《Parenting 101》THIRTY-THREE - For My Family


I wipe down the table, stacking up the plates, constantly looking back at the clock. 8:55 pm. Just five more minutes and then I could leave. I decided to take my time, slowly stacking the plates and setting them up for the next guests. The early dinner rush hour had already hit, and the employees prepared themselves for the late dinner rush.

It was soon about to be a month since Chris came back. Blake and I were ecstatic, trying to find every possible way to spend together with Chris. We often ended up at each other's houses after school, doing homework together, eating together, just about anything. Few days after Chris had come back, Blake and I sat down with our parents; letting them know about our decision to adopt Chris.

They all loved Chris very much, but they also loved us very much. They tried to talk some sense into us, telling us it wouldn't be easy, and we might ruin, not just ours, but Chris's future as well. All concerns that I had already voiced before. They had even tried to provide us with solutions such as one of them adopting Chris. But Blake and I both knew that wouldn't be right. Chris was our responsibility, and we were one hundred percent going to own up and work for it.

Blake soon filed adoption papers, being the only eighteen one between the two of us, and we both looked for jobs. Although our parents were well off, we knew we wanted to provide for Chris on our own, as our parents had done for us. Blake managed to land a job at a local bank as a teller and I landed up here, at The Whispering Flame, as a waitress, hoping it would help our case for adoption. I was glad it was one of the better restaurants since most people that came here had loaded wallets and were generous with tips; not to mention, generous with their nasty mouths as well. But I constantly reminded myself; it was all for Chris, it was all for my family.

"Jackie, do you mind taking that table's order? I have to go to the bathroom really bad; I promise you can go home after" My manager, Tate, comes up to me pleading. I smile at him and nod, making him run off.

I walk over to a table of girls, about my age, with their designer handbags, who seemed just about ready to spend all of their parents' cash. "He keeps messaging saying he wants to get back together. And I was like, why would I want to get involved with an abusive guy whose parents even disowned him. But I heard some guy in his school beat the shit out of him for coming on to his girl. So, I agreed to see him. Hopefully, he still has a bruise. He deserves it." A brunette twirled her hair, chewing her gum obnoxiously loud, smiling as she thought about the guy's pain.


"Hi, my name's Jackie. I'll be taking your order. What can I start you off with today?" I gave them my best server voice and smile. They all smiled sweetly at me, acknowledging my presence, "We've never been here before, what would you recommend for appetizers?"

"The crab cake poppers are chef Lorenzo's specialty and he's here today. It would be tragic to not try them. Other than that, my personal favourites would be pimento cheese crostini and Caprese."

They decided amongst themselves what they should order, finally making me write down their choices, all three of my recommendations making the cut. As I'm about to walk away, the brunette stops me "Excuse me, if a guy by the name of Dante Thompson comes by looking for a Polly Elkins, could you let me know please?" Dante Thompson? As in the Dante I knew? But I knew not to pry in customers' personal lives.

"My shift is ending, but I'll let one of my co-workers know" I smile at her as she thanks me. Making my way into the kitchen, I pass on the order for the appetizer as Tate comes back. I inform him about the appetizers being taken care of and to let the girl know of any Dante that might come by. Tate is quick to run to tell the maître d' as I make my way to the changing room.

Once I had clocked out and change my clothes, I started to make my way out, saying a quick goodbye to my co-workers. As I head to the door, I try to catch a glimpse of the table of girls I had just taken the order of, only to find a boy sitting with them now. The boy being none other than the Dante I knew.

I really dodged a bullet there.


After about a ten-minute walk, I walked up to his doorstep, thanking god at how close his house was to the restaurant. Having become accustomed to just walking in rather than ringing the doorbell, I walk through the door to a quiet house. His parents were probably still away at work, and Lucas was probably at his karate practice.

"No! No! No! Why aren't you shooting!" I heard Blake's voice from the living room, probably yelling at a new bug he found in his game. I take off my shoes and run in, placing my school bag down beside the couch, laying on top of him. He quickly puts his phone away at the sight of me, wrapping his arms around me, giving me his undivided attention.

Just what I need

"I love you, babe" I mumble tiredly into his chest, remembering how the girls had described Dante and being thankful that Blake was nothing like that. Not only that but also the fact that he saved me from ending up with him.

"I love you too, but kind of out of the blue. What happened?" He plays with my hair.


"No reason, I just love you" I lift my head and place a kiss on his lips. "Chris napping?" He mumbles a yes against my head.

"How about you stay here tonight? You seem really tired today. Take a nap, I'll help you with your homework later. Your dad's out on a meeting anyways, we can go to school together from here" His fingers lightly massaged my head, making me sleepier than I was.

"No, I need to go home" I mumbled, trying to fight off the sleep, but failing at the end.

I scratched my cheek as I felt something crawling up, tickling me. I turned to my side, slowly trying to open my eyes. "Blake" I manage out a groan, not feeling him near me anymore.

"Come on, boys. Leave Jackie alone" the sound of Mrs. Archer's voice brought me to my senses, which was soon followed by the sound of two little boys giggling.

"Do it again, Lucas" Chris's voice chirped as I felt something tickle my nose. I knew there would only be one way to stop them. I shot my eyes open, yelling out a small "boo" which sent the boys tumbling back in a scream.

"That's what you guys get" I heard Blake laughing from my dining table. "Get up, babe. Come eat with us" He blew me a kiss before turning to the two boys, glaring at them "Weren't you both supposed to help me set the table"

I make my way to the bathroom to wash my hands and face to wake myself up, both of the boys arguing with Blake on why they didn't want to do it. As I walked back to the kitchen, the three boys were still at it and I couldn't help but imagine the what-ifs of Chris having a brother.

I quickly scanned the table to see if anything was missing, taking the plates from Blake as he continued. "Jackie, make him stop!" Lucas whined at me, but Mrs. Archer butts in before I can take anyone's side. "Lucas! How many times do I need to say that everyone needs to help set the table?" She gives him a stern look.

Lucas continues to pout at me, knowing I was the only one that could help him out. I walk over to Mrs. Archer, draping my arm over her lovingly "Let him go this once, I'm sure he'll help clean up"

"Yes, yes! I promise!" Lucas is quick to chime.

"I need you to stop saving him every time Jackie!" Mrs. Archer sighs in defeat, going back into the kitchen to check if the food was heated up. Blake gazes at me intently, a goofy smile on his lips. I stick my tongue out at him, going back to setting up the plates.

He follows behind, hugging me from behind, placing multiple kisses on me "Eww! Stop! Not here please!" Lucas whines at the sight of us, but Blake ignores him and continues while I try to push him so I can go back to setting up the table. "I love how you get along with my mom" He discreetly bites my ear.

"Blake!" my face warming up at his action. "Hurry up and finish setting the table. I'm hungry"

We all sat down to eat, Blake beside me, Chris and Lucas in front of us, and Mr. and Mrs. Archer on either side. As we all munched on the delicious food Mrs. Archer made, small talk was made around the table.

"How's school going, Jackie?" Mr. Archer asked me

"It's good. I actually got an A-plus on my last calculus test!" Mr. Archer smiled proudly at me. It was no secret by now that calculus was my poorest subject.

"Only 'cuz I helped you" Blake butted in

"Right... And if I recall correctly, you got a B" I give him a pointed look.

"I didn't see there was a back!" He tried to argue, making his parents laugh at our little dispute.

"Oh, and I also wanted to tell you guys! I got into the University of Paendly for marketing!" I quickly added. They all looked at me with wide eyes. They all congratulated me, but Blake got up with excitement, lifting me off my seat and hugging me, once again uncontrollably kissing me all over my face. "I'm so proud of you!" He said in between kisses, making me giggle

"Blake, let her breathe!" Mrs. Archer laughed, making him let go of me. "That's amazing news, Jackie, We're all super proud of you! Your dad knows?"

"Yeah, he was there when I got the letter" Blake couldn't stop smiling. The University of Paendly was ranked one of the best universities. They had various courses to offer and excelled in all of them. Lottie, Caden, and Blake had all gotten their acceptance from their respective programs. I was starting to lose hope that I wouldn't get in. But I finally got my letter yesterday.

"That's where you're going to go right, daddy?" Chris asked, to which Blake nodded, holding onto my hand. "Does that mean we're going to be together all the time?!" His voice was filled with excitement.

"All the time" Blake answers.

"Cool, can I come?" Lucas asks, but Blake quickly shoots back "Only if you don't annoy me"

As we cleared the dining table and tidied the kitchen, Mrs. Archer told me I was staying here for the night and wouldn't let me argue. Wearing Blake's shirt, I laid in Lucas's bed with Chris on the other side of the room, on his bed. Much to Blake's dismay, he was currently sharing his bed with his younger brother.

"Mommy, does that mean we'll always live together now? You and daddy don't have to live in different houses?" Chris gets up from his bed, squeezing in on mine. I wrapped my arms around him, kissing his forehead.

"We'll definitely work something out"

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