《Parenting 101》THIRTY-FIVE - Do Weddings Mean The End?


"Jackie, can you please check up on the boys? I swear they're stressing me out!" Lottie's mom entered the room, looking gorgeous as ever in her maid-of-honour dress.

"Yeah, I messaged Blake. He said they'll be here soon." I smoothed out my dress as I got up from the couch

"Kate, why aren't the boys here yet? Chris needs to walk down the aisle with the rings. Caden and Blake need to walk down with Jackie and Lottie. Is Reese even ready? Oh my god! Liam forgot to take the ties with him!" Auntie paces back and forth in the dressing room, breathing heavily.

"Auntie calms down, everything will be ok. Boys will be here soon" Lottie chimes in.

"Don't worry, I'll go pass on the ties. Take deep breaths!" I grab the pink ties, along with the white flower pins and leave the room, lifting my pink dress a little to prevent it from coming in between my silver heels. I hoped a task off of Auntie's list would calm her down.

I wouldn't say life was easy, it was hard. It was very hard. At times I wanted to cry because of how stressed I was.

Chris's birth-mom had passed on her guardianship towards Blake and me. Since I was not eighteen at the time, it was mostly under his name. I finally got added on my birthday. I was happy because we didn't have to go through the long process of adoption, quite possibly having to fight our way through court.

Chris continued to alter between the two houses. The school year was about to start soon though, which meant that Chris, Blake, and I would start living together at the school's family housing.

As I walked through the door, I find papa handing dad a drink. I shoot them both a stern look, knowing both of their wives, or soon to be, had strictly told them not to. Apparently, they're crazy drunks.

"Oh, come on just one sip, Jackie" My dad whines to me as I walk over to them, handing papa his tie.

"Nope, and if you try to drink it, I'll drink it myself. I'm sure you don't want your daughter to be having a drink" I mischievously smile at him, wrapping his tie around his neck.

"Jackie, you only get married twice. Let him have some fun" Papa chimed in as I tied the tie around my dad's neck, much like I had done several times when I was younger.

"Papa, don't make me snitch to your wife. And Dad, please, Auntie is stressed out enough as it is. I'm sure you don't want to add on to that" I pin the flower to his blazer, before walking over to papa and doing the same.

"We're not even married yet, and you're already switching favourites on me" Dad tried to hold back his smile, pouting at me.

"Nope, I'm just making room for more. You'll always be my favourite though" I kissed my dad's cheek and walked out after he placed a kiss on my forehead, embracing how proud he was of me.


I stood back in front of the bridal room, listening to their voices "Chris! I will tell your mother! You need to fix your tie!" His voice was stern. But judging by the little giggles of the little boy, Blake was most probably trying his best to hold back his smile.

"I want Mama to fix it! Not you. Daddy doesn't know how to tie a tie" Chris continued to giggle uncontrollably as I entered the room.

"Dad and Papa are all set." I update Auntie who was getting helped by Mrs. Archer and Mama to touch up her make-up. Blake's head turned to the sound of my voice. His mouth slightly open and his chest fell and rose much faster through his tight white button-up shirt. His eyes constantly looking me up and down.

"Your dress is absolutely gorgeous! I wish I knew you back when I got married" Mrs. Archer complemented Auntie, having designed the dress herself. Not just her bridal, but the bridesmaids and maid of honour dresses as well. Lottie and I wore the same dress, while Lottie's mom's dress was a bit more modest as it was covered with more sleeves.

"Well, Mrs. Archer. You are talking to THE Lisa Loui- oh sorry, I meant, THE Lisa West. The second-best designer at Zaberry!" Lottie informs her.

"Mommy!" Chris runs to me.

"Oh? Who's this handsome little young man?" I bend down to Chris's level as he hugged me.

"It's me, Mommy!" He giggled. His little pink bow tie coming off as his single yellow clover-leaf pendant hung out of his shirt. I tuck in his chain under his shirt and fix his bow tie. "Well, what do you say you walk down the aisle with me? I think you'd make a much better partner than your daddy!" I say it loud enough for Blake to hear behind me.

Chris giggled. "I can't do that; I have to give Nona and Nono the rings" I kiss him on his forehead and get up, turning around swiftly. Not expecting the body behind me, I trip on my feet, making me fall back. And like always...

He catches me.

"What were you saying again?" He raised a brow at me with his hand on my back.

"Jackie, tie my tie, please. And teach your best friend too. I was trying to be romantic, but she doesn't know how" Caden whines, holding up his tie to me. I separate from Blake and he shoots his friend a dirty look "Then why are you trying to rain on my parade?"

I quickly tie it for Caden, sending him back to his girlfriend as she whispered something in his ear. His face turning red paired with the sly smile on both their lips.

"Come on kids, get in places. Lisa, I'll make sure everyone's in place outside" Mrs. Archer leaves the room, calming Auntie down. I walk over to the mirror and pat my hair back, making sure there weren't any flyaways.


"Ready to go, babe?" Blake holds his hand out to me. I take his hand, and we both walk out of the room, taking our place.

During the whole ceremony, Blake kept blowing kisses at me from across the alter. I couldn't help but feel almost shy and embarrassed knowing someone was definitely watching us. Chris had done his part perfectly. He walked down the aisle with the rings and earned many awe's from the crowd. Which definitely raised his confidence.

With everyone now at the reception and mingling amongst themselves, I found a hand slide around my waist, leading me to a corner that was out of sight. My back against the pillar as one of his hands rested on it.

"You didn't tell me how I look" I pout at him, making him chuckle.

"Babe, I've been trying to find words all evening. You look beautiful beyond words. This guy was looking at you throughout the whole ceremony, I wanted to punch him"

"who was he?" I wrap my arms around his neck, urging him closer, trying to pry on his little hot jealous self.

"You really didn't notice?" He asks.

I shake my head "I was too occupied staring at this hot ass weirdo standing across the alter. Maybe you should go beat him up instead. He kept blowing kisses at me" I tiptoe on my heels, bringing my lips closer to his.

"Oh? What did he look like?" his charming smile making an appearance

"Tall, dark hair. Nice body, very kissable lips" My eyes tracing down to his lips.

"Should I be jealous?" His smile turning into a smirk, as he bit my lower lip.

"Very" I mumbled, kissing him, bringing him closer with every breath. His free hand sliding down to my butt, gripping it as he tried to bring me closer to him (if that was even possible). A giggle escaped my lips, as I let go of one hand to pull my dress down, trying to prevent it from riding up.

Blake and I jump apart at the sound of someone clearing their throat. "I said you could date my daughter, not eat her" My dad glared at Blake as I hid my face behind Blake. "Uh- yes, sir" Blake holds back a smile, feeling almost proud of himself.

Auntie stood beside Dad, holding in her laughter. "Come on Jackie, time for speech". As Blake and I walked back with Auntie and Dad behind us. Dad always showed that he had no trust in Blake, but I knew that Blake was the only guy Dad trusted me with.

"I think we might be the only couple that has a kid but never had sex" Blake whispers in my ear, which I couldn't help but agree with. But I still slapped his arm.

I demanded everyone's attention as I stood up, holding out my drink "Hello everyone! To those who might not know me. I'm Jackie, the daughter. It's not every day that I get to let out how I truly feel, so I hope you can bear with me

"My dad has been both my parents for the last eighteen years. And let me tell you, it was hard. I understand that more than ever now. I just wanted to thank you for being the most amazing dad any girl could ask for, despite your strong overprotectiveness" There were smiles and chuckles around the room as I recalled the first time I had somewhat interacted with a boy, I was probably around Chris's age at the time. I don't remember much of the details, but I remember I had kissed his hands. I didn't hear the end of it that night.

He started being cautious of all boys since then.

"But you know what, I recently realized that I gave my dad much more credit than he deserved. I didn't give my mom nearly enough credit. She has been with me for as long as I can remember. Through my first day of school, my first crush, my first broken heart. Doesn't matter what it was, she was there. Because mothers aren't always just by birth" I found my eyes looking at Chris.

I turned to Auntie "Because you have always been my mom. And I couldn't be happier today that my mom and my dad have finally tied the knot. So, here's a toast to the beautiful couple, my parents! May you always be happy together!" Everyone raised their glasses along with me, sipping down their preferred drinks.

Blake and I sat on the edge of the stage as the event carried on, sipping our drinks.

"Mama, I'm tired" Chris walks up to us, having worn himself out from the dancing. Blake grabs him up onto his lap. I lean over to Blake, "Want to stay with me for a few days? My parents are on their honeymoon" I apply a double innuendo to my words, both of us knowing well that we would just be taking care of our kid and packing for University.

"Can I get a picture?" The photographer walks up to us. I nod, scooting closer to Blake. Chris grabbed onto my hand, while Blake wrapped his arm around my waist, holding onto Chris with his other - all of us smiling at the camera.

"I already have mine and Chris's stuff in the car." Blake shoots back, leaning down and kissing me "Do you really think I would pass up the chance to be with my girlfriend" bringing a smile to my face "Your dad asked me to take care of you while he was away. And I don't plan on disappointing him" He rested his forehead against mine.

"Everyone say, 'Raven'!" Chris beams brightly at the camera, exclaiming out his new favourite word.

Every pain, every struggle, every tear. It was all worth it for this moment. This moment and the many future moments to come with them. My own little family.

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