《wolfwalkers~mabhyn oneshots》forever?


we had been friends for fifteen years lovers for six of them and i had recently been thinking of proposin, problem is i had no idea how theres no general way to as a wolf so i was planning on doing it the human way - you know with a ring but i didnt want to mess it up and i was scared she would reject me so i was in quite the predicament.

currently we were in bed with each other robyn was asleep blind to my worrying and overthinking. i had the ring in my hand wondering what to do going through different proposals in my head discarding each one for a different reason "i could go and- no to bold, wait! i could just- no that wouldnt work what if i just-" i heard a groan and noticed robyn waking up so i quickly hid the ring "mabh? what are you doing up at" a pause " 2:35 in the morning" i started thinking of a plausible story to tell her finally coming up with just a "im thinking about our parents they've got to be lonely on the road" i silenty groaned, that was the best i could think of?!

there was a pause, she must of found out i was lying, she's gonna make me tell her the truth and then she'll reject me and then we'll break up and well never talk again and- "oh darling" she cooed "im sure they're perfectly fine besides they have each other"

i sighed glad that she had bought my story i kissed her forehead and told her that she was right and go back to sleep and i love her with all my heart. i cuddled with her until she finally fell asleep and, in a split second decision i sliped the ring onto her finger and closed my eyes blushing like a maniac and hoping she would accept when she noticed. after a few minuetes i fell asleep dreaming about a wedding with everybody i loved around me.


in the morning i woke up to squealing and robyn hugging me, screaming yes over and over again.


heyo sorry about this i did tell you i would be posting more and i probably will be still but i was planning on posting more a lot earlier in the day there were actually some specific times planned but im no good at following a schedule so ill just get a few done later oh and the voting for mabh or robyn is over ill probably just delete it so there goes that oh and this is the engagment ring mebh had

i thought it was perfect for this fic its really pretty and if someone proposed to me with this i would die anyway hope yall have a good day :p

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