《My burning love! Tommyinnit x female》Chapter sixteen


The week was long and Tommy mainly talked to Rylee.

"Finally the weekend" I groaned as I sat on the couch.

"Yeah so how are you and Tommy doing because he hasn't really mentioned you this last week but like a few times" George asked.

"He- well I- honestly I'm not sure" I sighed.

"Well you should go talk to him" George told me.

"Maybe tomorrow cause I'm tired today" I confessed, "I think I'm going to go to our flower field!"


Going to my field 😍

"Okay have fun and be back before dark" he told me.

"I'll try" I lied. It was already dark. It was around 6pm and the sun was already setting which was pretty.

I walked and enjoyed the sunset. I walked into the woods and looked up to go over the creek.

I saw Tommy sitting on my rock. What is he doing out there?

I walked over the creek and stepped barely in the flowers. I saw Rylee with him so I sat down below the flowers where they couldn't see me.

"She doesn't have to know" I heard Rylee give her humorless giggle.

"But this is her spot, it'd just be wrong" he fiddled.

"Cmon stop being so boring babe" she whined and grabbed the top of his shirt.

She stood up and towered over him.

"Fine" he let her win.

I watched from the flowers. They just kept there staring into each other's eyes. What is going on?

She pulled on his collar and kissed him again. I watched as they kissed and it felt like time froze.

He pulled back and smiled bigger than he'd ever smiled to me.

"I know this is kinda crazy but-" he stood up and got on one knee.

She gasped and held her hand over her mouth.


"Rylee I love you so much more than Y/n and promise me that when we're old enough we can get married" he smiled.

She started crying and shook her head yes.

I backed up and fell backwards into the creek. The rocks hit my back but I didn't care.

I got up and I ran making sure not to hit a single twig.

I cried harder than I had ever cried before.

I ran fast and and cried so hard I could barely breath. I ran in the door of the house.

"Home already" George yelled from upstairs.

"END YOUR STREAM" I yell cried from the door.

"Bye Wilbur I'll talk later" I heard him say quickly and start running to me.

I walked to the couch and just cried.

"Y/n what happened you were gone for like ten minutes" George asked worriedly.

"Tommy and Rylee kissed and he proposed to h-her with a p-promise ring" I hiccuped.

George took my to my room and laid me down.

"Wait her for one second" he told me and quickly left. "I knew you'd need this" I heard him say and run back into the room.

He handed me a shoebox that was heavy.

"I knew you'd get me some shoes" I joked even though I couldn't stop crying.

I opened the box and it was filled with so many different chocolates and pictures of me and George.

"Thank you" I cried. I gave him a hug and he left.

I ate most of the chocolate that night. I ended up moving to my aunts house and lived with her calling me names everyday. I would rather live somewhere with someone who hated me rather than somewhere where everything reminds me of him.

I always said love was like a fire but I never knew that those close to me could blow it out. I tried to keep our candle going but he held the lighter, a flame that would never show light again.

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