《Life Of Short Chapters! (Tubbo x reader)》Chapter 7


-time skip to moving date- -also Tubbo already went home-

"Everyone have their things" our father asked mainly me and Tom.

"Yeah" I sighed and took one final look at the house. My mum closed the door and we all headed for the truck

"I don't want to move" Tom whined and grabbed his pillow.

"Well I don't care if you don't want to we have to" mum told him causing me to giggle and 'oooo'.

"Oh shut it" he told me and mum whipped around.

"What did you say to me young man" she asked while our father pulled out starting our long road trip.

"I was talking to Y/N" he quickly recovered and she turned around.

He smacked my arm lightly causing me to giggle more.

2 hours later of having to deal with Tom asking are we there yet every 10 minutes and him posting on Twitter about dumb stuff we had finally made it.

The house wasn't big but it wasn't small.

Our aunt ran out of the house and hugged everyone. I grabbed my bags and boxes and set out to decorate my room.


My new room!


Bet it's better than Tommy's will ever be

@U/N replying to @person

Yeah all he got is 4 coke cans in the corner

@Wilbur Soot

@tommyinnit clean your filthy room

@tubbo_ replying to @Wilbur Soot

I agree Tommy is flithy

@U/N replying to Tubbo_

Tell me about it

I smiled at the likes I had gotten and heard Tom squeal like a girl.

"What's wrong" I asked coming into his room.

"Tubbo only lives a minute away we go to his collage" he explained.

"Yay" I squealed and jumped without meaning to.

"I bet you two will get together in a months time" he laughed and my aunt walked in.


"Oooo fill me in I heard a boys name" she winked at me and clapped.

"She fancy's someone" tom laughed and I left the room.

I worked more on my room and fell asleep as soon as I hit the mattress.

"TOMMMMMM WAKE UP" I heard a familiar voice yell from down the hall.

I got up and opened my door. I slipped into the hallway and headed lady to see Toby shaking Tom and him resisting getting out of bed.

"Noooo" Tom whined like a baby.

"You have to get up" he giggled and waved seeing me at the door.

"Go flirt with Y/N or something I want to sleep" the room went silent. My face heated up and I couldn't control the blush.

Toby didn't say anything either, instead he smirked "okay maybe I will cmon" he grabbed my hand gently and pulled me downstairs.

My aunt eyed me seeing us holding hands but just smirked. My face was probably more red than a tomato.

"Let's go to the park" he suggested.

"Okay" I quickly slipped on my shoes and followed him.

"So how's moving in going" he asked trying to make small talk.

"Eh good so far" I smiled. My phone started blowing up and then Tobys.

I let go of his hand and reached down for my phone.

New messages

Where did you guys go

I'm up now Cmon


Come back please

I laughed and sent a quick reply "come find us"

With that we stumbled upon the park and sat in the swings.

Toby stared into the sky seeming to forget everything. I watched him for a second and his head came out of the clouds and looked over at me with a smile.

"Whatcha thinking about pretty boy" the name caught him off guard but he quickly recovered.


"You" he said blankly and looked up in the sky again.

Why was he thinking about me for. I looked at the ground and waited for him to explain but he never did.

"W-what do you mean 'me'" I asked looking over at him.

He giggled and started swinging. Him not answering bothered me but I let him go.

"Just that your really cool" he blushed and tried to hide it by swinging. I could tell that wasn't his first thought about me.

I smiled and swung right beside him. I grabbed his hand so we were even.

We looked at each other admiring each other.

"WHAT WERE YOU GUYS THINKING" Tom yelled jokingly walking towards us with his phone in the air.

Toby and I quickly moved our hands away from each other and came to a stop staring at Tom.

"It was fun" I laughed looking at Toby for him to back me up.

"It was" Toby admitted and I nodded.

"What about that was fun" he panted laying dramatically on the ground.

"I took your best friend" I laughed.

"That's it" he smirked to himself and started typing furiously on his phone.

Both mine and Tobys phone dinged at the same time.

I looked at the screen to see the notif. Oh no!

Word count: 835

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