《Parenting 101》TWO - Home?


It was almost the end of the day and Blake and I had been called down to the office numerous amount times, Chris in tow. This was the 16th time we were being called down.

"There they are" Our principal, Ms. Pines walks towards us as we walk through the office doors. "Come here kids" she takes us into her office where two police officers are seated.

"This is Officer Clay and Officer Kiara. Officers, this is Blake, Jackie and Chris" she introduces us.

"Cool! When I grow up I'm gonna be just like you" Chris says as he looks up to Officer Clay who gives him a small smile.

"So you kids have never seen him before?" Officer Kiara asks Blake and me. Both of us shake our heads, to which Chris gets upset.

"They're my parents!" Chris says proudly, crossing his arms over his chest, defensively.

"And you don't know how he got here?" Once again we shake our heads to her question.

"All we have about his parents is this" I hand her the picture that Chris had shown us earlier.

"You guys sure you're not the parents? Cuz that looks awfully a lot like you but a few years older." Officer Clay comments.

"I think she would remember giving birth," Officer Kiara tells Officer Clay, clearly speaking from experiencing.

"We know he was with his parents yesterday for sure. And I also think they were going somewhere. He has two extra pairs of clothing in his bag and some toys." Blake tells them while I play with Chris's hair causing him to relax about the conversation taking place around him.

"How can you say?" I ask

"Well, when my younger brother was around 3, my mom would do that when we went somewhere. Especially if we were going out of the country. And if he's anything like my younger brother, he probably wanted to carry the bag so he could feel like a 'big boy'" He answers as he air quotes big boy.

"I'm three years old! I am a big boy!" Chris, once again, crosses his arms against his chest, defensively. He was quite smart for a three-year-old.


"Hey Chris, do you know where you were going before you lost your parents?" Officer Clay asks him.

"Mommy said we were gonna go to kangaroo land where there would be lots of Kangaroos. But then I fell asleep and I woke up and I was in someone's car and there was a park so I let myself out and then I saw daddy kissing some lady who wasn't mommy. Daddy, you should only be kissing mommy-" Chris goes off on Blake

"Hold up. Chris, did you just say kangaroo land?" I ask him. He nods.

"There's no such thing as Kangarooland. Especially not in Rootsville and I don't think anywhere else either. Trust me. I've been to places" Ms. Pine tells us.

Kangaroo land? There weren't any Kangaroos here in Rootsville. There weren't even anything Kangaroos at the zoo, not a thing with a Kangaroo theme. The only place I can think of with Kangaroos is... Oh no.

"Chris, were you by any chance going to Australia?" I ask, in all hopes that the answer is a no but at the same time yes. Just so we have something to work with.

"Yeah! We were going to Aus- Ausrail- Austrai-" He yells, having trouble pronouncing Australia."Can we go there now? I wanna see the Kangaroos" He looks up at us.

"Well then, at least we can start by searching airlines. What are your parents' names?" Officer Kiara questions.

"Mommy and Daddy" Chris proudly answers.

"Oh boy. Ok, come on Chris. You're going to be hanging out with us until we find your parents, ok?" Officer Clay tells him as sweetly as he possibly can.

"No! My parents are right here! I'm gonna stay with my mommy and daddy!" He hides behind Blake's legs.

Even after a ton of pleading from the Officers, asking him to go with them, Chris wouldn't budge, no matter what anyone had to say to him.

"Well then, you two are responsible for taking care of him. You guys can decide what works best for you and we'll check up on you guys to see how things are. Also, we'll inform you about the progress in finding his parents" was the final decision that the adults had come down to.


I really hoped Blake had a stable family at home because I really could not take care of Chris. I don't know anything about kids. I barely had the chance to have a full kid experience.

I walk out of the office with Chris in Blake's arm, conflicted on what to do. As we walk through the hallway quietly, we are greeted by Alexa. Well, Blake was greeted by Alexa with a heavy make-out session. She wasn't in our class earlier, so I assumed she was out skipping classes again.

"Ew! Mommy take me please!" Chris opens his arms, and I save him from the unpleasant scenery.

I never really talked to Alexa except for occasional compliments on her outfits, her outfits did look really, really nice most of the time and I couldn't help myself but compliment her. She and Blake were a cute couple.

Alexa was a blonde-haired, brown eye, Hispanic with curves in just the right places and her body was pretty much perfect, but of course, she hits the gym every week.

Blake, on the other hand, was a black-haired guy with fairly tan skin and green eyes. Most girls would consider him a 'greek god'. He wasn't bad-looking but I wouldn't say he was anything special to hype over about.

One thing is for sure though, Alexa and Blake would make beautiful babies and there's no doubt about it.

"Is this Chris?" Alexa asks and Chris waves. "Hi, Chris! I'm Alexa. You want some candy?" she adds in a baby voice.

"I'm not a baby and yes please!" He grins widely at the offer.

Students soon start piling out of their classrooms when the bell rings, indicating the end of school, and are quick to stare at us.

Alexa gives Chris candy causing his grin to be even wider. "Say thank you," I tell him and he does as he's told.

I take Chris with me to my last class to grab my bag while Blake filled Alexa in on what's going on with this whole Chris situation. As I'm bout to walk out of the classroom, Blake walks in and Chris runs towards him.

"So what are we gonna do?" He asks me, ruffling Chris's hair.

"I can't take him to my house. It's usually empty." I tell him

"Well that's perfect-"

"No, it's not. He's a little kid. He needs attention and I can't do that with school work, taking care of the house, plus if you haven't noticed I'm kind of sick right now and I really can't" I inform him "Plus didn't you say you have a little brother? He'll enjoy some company"

"I get your point" He leans down to Chris's eye level "Looks like you're coming with me bud"

"Is Mommy not coming with us?" He holds my hand.

"No, I have to get home-" I tell him

"But we all live in the same house"

"Listen, Chris. We're going to go to my place because mommy needs some time alone. But don't worry. You'll still see her ok?" Blake tries to reason with him to which Chris nods.

It's really weird being called Mommy especially Blake referring to me as Chris's mom. I know he doesn't mean it but it was still weird. Earlier during the day, we had tried to tell Chris that we were not his parents but the kid was stubborn as heck and started crying that we didn't want him anymore. Of course, we didn't want to upset him anymore so eventually we agreed that we'll pretend just until we find his real parents. To be completely honest, a part of me just didn't want him to feel how I felt when I was three. Lost, alone. No one deserves to lose their mother at such a young age.

After saying bye to both boys, I made my way outside the empty school only to have Blake call my name from behind.

"How are you getting home?" He asks


"I'll drop you home. Come on!" Chris runs over to me upon hearing Blake's offer and starts dragging me by my hand to where Blake was headed, without listening to whether I accepted the offer or not. So I simply thanked him for the ride.

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