《Parenting 101》NINE - Dreams and Nightmares



I was falling asleep in class as my English teacher was going on about Hamlet and explaining the very famous "to be or not to be" soliloquy. It was the last period of the day and it felt like the period would never end. Shakespeare's plays may be a work of art but I can't help but fall asleep. Ten minutes had never felt so long.

As my teacher continued to talk, I couldn't help but think of the things I could do when I got home. I'll go on a run/workout, then binge on food and Grey's Anatomy since I don't have any homework so far. Dad's not going to be home until late midnight, maybe I'll go over to Aunt Lisa's and eat their food.

"I want you guys to think about this soliloquy. You're going to be expected to write an essay based on this." Our teacher concluded as the bell rang, but all I heard was "no homework tonight guys, have fun!" I quickly packed my bag and left the class, meeting up with Lottie halfway.

"It's only Monday and I already want this week to end!" She groans in frustration

"I feel you mama!" I tell her "So how is it with you and Caden?"

"Jackie, he's just so cute! He came up to me today and gave me the nicest hug and said I looked beautiful. Like my heart was going to pop out of my chest. And then he basically walked me to all of my classes! And he's so funny! He's such a perfect gentleman!" Lottie gushed as we walked to our lockers, which were right beside each other.

I open my locker and start putting in the things I won't need. "Sounds like someone's getting a boyfriend!" I tease her.

"Shut up!" She punches my shoulder.

Looking behind Lottie, I saw Caden, Blake and Alexa making their way to us.

"Look it's your boyfriend" I nudge her, making her punch me again.

Blake had his arm around Alexa which made my heart skip a beat. As soon as they got to where we were, Caden threw his arm around Lottie and messed up her hair saying "Hey babe"

"Caden we're not even dating" Lottie takes his arm off of her.

"Yeah but trust me we're going to be together soon." He winks at her making a light pink colour come to her face.

"Come on Lottie, you should so go out with Caden. We could, like, go on a double date, or something. It'll be, like, so fun" Alexa tried to convince Lottie as she wrapped her arms around Blake. After that, the four of them got involved in a conversation, planning their dream double date. Caden gave me a soft smile when he saw me uncomfortable with the whole situation. I was third-wheeling two couples, who wouldn't be.

"I'm going to go." I quickly tell Lottie to which she nods. I close my locker and make my way towards the door, feeling Blake's eyes on me as I walked away.

As I got home, I was quick to jump face-first on my bed, letting out a loud groan. Not wasting any more time, I quickly changed my clothes into some lulu lemons and a sports bra with a windbreaker on top. I slipped on my Nike running shoes along with my phone and headphones and left my house, making sure to lock the door behind me.

Starting with a few stretches at the park near my house, I started jogging on my typical route. It was great that I was doing this. With so much happening recently, it was nice to be out and just breathing in some fresh air.


As I ran on the trail, my thoughts went straight to Blake. I know that just because he held my hand doesn't mean that he liked me. But that action got to me. I was confused. Was it for Chris's sake? I knew one thing for sure; I was starting to like Blake, not because of Chris, but for the person he is, and this was bad.

I made a right at the end of the trail and jogged my way home, hopping right in the shower as I got in.

When I came out, I checked my phone to see two missed calls from Lottie. Before I could call her back, she was calling me again and I answered.

" Where have you been?" She yelled on the other line.

"I just got out of the shower," I tell her.

"Oh, ok well get dressed loser, we're going shopping" she squealed. Malls made her very happy, and although they made me happy too, I was in no mood to go anywhere right now. I just wanted to wrap myself in a blanket and watch a movie or binge-watch a show.

"Lottie, man, I'm in no mood to shop right now," I tell her as I start to look for my sweats in my closet.

"Come on Jackie!" She pleads as I throw my sweatpants and sweater on my bed and put her on speaker.

"Lottie, I'm so tired! I just want to sleep!" I put on my sweater and sweatpants, giving my hair a quick towel dry.

"Fine" She hung up. I stared unbelievably at my phone. Did she really hang up? I was confused, usually, she pleads a lot more than that. Was she mad at me? Maybe I should've just agreed.

I grabbed my towel and spread it across my chair to let it dry. Once that was done, I grabbed my phone, and jumped right into bed, wrapping my blanket around me. I quickly checked all my social media then put my phone on my bedside table and let myself fall asleep.


I opened my eyes and I met with the most beautiful green eyes that I had ever seen. They had a few specs of brown in them. But looking at them right now, it felt like I was falling for them. I didn't want to look away. Stare in them forever.

My eyes slowly start to go below the eyes to examine the person's face. My eyes stopped at their lips as they formed a small smile, then started mouthing something. It looked like they were calling my name, but I didn't hear a voice. I looked over the face once more to realize that it was... Blake.

What are you doing here? I asked him. But no voice came out and he didn't reply. Did I just ask him that in my head?

I felt groggy. Am I dreaming? I turn away from Blake's face, hoping to stop this dream from proceeding any further. My eyes take in a small figure and close. Was that Chris? I struggle to open them once more.

"Good morning Mommy!" He chirps. I let out a forceful small laugh but pulling a real smile as he kissed me on the cheek.

I felt like I was being lifted. My bed was slowly getting away from me. It felt like I was being carried.

"Go, Daddy! Hurry!" Chris yells as he runs out of my room. I turn in the direction Chris was yelling and came face to face with Blake.


"Hey, Jackie" He smiles at me and carries me out of what looked like my house. Lottie stood outside the door with a key in her hand, locking the door once we came out.

Caden happened to be sitting in the driver's seat of a car, Chris sitting in the back, all buckled up in his seat. Lottie soon joined them.

This dream was the most weirdest and useless dream yet, I have to say. Blake lowers me in the car, hitting my head along the way.

"I'm so sorry! Are you ok?" He rubs that area of my head in an attempt to calm the pain down.

"Yeah," I tell him. Do you feel pain in dreams? Or was I on another level of dreams?

"Actually no, it hurts a bit more than ok," I tell him honestly. It hurt way too much for it to be... realization hit me hard (no pun intended). Reality is such a pain.

"Mommy, are you ok?!" Chris yells from his seat as Blake ducks my head, giving me a slight push to slide me in.

"Yes baby, I'm fine" I give my head a small rub and smile at him.

"Daddy how could you do that?"

"Sorry, little man it was an accident" I turn to look at Blake to see him sitting beside me.

Caden gave a glance in the rearview mirror and then started to drive. Very slowly realization hit me.

"Wait where are we going?" I ask anyone who would answer.

"Shopping, of course." Lottie looked back from the passenger's seat to give me a quick smirk.

"Lottie-" she cuts me off

"I asked you nicely. Then I had to take action" I see her eyes slowly look down at me "Are you-?" I follow her gaze and quickly hug my chest and shake my head no, making her laugh her head off.

The boys looked at her with curious looks, wanting to get in on the joke but she wouldn't let them. One day I don't wear a bra...

The car was pretty quiet, well except for the fact that Lottie and Chris had a serious game of red car going on. I turn my head to look at Blake and embarrassment rushed to my cheeks, making me look away and look at nothing but the ground.

At this point I don't know what was more embarrassing; the fact that Blake carried me, or the fact that I thought it was a dream? And the worse of all, the fact that Blake was carrying me in what I thought was a dream. I mentally slap myself for not agreeing to go in the first place. If I had agreed, I wouldn't be here, feeling so embarrassed right now.

Caden puts the car in park and my hands quickly go to Chris's seat, unbuckling him from it. Blake gets out of the car and takes Chris out too as I slide out from where Blake sat.

Lottie rushes to my side quickly and whispers "you might want to control those bonkers" knowing well enough that I would feel embarrassed.

"Lottie shut up!" I punch her hard on her shoulder but she only laughs at my embarrassment.

Chris comes back to me and holds my hand and then holds Blake's hand with his other, walking in the mall together with Caden and Lottie right behind us.

We were just going in and out of stores, not really finding anything of interest. Store after store. I looked down at Chris, and for the first time, I went to the kid's section. And boy, was I glad I did. They had the cutest little things and wanted to buy everything for Chris.

"Lottie! come here!" I called and she rushed in.

"Oh my god! These are so cute!" She squeals. With that, Lottie and I started to look for something that will fit Chris. "Jackie, look at this! It's so cute!" She raised a black t-shirt that said 'Mom's MCM'. I grabbed that shirt really quick from Lottie's hand and rushed over to where the boys were. I held it up against Chris to see if it would fit, and hallelujah looks like it would.

"Tell me, this isn't cute." I dared Blake when I saw him holding his laugh.

"It is, It is, but don't pick out anything too... girly please." He insisted.

"What do you mean too girly? This is not girly."

"Something that says 'I'm a man. My dad is awesome' not 'my mom picked my clothes'" He holds his hands up trying to make me imagine, but I slapped his hand down making him chuckle. It was so cute.

"Come on, Chris. We're going to leave your dad here because he doesn't appreciate what I pick out" I glared at Blake and grabbed Chris's hand, walking him to the kid's section.

"Jackie, wait. That's not what I meant" Blake steps in front of me, holding in his laugh.

"Daddy, you should apologize" Chris gives him a cute little smirk which makes Blake ruffle his hair.

"Hey, bud' you're supposed to be on my side."

Chris let out a giggle and shook his head now which made me want to stick my tongue out at Blake. And I did.

"You can be such a kid" Blake groans as he starts to look at clothes that might fit Chris.

We found a bunch of cute things for Chris. I was surprised to find Blake and Caden enjoying it as much as Lottie and I. When we came out of the store, it was no surprise our hands were filled with Chris's clothes.

Just as we were about to enter, Blake's phone rang. I slowed my pace a bit to match Blake's, not sure why, and let Caden and Lottie walk ahead with Chris.

"Hello," he answered. "Oh ok. I'll be there... There's no need for that, they're with me. We'll be right there" he ended the call.

Still walking at Blake's pace, I was looking forward at the clothes in front of me. I wanted to ask him who that was and what's wrong, but I didn't think it was any of my business.

Blake grabbed my arm and spun me around to face him. By the look on his face, he seemed upset.

"What happened?" I couldn't even stop myself.

"I think it's time to say goodbye" Don't you just hate it when people put you in suspense like that. They're not straightforward with what happened or what's going to happen.

"What do you mean?" I ask

"Officer Kiara called. They found Chris's parents"

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