《Parenting 101》TWENTY TWO - Breakfast: The Most Important Kiss Of The Day


I slowly open my eyes, feeling wrapped in a cocoon. Taking in the sight before me, my heart automatically goes into a panic. Blake's arms were wrapped around me, holding me close, while my arms did the same. I could feel my legs intertwined with his. Oh, dear God, dear God, please help! I hold my breath trying to steady my breathing and my frantically beating heart.

Chris?! He was in between us when we were watching the movie. I turn my head and see that he's sleeping peacefully. Did I dream of him rolling over me and almost falling off the bed... or did that actually happen? But how did I manage to get this close to Blake? You two really need to calm down, this isn't a good time. I mentally tell my heart and stomach.

I detangle my legs from his and gently try to move his arms so I could get up. If I stay in this position any longer, I might just die. His arms were wrapped tight around me, his scent was erupting thousands of butterflies in my stomach, draining the energy within me.

Would it be alright if I just stayed like this a little longer...? Just him and I... No, snap out of it Jackie! I slap my cheeks to get a hold of myself

I tried a different method, sliding out of his hold. A hint of disappointment washed over me as I succeeded in doing so. Once I was out, I try to steady my breath. He looked so peaceful, yet it was kind of funny to see him now holding himself. My boys.

After going to the bathroom, I grab my phone and make my way downstairs to the kitchen. It was 9:30 in the morning, so I decided to call Lottie. I put her on speaker, while I look through the fridge to make some breakfast.

Chris would probably love some pancakes

I look through the cabinets and find all the ingredients and gather them. I grab a bowl and start mixing the ingredients together when Lottie picks up.

"Hey, how was it?" Lottie asks eagerly.

"How was what? The sleepover? It was ok?" I answer as a question, unsure of what she's expecting, and contemplating how I should tell her what happened. And whether I should really say it now or save it until I see her.

I take out a pan to cook the pancakes in from one of the cabinets "Seriously? Ok? So, nothing happened...? Like whatsoever?" She asked disappointed "You two are really might be the biggest sissies I know. What the hell are you so afraid of, you already have a child!"

"What are you talking about? You know the circumstances of Chris. That doesn't mean that he likes me." I tell her, surprised by the disappointment in my voice "but, something did happen..."

"SPILL NOW!" She yells, making me drop the spatula I was mixing with.

"Relax woman, wait" I step out of the kitchen, quickly looking around to make sure neither Blake nor Chris had woken up and came downstairs. "Ok, so we were watching a movie on Blake's bed last night and we all fell asleep there. Bro... I woke up in his arms! Like his arms were wrapped around me! Lottie, I swear I died!" I tell her, closing my eyes out of embarrassment.

Lottie started squealing as I turned on the stove and greased the pan. "Jackie, please. Get. With. Him. You guys make such a cute couple. You get along great! You don't even have to worry about what your kids would look like, just look at Chris-" She starts rambling


"Lottie, shut up! You're on speaker!" I whisper yell at her.

"Oh please. Blake needs to hear it too. HEY BLAKE! IF YOU CAN HEAR ME, THEN BREAK UP WITH YOUR GIRLFRIEND CUZ YOU BELONG WITh JACKIE" She yells through the phone. "Oh, wait he already did"

What- ... I stop mid-way of pouring the batter into the pan.

"What? Did he break up with Alexa? How do you know?" I ask Lottie. Why didn't he tell me? Maybe we're not as close as I thought we were...

"Uh... he hasn't told you yet...? UH forget I said anything! I have to go. Bye!"

"Lottie, wait no-" She ends the call before I could get another word in.

If Lottie knows, that means Caden knows for sure as well. Did Lottie hear from Caden? Or did Blake tell her himself?

Why am I thinking about this...? Why does it matter if he broke up with Alexa or not? But I guess, it does hurt a little, knowing that I was the only one to not know. I thought we were at least that close of friends to know what's going on in each other's lives.

Maybe we are just here because of Chris...

I shake my head to break my train of thought, bringing my focus back to my pancakes.

"Morning" I hear a raspy voice come from the entrance of the kitchen. I turn my head to be greeted by a yawning, bed-head-haired Blake, rubbing his eyes to get the sleep out. My heart skipped a beat at the sight of him as a weird urge to run my fingers through his hair came over me. It looked so fluffy and soft. I take in a deep breath, trying to calm down. Get a hold of yourself, Jackie!

"Morning" I greet back with a smile. The image of how he held me when I woke up came into mind and I quickly looked away, hiding my face with my hair to cover the blush creeping on my face.

"You sleep alright?" He asks me, grabbing himself a glass of water from the fridge's water dispenser.

"Yeah! Thank you for letting me stay over. And, sorry I meant to sleep in Chris's bed. I don't know when I fell asleep while watching the movie" I look over to him, hoping he didn't know how close we were this morning.

The glass slipped from his hand, shattering on the floor, his eyes going wide as if he just realized something. Please, I really hope he doesn't know! That would be so embarrassing! I turn the stove off, stacking the last pancake "Are you ok?" I ask, rushing over to him, silently praying.

"Uh- yeah- d-don't worry about it, It's all good" He answers, bending down to pick up the big chunks of glass as a light pink hue peaked on his cheeks. "And I'm happy you stayed over. Chris was really happy!" I, too, bend down and pick up the big pieces, a pink resembling his, creeping up on my cheeks at his choice of words.

I peak a glance at him to see his mood. He just seemed a little flustered, but other than that he seemed to be in a good mood. Lottie's words ran across my mind, bugging me. Should I ask him about Alexa? What if that just ruins his mood? Wait- do I even have the right to ask him? He would have told me if he wanted to me know, right?

"Is Chris up?" I ask, deciding against the original question. He stops in his tracks, just looking at me for a second with a slight raise in his left eyebrow. As if saying, Really? He lets out a small laugh, shaking his head in disbelief. Without answering he gets up, walking over to the sink and grabbing a plastic bag. He takes his spot in front of me again, carefully picking up the big chunks of glass and throwing them in.


He lets out a sigh of defeat, finally answering, "Yeah, he's up. He was brushing his teeth when I was coming down." He grabs my hand and gently directs them away from the rest of the glass. "Go do what you need to, I'll clean the rest of this up." He gets up and leaves the kitchen. Agreeing to his offer, I get back up and place the pancakes on the table, grabbing strawberries and blueberries from the fridge, careful to not step on the tiny bits of glass.

I go over to the sink and wash the berries, setting them aside so the water gets drained. I grab a few bananas as Blake comes back with a vacuum, plugging it in "After breakfast, get ready. You can shower, do whatever you need to. We're going to go somewhere" He says quickly, before turning the vacuum on.

Going somewhere? Curiosity struck me as I peel the banana, cutting it into slices and placing it on a plate before doing the same to the berries. When I no longer hear the vacuum, I face Blake "Where are we going?" I finally ask him.

He gives a sweet smile, before pursing his lips and looking at the ground. "It's a surprise." There was a mix of excitement and nervousness on his face.

"Give me a hint?" I try him. He smiles at me, shaking his head no, before leaving to put the vacuum away. I quickly place the rest of the berries with the bananas and place the plate on the table. Chris comes into the view, very energetic.

"Morning Mommy!" He yells, running over to me, hugging my leg. I kneel down and hug him back. Blake walks back into the kitchen, going over to the cabinet and grabbing different syrups for the pancakes.

"Good morning my baby!" I match his energy, hugging him. I squish his cheeks with one of my hands and attack him with kisses, exaggerating it with kissy noises. Chris giggles at my attacks, before grabbing my face and doing the same.

"You guys don't have to make it so obvious that you don't love me" Blake pretends to cry as he places the syrups on the table.

"Of course, we love you too Daddy!" Chris yells with excitement, climbing on a chair, Blake holding onto the chair, so he doesn't fall. Chris reaches for Blake's face. Despite being on the chair, he was still much shorter than him, so Blake bent down so Chris could grab. Chris attacks Blake's face with kisses.

As I get up off the floor, Chris pulls my shirt and yells "Your turn, Mommy!"

I freeze at his demand. My turn? To kiss Blake? No, no, Chris. The closeness I encountered with Blake this morning was more than enough for today.

Blake looks at me and brings his cheek closer to me, staying bent down so I could be at his eye level. "I'm waiting" He smirks, tapping his cheek with his finger. My eyes fly open in surprise, as I look between Chris and Blake, unsure if Blake was being serious.

"Come on Mama! We haven't got all day. I'm not eating until you kiss Daddy!" Chris groans before giving me the puppy dog face "and I'm very hungry

"You're turning into a very bad little boy" I poke Chris's stomach before hesitantly yet quickly placing a light peck on Blake's cheek. I knew he was just doing it for Chris's sake as well.

With a smile on both Chris and Blake's faces, we all sat down and had breakfast as a family.

After breakfast, Blake rushed me to the shower to freshen up a little bit as we won't be stopping by my house. He had said that he didn't want me complaining about not having showered while we were out. Something I definitely would have done. He insisted that Chris and he will clean up while I get ready. So that's what I did.

I stepped out of the shower with my hair wrapped in a towel. I internally squeal at how Blake had given me his mom's showering product in case I was worried about smelling like a guy. That wasn't my case, but he looked so cute with his smile as he offered.

I slap my cheeks, begging myself to snap out of Blake's daze. After drying myself, I get dressed in the clothes I had worn here yesterday. Hopefully, today I can wear them for more than half an hour. I walk out of the bathroom and walk towards Blake's room. His clothes that I was wearing in my hands. When I walk in, Chris too seems to have already showered. Blake seemed to be helping him button up his shirt.

"Thanks for the clothes, I'll wash them and give them back to you," I tell Blake as I fold his clothes.

Blake walks over to me and grabs the clothes "Don't worry, you don't need to do that" he says, rolling them in a ball before throwing them in his laundry basket like a basketball "Ok, I'm going to go take a shower. We'll leave after that. If you need to dry your hair, I left a hairdryer on my desk." He points to his desk with one hand, while placing his other hand on my towel and lightly shaking it, my head along with it, before leaving the room.

There was something very off about Blake today. It was a good off because he seemed very happy. I don't want to jinx it but I was very curious to know the reason.

"Oh, I almost forgot" Blake comes back into the room, walking over to me from behind me. He draped an arm over my shoulder and held my chin with his thumb and index finger before pushing it. My cheek being lifted towards his face as he placed a kiss on my cheek "I didn't get to do that earlier" He gives me a quick smile before leaving again.

My face was heating up and Chris rolled in a fit of giggles. My eyes open in shock, unable to comprehend what just happened, but mostly why it happened.

I stare at Chris, blinking every now and then, trying to take in if that had really just happened. "I think your dad is broken," I tell him, making him go into a roar of laughter, while the sound of someone falling comes from the hallway.

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