《wolfwalkers~mabhyn oneshots》my sunshine


you are my sunshine

This couldn't be happening, this couldn't be happening, only just a few minutes ago they were running through the forest so what happened!

my only sunshine

It was a hunter they were running through the woods and a hunter had shot her in the side, she couldn't believe it, this couldn't be happening!!!!!

you make me happy

she was still breathing but it was so very slow she wouldnt be able to last much longer

when skys are gray

they had just gotten together, had just started to hold hands, so what had gone wrong?!

youll never know dear

here breath had slown down even more, why was this happening!?!?!?

how much i love you

she isnt breathing! why isnt she breathing? how could this happen why couldnt i save her!!!

"please dont take my sunshine away"


ollo tis me im back and if you read my A/N youll know that i deeply apologize for not updating at all so i decided to write something and my brain supplied me with this angsty shit also if your wondering this is robyns perspective it was going to be more angsty but i couldnt fit it in the right way but i might edit it later i can give more detail about this one later so comment if you want me to, anyway feel free to hunt me down and scream at me, as an avid reader myself i would want to do the same but try to keep the cursing to a minimum and as always signing of with fanart

(once again not freaking mine) love y'all

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