《Parenting 101》FIVE - Promoting Guilt


It's been two weeks since Chris came into mine and Blake's life. Two weeks and there was nothing about his parents. Two weeks and I still had not told my dad about Blake and Chris.

"I don't know what to do Lottie! I know I should tell him but I don't know how" I sigh, my head on her lap while she gives me a head massage.

"Just go up to him and be like 'Hey Dad. I've been playing house with my grade 3 crush because the cutest lost kid thinks we're his parents'" She gives me a cheeky grin which made me reach for my pillow and slam it against her head.

"I did not have a crush on him. He was just very cute" I tell her as a matter of fact.

"Yeah yeah. Blake and Jackie..." She continues with the whole kissing song which made me groan.

I did not have a crush on him. Never did and never will. He was just a very attractive third-grader, can't blame me for calling him cute. But then again calling some cute back in third grade would be considered a crush. It was not a crush.

After a moment of silence, Lottie spoke up again "When are you going to tell your dad?"

"Tell me what?" He stood there at the doorway in his suit and loosened up his tie, indicating he had just gotten back from work.

"Um.." I panicked. I didn't know what to say. I didn't want to tell him just yet. I wasn't ready. "I'm not doing so good in bio."

"That's ok honey just try your best. You're a smart kid. I know you'll get through it" He walked over to me and kissed my forehead and I gave him a small smile. He then goes to kiss Lottie's forehead and she also gives him a small smile. I didn't want to lie to him either.

"You go take a shower, Dad. I'll set up the table." I get up only to have him stop me.

"There's no need for that. I'm going to go take a shower and then we're going to go out to eat. So I suggest you two young ladies get dressed into something nice. Oh, and Lottie, call Lisa. Tell her to get ready as well. We'll pick her up on our way there." This was a surprise. Call Auntie? That's new.


"Will do, Pops" Lottie gives him a cheesy smile and he makes his way to his room.

"I think Pops likes Auntie"

"I wish," I say as I make my way to find something to wear.

It's been so long since my mom has died and I didn't know her much. Of course, no one could really be her but I don't want my dad to be alone.


We walk into the restaurant with me wearing a purple dress up that came to my knees, wearing a silver pair of heels. My hair was its normal wavy self and I wore a silver heart necklace.

Lottie wore a pink dress that also came to her knees with black lace going across her waist. Her wearing a pair of black heels. My dad was in a suit and aunty wore a beautiful long black dress with silver details. She looked beautiful.

"A table for four?" asks the maitre d'. My father nods with a polite yes. The man escorts us to a table by the window. Two chairs were on each side of the almost rectangular table, with plates and glasses already placed, along with cutlery and a menu for each seat. There was a small vase of daffodils placed at the very center of the table. This place was very fancy; it made me wonder why we were here, we never go out to fancy restaurants like this.

Lottie and I take a seat opposite Aunty and Dad while Dad pulls the chair out for Aunty like the gentleman he was. Lottie and Aunty sat by the window across from each other while my dad and I sat beside them.

"So what's this all about?" I ask out of curiosity while checking out the menu.

"Let's order something first and then we'll get to that, ok darling?" My father replies with a smile and I nod.

"What can I get you guys to start?" A waiter comes by, whose name tag said Alex, and asks us.

"We're still looking but can I get the best wine for myself and the lady please?" Dad then looks at Lottie and me to ask "and what would you girls like?"


"I'll have iced tea" I answer while offering a smile to the waiter.

"Same for me" Lottie answers, also offering him a smile. The waiter smiles at us and walks off with our orders so far.

Small chitchat took place at our table as dad asked us how our lives are going. Questions about how Aunty's work was going as we ate our appetizer. Turns out Aunty is thinking about opening up her own store containing her own fashion lines. She had a fashion talent and there was no doubt about it. I have often worn some of the things she's made and boy, were they beautiful. That is her dream but says it will take some time for her to save up and start when she has enough; just so even if she does not succeed, she will still have enough finance to fall back onto to keep her life going.

When the main course came, the questions were turned on to Lottie and me. Questions involving school, career paths, and the one thing dads all around the world hate most when it comes to their daughters. Boys. Dad always tried to stay updated with Lottie and me when it came to boys. Lottie and I made it out of the topic, safe. Almost.

"Wait, so who's Blake for..?" Aunty trailed off, trying to remember. I looked at Lottie in shock, at the mention of Blake's name, only to see her mirroring my expression. I swear this girl can't stomach anything.

"Woah, who's Blake?" Dad looks at both of us pointedly. Lottie looks at me for help as I do the same to her. She promised me that she would let me talk to my dad about Blake and Chris on my own.

"Jus- Just a boy at our school" I answer. My heart racing fast as though I just tried to catch up to a sprinting Usain Bolt.

"And what does he have to do with either of you...?" My dad encourages.

"Nothing Pops. Don't worry. Jackie just thought he was cute back in like grade 3 but that's about it. Nothing happening now." I glared at Lottie as she threw me under the bus.

"Jackie, no boys allowed! I will not change my mind-" Dad gives me a stern look but I cut him off.

"I know Daddy and you don't have to worry. I'm not interested in him. But answer my question now please?" He raises his eyebrow in question. "Why are we here? Why the sudden plan to eat at this fancy restaurant?" Dad smiles at me.

"Oh ya... Well, I decided to take you guys out tonight to celebrate my promotion!"

"That's great!" Aunty rubbed the side of Dad's arm as if saying congrats.

"Ya. I'm the vice president of the company now so that means that I'll be having business trips a bit far from Rootsville considering we're trying to open up this company worldwide. We're almost done opening various locations all over North America!" My smile slowly fades at the mention of business trips far from Rootsville but I bring it back to my father that I was proud of him, but I couldn't trick my dad, he saw the smile fade.

"I'm sorry, Jackie, but honey you don't need to worry. These business trips won't be long and will only be sometimes because I'm only the vice president." He then turns to Aunty "I hope you don't mind Lisa but I would really appreciate it if you could look after Jackie when I'm gone?"

"You don't even need to ask. Jackie is like a daughter to me just like Lottie. I would be more than happy to."

"Don't worry, Pops, I'll keep this rebel out of trouble when you're gone" Lottie smirks while throwing her arm around my shoulder.

"As if." I throw her arm off my shoulders as she feigns hurt. "Don't worry Dad, you know I'm going to be ok. I'm pretty sure you also know that I'll keep Lottie out of trouble." My dad laughs

"I hope so. I love you girls. Don't you ever forget that. You two are the best daughters any father could ask for."

Oh! The guilt! I need to tell him... Soon.

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