《Parenting 101》TEN - Don't Ask Me To Let Go


Don't Ask Me To Let Go

The car ride was silent. Now and then I would catch Blake look at me then at Chris. And now and then Blake would catch me looking at him and then at Chris.

"They found Chris's parents" The words were still fresh in my mind. I knew that I would have to say goodbye at some point. After the first 2 weeks, I didn't think it would be so soon. I know it's really stupid of me. It's common sense, the more time that passes by, the more chances of Chris's parents showing up.

"Where we going?" Chris asks innocently, still unaware of what was happening.

After Blake got the call, we had told Lottie and Caden and left with Chris. Lottie suggested that she and Caden wait for Blake and me back at my place since no one was home.

"Do you remember officer Clay?" Blake gives him a smile through the rearview mirror.

"Yeah! He was so cool! I wanna be just like him!" Chris claps his hands in excitement.

"Well, we're going to go see him. Say hi" As the words left Blake's mouth, Chris became even more excited.

I wanted to be happy for him, but for some reason, I couldn't. Blake looks over to me as he stops at a red signal light. He unexpectedly grabs my hand, holding onto it and giving it a small squeeze. I look up at him.

"It's gonna be ok" He smiles at me. I nod and just hold onto his hand for the rest of the ride. Letting go of it now and then so he could drive properly, but his hands would come back and hold mine.

We walked into the police station, Blake and I holding each other's hand with Chris walking a few steps ahead of us.

"Officer Clay! I'm here!" He yells through the station making me giggle and Blake chuckle.

I didn't think Officer Clay would hear him, but he did. He came out of his office and took Chris in a hug.

"How are you doing little buddy?" He asks him.

"I'm great! Me mommy daddy auntie Lottie and Uncle Caden. We all went shopping today and it was so much fun!" He tells him excitedly.

"Could that be Chris?" Officer Kiara peeps her head outside of the same office.

"Officer Kiara! I missed you!" Chris hugs her leg, being unable to reach her. Officer Kiara bends down to his level and hugs him back.


"Why don't you guys come on in." Officer Clay motions us towards the office, taking a seat as we enter. Blake and I also take a seat.

"The parents said they are on their way, so they should be here any moment," Officer Clay tells us with a smile. His smile fades as he realizes that we're not smiling. "Got too attached?" He asks.

"Just a little" I answer, offering him a weak smile. "But it's not like I'm not happy for him. I truly am. But right now the thought of him leaving is overpowering the thought that he found his parents"

"Mommy! Look what officer Kiara gave me!" Chris runs in, showing off a little police doll.

"It's so cute!" I tell him.

"Daddy! Can we go? I wanna show my new toy to grandma and Grandpa!"

"In a bit, ok bud?" Blake ruffles his hair and gives him a smile as the phone rings. Officer Clay picks it up and after replying a simple "ok, send them in" he ended the call.

This was it. This was the moment I said goodbye. Goodbye to Chris. Goodbye to Blake. Goodbye to my little pretend family.

"Chris?!" A lady looks at Chris, tears filled in her eyes and her hand covering half of her face. Goodbye Chris.

Chris turned to look at the woman and gave her a confused look, making her hand drop and more tears fill her eyes. A man holding the lady's shoulder in comfort. I was confused. They didn't look like the people from the picture. They looked like they were in their 30s-40s while the picture parents looked near their 30s. Besides the age, the lady had blonde hair while the picture lady had brown like mine. And the man looked nothing like Blake, quite the opposite actually...

The lady looked down with sadness. After a few seconds of composing herself, she spoke again "Thank you for your time officers." She made her way to Chris and knelt before him, putting a hand on his shoulder as tears fill up her eyes once again, giving Chris a weak smile "I hope you find your parents soon"

Chris only looked at her with confusion and scooted closer to me, holding on to my leg. The lady sees this gesture and offers me a small smile. "Take good care of him"

I nod at her as Officer Clay started escorting them out.


I took Chris's tiny hand and held it in mine as relief passes over me. From the corner of my eye, I see Blake's band reaching out to hold mine, as he too relaxes.

"I think you guys should go home and relax. I can tell it was a long day for you guys" Officer Kiara tells us.

Blake and I both get up from our seats and walk out and towards the car with Chris in my arms.

"Mommy, you're squeezing me" Chris struggles. I didn't even realize.

"Oh, I'm sorry baby" I give him a small kiss on his cheek.

"Are you ok mommy?" I nod to answer his question.

"Come on Little man. Let's go home. Auntie Lottie and Uncle Caden are waiting for us" Blake takes Chris from my arms and starts buckling him in.

Once I get in the car, I message Lottie to let her know we were on our way home. Chris, Blake and I.


"Heyy!" Lottie exclaimed as we entered through the doors to my house, Chris asleep in Blake's arms. "Food just came so let's eat and then we'll talk"

Blake sets Chris on the couch and comes into the kitchen to grab his takeout. I hold out his chopsticks to him which he accepts.

"So what happened?" Caden asks as we make our way back in the living room to keep an eye on Chris.

"Turns out they weren't his parents. Same name. Same age. Different kids" Blake explains.

I thought I would be happy that I don't have to let go of Chris, but I guess I'm just a little bumped out that he didn't find his perfect family.

Lottie notices me. She sets down her food and knocks me over, almost knocking my food in the process.

"What the hell Lottie!" I scream, not loud enough to wake Chris up.

"Cheer up babe! Enjoy the now! Enjoy your moment with Chris now. You know his parents are going to show up sometime. So spend your time with him right now and worry about the other things later" I look at Chris's sleeping face with a smile as Lottie gets off me.

I hate Lottie's advice but they always cheer me up. I honestly don't think she has any good advice just that she tries to cheer me up and I guess, that's all matters.

"Maybe you should start with telling pops" Lottie smirks as she continues to eat her food.

"You still haven't told your dad?" Both Blake and Caden question and shove food in my mouth. After all, you shouldn't talk with your mouth full.

Chris stirs in his sleep and wakes up.

"Mommy? I'm hungry" he says as he rubs his eyes open.

"Go wash your hands and I'll be right back." Blake takes Chris to the bathroom to help him wash his hands while I go to the kitchen, grabbing the last box of take-out and putting some in a plate as well as grabbing a fork.

When I get back Chris is chatting away with Lottie and Caden, telling them all about his day as I set the food in front of him.

"I want chopsticks, please mommy" Chris pouts. I smile at him and grab chopsticks from the counter and give it to him.

He struggles with the chopsticks, making all four of us laugh. Little kids don't realize how funny they are. I reach my hand over to help him with the chopsticks, teaching him as I fed him.

As I was feeding him I heard the door open, along with the sound of moaning. I lift my head in confusion and see Caden, Lottie, and Blake doing the same.

The door closed and the moaning gets louder. Dad appears at the doorframe but I don't think he realizes we're here. He's too busy kissing someone. I can't see who because she's behind the wall. "Oh, Reese!" I cringed at the lady moaning my dad's name. The voice sounded familiar and I wondered who the girl was.

After that everything happens so fast. The girl is thrown on the couch. Lottie and I stare at each other in shock as Dad goes back to kissing Auntie. I quickly cover Chris's eyes while Lottie and I let out a loud "EWWWWWWWW!"

That caught both of their attentions. At this moment I realized I was sitting here with Blake and Chris and I guess the cat was going to be let out today.

Both dad and I looked at each other with the same shocked expressions. I could tell we both were thinking the same thing since we both had been caught in situations.


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