《Life Of Short Chapters! (Tubbo x reader)》Chapter 9


"What" Ranboo asked confused starting to laugh.

"He's cheating on you with my sister" Tom laughed.

"Tom we're not dating" I mouthed.

His face dropped, he knew he messed up.

"Oh my bad" he told Ranboo.

"Wait what's happe-" he hung up on him.

"Tommy we're not dating" Toby told him unaware I told him already.

I put my head in my hands letting out a small giggle in his stupidity.

"I know Y/N told me" he told him.

"What when" he asked.

"We have telekinesis" he said as if it was no big deal at all.

"What" he laughed awkwardly, "You're joking right?"

"No why would we joke about that" I asked keeping a straight face.

I could tell Tom was about to laugh so I looked over at him weird and we both burst into laughter.

"We don't" Tom laughed.

"I know that now" he giggled at his gullibility.

We hung out for a bit and me and Tom headed home.

We soon fell asleep while watching the stream over.

I woke up laying on the floor of Toms room. I opened Twitter furious.


@Tommyinnit you bastard

@Wilbur Soot replying to @U/N


@tubbo_ replying to @U/N


@philza replying to @U/N

What did he do this time

@U/N replying to @philza

I fell asleep in his room and that bastard put my on the floor!!

@Wilbur Soot replying to @U/N

@tommyinnit cmon man lmao

I walked back to my room giggling.

@tommyinnit replying to @U/N

This is the first thing I wake up to

@U/N replying to @Tommyinnit

I hope you slept so well in your bed >:(

@Tommyinnit replying to @U/N

I did thank you very much :)

@Philza replying to @Tommyinnit

Be nice to your sister

I laughed at Phils comment.

"I CAN HEAR YOU LAUGHING IN THERE" Tom yelled which caused me to laugh harder.


He rushed into my room and started hitting me with pillows. I saw Toby walk into the room and Tom didn't see him so I figured he would scare him which I was right.

"BOOOO" he yelled and shook toms shoulders around.

"AHHH" he lept out of my room causing us to laugh.

"Guess your my Prince Charming" I joked smiling up at him.

"Guess I am" he sat down on my bed.

"OooOoOoOoOo are you guys going to kiss" Tom smirked at the doorway.

Toby smirked and turned his head to me causing my to blush and get a little uncomfortable.

"Do it do it do it" Tom chanted like he was a three year old.

Toby leaned in and gave me a peck just to make him mad. As soon as his lips hit mine a bolt of electricity ran through my body.

"AHHHHH" Tom ran downstairs surprised.

"He's never going to let this go" I giggled leaning my head on Tobys shoulder.

"Wanna stream on his account while he runs around like a baby" Toby giggled and I agreed.

We ran into the hall closing my door and ran to Toms room.

I unlocked his computer and we started stream.

"Hello chat" Toby whispered, "can you get me a water?"

"Yes be right back" I smiled and left the room to get our waters.

I grabbed them out of the fridge and headed towards the stairs.

"Hey I know you like Toby" Tom started, "and don't do anything to bad on my stream!"

"Okay okay" I smiled and went to his room.

"Shhhh chat" he giggled.

I sat the waters down on his desk and wrapped my arms around his neck making him smile and continue playing.

"Are you two dating" a donation read out.

"Uhh no" Toby answered and tried changing the subject. I smiled at his useless attempts and sat down beside him in Toms extra chair.


"Hey Y/N look at the comment" Toby giggled.

I looked over and he had highlighted a chat 'tommyinnit_fan: sub goal 10k and you kiss'

"Pfff" I laughed.

"It would be funny" he laughed looking over at me.

"HEY Y/N" Tom yelled pounding into the room.

"Oi get out" I yelled back standing up.

"This is my room" he laughed.

"Fine" I grabbed Tobys hand and we left the room while Tom said bye to chat.

"So what do you want to do" I asked Toby smiling.

"Wanna go to the beach" he asked smiling back.

"Sure" I smiled grabbing his hand and leading him out of the house.

"Ooo a bee" Toby smiled walking over to the bush pointing at it.

"Ooo" I walked over with him extending my hand to pet it.

"What are you doing won't it sting you" he asked frightened.

"No the ones that look too fat to fly can't sting you" I smiled petting the bee. "See look" I grabbed his hand and let him pet it. (This is actually a fact I've done it before :)

"Wow" he smiled.

After a minute of petting it we finally resumed our walk.

"Should we bring a mask" Toby asked.

"Nah we're outside covid can't get us" I smiled leading him on to a nice place to sit. Surely Covid couldn't get us if we were outside... right?

I sat down on the beach getting handful of rocks and sorting them into colors and which ones were my favorite.

"So uhm I've been wanting to ask" he gripped my hand a little tighter making me look up at him, "will be you my girlfriend?" He asked.

I sat there for a second trying to think what he said. "What" I asked astonished, my brain running faster than I could concentrate.

"Will you be my girlfriend" he asked slower and fixed his grammar.

"Yes" I smiled and quickly kissed him. Butterflies flew through my stomach making me even happier. This was the happiest I've ever been.

This chapter of my book is perfect! Nothing could go wrong!!

Word count: 995

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