《The Promise! (Tommyinnit x reader)》Chapter 5: the tour


"Hey wake up" my mom slightly shook me. I didn't want to get up so I just groaned. "Cmon" she continued to shake me so I sat up.

"What" I questioned squinting my eye because of the sunlight.

"Breakfast is ready" she informed me with a smile. She sat on the middle of my bed and just looked at me.

"Ok" I pulled the covers off me to expose my pajamas and she got up and left.

I went to the bathroom outside my room and brushed my hair which was a mess at the time.

Once I was ready I walked downstairs with a smile.

"Mornin" Andy waved spitting out bacon. Ew I thought to myself. She had always had a bad habit of spitting food while she was talking and no one could convince her to stop.

"Morning" I waved back and grabbed a plate loading it with eggs, biscuits, gravy, bacon and sausage.

"So what's the plan for today" my dad had asked mostly to my mom.

"Well I have a tour around town today" I bragged as if it was the best thing in the world. Which don't get me wrong I could spent more time with Tommy so I didn't care.

"With who" Andy banged her elbow into my side.

"Tommy" I mumbled slightly embarrassed.

"Who I couldn't hear you" she budged me again.

"TOMMY" I yelled "your must be deaf" I added.

"Ooo" my mom clapped and my dad joined in.

"And get this" Andy giggled putting her bacon down "she even has his number"

"Well he asked for it" I tried helping my case. "He's just a friend"

"For now" my mom joined in and my mouth dropped to the floor.

"Oh my Lord" I added a little laugh "I'm done here" and with that I put my plate up and headed up the stairs to my room. I heard them all snicker when I closed my door.

I grabbed my phone of my vanity and headed to the bathroom to shower. The warm water felt good on my skin but I wanted it to be fast so I hopped out once I washed and rinsed my hair.

I slipped back into my room and changed into a pair of ripped jeans and an American flag with an eagle on it shirt that I found in my bag.

"Uhg 10:43" I sighed I just wished it was 11:43 or maybe even noon already.

I opened my curtain to see Tommy opening his window. We both started laughing even though we couldn't hear each other yet. I opened my window and waved while still laughing.

"Talk about perfect timing" he continued to laugh.

"I know right I've never done that" I giggled pushing some of my hair behind my ear. We locked eyes.

"Hey Y/n- oh hey Tommy" Andy bursted it. Uhg why did she have to walk in couldn't she have knocked one voice screamed annoyed.

"Ever heard of knocking" I laughed looking at her.

"Nope whats that" she giggled sarcastically "I was just wanting to tell ya that I'm moving in so I'm going to my dorm" she smiled.


"Okay" I got off my vanity chair and hugged her softly and she left. I closed my door and turned back to Tommy.

"Your sister looks familiar" Tommy stopped thinking for a moment.

"Oh she streams like Minecraft and other games too" I smiled proud.

"Ohh I think I've watched her" he laughed. I could not believe that the one and only Tommyinnit watched my sister, I was going to tell her that later.

I hear I faint "tom" behind him and he got up. "COMING MUM" he screamed back.

"Sorry my mum needs me" he got up waved and closed his window. Ahh I couldn't wait for noon I thought.

I got up and wandered to my PC starting it up. I watched the black screen slowly turn blue then to my Lock Screen. My sister got it for me hoping I would stream but I was always super busy and didn't know where to start or if people would like me so now I had a PC with three monitors to do whatever I wanted whenever I wanted.

My mouse slowly went to YouTube and I found myself on Tommy's channel. Everything I saw about him I loved wether it was his blue eyes or his laugh.

"Watching Tommy I see" my mom wrapped her arms around me. Of course she was seeing what I was doing at this time.

"Why can't anyone knock" I groaned and turned off my PC.

"Well it's 11:36 so I figured you'd want to get ready" she laughed.

Had I really watched his videos for over an hour. I checked my phone and surely enough it was 11:36.

"Uh okay" I answered back and got up giving her a hug.

She left and I plugged in my straightener. I brushed my hair out added some mascara to my eyelashes and quickly did my hair.

Ok where we meeting?

How about outside my house


Okay lol

I laughed nervously knowing that was a dumb question. I put on some perfume and walked out the door. The cold air hit me in the face but he had a already seen me so I wasn't going to turn back for a jacket.

"Hey" he waved from the road. His hair glowing in the sunlight.

"Heyy" I waved back smiling big. I walked towards him and met him in the road.

"So what do you wanna see first" he asked me as if I knew the town really well.

"I uh I'm not sure" I giggled looking up at him. I felt like a midget next to him, he is 6'3 and I'm 5'8.

"Okay let's go then" he chuckled and we started to walk down the cold sidewalk.

We walked into town and the building were so much taller than they were back from my old town. "Wow" I twirled examining the area.

He looked down on me and giggled trying to be quiet. "Wait" he looked down starting to go serious.

"What" I stood still thinking there might be a bee or wasp on me.


"You wrongin" he laughed. I stood there confused just looking up at him. "Your shirt" he starting laughing harder.

"Oh America" I said it as if it was some kind is curse and he stepped back acting if his soul was burning from the word.

"Americans are weird" he continued laughing.

"No we're not" I crossed my arms seeming upset.

"Your friends beg to differ" we both started laughing 10 times harder and I fell back on a bench and he joined me still laughing.

"I never thought I would be sitting next to an American with an American shirt in UK" he giggled leaning over on the armrest.

"Oh and I ain't ever thought I'd be sittin next to some weird British guy while I'm wearing me American shirt in UK" I smiled leaning on his shoulder laughing a little harder.

"You did not just say that" he turned to me looking down at his shoulder faking a mad face.

"Oh and what're you gonna do about it" I smirked looking him in the eyes holding in my giggles.

"OMG TOMMYINNIT" some random girl ran up to us "OMG IT CANT BE AHHH" she screamed.

"Oh hello" he said calmly and I lifted my head off his shoulder.

"With a woman" she looked at me as if I was a nasty piece of gum under an old desk. I couldn't help but want to snot off but I resisted the urge and smiled.

"Oh she's just my friend" he reassured her as if she was his best friend and he was trying not to make her mad.

"Can I get a picture" she pleaded with an annoying whiny voice. I was about to lose it.

"Sure" he leaned forward and she turned around. She took a few photons and went on her away.

"How do you not get mad from rude people" I asked upset from how snotty she was towards me.

"It just takes practice I guess" he laughed and got up and his hair flowed in the wind.

We continued to walk around for awhile getting to know each other like favorite colors and just small talk. His voice was much more polite and softer off stream it was nice.

Before no time it was starting to get dark. "We should probably be heading back" He laughed and I nodded in agreement.

"Yea" I pulled out my phone "oh my" my jaw dropped. I had gotten so carried away with talking and getting to know him I forgot about going home.

"What is it" he asked opening the door for me to the Dairy Cheer we were in.

"It's 5:44" we both laughed and walked in the direction home. It was going to be a far walk.

The cold wind soured through the air and cut in and out of my tee shirt as we walked. I hugged my arms in hope that it would help... it didn't.

"Probably my favorite do-" he looked down at me "hey are you cold" he asked with concern on his face.

"Uh a little" my teeth chattered as I spoke.

"Here" he pulled his sweatshirt off over his head and long arms. He made sure the sleeves weren't inside out and handed it to me.

"Th-thank you" I stuttered and slipped it over my head and onto me. It smelt just like him, the warm nice smell of cinnamon. It was way big on me and it went down to my knees, he giggled at that.

"Anytime" he smiled and walk in silence, the comfortable silence. He put his arm over my shoulder after about 3 minutes.

"What are you doing" I looked up to him because it caught me off guard.

"What I gotta stay warm too" he giggled.

-time skip-

"Alright we're here" Tommy laughed and did jazz hands.

"It was really nice thank you" I smiled looking up at him as I opened my door from behind me.

"Goodnight Y/n" he waved down at me smiling.

"Goodnight" I waved back and closed the door. I locked the door and turned around to see Andy staring me down from the living room with a smirk.

"Heyyyyy- WAIT WHAT ARE YOU WEARING" she screamed walking up to me examining Tommy's hoodie.

"I was just c-"

"What's goin- OH Y/N OH MY SHES GONNA" she slapped her hand over her mouth and looked at me proudly. I just stood there looking at them with the sleeves hanging down past my hands.

"I was cold and he gave me a hoodie" I paused looking at them "it's not that big of a deal"

"Then why are you blushing so dang hard" they both asked at the same time. I covered my face in embarrassment with his hoodie sleeves and they just laughed at me.

"Okay" Andy laughed "enough tormenting her for tonight" she giggled. "You hungry" she asked me and I was starving.

"Yesss" I headed to my right toward the kitchen and sat on a chair at the island.

"Well in that case" Andy ran behind the counter and opened the microwave "soups up" she laid down a hot steamy bowl of pasta.

"You're the best sister ever" I told her while picking up my fork and shoving it in the noodles punching them every which way.

I finished fast thanked Andy for the food even though I knew mom made it and she took credit. I walked up to my room closed my curtain and turned on my LED lights. I bent over to my pajama droor and changed into some sweats and a tee shirt and put his hoodie over top of it all.

"Ahh" I laid back in the warm mattress and pulled the warm blankets while the cold wind of my fan hit my face.

"Ding" my phone buzzed from my nightstand. I leaned over and grabbed it and the light flew to my eyes

"Okay I'm up" I giggled to myself.

Hey what's this *attachment*

I opened the image "OH NO" I leaned up this was going to be bad.

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