《Parenting 101》TWENTY-EIGHT - Wishes


The room was dark with nothing but a flicker of light from the candles.

"Jackie, if he yells at me or kills me, I'm using you as my shield" Lucas, Blake's brother, grabs me from behind, preparing to use me as a shield.

"Relax, Lucas. You'll be fine"

"You don't understand, he doesn't like surprises." I smiled to myself. How could a guy who doesn't like surprises, always be trying to surprise me? That little scenery by the market, our little shopping spree at the mall and the market. His little kisses...

"Ew, you're drooling" He takes a step back.

"I am not"

"Are too" He mocks. Lucas really was the definition of a younger brother. He always found ways to poke fun and tease me. Although Blake would get mad at him for it, I would quite enjoy it.

The door to my house creaked open as the lights turned on. All of us started singing happy birthday on a low tune. Me, Lucas, Lottie, Caden, Aunty, dad and Blake's parents. I held the cake out to him as he looked around the room, trying to get a grasp of what was happening, dropping whatever was in his hands.

"Uh... what's going on?" He steps in front of me, trying to hide the things he dropped from my view.

"Wanted to surprise you for your birthday. Happy Birthday" I smile at him, showing him the cake since he clearly didn't understand. "Make a wish" A big grin was soon on his face, gazing at me intently as he blew out the candles.

His mom rushed up to him, showering him with kisses "Happy Birthday my little baby! Look who's finally eighteen!"

"Mom... not right now" Blake pulled her away, mouthing something to her as he continuously tilted his head towards me, making me laugh.

"Oh, Blakey. You don't need to worry about Jackie. You know she doesn't mind" She gives him a big kiss on the cheek, making sure to leave her lipstick mark.

"Mom..." He whined at his nickname

As everyone else congratulated him on his birthday, we made our way to the kitchen to cut the cake.

"I'll be right back" Blake rushes out of the kitchen after cutting the cake, with his footsteps soon rushing up the stairs.

"Told you he wouldn't kill you" I elbow Lucas as Caden walked past us. Lucas shared a look with Caden as they both turned to me, speaking in a teasing tone "That's because you're his girlfriend."

Not yet bros. He's stupid and hasn't asked me yet, and until he does, he's not getting that satisfaction.

I know Blake likes to take control in a relationship, not in a toxic way of course but more like in the curtesy way. But I was debating on taking over if he didn't ask me soon. I wanted to kiss him so bad. My own rules were going against me.


As the two boys hurried off behind their brother and friend, I helped Mrs. Archer, Aunty, and Lottie in the kitchen. "Thanks for planning this, Jackie. I don't know when the last time was that I saw him smile like that on his birthday." Mrs. Archer smiles at me. I give her a small smile, letting her know that it was no problem at all.

As Mr. Archer and my dad conversed over a beer, peeking their heads in the kitchen every so often to see if we needed any help, Mrs. Archer and Aunty also conversed, admiring Auntie's ring. Lottie seemed to have disappeared a few minutes ago, using the bathroom as an excuse. I swear that girl hates working.

As I set the table, my ears tuned in to Mrs. Archer and Auntie's conversation. "I'm so happy for you and Reese. When are you planning the wedding?"

"Probably sometime over summer break. You know, we want Jackie to be here and be a big part of the wedding before she goes off to University."

"Of course, she is Reese's daughter after all"

A breeze came inside the house as if the main door had been opened. Lucas awkwardly smiled at me as he waited by the door. Caden's head popped through the main door.

"Yeah, and I can't wait until she's officially mine as well" I try to hold back a smile as Auntie's comment brought me back, not trying to make it show that I was listening to them. When I looked back towards the door. Both of the boys were already gone.

"Well, you guys do already act like mother and daughter" Mrs. Archer chuckled.

"Yeah, I hope she realizes it soon. I'm letting her take her time. I know it's hard on her right now. Especially with Chris gone now"

"Yeah, same with Blake. I'm glad they both are together now. Kids these days really are so oblivious about each other's feelings" They both chuckled as the three boys came down the stairs, Lottie in tow.

As she approaches beside me, I shoot her a dirty look. "Quite the long bathroom break" She tries to smile sweetly at me while Blake comes from behind me. He wraps his arms around my waist and kisses my cheek "I want my birthday present" He whispers in my ear.

Knowing well what he was asking for, I place my cheek against his, whispering back "That's reserved for my boyfriend" I could feel his smirk against my cheek.

"Your dad gives me death glares every time I'm near you. He'll kill me if I ask you to be my girlfriend, look he's doing it right now" I peak a glance at my dad, and low and behold, there he was, shooting death glares at Blake, making me giggle.

"That sounds like a you problem, babe" I kissed his cheek, escaping from his hold, only to find the three ladies and the two boys smirking at me. A hue of red was surely reaching my cheeks.


We all enjoyed the food and ate the cake. They all seemed to play telephone as they all continuously whispered into each other's ears every now and then. Blake's parents soon left with Lucas, calling it a night to let Blake hang out a little more with us. Dad and Auntie sneaked out on a walk. Which left Caden, Lottie, Blake, and I.

"Lottie, uh- can you help me with-" Caden starts.

"Oh, yeah definitely. Let's go" Lottie gets up almost too quickly before Caden even has the chance to finish, answering in an almost robotic voice. I see Blake facepalm from the corner of my eye.

"help with what?" I raise my eyebrow at them, knowing Lottie was hiding something.

"Oh, you know, stuff..." Lottie tries to argue, not being able to come up with anything.

"Jackie, we're just trying to go make out. Do you really have to make us say it out loud? Take a hint man" Caden smirks as he leads Lottie out. Judging by Lottie's giggles, that wasn't the case. But I let them be. Lord knows what they were up to.

"Guess it's just you and me" I sighed, looking at Blake.

"No need to look so disappointed" He flicks my forehead, making sure to not actually hurt me. "I'm still waiting on my birthday present" He closes his eyes and puckers up his lips. As much as I wanted to, I was going to make him wait it out. "You make me wait a lot"

"You chose to like me" I shot back, grabbing his present from underneath the couch and pressing it against his lips.

He opened his eyes at the contact, "Love" He corrects me, making me squeal internally. A smile formed as he took the gift in his hands. "I didn't know what to get you, you're a very picky person" He unwrapped the gift to take out the picture frame. A picture of Blake and I kissing Chris's cheeks inside of it. He looked at the picture for a while before finally turning to me and hovering his body over mine.

"See, when you go and do things like that. I can't help but want to kiss you and much, much more" He placed a quick kiss on my nose "Thank you, I love it"

I push him back up as a scent of a candle enlightened my nose. "Do you smell that? Smells like that candle you got for me" Blake bolts up, placing the frame on the table and grabbing my hand to urge me up as well.

"Come with me" He leads me up the stairs, slowly opening my room door. I had to do a double-take to make sure that this was in fact my room.

The room was lit with candles and fairy lights, canvases on the floor, snacks and what seemed to be a bottle of wine decorated with the canvases.

"Surprise?" He half attempts it, bringing a smile to my face. He walks into my room to grab a bouquet of roses and jasmine, handing them to me. "I thought it would only be you and me today. This was supposed to happen outside, preferably in the daylight. But I had to improvise thanks to your surprise."

I couldn't hold back the smile that crept on my face. And people try to tell me this boy hates surprises? Ha, I don't believe them.

"It's beautiful" I take a step into my room.

"Drink is non-alcoholic of course because not everyone is eighteen like me" He boasts, ruffling my hair. I slap his hand away from my hair.

"I never got to ask, what are your favourite flowers?" He turns back to me, stepping closer to close the distance between us.

The pleasant scent of Jasmines filled my room, inviting a warm, fuzzy feeling inside me. A feeling that reminded me of him "I don't have one, but Jasmines are starting to be my favourite"

I was so occupied with my surroundings that I didn't notice Blake kneel down on one knee "Jaqueline West, will you be my girlfriend? Unless you wanna get married right now. We can do that too." A laugh escaped me as the man in front of me flashed me his charming smile.

"Blake, you never take anything seriously, do you?"

"I am serious" he firmed his tone.

"Then, ask me again in a few years. When we're in university or have jobs. But for now. Yes, I'll be your girlfriend" I kneeled down as well, wrapping an arm around his neck and kissing the shit out of him. What I have been wanting to do for a few days. He chuckled against my lips "Glad to know you were just as impatient as me"

"You make me wait too much" I answered cunningly, imitating him.

"You chose to like me" He winks at me. I bit my lip before correcting him "Love"

His eyes raised in shock as he opened his mouth to speak "you love-" I shut him up by pressing my body against his, his arms wrapping tightly around me. I could feel both our hearts rapidly beat, beating in sync, against each other. As we kissed, I couldn't help the thought that crossed my mind, pulling away from him, I asked "Why'd you plan to ask me on your birthday?"

He looked back at me, smiling at my question "I heard you get wishes on your birthday. And my wish was you"

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