《Life Of Short Chapters! (Tubbo x reader)》Chapter 11


"Y/N GET UP" Tom screamed shaking me. His voice was shaky and seemed nervous.

"What why" I mumbled and hid myself in my covers.

"It's Toby" he grabbed my mattress and dragged it to the floor.

I didn't know what was happened but I pushed him out and got dressed fast.

"COME ON" Tom screamed downstairs.

I tripped and rolled down the stairs but didn't care. I kept running and Tom got in his truck. I got in the passenger seat and he began to drive.

"What's wrong" I asked my eyes tearing up. I didn't know what was going on but I needed him to be okay.

"Tobys in the hospital" he told me his face getting red and upset.

"Why? is he okay" I asked holding my hand over my mouth.

"Well all I know is that he's sick" he told me.

"Like how bad sick" I asked.

"Well I'm not too sure his mom texted me to get you and me there now" he informed me.

I sat back in my seat. Tom tuned on the radio seeing I was so stressed. A dumb song came on.

I turned my head to look at him upset.

"Sorry" he giggled at the wrong time and turned off the radio. Silence took over and he sped a bit to get there.

Once we had got a parking spot we both ran in.

"Uh hello" the clerk lady smiled.

"We need to see Toby Smith" I told her while she typed in her computer.

"Are you guys related to him" she asked.

"Yea we're his cousins" Tom lied but I went with it, I just needed to see him.

"Okay follow me" she sped walked through the halls getting where she wanted to be.

"Here you go" she opened the door and we walked inside.


All of Tobys family was there, all of them sad. Me and Tom walked over to the bed and saw he was... unconscious?

"What's wrong with him" I asked his mother starting to freak out.

"He's in a coma" she cried, "he had a stroke."

"What how" I started crying.

"Well he was feeling sick and then it just happened" she told me.

"What didn't you give him medicine so he would feel better or go to the doctor" I raised my voice not thinking straight.

"Y/N" Tom grabbed my arm and tried dragging me out the room but I wasn't done.

"Didn't you think!? You're crazy" I cried even harder wishing this could be a dream.

"Y/N" Tom pulled me out. "It's no ones fault that this happened."


"No buts no one knew and when you're in a coma he can hear everything that's being said. He heard you fight with his parents" he said as if I was crazy. I didn't think about that.

"I'm sorry" I cried.

Tom gave a little hug and went back in the room and talked to his parents. I'm not sure what it was about but I didn't really care. I couldn't think straight.

My thoughts filled my head and ears.

"Sweetie are you okay" a voice asked me. I couldn't tell who it was but I didn't care.

"I messed up" I whispered but loud enough for them to hear me.

"You're fine come in it's okay" she grabbed my hand. It was Tobys mother.

"I'm so sorry" I cried pulling her into a hug.

"It's okay just know that he loves you very much" with that she held my hand and pulled me back into the room.

No one looked at me weird which I was grateful for.


"Hello is this Toby Smiths room" a doctor asked.

"Yes" a few people answered at the same time.

"Okay well I'm sorry to say this but we might have to take him into surgery" he told us his voice mellow.

"Okay whatever makes him come out of this" his father told the doctor.

I sighed and watched a few more doctors come in the room and wheel out the bed.

Everyone was speechless and we all went into the lobby while the surgery was taking place. This all happened so fast. Time was flying.

"Mrs. Smith" the clerk yelled out. Tobys mother got up and walked to her and they discussed something which only made her cry harder.

"What's wrong" Lani asked slightly shaking.

"He has life support for a week which means if he doesn't wake up in a week... he's gone" she explained.

Everyone was silent only listening to their own thoughts. Everything blurred out. I had no concept of time or what was going on anymore. I wanted this all to be a dream. Maybe he'll be okay..... right!?

Word count: 792

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