen.


"Duty three daddy!" Aidan is like in love with that game.

"Alright buddy, three player?" He nodded. "One for daddy, one for Aidan, and one for Lilly." I handed the remotes. I honestly like Xbox better, easier to control.


"YOU'RE GOING DOWN BOY!" Lilly yelled.

"NO! YOU ARE!" I yelled back.

"DADDY, I KILLED SOMEONE!" Aidan shouted and jumped.

"Good job buddy."



"TO BAD SO SAD! I KILLED YOU AND I WIN! NOW, WHERE'S MY PRIZE?" Lilly smirked and I grunted.

"Here." I pulled a twenty dollar bill from my wallet and puffed. "Cheater."

"Another round?" Aidan asked.

"Sure buddy, here, you and Lilly play, I gotta use the bathroom."

"Sure, you're probably gonna go cry your feelings out." Lilly and her mouth.

"I was gonna do that in the bathroom." I whispered, but started laughing. " I'll be back, but don't have too much fun when I'm gone." I winked and walked away.

Right as I was almost in the bathroom, the door bell rang. Then I yelled, "I GOT IT!" They probably never even heard it anyway.

"Oh, Charlie. What a surprise."

"Ashton, I'm here to say hi to Aidan because you don't seem to pick up your phone." I grabbed my phone and saw I had like thirty missed calls and texts from Charlie.

"Sorry, we were just playing some games."

"Sweet, what kind of games-" Before I could answer-

"OH NO! AIDAN YOU GOT ME! HOW DID YOU MANAGE TO DO THAT?" I heard Lilly shout in tone.

"I WON! I TOLD YOU IM BETTER AT THIS GAME!" Aidan yelled back laughing.

"I guess you are the best."


"Who's that?" Charlie asked surprisingly calm.

"That's Lilly Dale." I responded nicely.

"I see, you two together?" She seems so calm about this. It actually scares me more.

"Uh yeah." I scratched my neck.

"So what and you guys playing?"

"Okay, don't freak out. We have the volume on mute so no bad word come out and the guns are in silent."

"Just spit it out Ashton."

"We're playing COD three."

"What? What's "COD three".?"

"Call of Duty three."

"Oh, well you know I don't like Aidan playing violent games at his age."

"Yes, I totally understand, but he's gonna be playing these games when he's like for teen anyway."

"Good point. But keep the sound off."

"Always is." I said.


"Aidan is gonna learn how to 360 no-scope. Uh- never mind, you don't know what that is. I'll go get Aidan."

I walked to that living room where the two knuckle balls were and grabbed Aidan.

"Mommy's here. Don't give her a hard time. She's just here to say hi." Aidan nodded and ran to Charlie. I plopped next to Lilly on the couch.

"She sounds calm."

"Because he is calm. I don't know what's up, but it's none of my business." I backed off.

"Correct. Maybe she found someone." Lilly pointed out.

"Maybe, but it's none of my business." Lilly nodded and we just started at the TV.

"I have something every important to ask you before it's too late." Lilly turned to me as stared into my eyes.


"Well, we've only been dating for a few months, and this is a huge step for me, you, even Aidan. But, I think it's a good decision."

"I'm waiting."

"Will you move in with me?" I was nervous to be honest.

"Ashton, this is a big step. But, oh what the hell. YES!" My eyes widened and I jumped up and twirled Lilly in the air.

"OMG, BEST DAY EVER!" She giggled.

"When do I pack?"

"Tonight, once Charlie leaves. You'll go to the owners and tell them you're moving out, while me and Aidan pack. That way we can get two things done at once."

"Alright, I can't believe this happening."

"Me either. I was so nervous. I thought you were gonna say no."

"Now why would I ever say that?"

"Everybody has fears. I guess I had a fear of rejection. Expectably by my own girlfriend." I blushed.

"You're too cute sometimes."

"Is that a good thing?" I wiggled my eyebrows.

"It can be."

"Mommy's gone." Aidan came running into the room.

"Okay great, Aidan, go get in the car and buckle up. We're going on a drive."

"Okay daddy." Aidan ran outside with Lilly. I grabbed my keys and followed. Locked the door first.


"I'll see you later." Lilly kissed me and left.

"Is Lilly moving in with us?" Aidan asked shyly.

"Yes, you excited?" I asked.

"Yeah." Good.

"Alright bud, let's get packing."

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