《wolfwalkers~mabhyn oneshots》Be carefull!!


She was mad and for good reason! How could she just go of like that, she was going to get herself killed! it's not like she doesn't know they're going to hurt her, she knows good and well but she just keeps going off and getting herself hurt! She was lucky the bullet only grazed her she could've gotten seriously hurt and I don't know if I would've been able to stand it.

Mabh had been being really reckless as of late and it's starting to scare me I've been trying to figure out why but she won't talk to me. She's avoiding me and it had been getting on my nerves for some time . So as a solution I had set traps all around the forest where she'd least expect them going into my wolf form even to see if I could sense them, and once they were perfect, I just waited and waited until finally she set one off.

I was sprinting towards my trap jumping over logs and around trees until I got there. I had to catch my breath, bending over and breathing until I was calmer, and then I looked up.

she was swinging around in one of my snare traps growling and trying to reach her leg, to no avail, until she caught sight of me. Stopping her struggling she huffed and yelled "well what are you standing there for come and help me" like she hadn't been avoiding me this whole time.

Of course this whole thing was to trap her and force her to talk to me I knew that the second I let her go she would run off and we couldn't have that so I sat down.

Once she saw me sit down she went crazy asking me what I was doing and why I wasn't getting her down so I shushed her she glared at me but didn't keep speaking "first off I started "why have you been avoiding me" she didn't answer and just kept staring at me "once again" I said while getting up and walking over to her 'why have you been avoiding me?' She glared up at me, then sighed "it's cuz ya keep nagging me about my wounds and how I'm so "reckless" and I just can't take it it's so annoying' that got me mad I couldn't believe her I was worried about her she kept putting herself in danger and it scared me " I'm just trying to keep you safe!! I don't want you getting hurt that's all"


She looked at me with a face I couldn't describe and yelled " I never asked for your help I don't want you to come and help me I'm fine without you I always have been and I always will be so why do you have to keep acting like this" "it's because I love you!!" I yelled, immediately after putting my mouth to my hands "you love me?" She stared at me in disbelief and I started to cry I didn't mean to tell her and I was scared of what she'd think we had been friends for 3 years and I just didn't want that to end.

I started hearing some shuffling noises but failed to look up when suddenly I felt her hand on my face "you really love me?" She whispered "yes, I do I'm so so sorry can we just forget this ever happened please" she looked at me weird and responded "i love you too ya doofus" she said crying a little herself I sobbed and hugged her kissing her forehead and laughing a little " you know your not off the hook for -hic being reckless right?" She laughed and looked up at me and smiled 'yeah' she replied and then she kissed me and I almost passed out quickly kissing her back.


Oof I feel like this one isn't to good it was the first one i wrote one my phone and a lot was going on today, tommorow I will probably write either 2-3 ones or 1 big long one but I will be on more tomorrow

Once again signing off with some fanart I found on the ground

(If you haven't figured out that these aren't mine yet your not gonna get very far in life)

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