《Parenting 101》THIRTEEN - Streams, Squirrels, and Nuts



Streams, Squirrels, and Nuts

I wasn't sure what I was feeling right now. I couldn't help but feel a little disappointed when I had realized that Blake wanted to turn back time, that he had regretted kissing me. I know it was wrong but part of me wanted it to happen again. I know it was messed up. I know I was messed up.

I woke up around 5 am on this Sunday morning and no matter how hard I tried, I just couldn't go back to sleep. Yesterday kept replaying in my head. I wanted Blake to kiss me again but I knew I did the right thing. I still don't know what he was confused about or why he had suddenly kissed me out of nowhere and not knowing the answer was killing me. I wanted to ask but at the same time part of me did not feel like talking. I was also worried about Chris. The way he was yelling, sweating and crying after he had that dream. Did he have them often? I made a mental note to ask Blake later.

I moved the covers off of me and quickly made my bed before I went to the bathroom, doing my normal morning routine. I didn't bother taking a shower right now since I knew I would be sweating later on. Coming out of the bathroom, I quickly changed into a loose tank top and lulu-lemons, slipping on a pair of running shoes and then finally tying my hair up in a tight pony tail.

I ran downstairs with my phone and headphones, making my way into the kitchen to grab a bottle of water. I was surprised when I saw my dad there. He was sitting there in his suit, reading a newspaper as he drank coffee out of a mug, with a dirty plate in front him.

"When'd you come home?" I asked him, taking the plate that was in front of him and placing it in the dishwasher after a quick rinse.

"Last night. You were sleeping. Chris go home with Blake?" He looks up at me as he takes a sip out of his coffee. I nod.


"He's a good kid, Jackie. From what I've seen" Dad folds his newspaper and puts it on the table.

"Chris? Yeah I know. You can't get mad at him even if he does something wrong" Dad gives me a stiff nod and a small smile, making me think that he wasn't talking about Chris. "But you're not talking about him"

It was more of a statement rather than a question.

"He's a good kid. Make sure he doesn't break your sister's heart. She tends to fall fast, look out for her ok?" I couldn't help but smile at the fact that Dad was warming up to Caden. He really was a good kid and I could bet everything that he would never hurt Lottie on purpose. They might have a few fights but I could tell that Caden would never let her go without a fight.

"Well, I'm running late sweetheart. I don't know if I'll be back by dinner so don't wait up for me" He kissed the side of my head and then he was out the door with his car keys. I grabbed the mug and placed it in the dishwasher as well before getting out of the house and locking the door behind me.


It was like any other run; went through the usual route, following the small stream that ran beside the trees. What was different today was, I sat on the rocks by the water. I didn't feel like going home. I didn't feel like doing anything. I felt as though something was missing. I didn't know what, but there was this empty void.

So I sat there. Listening to the trees sway with the wind, the water hitting against the rocks and then falling down. I closed my eyes and took a deep breathe, listening closely to my surroundings and slowly letting that breath go. Nature was so relaxing.

"Need a break too?" I heard a deep voice behind me. I opened my eyes and looked at the owner of the voice as they walked up, taking a seat on a rock beside mine.


"Yeah, I guess" I smiled at him.

"It's relaxing here" He let go of a breath as he took in his surroundings, slowly closing his eyes and focusing on his breathing.

I couldn't help but check him out. He was a slightly dark boy/man that seemed to be around my age. His hair was dark and curly, his eyelashes the nicest things I had ever laid my eyes upon. I couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy that he had nice long, dark eyelashes and I didn't. His jaw was carved perfectly, sharp, I couldn't help but think that if I were to run a finger across it, I might cut it.

He wore black nike shorts that had ridden up his knees when he sat down. His t-shirt was also black, paired with running shoes.

"So do you come here often?" He asks me as he releases a breath, making eye contact them. I always thought brown was a boring eye colour to have, but right now, as the sun hit his eyes, I could not have loved the colour. It was almost like I was looking into a dark brown desert that was just getting ready for a sand storm.

"No, not really. Just needed to breathe a little more today, I guess." I give him a small smile once again "how about you?"

"Same. Just needed to get away" He returns that smile.

"I'm Dante by the way" He takes his hand out for me.

"Jackie" I shake his hand. "So, you live near here?"

"No, just temporarily staying here with my cousins." I couldn't help but be curious.

"Temporarily?" I raise my eyebrow in question

"Yeah.. My parents.... they're.. um... they're on a trip until summer break so I guess I temporarily moved here, how bout you?"

"I just live a few streets down" He nodded.

"What school do you go to?"

"Homeland High" I answer. "Are you going to start school here?"

"Yeah, actually. I'm going to be going to the same school as you. I know it's kind of weird moving in the middle of the semester, especially near the end of the school year." He scratches the back of his neck, almost seeming nervous. I let out a little laugh at how adorable he looked while doing this gesture.

"Well, Dante, if you would like, I'd be happy to be your personal tour guide of that hell hole" I offer.

His eyes lit up at my offer "That would be great"

It was silent after that. Then it happened. A squirrel appeared with a nut in it's tiny hand, soon followed by another squirrel. It wasn't long before the two squirrels had gotten into what seemed like a fight over the nut. That was all it took for Dante and I to double over with laughter. The ice was officially broken and we had loosened the stiffness in our bodies, as we joked about the two squirrels and then later on talking about many different topics.

I had came home from the stream at around 1 pm. I had been talking to Dante by that stream the whole time. I did not even realize the time had passed by that quickly. It was 1 pm and I hadn't even had breakfast yet.

I made my way into kitchen to make something to eat. I was starving. As the stove warmed up, my phone buzzed, indicating that I had receive a text.

Opening my phone, I saw that it was none other than Dante.


Can't wait for that tour tom! Glad I got lost mid run :)

I couldn't help but let out a giggle, remembering the little story he told me about how he got lost. I quickly replied.


Aww. That's sweet. Try not to miss me too much. ;)

I got a reply almost instantly.


Is it tomorrow yet? Never have wanted to go to school this bad


Just 20 more hours. You'll get through it.

I couldn't help but let a smile creep on my face as I closed my phone and returned my attention back to the stove


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