《Parenting 101》TWENTY - Mama's Soup


Blake and I sat at the kitchen counter, talking away up until Chris woke up and walked into the kitchen.

"Morning sunshine!" I gleamed at him. I was in a much better mood than earlier. Blake and I were talking properly again.

"It's not morning" Chris says groggily.

I smile at him "Go wash your hands, I made some soup" I turned the stove off, with the soup now nice and warm. While Chris went to wash his hands, Blake set the table while I took out the soup in the serving bowl, having washed my hands.

"Smells good" Blake stands beside me with spoons in his hands.

"Thank you, thank you" I smile up at him. I'm about to pick up the soup bowl off the counter when Blake beats me to it. He grabs the bowl and sets it on the table. He quickly goes to wash his hands while Chris and I take a seat.

Blake takes a seat as I take out the soup in all of our bowls. They both have their first sip and start moaning.

"This is yummy! Much better than daddy's sandwich" Chris smiles at me.

Blake laughs "Your mama is a much better cook, I'll give her that" Blake tells Chris, triggering the butterflies in my stomach. He switched up the mommy to mama. We've been at this for a while that this really became second nature to him.

"Well eat up" I look down and have my soup to hide my blush. Why was I blushing, oh god!

"Daddy, when are we going for a haircut" Chris asks Blake, mid meal.

"Haircut? Your hair's fine" Blake says, ruffling his hair.

"No, it's not. His hair keeps getting in his eyes." I chime in. I look at Blake "You could use one too" I remark at him.

"My hair's fine, I think I look good" He pulls his hair out of his face.

"Yeah mommy" Chris chimes, mirroring Blakes movement.

"I'm not saying you don't look good. You do, but you'd look better if you cleaned it up a bit" I tell him. My eyes go wide once I realize what I said. "I mean you and Chris" I quickly add.


Both of the boys don't seem to be convinced on the haircut idea. Chris needed a haircut, desperately. But he wouldn't go without Blake. "How about this, you get a haircut now, and then I'll let you guys grow it out for the next time?" I pleaded Blake.

"Deal" Blake smirks at me. He, too, seemed to be in a much better mood than before. Could be because his temperature is down as well.

"You look good in daddy's clothes, mama" Chris looks at me, smiling, repeating the term Blake had used for me.

"Uh- thank you..." I tell him, feeling conscious of his clothes on me. They were a lot bigger as one would expect, but they were definitely comfortable. They smelled like him and for some reason, that was very comforting.

"I think so too" Blake looks at Chris, as if trying to hide behind him. There go the butterflies again.

"Mommy's red! Mommy, are you ok?" Chris asks. Why can't little kids learn to ignore some stuff.

"Yeah, Chris you should finish your soup" I tell him, trying to change the topic. Blake, too, shifts his focus back to his soup with a large grin on his face.


The three of us cleaned up the table after having the soup. I took out the meatloaf, midway to warm it up. The boys needed to have a filled stomach so they could take their medicines. It was about 10 pm. After taking their medicine, both of them went upstairs to change into sleeping clothes while I quickly placed the last few things in the kitchen back to their places. I turned on the dishwasher and quickly grabbed my phone to see if I had any notifications.

A message from Lottie.

How are they now? Let me know if you need help. Maybe you should stay over there so you don't worry too much. I'll cover for you if pops or Auntie calls. We're both at home ok? In case they call you.


I smile to myself. I literally love this girl to bits and pieces. I'm so glad that we're best friends. I sent her a quick reply

Thanks Lottie! Yeah, they're feeling much better now. I'm gonna stay here tonight. I'll see you tomorrow

Chris comes running down the stairs as I press send. "Mama, Daddy just said you're staying over tonight. You are, right?!" He asked wide eyed with a big grin plastered on his face. His dinosaur pyjamas shirt not fully been worn.

"Yeah, is that alright?" I ask him, kneeling in front of him to put his arms through the shirt.

"Yes! I'm so happy! Let's watch a movie!" He grabs my arms and rushes me up the stairs before I have a chance to respond.

Chris bursts into Blake's room without warning. Blake stood there in grey sweatpants, his shirt between his teeth while he put his arms through the shirt. His beautiful toned chest was fully exposed. I felt a blush creeping up to my face as I quickly looked away.

"Chris wanted to watch a movie" I tell him, placing my phone on top of my clothes on the side table.

"Here" Blake hands me his laptop, fully clothed. He throws a few pillows and a blanket on the bed while I sit on his bed, cross legged, Chris looking over my shoulder "What movie should we watch?" I ask, opening the laptop

"We should watch Child's play" Blake gets on the bed in front of me, his face fairly close to mine. My heart once again skipped a beat. Maybe staying over wasn't such a good idea.

"Blake! No!" I shove his face away from mine.

"Yes! Yes! Child's play!" Chris follows Blake's lead, giggling. He's such a daddy's boy. He doesn't even know what Child's Play is. Always agreeing with Blake.

"No Chris, I don't want you having nightmares" I try to reason with him. In actuality, I really didn't want to watch it. Creepy dolls and horror. Hell no.

"I promise I won't Mama" He holds out his pinky as if he has control over his dreams.

"You guys can watch it if you want, but I'm going to go sleep then" I put the laptop on the bed and get up, ready to walk out when Blake grabs my arm, pulling me back.

"Let's watch something else ok? We don't want Mama to have nightmares." Blake tells Chris, scooting over to the other side of the bed, getting comfortable with pillows and blankets.

He grabs the laptop "Get comfy lady and gent, we shall watch..." Blake quietly browses for movies as Chris, and I get comfortable. I grab one of the other blankets and adjust a few pillows behind me. Chris sat in between us but scooted closer to me to get in my blanket, saying he wanted to sleep with me.

I nodded in agreement, knowing I'll take Chris to his bed and sleep with him there, once the movie was over. Or, let him sleep here and go sleep on Chris's bed. It would depend on whether he's up or not. He'll probably end up sleeping any ways.

"We're watching Big Hero 6!" Blake puts the movie on and sets it in the middle so we all could see.

"Yay! Big Hero 6! Mama I love this movie! Baymax is so cool!" Chris starts getting excited as the movie starts. I give him a smile and kissed his head.

Halfway through the movie I got very tired and could fall asleep at any moment. Chris, however, held a tight grip on me as he watched the movie. Blake seemed to be dozing off as well. I sink down a little, holding Chris closer to me, forcing my eyes to stay open.

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