《Life Of Short Chapters! (Tubbo x reader)》Chapter 2


"Wake up wake up wake up wake up" Tom shook me awake.

"What do you you want Thomas" I spoke still sleepy. He knew I only called him Thomas when he was doing something he shouldn't and this was something he should not be doing. Messing with my sleep. Thomas may not be his real name but it got on his nerves.

"Clout" he says laughing.

"Seriously you woke me up so I could roast you and your friends for views" I asked starting to wake up.

"Yeah so come on" he laughed. He did that certain laugh he did when he was recording.

"Where's the camera" I asked monotone looking in his eyes.

"What do you mean there's no camera" he tried telling me but his voice shot up and I could tell if he was lying a mile away.

"If I find my voice on Twitter, YouTube, or Twitch when I look at my phone I'm going to throw a fit" I laughed showing him I was joking. "I wasn't born yesterday!"

I checked Twitter and the first thing I saw was


I sighed "where's the camera" I asked again.

"I uhhh AHHHHHH" he made a run out the door and back to his room.

I wore a hoodie and shorts so I could be shown on stream whiteout looking too bad.

I grabbed a blow up bat and darted into his room. Tubbo was on the screen laughing and Tom turned around to look at me.

"Listen I'm sorry okay please" he begged as I came closer. I clutched the bag harder smiling.

I lifted the bat up high in the air above my head. "You going to mess with my sleep again" I asked him trying to look serious.


"Yes or no Thomas" I asked and Tubbo started laughing at how I said his fake name.


"Fine" he begged putting his hands up.

I threw the blow up bat onto the top of his head and he dramatically fell to the floor screaming.

"TOM WHAT ARE YOU SCREAMING ABOUT" our mum yelled causing me and Tubbo to laugh.

I sat in his chair and looked at the PC "my stream now" I smirked and Tubbo laughed.

"Hey no" Tom got up and grabbed my bat.

"If you know what's good for you I'd lower the bat" I giggled and he did as he was told.

Soon after I took my bat and left his room causing his fans to go crazy. I checked Twitter and my face was everywhere it was kind of funny. I smiled and got dressed into ripped jeans and a shirt (anything you want!)

I walked up to his door and knocked "going out" I told him low enough that his mike wouldn't pick it up.

He hummed in response and I skipped down the stairs. We always told each other if we were going out or doing something for as long as we could.

I opened the front door and was planning on just going for a walk. I plugged my headphones in and walked in a random direction.

I walked for a bit and cut into some grass and into the woods. I loved the woods, something about it just calmed me.

I walked and found an opening. It had a small creek making a huge circle. In the middle of the circle were flowers of all kind.

I ran into the field and made two flower crowns and went back home.

I ran up the stairs and into Tom's room I didn't care if he was streaming or not. We always made flower crowns growing up and even if we were apart we made another for the other person.


I ran in his room and put it on his head adjusting his hair to look nice in it. I also took his headphones off. I smiled doing my job and walked to door. He didn't even seem to notice me.

"Hey" Tom turned in his chair seeing my crown made of tiger Lily's.

"Hello" I smiled and sat on his bed. I picked his headphones up from his desk and lightly put it over my crown.

"Tommy did your voice just go up" a voice asked followed by a wheeze.

"What" I giggled.

"Dude your balls just shot up" the man wheezed.

"No I'm his sister" I giggled.

"Y/N hey" Tubbo greeted.

"Hey Tubso" I smiled into his computer.

"We're playing among us I bet your better than Tommy" a deep voice said making me jump.

"Let me guess that's corpse that said that" Tom asked.

"Yep" the voice said again. I shook my head and Tom just laughed.

"Okay I'm playing now" I laughed and sat in Tom's chair making him move.

I played in the normal scaled map and ran around doing tasks.

I ran into electrical and saw the vent flash and green hop into it fleeing away from a yellow body on the ground.

I report the body and he killed Tubbo.

"Nooooooooo" I cried looking at the dead body animation.

"Where was this" someone asked.

"It was in the back of electrical and green did it" I scanned looking to see who green was. "It was Dream" I accused.

"It's not me" Dream said.

"I saw you hop in a vent if it's not you where are you" I asked with a smug voice.

"I'm in upper engine doing gas" he lied.

"Wait I'm in upper engine" corpse said laughing.

"Get this guy off my ship" a man said causing everyone to laugh.

"Yeah" I cheered as Dreams character floated through space.

Dream was imposter!

The game ended.

"Yes Y/N you did it" Tubbo cheered. "You're the best!"

I blushed "thank you!"

After a few more rounds with me and Tom going back and forth he ended stream and I went back to my room tired.


@U/N is big brained

@Tubbo_ replying to @tommyinnit

She really is!!

I smiled looking at that and in a second a few hundred people followed me. I texted Tom a quick thank you for making me 'famous' and put my phone on do not disturb.

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