《Life Of Short Chapters! (Tubbo x reader)》Chapter 5


It was almost night time and we had just finished dinner. It was a fun day at the beach and I went to my room, happy with the day.

I smiled and walked over to my vanity starting to brush my knotty hair. The purple wet brush glided through my hair.

"Hey um" Toby walked in the room and looked at me in some kind of trance.

"Yeah" I asked giggling slightly looking up at him from my chair.

"Uhhhh do you maybe want to play Minecraft in a bit" he asked nervously.

"Sure" I smiled and turned continuing to brush my hair.

"Oh and uhhhh never mind" he quickly turned and left my room.

I giggled and dried my hair as fast as I could. I got up and let my feet take me to Toms room.

I heard slight whispering and my nosiness got the best of me and I put my ear to the door.

"Fine fine maybe a little" Toby giggled.

"I knew it I called it" Tom clapped and paced around the room like some high school girl finding out major tea from one of the popular kids. "You need to make your move" he told Toby.

"I can't there's no way she likes me back" he told him sounding stressed.

I stepped away from the door. Wait. Toby likes someone. My heart raced trying to think of he'd had any girls on his stream. None that I could remember. It had to be someone from his school.

I pushed my thoughts in the back of my head and knocked gently on the door.

"Uh one sec" Tom yelled and I backed away from the door.

"Okay tell me when I can come back" I turned from the door and went downstairs. Our mum was gone probably just to the store.


I sighed and grabbed a muffin and quickly ate it.

"Hey let's play" Toby smiled from the top of the stairs and ran back to toms room.

I smiled and ran after him and sat on Toms bed.

"I'm streaming" he smiled and started doing his intro.

I made a new world on my laptop and Toby joined.

"Okay let me on the server" Tom smiled and turned around to see me and Toby giggling looking at our screen. I had written a sign 'Tom stinks'

"No no I got a better one" Tubbo destroyed the sign and wrote 'Tommy gets no girls'

To that I busted out laughing, hanging onto Tobys shoulder.

"What's so funny" Tom asked and got into the server to see out characters standing next to a sign. He quickly ran over but I deleted it before he could see anything.

"Phew" Tubbo giggled, looking into my eyes.

"Okay whatever" Tom sighed dramatically and we continued playing.

Me and Tubbo ended up building a cute house together and getting a bee farm while Tom did whatever he did best, destroy stuff.

"Oooooh I love our house guys" Tom stifled a laugh and walked into the house we made. "Wait there's only 2 bedrooms" he asked confused.

"Yeah one for me and one for tubbo" I smiled and punched him out of the house.

"If you don't let me in I'll kill your bees" he threatened.

"I'm sorry but look at the sign" tubbo giggled and pointed to the sign above the front door.

'No Tommy's aloud'

"Seriously guys" he fake frowned.

"Yeah sorry" I bit my lip holding back a laugh.

"Then I guess I'll live with the wolves in the cold" he slowly walked away causing chat to die laughing.

"Good luck" me and Tubbo said at the same time. I giggled and we ended stream soon after.

"Wow that was fun" I giggled.

"Yeah you two seemed to have fun" Tom smiled suggestively and wiggled his eyebrows poorly.

"Oh my God" I held my hand over my head and walked out the room.

"Cmon don't do that" I heard Toby say to Tom not too loud causing me to giggle and walk into my room.

I laid in bed and played on my phone for a bit until I heard a knock on my door.

Word count: 700

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