《Life Of Short Chapters! (Tubbo x reader)》Chapter 8



*image of Y/N and Toby on swing holding hands*

@U/N stop stealing my best friend :(

@U/N replying to @Tommyinnit

Not my fault he likes me better than you :)

"Why would you post that" Toby questioned not seeming to happy.

"What it was funny" he defended putting his hands in the air.

I sighed and got up seeing an ice cream parlor ahead. The boys followed behind me.

"Hi what would you guys like today" the waiter boy asked staring at me.

"Chocolate chip cookie dough" I smiled and looked back to see what they wanted.

"Vanilla" the boys said at the same time. The boy eyed them seeming annoyed and handed them their ice cream.

"Here you go" he smiled at me and we headed back to the park.

We quickly ate our ice cream and sat around talking about random stuff on our minds. I ended up getting a lot closer to Toby.

The day was almost over sunlight fading so we split up and went back to our houses.

I changed into joggers and a tee and laid comfortably in my bed.

"Bang" something hit my window.

I got up and opened the window just to be hit in the face with a rock.

"Ow" I squealed rubbing my cheek. I picked up the rock off the floor and through it out.

"Sorry" Toby yelled up seeming embarrassed.

"What are you doing here" I asked holding my face.

"I was going to ask if you'd like to star gaze" he giggled.

"Sure" I slipped out the window and landed on a trash bin.

He grabbed my hand and led me to the park again where we laid in the cold grass.

"Look there's the Big Dipper" he pointed up.

"What I see a teacup" I giggled. I moved my head trying to see it from another perspective.


"And there's the small dipper" he smiled looking up.

"I never knew you liked the stars so much" I smiled.

"Yeah I love the stars" he smiled and looked over at me.

I had already been looking at him.

We slowly leaned in until the gap between us was gone. It only lasted for several seconds but it was enough to make us both go red. We had kissed, my brain couldn't handle this.

We laid there looking at the stars until he lead me back home and made sure I could get up in my room.

I closed the window quietly and turned around.

"Busted I know when a windows being opened" my aunt smirked.

"Uhhhh I'm sorry" I awkwardly smiled walking over to my closet to take my shoes off.

"Tell me about it" she smiled and clapped "I know you went with that boy!" She snapped her fingers "what's his name Tony?"

"Toby" I corrected.

"So what happened" she asked wanting to know every last detail.

"Well we went star gazing" I blushed nervously.

"Oh my God you guys totally kissed didn't you" she got off my bed and started jumping as if reading my mind.

"Get out" I giggled holding my face in my hands.

"So you did kiss" she smiled grabbing my hands.

"Maybe" I moved her and got into bed.

"Alright I'll leave you alone but no more sneaking out" she laughed and left my room.

I fell into a deep slumber.

"WAKE UP" Tom hit me in the face with a pillow.

"You have 3 seconds to leave my room" I grunted madly barely opening my eyes.

"Cmon please" he begged.


"Y/N!" He yelled.


"We're going to Tobys" he sang.

"Fine let me change" I got off the bed which caused him to let out an obnoxious laugh.


"Meet me at the door" he smiled and left my room. He heard him laugh down the stair case but I didn't care.

I quickly changed into some comfy clothes and put on my shoes.

I ran to the door and me and Tom walked to his house talking about how we got away with not doing our chores.

Tom knocked on the door. I didn't even realize how nervous I was til the door started opening. I would be meeting his parents.

I quickly ran my fingers through my hair and waited.

"Oh hello" mother dearest as Toby called her opened the door, "Tobys in his room!" She winked at me and we walked to Tobys room.

"H-hey" Toby stuttered when seeing me. Both our faces heated up fast and Tom seemed to find it funny but didn't say anything.

"How are you going Tubz" he asked.

"I'm doing great" he smiled and turned to hide his face. He turned on his PC and asked if we wanted to stream.

"HELLO CHAT I HAVE TAKEN OVER TUBBOS STREAM" Tom yelled opening his mouth super wide.

"Oh my nope this is my stream now" I smiled and pushed Tom away by pushing his face and just stood before the camera.

"Okay guys let's do a YLYL" Toby demanded.

We all sat down in front of the camera and waited for the first media share.


"AHAHAHAHA" I broke into laughter cause it was so dumb. I laid my head on Tobys shoulder causing him to start laughing with me.

"Seriously" Tom asked smiling staring at us.

"I'm sorry it's so stupid" I laughed wiping a tear from my eye still holding onto tubbo.

"Are you crying" Toby asked starting to laugh harder.

"I can't stop" I laughed leaning back and falling out of my chair making both the boys laugh harder.

"Okay okay I'm fine" I giggled wiping my tear after a minute.

"Okay let's start the media share back up" Tom told the mods smiling.


I covered my mouth about to bust.

"Y/N" Toby said biting his lip containing his laughter.

"I'm fine" my voice broke but no laugh came out.

I lost first and Toby laughed mostly by me and Tom won.

"Bye chat" we all yelled.

"So we just going to pretended you two aren't acting weird" Tom smiled turning around.

Both of our faces heated up again.

"What happened or is happening" Tom asked his voice sky rocketed with confusion.

"Well" I started but couldn't finish.

"We kissed" Toby finished.

Toms mouth dropped for a second. He then smiled and an idea popped into his head.

Tom grabbed his phone and started calling someone making me and Toby worry but not do anything.

"Ranboo, Tubbos cheating on you" Tom yelled.

Word count: 1091

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