《Parenting 101》FIFTEEN- Faking Grudges


It didn't take long for Chris to come running down the stairs at the sound of Blake's voice. As soon as his eyes landed on Blake, he jumped into his arms, describing how much he missed him using stars, moons, clouds and all that kind of stuff. I walked past Blake to get a better look at Chris, and his eyes lit up almost instantly.

"Mommy!" He jumped into my arms, my body falling at the impact; Blake's hand touching my back ever so lightly as I regained my balance.

"I missed you, baby!" I told him, kissing his cheek

His grip tightened a bit more, "I missed you too, mommy." I brushed the hair out of his, putting him down so we could go in the living room.

Blake and I placed our bags beside the couch before taking a seat, with Chris between us.

"So, how was your day?" I asked him, his smile slowly becoming brighter. Before he has the chance to answer, Mrs Archer makes her way into the room, looking through her handbag in search of something.

"Hey, kids. I'm going out for a bit. Not sure when I'll be back, so don't wait up. There's lasagna in the oven; it should be done in ten minutes." She finally looked up as she finished talking. "Oh, hi Jackie"

I gave her a small wave and a smile. "Hi, Mrs Archer".

"I see Chris is very happy now" She chuckles as she notices Chris's smile. "Well, I really have to go now. You boys better not annoy Jackie too much alright?" The boys told her that they won't and then she left.

"So, how was your day Chris?" I asked him again. He sat up straighter as he told me all the fun he had today with Mrs Archer.

Blake was constantly on his phone the whole time, looking up every now and then to listen to what Chris was up to. He just continued to look at his phone with furrowed eyebrows.

Few minutes had gone by as Chris and I just talked. The delicious smell of lasagna started filling the room as my stomach grumbled. I got up from the couch and made my way into the kitchen. I looked through the drawers to find the oven mitts so I could take the lasagna out.

I'm not going to lie but it was kind of weird, to be honest. Never once in my life did I think that I would think of Blake's home like my own, or like aunties. It was a weird feeling but it was a nice feeling. A weirdly nice feeling.

Blake entered the kitchen and took the oven mitts out from a drawer, quietly handing them to me. He put his phone upside down on the counter as he started to set the table.


"Chris, wash your hands and come here!" Blake called.

I could hear tiny footsteps running towards the bathroom, then the sound of water running.

Chris soon came into the kitchen with wet hands, water droplets dripping from his hands. I took a kitchen towel and wipes his hands dry.

"Come here and help me bud?" Blake asks Chris. He immediately runs towards him and waits for Blake to tell him what to do. Blake gives him instructions on how to set the table.

I couldn't help but smile at how cute Chris looked thinking that he was doing everything; I also couldn't help but smile at how cute Blake looked as he did everything but made Chris believe that Chris was doing everything.

As the boys finished setting the table, I took out the lasagna and cut it into servings. I took some out for Chris, and we started eating after both Blake and I had served ourselves.

"Do you remember Matt?" Blake looks to me as he's about to take a bite.

"Matt? Matt who?" I gave him a questioning look as I took a bite.

Oh dear god; god bless his mother! This was the best lasagna I have ever had. It was safe to say that I was having a mouth orgasm. What did she put in this?

I took another bite, trying to explore and identify the flavours that were in the lasagna.

When I look up, I see Blake looking at me as he held back a smile. He was doing an extremely horrible job at that.

He cleared his throat before speaking again. "Remember, they had a little daughter? Isabella, I think it was?" Chris's ears and eyes seem to shoot up the mention of Isabella's name. "Chris thought she was cute"

"Oh yeah, what about them?" Chris was paying very close attention to our conversation.

"Well, Matt called asking if we could watch her for a few hours. Said Isabella wanted to play with Chris again too. Of course, I said yeah"

"When is she coming?" I asked. Chris was almost halfway over the table. Isn't he supposed to be scared of cooties or something?

"In half an hour or so. Do you have to get home soon?"

"Isabella's coming? I have to go clean my room. So I can show her all my toys!" Chris jumped off his chair, ready to make a dash to up the stairs.

"Finish your food first, baby." I told him, helping him back in his seat.

"I can't wait to show her my new cars! Especially that bike!" He squealed with excitement, eating as though he was in some eating contest.

"So do you?" Blake looks to me, asking again.

"No, my dad took auntie out of town so won't be back until tomorrow I think"


"Can you stay then? I mean you know cuz two kids..." He avoided eye contact as though he was embarrassed. What was there to be embarrassed about?

"Yeah of course. I need your help with calculus again anyways." I told him. He looked up in disbelief.

"Seriously? Jackie, what don't you get? It's so easy" He chuckled.

I rolled my eyes at him, giving him my best pissed off face. "Well, thanks for making me feel dumb" I shoved the food in my mouth as Chris gasped beside me.

"Mom said a bad word!"

"I think she needs to clean her mouth with soap," He tells Chris. I couldn't help but narrow my eyes at Blake. "Come on, I'm just joking," He tells me.

"Of course you are." I gave him a tight smile. I shove the last bit of food in my mouth. I get up from the table, placing my plate in the dishwasher.

"I'm done! I'm gonna go clean my room now!" Chris yells as he rushes up the stairs. I go to the bathroom to wash my hands.

When I get back to the kitchen, Blake has already put his and Chris's plate in the dishwasher and was now placing the leftover lasagna in the fridge.

"Come on! You know I was joking!" He explains. I could tell by the smirk on his face that he knew I was playing with him, but I didn't want him to have that satisfaction.

"Oh, so now you think that I'm dumb enough to fall for your lies! Ok.." I turn around to make my way to the living room, taking my calc books out so I could do my homework.

Blake took his stand in front of me, blocking the light that enabled me to read.

"You're kinda blocking my light, " I told him, looking him dead in the eyes, even though that hurt my neck. He was already taller than me, so just imagine having to look up at him as I was sitting down on a couch while he stood in front of me.

"Well, you're kinda mad at me" He narrowed his eyes at me, daring me to laugh.

"Blake, move," I tried to shove him from in front of me, "I need to understand this stuff and I need light" He dramatically fell on the couch as though I had shoved him really forcefully. I mean I did, but it wasn't enough to actually move him.

"What do you need to understand?" He asks, taking my textbook from my hand, flipping through the pages.

I took it back from him, "Thanks, but I'll figure it out" I pout at him, turning my back towards him. I looked at one of the questions trying to figure it out. Boy, I really hate Calculus. I attempted to draw the curve that best fit the equation, but I knew I was just drawing a random line.

"Come on, Jackie" I feel him come closer. I could feel my personal bubble bursting as he gently placed his head on my shoulder. "You need to find the interval before you can start drawing the line."

I shrugged my shoulder to get him off. He, once again, took the book from my hand and turned me so I was facing him. He starts explaining how to do it and I let him. My grades were really on the line here.

We were almost done the question when the bell rang.

"Is that Isabella??!" Chris yelled from his room. "Wait, I'm not ready yet!"

Blake and I looked at each other, almost in disbelief.

"Isn't he supposed to be worrying about cooties?" Blake chuckles. He hands me my books, getting up to receive the door. I put my books down on the couch and follow Blake to the door, staying behind.

He opens the door to a very huge grinned Isabella. "Hi!" She greets. Her grin made a smile creep up to my face.

"Hey, thanks again for doing this," Matt shakes his hand with Blake, then notices me leaning against a wall behind Blake, "Hi, Jackie" He waves.

"Hi Matt, how are you?" I greet

"Great, you?" He sends a soft smile as I reply with "Good"

"That's good. Well, I have to run now. Be good now, Isabella. I don't want any complaints" He kisses his daughter's forehead and leaves once Blake invites her in.

I made small talk with Isabella asking about her day and if she was excited as I walked her over to the living room and Blake went to call down Chris.

"Hi, Isabella" Chris comes in view and drops his toys on the floor, Blake also placing some of Chris's toys with the rest.

"Hi Chris! Cool toys! Look what I have" Isabella takes off her small bag from her back and empties out the toys that were in them.

A few Barbie dolls came out of her bag like I expected and then came out dinosaurs and little animals, some even transformers.

"Cool! Is that bumblebees?" He looks at her toy and starts playing with it, making sound effects of explosions with his mouth.

"Ok, well you kids have fun." I walk away from the two kids as they walk away from me and take a seat on the ground to play with their toys. I walk towards the couch and take a seat as Blake follows, picking up my textbook and going through it.


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