《His Unknown Child》Chapter 14: Blew It


"Ashton honey, are you alright?" I groaned. My head hurts and my arms.

Then it hit me. I tried to kill myself.

But apparently I didn't die. Which also probably means I failed, or I am actually meant to be here.

"Ashton honey." I looked at the white door. My mom on the other side.

"Um, yeah?" I asked dumbly.

"Are you alright? You've been in there for a few hours." Shit.

"Um, yeah. Just fell asleep." It was half true.

"Ashton, don't lie to me. You can tell me anything." My mom basically always knew when I was lying. I sighed and rolled down my sleeves. Cleaned up the sink quietly and hid the razors. I unlocked the door and smile weakly.

"See, perfectly fine." I said.

"You were crying." Dammit mom. Stop noticing everything.

"Not that I know of."

"Ashton, is it because of Aidan?" Well, at least it's not going the way I figured.

"Maybe." I mumbled.

"It will be okay. You'll get him, what? Wednesday?" I nodded. "You'll see him Wednesday."

"That's too far away." I simply said.

"How about this. Me and you can go out to eat. Right now. Get your mind off things for a bit." I nodded.


"Okay, you get cleaned up, and I'll go get ready." She kissed my forehead and left my room.

He's a mistake just like his father

Those words kept flooding my brain. I couldn't get them out. They were stuck forever.

I sighed in fustration and changed my clothes.

I settled on a pair of non-ripped, black skinny jeans. A t-shirt that says, "The Good Things In Life Aren't Always Good" and decided to wear my black leather jacket. I tied my black and white converse and went in my bathroom.

Okay, I wiped my face with cold water and face wash. Cleaned that up. Then fixed my shaggy hair.


"Mom you ready?" I yelled as I jumped downstairs.

"Yeah, give me two seconds?" Yeah Yeah, whatever. "How do I look?" My mom came out wearing washed out blue jeans, a fancy shirt that's red. She was wearing the necklace I got her a year ago. And some boots.

"Yeah, you look fine. Here." I handed her brown jacket and we left the house.


"Aidan, say goodbye to everyone." Right now Aidan was on my last nerve.

"No." Ugh.

"Goodbye everyone. Aidan just needs his nap. I'm sure his father never gave him one." I waved goodbye to everyone and closed the door. I waited till everyone was gone. "Alright Mr." I yelled. "You are acting really naughty."

"I want my daddy." He cried again.


I picked him up and walked to the car. Set him in the car seat and buckled him. Then I sped off to Ashton's place.


Once I arrived, his car was gone. Oh well.

I grabbed Aidan and walked up to the top floor and knocked on the door.

No answer.

Knock knock knock.

Still no answer.

I checked the handle and it was unlocked. Perfect.

I walked in and put sleeping Aidan in his bed and left.

Maybe next time Ashton should be home.

After I knew Aidan was asleep, I left the room and made my way back downstairs.

I looked around the kitchen for anything. Then something caught my eye.

A little note with someone's number.

Lilly Dale's number

That's the Lilly from high-school. Why is he talking to her?

I took the note and left.


"I had fun tonight mom." I laughed as we got back into the car.

"Me too. I haven't had that much fun in a while."

"Well, thank you for taking me out." I said.

"Thank you for paying. Ashton, you didn't have to do that." I shook my head.


"Whatever you say then." I drove out of the restraunt parking lot and headed home. "Are you and Lilly gonna settle down?" That topic was a bit of a shocker.

"I don't know mom. We've only been on like two dates." I shrugged.

"She's the one for you Ashton. I know you didn't like her in high-school. But you are now in the adult world." A shade of pink came upon my cheeks.

"Same world mom." Yeah, good comeback Ashton. Face palm.

"You're right." I pulled into my apartment parking lot and parked. Obviously.

"You staying another night?" I asked as we walked up the stairs.

"If you don't mind." I shrugged.

"I don't mind mom. Stay as long as you want."

"Thank you." I nodded and opened my door. I must of accidentally left it unlocked.

I turned on the lights and hung up my keys and jacket.

"I'm gonna go hit the hay." Mom said as she hung up her jacket.

"Alright, night." I kissed her cheek and walked into the kitchen.

I grabbed a bottle of water and looked on my calendar.


Wait, something is missing from my fridge.

Lilly's number

Even though I have it my phone, I still needed that. Where is it?

I looked on the floor until I heard some feet walking towards me I think.

I looked up and my eyes widened in shock.

"Daddy?!" Aidan cried and ran to me with his blanket in hand.

"Oh my god, Aidan." I landed on my knees and hugged him. Lifted him tightly and just hugged him. "What are you doing here. Expectably alone?" I asked.

"I missed you daddy. Then mommy got mad and drop me off here. I was scared." I bet he was.

"Shhh, you're safe now. Daddy is here and not going anywhere."


"Ashton?" My mom came running from the corner. "Why is Aidan here? Is it Wednesday already? How long did I sleep?" I chuckled.

"No it's not Wednesday already. Charlie dropped Aidan off here. Alone." I kissed her head.

"Poor baby." My mom grabbed Aidan from me and cradled him on the couch.

"I'm gonna go call Charlie."

"Good luck." I nodded and walked into the kitchen again.

Ring ring ring ring ring-

"Hey Ashton." She proclaimed.

"Don't hey me you little bitch. You can't just break into my apartment without my permission and leave Aidan here by himself." At this point I was pissed off.

"I simply gave the child what he wanted." Not even a hint of sorrow.

"You could of called me so I was here." I yelled once again through the phone.

"It's not my fault you weren't home. Maybe next time you shouldn't be with Lilly Dale." Wait what? When did Lilly get into the conversation?

"Lilly Dale? How do you- okay for one. I was with my mother. We went out to eat." I explained.

"Yeah sure. And is Lilly your girlfriend?" Why does she want to know?

"I'm not telling you about my love life."

"Fine, be that way. But I do have her number." That's where the fucking note went.

"Why are you so interested in Lilly?"

"Ashton, come on. She's not worth your time. Remember in high-school she made a rumor about you knocking up someone." Well she's didn't make a rumor, because it was true.

"Charlie, she didn't though. You can't make rumors if they're true." She is so stupid, I swear.

"She was the queen." I think Charlie is just jealous.

"But here's the thing, I chose you. And you seem jealous." I smirked.

"I wish you didn't choose me. And I'm not jealous." Whatever you say crappy pants.

"Just don't ever come inside my apartment again without my permission. And never leave Aidan there alone."

"Whatever asshole." Then she hung up. Right after the call was over my phone rang. I figured it was Charlie again so I just picked up.

"What now?" I said angrily.

"Woah tiger. Calm down." I sighed in relief when it was Lilly.

"I'm sorry Lilly. I just got off the phone with Charlie and we were fighting. Then my phone rang right after she hung up."

"It's fine. I was wondering, are you busy?" Hm.

"Not busy enough for you to come over, but busy enough that I can't go out." I think I just confused myself.

"Can I come over? We can talk too." I need someone to talk to badly.

"Yeah, that would help a lot. Could you?" I asked.

"I'll be over in twenty. Bye Ashton."

"See ya." I hung up, and sighed."

I walked into the living room and saw my mom and Aidan still cuddling.

"How it going? I heard yelling." I nodded and plopped down on the couch.

"Yeah, Charlie is just a pain."

"Every thing is gonna be just fine." She said.

"Sure, oh, um, Lilly is coming over in like fifteen minutes. But here. Give me Aidan." She stood up and then Aidan's arms were wrapped around my neck.

"Now I'm going to bed. Tell Lilly I said hi and that's I'll her in the morning." She winked and walked off.

"Ready for bed buddy?" Aidan looked so tired.

"No." I chuckled and shook my head."

"It's getting late. How about we make a deal." I offered.

"What deal?"

"You can stay up a little bit longer, if only you'll sleep in daddy's room?" I think it seems pretty fair.

"Okay." That was easy.

Just then I heard a knock.

"You wanna go answer it?" Aidan nodded his head rapidly and ran to the door.

"Well hello Aidan. You hansom as ever." I smiled.

"You too Lilly. Daddy in that room." I decided to just walk to the door and greet Lilly.


"Hi." She said back.

"Come on in." I stepped out of her way and closed the door, and locking it. I took Lilly's jacket and hung it up. "It's nice to see you again."

"You too. To be honest, I kinda miss you two." This is why I now like her. She's very kind around Aidan, and loves him to death. And she is literally a new person.

"Kinda?" I questioned. Raising an eyebrow.

"Yep, just kinda." She smirked.

"Oh really? Well then, I guess we're just gonna have to change that aren't we?" I took my move. I swept her off her feet and twirled her, then ran to my room. With Aidan behind me.

"Ashton, put me down." She demanded in a giggle.

"Nah, I like doing this. Don't ruin the fun." I dropped her on my bed and I crawled over her. Leaning in to kiss her until Aidan interupted.

"Daddy ew."

I chuckled and got off Lilly.

"Come here." Aidan ran into the arms and I tickled him.

"Noooooo, daddy stop." He wiggled and wiggled.

"Lilly to the rescue." Lilly stormed through me and Aidan and I fell to the floor. With Lilly on top.

"I guess you're eager."

"Sorry." I shook my head and pecked her lips. "That was unexpected." I chuckled.

"Maybe for you." I rolled over and helped we up and saw Aidan just staring at us.

Maybe, just maybe, my life isn't over just yet.

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