《Parenting 101》FOURTEEN- Green Monster Day



I walked up to school fifteen minutes before the first bell was supposed to ring, meaning that there were barely any kids here yet. I was walking down the hall towards my locker when I happen to pass by the main office and see Dante standing there with a lady. She was gorgeous. I couldn't see her face properly but I could tell that her skin was flawless. She was a few shades darker than Dante and her curly hair made me so happy.

I saw Dante turn a bit and gave a slight wave when he noticed me standing there. By the looks of how things were going, I concluded that there 'meeting' would be ending soon so I decided to wait for him. I took this time to check him out shamelessly. He wore a plain white button up shirt that was almost skin tight, with his sleeves rolled up. He paired that with beige khaki pants and a nice pair of Adidas. His hair was black curly mess, but damn did it suit him. I wouldn't be surprised if I was drooling.

"Hey!" Dante walked up to me as soon as he got out of the office. I returned the greeting before he introduced me to the lady standing beside him. "Jackie, this is my aunt Danna. Aunt Dana, this is Jackie. The one I told you about yesterday?"

"Oh yes! Hi sweetie, it's really nice to meet you" His Aunt Danna shook my head.

"It's nice to meet you too" I replied.

"Well, I have to run. I'm running a little for work. You going to be ok sweetie?" She asks Dante as she urged his head to her level so she could kiss his forehead.

"Yeah, Thanks Auntie" She nods at me once again and then walks out of school.

"So, let me be the first student here to say. Welcome to Homeland High. Where teachers torture kids and make them cry." I walk in front of, doing a little jump as I turn around to face him and do a small bow, trying to welcome him. He chuckles.

I still had to go to my locker to grab a few things, so I just started walking towards it with Dante in towe.

"How disappointed would you be if I said you're not the first student?" He asks, catching up to where I am. I let my frown show very visibly.

"Seriously? I thought we agreed that I should have been the first student since the teachers would beat me to the first person. You should've closed your ears!" I playfully hit his arm when he started laughing out loud.

"I'm joking. I'm joking! You're the first student AND the first person. The secretary was obnoxiously rude." A smile crept up to my face. "So we're we going?"


"We are going to my locker before I show you around school. I just have to grab a few things." He nods.


"And this is where we are going to be in Calculus together" I tell him as I finished the little tour, with 5 minutes until the first bell rings.

"Well, I can't wait for Calculus, even though I hate math." Dante was very charming. He knew what to say to please a girl, how to act, how to talk; part of me really wants to rip that shirt.

"Hey, if you don't have any friends by lunch. You can definitely join me and my friends" I smirk at him.

"Oooh, I don't know about that. As much as I want to have lunch with you, I just have to show you that people would want to be friends with me in a heart beat" I chuckle at his misinterpretation of my offer.

"We'll see Mr. I-wanna-be-popular. Don't forget about us little people ok?" It was his turn to chuckle now.

The bell finally rang and we both made our ways to the opposite ends of school after saying a small 'see ya'. The excitement I had in me slowly started drifting away, my shoulders slowly starting to sag as I made my way to english.

I didn't see any of my friends until lunch. Caden and Lottie were in line to get food while Blake sat at our table. I make my way over and throw my bag off my shoulders and to the ground. He immediately looks up, watching me as I sit down and put my head down.

"You ok?" He asks.

"Yeah. Just tired. I can't wait until we graduate." I let out a deep sigh. There was this small moment of silence after that. It was almost awkward. I decided to break it.

"So, no Alexa today?" Not the best decision. The tension in the air thickened, but he still replied.

"No, she said she was going on a vacation for a few days or months. Not sure when she'll be back" I nod.

"Jackie- I just wanted to say I really am sorry! I didn't-" He started but I felt bad so I cut him off. He had already apologized so many times and I know for a fact that he's going to tell Alexa, probably when she comes back.

"It's ok, Blake. Really. Stop apologizing. I'm not mad anymore."

"But still-"

"Blake!" I shoot him a death glare. He knew that I didn't want him to apologize anymore. I took this as a chance to change the topic.

"So, anything new?" I ask.

He hesitates for a moment, not sure if he should let the topic be changed or not. "Yeah. I've been working on this app for a class. Do you think you could help me out with it?"


"Yeah, sure. What do you need help with?"

"I just basically want you to use it when I'm done. Tell me what you would change, what would make it better. All of those things." I nod, agreeing to help him.

"By the way, I had to ask you. What happened on Saturday with Chris, does that happen when he's with you?" I ask him as I take out an apple, taking a bite into it.

"Not usually but yesterday. I think he had a similar nightmare, if not the same. He was crying at 1 in the morning. He really wanted to see you, but mom finally calmed him down." I choked on the juice of the apple upon hearing this.

I cleared my throat a few times before speaking. "What?! Blake, you should have called me! Is he ok?"

"You were probably sleeping, I didn't want to wake you. And yeah he's fine now." I narrowed my eyes at him and shook my head in disappointment.

"I'm coming over after school." I told him as I took another bite. I wasn't going to ask him. My baby needed me last night.

"Oh my god! Jackie guess what!" Lottie basically yelled as she put her food down on the table beside me, Caden taking a seat in front of her. I looked at her with a raised eyebrow.

"So you know how Auntie made some really pretty dresses for us but they wouldn't fit so she said she was going to alter them?" My eyes were open in shock with the speed she was talking at and boy did she need to breathe.

"Anyways, so she's almost done altering them. But that's not the news. The news is.. She went on the business trip with pops and she met one of her old friends there. They decided to have dinner outside together, like her, pops, her friend, and her friends husband.

"And she told me that they were just talking and she showed her friend the dresses she made and her friend was like wow these are really nice. So she showed the pics to her husband who wanted to see the dresses in person. They both came over yesterday and her husband was in awe. So he asked Auntie how she would like to have her dresses in a magazine!

"An article about her and her dresses. AND THIS A VERY HIGH END MAGAZINE! IF ZABERRY DOESN'T RING A BELL IN YOUR HEAD I DON'T KNOW WHAT WILL! And Auntie was shocked so she said yeah! And basically this is Auntie's big break and we're going to be helping her by modelling her clothes!" She squeals.

I try to digest everything she said. Auntie was going to have an article about her in Zaberry. Her talent was going to be known. I, too, squealed.

"I'm so happy for Auntie!" I tell her as Caden and Blake tell her to pass on their congrats.

"This is so amazing! Auntie said that you and me are going to be her top models. We're going to be wearing the bestest dresses out of everything she makes." Lottie tells me, ignoring the fact that she had just said 'bestest'.

"So are we looking at future models here?" Caden asks with smirk plastered on his face.

"Don't forget us when you're famous, yeah?" Blake adds, but earned a soft punch from Caden instead.

"I don't know about you bro, but I'm going to have a hot model of a girlfriend" He winks at Lottie.

"Keep dreaming." She replies but a soft blush creeped up her face, while trying to hide her smile.

"Why are you talking? I was talking about Jackie." He takes my hand in his and looks at me. "Will you go out with me Jackie?" You could hear the gasp that escaped from Lottie's mouth. One look at her and boy was she red with a mixture of green. Still Caden, Blake and I couldn't help but laugh. Caden and I took our hands back and almost shuddered. He was like a brother and that kind of stuff is nasty.

"You're jealous!" Caden points at her. That was all it took for them to start bickering.

My eyes roamed the cafeteria, stopping at a table near the door. When Dante looks back at me, I gave him a small smile, then slowly shaking my head in almost disbelief when I see him surrounded by girls and a few guys at the table he sat at. He mouthed "Told you" towards me, followed by wink. My smile grew even bigger but despite it, I rolled my eyes at him yet he blew me a kiss and went on with talking to his new friends.

Dante was definitely something else. A good something else.

"Looks like you're not the only green person here, Lottie! What are you so jealous about bro?" Caden's voice brings me back to our table and my eyes land on Blake. He was on his phone, he looked irked.

"Must be the day of the Green Monster!" I tell Caden, as Blake gave us a tight smile.

"You guys aren't funny, and I'm not jealous of anything!" He told us.

"Whatever you say bud!" Caden commented.

My eyes drifted back to Dante and I saw a girl give him a small peck on the cheek, giving a pang in my heart.

"Yeah, must really be the day of the Green Monster." I said again. Blake once again said he wasn't jealous, yet I could tell that he knew I wasn't referring to him this time. I was referring to my self.


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