《wolfwalkers~mabhyn oneshots》i'm not scared!!!!


"so whats this called again?" mebh asked i sighed ready to explain this for the 30000th time "i already told you a million times" mebh looked at me expectantly waiting for me to continue. i groaned out my millionth explanation on how its a "moving picture" and "its supposedly really scary" and all of the things ive already said multiple times.

when i was finished mebh puffed out her chest and exclaimed " i wont get scared im a wolfwalker, and we're not afraid of anything" i chuckled softly and and rolled my eyes about to point out to her the multiple things shes been scared of since we first got together, but before i could she jumped up and started pushing buttons on the new tv before finally hiting the play button and starting it.

she jumped back in shock and then got up and sat down next to me basically hopping with how excited she was. as we watched the movie (which was really cheezy and dumb) i noticed mebh sinking into the couch. whenever i commented on it however she'd straighten up and tell me she wasnt scared but almost immediatly after she'd get all hunched up again, after awhile i stopped commenting on it.

but once we got about halfway through the movie there was a jumpscare she screamed and jumped burrowing into my arms shortly after. i couldnt stop laughing but i snuggled with her and turned off the tv trying to calm her down. after awhile she fell asleep i sat there for awhile combing my fingers through her hair before i started yawning later falling asleep with her in my arms.


this ones kinda short and im pretty sure it reads as half-assed but i was basically being pushed out the door while finishing it so here you go :p

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