《Life Of Short Chapters! (Tubbo x reader)》Chapter 6


"Come in" I yelled and sat up on my bed looking at my door. Toby walked in and sat on my bed innocently.

"Look at this" he giggled and showed me his phone. It was a TikTok his sister and him had done.

"Look she tried getting me to dance" he smiled down at the screen.

I continued watching the draft of him and his sister butchering the dance and Toby falling on the floor in the end.

"Oh my let me guess that was the first take" I laughed.

"No it was out 5th" he said quietly causing me to laugh.

"Wow that's awful" I giggled.

"Yeah" he sat there awkwardly. I sat there thinking if that's the only thing he wanted to show me why hadn't he just texted it to me.

"Wanna watch a movie or something" I smiled.

"Sure you pick" he smiled and laid down comfortably on my bed.

I laid beside him and turned on Netflix. I looked for something to watch when I saw The Conjuring 3. I put it on and he started to whine.

"What's wrong, don't like scary movies" I asked.

"Yeah" he smiled "but let's watch it!" I smiled happy he wanted to do what I wanted.

I laid my head back watching and every few minutes I would catch him admiring me but I didn't say anything.

"AHHHHHH" Toby yelled and dug his head into the crook of my neck. I giggled and held his hand.

"It's okay it's okay it's just a movie" I tried calming him down.

His heavy pants went down to normal breathing and he moved to his original spot. He didn't let go of my hand so I held it comfortably.

"This is scary" he giggled.

"That's the point" I laughed sarcastically.

"Okay smartass" he started to stand and walk to the door.


"Nooo please I was joking" I grabbed his arm and pulled him back to his original position.

"That's what I thought" he giggled.

I giggled back and laid my head on his shoulder getting comfy. His body stiffened for a second then relaxed.

The movie ended sooner than I had realized and I was half asleep on his shoulder.

I felt him grab his phone and tap it a bunch of times til my door opened.

"No no Tommy no" I heard Toby whine but I didn't dare move.

"Cmon I won't post it" Tom laughed.

"How do I get up without waking her" he whispered.

"Here uhhhh" Tom paused and I felt two hands lift my shoulders and Toby slip off the bed. Whoever held me through me back on the bed.

"You're going to wake her" Toby laughed.

"Nah shes a heavy sleeper that's how I steal her food from over here" I heard my drawer open and a snicker along with wrappers being fiddled with.

I fought myself wanting to get up and take my food back but I didn't. I let them take their food and leave, but right before they did Toby whispered me a soft goodnight and left my room.

I woke up the next morning with a feeling that something was off but it spilt my mind when I saw my candy drawer open.

I got all the candy out and moved it into a box on the other side of my room.

I stormed out of my room and into toms.


"Oh uh no" he lied to my face.

"So your going to sit here and lie when I know you took it cause the drawer was open!" I accused upset.

"Uh Y/N" Toby giggled "we're streaming."


"Oh my bad sorry guys" I laughed and so did the boys.

"Yeah yeah get out of here" Tom joked.

"Okay but you'll pay for the 3 Reesie cups and the 2 chocolate eggs" I giggled and left the room.


I went back to the door and opened it staring Tom dead in the eyes. My death stare was scary, something you never want to see.

"IM SORRY" he pleaded and grabbed Tobys shoulders to make him some sort of shield.

"That's what I thought" I chuckled and left the room for good.

I headed downstairs to see my mum on her phone stressed.

"Are you okay" I asked.

She peered over at me and gave me the 'shut up' face. I waited till whatever trance she was in ended.

"We might be moving" she told me upset. My mouth dropped.

"What when" I asked wandering about my life here in Nottingham.

"Next month we have to move out to your aunts house" she spoke softly.

"Why what about our life here" I questioned getting upset.

"We have to set it behind I'm sorry" she laid her head down "and don't tell anyone yet!"

With a sigh I left the room annoyed, sometimes I couldn't stand family.

Word count: 833

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