《Parenting 101》EIGHTEEN - Food and Clothes for Thought


I walk into Blake's house a few minutes after him, trying to process what he was trying to say. As I entered through the door, Caden seemed to be leaving.

"What happened to your date?" He asks as soon as he sees me.

"Chris isn't feeling well" I take off my shoes while answering him. From the corner of my eyes, I see his face light up while he gestures something towards Blake.

"Uh... yeah! He's sleeping upstairs. I have to head out. Don't fight too much ok?" He gives us a small smile and quickly puts on his shoes before running out.

Why would we fight?

I enter the house and automatically go straight up the stairs to Chris's room. He wasn't there. "He's in my room" Blake says, hint of sadness present in his voice. He opens the door to his room for me. Just like Caden said, he was sleeping soundly. I go to sit on his bed, touching the back of my hand to Chris's forehead. It was a little warm.

"Where's your family?" I ask Blake. There was a weird tension in the room. Both of us seemed to be mad at the other but not wanting to make it apparent.

"Parents are on a business trip, and brothers at a sleepover with his friends" he sits beside me.

"Did you take him to the doctor?"

"Yeah, they said just give him Advil to bring his fever down. I went to the pharmacy and picked up the fever Advil for kids." I give him a nod.

"Did he eat?" There was an annoyance starting to show on Blake's face as he nodded.

I got off the bed and made my way to the kitchen. I looked through the fridge to see if there was any food or ingredients. There seemed to be some leftover meatloaf and shredded chicken.


Meatloaf might be a little too heavy.

"Jackie-" Blake makes his way to the kitchen.

"What's the chicken for?" I cut him off.

"Uh, I was searching up light dishes to eat when sick. All I got was shredded chicken sandwich, but Chris didn't like it."

"Ok, I'm using it then" I take it out, along with some carrots, celery, and onions.

"Can you stop ignoring me?" Blake spins me around, cornering me against the counter, his voice kind of raspy.

"I'm not" I push him away.

"But you're not talking to me"

"What do you want me to talk to you about?" I wash my hands, along with the ingredients. I grab the cutting board, along with a knife and start chopping the ingredients.

"Anything" he replies, looking at me with pleading eyes.

"Ok... Tell me what happened yesterday, and today actually, why have you been in such a bad mood?" I ask him, throwing the vegetables in a pot with water to cook some soup.

"Because... - I can't say" He stops himself. I give him a questioning look, but he just shakes his head.

"Ok then go to your room, stay with Chris, I don't want him to be alone" Blake lets out a groan, the annoyance clearly showing on his face, before storming up the stairs like a little kid.

I quickly finish up the chicken noodle soup, having it ready to go for when Chris wakes up. I also make a quick sandwich with some of the leftover shredded chicken. I place it on a tray with some water and Advil. I make my way up the stairs, slightly giggling to myself. I never thought Blake would be such a big baby.

I walk into his room while he's throwing a ball in the air as he sits at his desk. Simultaneously spinning on the chair, mumbling to himself. I place the tray of food on his desk, before speaking "Could I get some clothes, preferably some sweats and a shirt, these are kind of uncomfortable" I gesture to my clothes. His eyes widen at my statement and his cheeks go a little redder than they already are.


"Uh yeah" he stumbles on his chair, making his way towards his closet to grab me a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt.

"I'm going to go change. This is for you" I gestured towards the tray of food. "I'm assuming you haven't done anything to treat your cold. You better be finished by the time I come back and take the Advil. Ok?" I give him a stern look.

"Ok" he says, trying to hold in his smile.

I make my way to the bathroom. He's been acting so weird lately. He's confusing me!

I change out of my clothes and wear the grey sweats and t-shirt he gave me. As I changed into his clothes, I'm swarmed with millions of butterflies in my stomach. It smells like him.

I neatly fold my clothes and make my back to his room. I place my clothes on his nightstand, taking off my accessories.

Blake swallows the tablet and lays down on the bed, yawning "Thank you Jackie" he says, referring to the food.

"No problem. Next time when you're hungry, just ask for food rather than getting mad at me ok?" I try to joke.

"That's not-" He tries to argue

"Thank you for the clothes" I cut in before another argument starts.

He lets out a small laugh. "No problem. Next time, I'd prefer if you just ask for my clothes rather than ignore me"

"I wasn't-" I try to argue but this time he cuts me off.

"You looked pretty today." He smiles at me, before turning around, facing away from me, and mumbling "but you look even prettier right now, in my clothes." I could feel my cheeks getting warmer. I might be needing some Advil soon too.

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