《Parenting 101》TWENTY-FOUR - Lonely Beginnings


My hands were shaking the whole way to pick up Chris, and they continued to shake as we made our way to the police station. It felt like I was repeating a nightmare. I wished that it was a mistake once again, just like last time.

"Daddy, you said we were going to get ice cream when you picked me up!" Chris cries.

"I know Chris, and I'm sorry... But ice cream will have to wait" Sadness overpowering Blake's voice. "Do you remember Officer Clay, Chris?" Blake glances at Chris through the rear-view mirror. Chris mumbles a yes. "We're going to go see him first, ok?"

"Officer Clay? I like him! Oh, and Officer Kiara, will she be there?" Chris asks, forgetting all about the ice cream.

"I think so" Blake answers, parking the car in front of the police station.

Blake and I quietly sat in the parking lot. The car acting as a safe bubble for what was about to happen.

"Mama! Daddy! Let's go! Officer Clay and Officer Kiara are waiting!" Chris yells, unbuckling his seat belt and opening the door himself. Blake and I jolt from our seats, unbuckling our seatbelts, and getting out of the car to hold his hand, trying to make sure that he stays safe.

Blake locks his car, as the three of us enter the station, both of us holding one of Chris's hands. Once we enter the station, Chris lets go of our hands and runs to Officer Kiara, who seemed to be looking through some files.

"Officer Kiara! I'm here! I missed you!" He hugs her leg. As Chris greets her, I look around to spot anyone that might have a possible chance of being Chris's parents.

As my eyes land on Officer Clay's desk, my hands reach out to Blake's, unintentionally squeezing it. A couple in their late twenties to early thirties sat at his desk. There was a man with dishevelled black hair, with a tan complexion, wearing a sweatshirt and sweatpants. He had an ungroomed beard, and the bags under his eyes suggested he hadn't slept for days. The lady wore clothes that seemed much larger than her actual body size. She had brown hair, much like mine, that reached just below her chest, with an upturned pointed nose and a carved-out facial structure. She, too, had the same bags as the man. The rings on their fingers suggested they were married.

One look at the man, and I knew. There was definitely some resemblance to him and Blake, but seeing this man in person, there was something definitely off. He seemed almost unhealthy, much like his wife, who sat there looking almost scared, fiddling with her ring. I feel my squeeze getting tighter as I trace the gaze of the couple. They were looking at Chris. This is it. I feel my eyes sting as tears fill up in them.

Blake and I were frozen in place as Officer Kiara gave us a small smile and led Chris to Officer Clay's desk. I felt my hand squeeze as Blake slowly takes a step towards the others, looking down at the ground.

"Mommy! Daddy!" Both of our eyes snapped towards Chris as he cried. I felt overwhelmed as I saw Chris hugging the couple. The couple hugged Chris tightly, showering him with kisses.

"My baby! Oh, I missed you so much!" The lady, or Chris's mom, held him close, tears dripping from her eyes as she spoke, her Australian accent peeking through. She seemed happy to see her son, yet she somehow also seemed frightened.


"Chris, I'm so sorry buddy! I'll take better care of you. Please don't disappear like that again!" The man, Chris's dad, adds as he too engulfs Chris, his words sounding forced

Chris, being the innocent little kid he is, giggles, "I was with mommy and daddy!" Blake and I squeeze each other's hand at his statement as the couple looks at him confused.

Officer Kiara walks over to us, "Come on guys, it's time" she offers us a gentle smile. As we walk over to them, the man and lady look up at us. Their faces were even more confused than before, but a smile of gratefulness on the lady's lips.

"Mommy, Daddy! Look, it's mommy and daddy!" Chris beams at us. As much as it hurt, I wanted to be happy for Chris. "I'm so happy for you Chris!" I smile at him, tears once again filling in my eyes.

For God's sake Jackie! Stop with the tears!

"You have a wonderful son," Blake tells them, his voice slightly cracking, the pain evident to realize he wasn't ours

"Yeah, he brings joy wherever he goes!" I add on to it, ruffling Chris's hair.

Officer Kiara and Clay explain to them that we had been taking care of Chris. They both thanked us for looking after him, despite our young ages.

"Let's go home Chris," His dad said.

"We're all going home?! Both mommy and daddy?" Chris asks out of excitement. Chris's parents, Blake, and I shift uncomfortably but smile at his sweetness and innocence.

"No, Chris. You're going to go home with your mommy and daddy" Blake kneels to his level and points to his parents.

"But you said if I was a good boy, we could be together all the time!" Tears fill up in Chris's eyes, hurts as if Blake broke a promise.

With a sudden thought entering my mind, I grab Blake's keys from his hands and run outside towards his car. Once I open the car, I look through the different bags until I find what I need. I close the door and lock the car before running back inside.

Out of breath, I ask his parents for a request "Would it be alright if we gave him something?" I gesture towards Blake and me. The parents' nod.

I kneel beside Blake to Chris's level, opening the box and taking out the chain with the now two pendants. "This is from us." I tell Chris, "These two are us. We'll always be with you. We'll always be together." I point to the two-leaf pendants before putting them around his neck.

"And look we both have one too." Blake and I hold out our chains. "This is you. So, see, we'll always be together. And if you ever get lost again, find your mommy and daddy first. And if you can't find them. Make a wish on it, and we'll be right there" Blake tells him.

Chris didn't understand much of what we said to him. But what he did take away was that all 3 of us had a magical matching necklace and that we'll always be together.

And just like that, Chris walked out of our lives as quickly as he came, his mother looked back at us, and I gave her the only small smile I could manage, as she walked out. Blake and I stand back up, unsure of what was to come next. But I did know one thing. I wanted to run. I wanted to run and hide until everything was back to the way it was. I wanted to wake up in my bed, hoping it was all a dream.


"You kids go home and get some rest. I know you guys are young, but I also know how close you got. It won't be easy, but I know you guys will get through it" Kiara pats our heads, much like how Auntie and Dad do when they're trying to comfort me.

"Will you keep us updated on anything regarding him?" I asked them. Unsure, if they even could. But they nodded, understanding where I was coming from.

Blake and I silently walked out of the station and drove back. No one spoke until we stopped at a red light near my area. "Do you want me to drop you off at Lottie's?" Blake asks me, not daring to look at me.

"No, just drop me home please" I request as I look out the window, closing my eyes for a few seconds and opening them again. Still hoping this was all a dream.

It felt like just yesterday. The first time he called me mommy. The first time we all spent a day together. When we went shopping. When he found out I was sleeping over. The happiness on his face the morning after when he saw me. The happiness in his face when we acted as a family. All the happiness he gave me. I want it back. I want him here. I want to hold him one more time. I don't want anyone but him.

"Thank you for the ride... and everything else" I got out of the car once Blake parked in my driveway. Before he has the chance to say anything, I close the car door and run inside, locking the front door behind me. I quickly take off my shoes and run up to my room. Locking my bedroom door, I push my back against it before sliding down to sit on the floor. I don't know how long I was there, but I just sat there before realization struck me once again, making me curl up on the floor and crying my eyes out.

A few days had passed. I was curled up in my bed and couldn't help but let my mind wander to Chris and his parents. Officer Kiara had filled us in really quickly without going into too many details because of confidentiality reasons. Chris had gotten lost because of a mishap that had occurred at the time of boarding. Chris's parents ended up in Australia while Chris remained here. Due to some passport complications that arose while they were in Australia, they ended up having to wait a few months before they could come back. The parents didn't have any family or friends left in Rootsville that they could call and try to find his whereabouts of him. They finally managed to get back a few weeks ago and started their search at the airport.

Through the help of the police and security footage, they were able to track down the man that Chris was last seen with at the airport. The man had told them that he gave him a ride to a children's center when his parents couldn't be found at the airport and the security had not taken him seriously. After going inside to talk to the manager of the place, Chris was nowhere to be found. They checked the nearby areas and asked around the nearby police stations. Officer Clay and Kiara's precinct being one of them. Yet, something about this whole situation felt off. Maybe it was just a part of me hoping there was something off so I could have Chris in my life again.

I groaned as I turn on my side, curling up into a ball further. Dad was still on his business trip with Auntie. I had stepped out of my room for an occasional meal of cereal before going right back up to my room. Lottie had called a few times to check to see if I was alive. As much as I didn't want to answer and wanted to be alone, I did. I had let her know I was fine and had found excuses to avoid her from coming over. The house had never felt so empty. I wanted it to stay that way. I wanted to be alone until... Until the impossible happened. Until Chris came back.

It was about 8 at night. The last ray of the sun slowly disappearing into the night sky. Lottie started calling me once again. I put a fake smile on my face, so I sounded normal when I picked up the phone.

"Hey Lot" I answer

"Have you talked to Blake?" She asked, her tone was harsh, but she was trying hard to not let it show.

"No" I gave her a mumbled answer.

"Jackie, this is enough. It's about to be a whole week. I understand you wanted your space, and I gave that to you, we all did. But this is enough. You're crossing the line now!" She scolded.

"Lottie, I'm perfectly fine-" I groan into my pillow.

Lottie lets out a scoff, cutting me off "You're back in bed, sure. You're fine." She mocks before her tone being serious again "Jacqueline West, Caden and I are going to go pick Blake up and we'll be there within an hour. You better be dressed in something other than pyjamas; your bed better be made. I don't care if it's 9 or 10 at night. We're going to go out to eat. You wanted space, you got enough of it!" She hangs up the phone without letting me utter another word.

I throw my phone on the other side of the bed. Not wanting to listen, I close my eyes.

I opened my eyes to the sound of the bell ringing. Did I fall asleep? I groan, grabbing my phone and getting out of bed to receive her at the door. I checked the time on my phone, as I walked towards the front door. Only 8:30 pm. She didn't even bother to give me an hour. At least I had an excuse now.

"It hasn't been a whole hour! You can't yell at me!" I tell her, opening the door.

"Oh, I'd say I'll come later. But I'd prefer to be here now" Dante smiles at me.

"Hi, sorry. I was expecting Lottie" I tell him, giving him a bad attempt at a smile. He looks me over and chuckles.

"When was the last time you stepped out of the house?" I make a face at his comment. He grabs my hand, and pulls me out to the porch, closing the door behind me. He forces me to sit on the steps, before doing the same.

"What brings you here?" I ask, placing my head between my knees.

"I haven't seen you at school, or on the trail. I got worried." He lightly massages my head quickly, making me look up at him. "Are you ok?"

"Yeah, I just wanted to be alone." I cross my arms over my knees, placing my heavy head on it.

"Is it because of the kid? Because of Chris?" He asks concern showing in his eyes. I peek up at him, wondering how he knew. "I heard some people talking about him finding his parents at school. I wasn't sure if it was true"

I nod. "It feels so empty without him" I hide my face in my arms. Dante wraps an arm around me, softly rubbing my arm to comfort me "I know it feels empty right now. But you can't lock yourself up in your house. How are you going to fill the emptiness if you don't get out?" he tries to reason.

"What are you, my dad?" I laugh at his words, sounds like something my dad would say.

He too laughs. "No, but I do care about you. A lot. I hope you know that." He gazes at me with a soft smile, his hand rubbing my arm once again. "I like you, Jackie. I like you a lot. And I want to help you with that emptiness. Even if it's not in the same way" He leans closer to me, as I hear a car pull up in front of the house, his lips slowly touching mine. I was frozen in place. It wasn't until I heard the car drive off that we parted.

"I don't know if this is even the right time to be asking this. But I never got that date. So, I'm jumping the gun. Will you go out with me? As my girlfriend?"

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