《wolfwalkers~mabhyn oneshots》baby its cold outside


It was freezing, the air was so cold it was gonna kill her, usually she was warmer having a blanket of hair to hide in but one visit while robyn was cutting her own hair had washed away any idea of that now her hair was as short as a mouses in what robyn called a "pixie cut" now she didnt even have enough hair to cover her face it was insane! how do the townies stand this without any fur?

it doesnt make any sense i was curled up next to the fire in my friend robyns house desperatly trying to get warm when robyn came in "are you alright?" she asked with a chuckle 'no' i said 'this damn haircut is making me freeze to death' she looked at me for a second smiling to herself "hmm well then i do have some bad news for you, dad says its time for you to go home, you know outside, in the cold, without a fire?"

i growled, it wasn't snowing outside but it was freezing either way and i didnt want to go out there "and, before you ask i already checked and you cant stay over, but i can and will walk you home" she had said all of this while dragging me to the door.

'do i have tooo' i groaned "yes darling you do, i wish you didn't but you do so get up and come on" i blushed when she called me darling but groaned after what she said registered getting up and going outside i immediately tried to turn around i didnt make it very far before i was pushed outside by robyn and we started the walk back which promptly turning into a run, going up hills and through trees till we made our way back to our hidey hole.


"well we're here" robyn said " will i see you tonight?" i shivered and told her it was too cold for that, that i would just probably stay in tonight she looked at me for a minute then took off her cape and put it around my shoulders "so you can be a little warmer tonight"she got ready to leave "goodnight mabh!" she yelled as she ran off to her house i looked after her blushing slightly her cape going past my feet i sniffed the cape and giggled blushing madly as i ran into the den to tell my mother all about today with a smile on my face.


sorry this one took so long im gonna try to update once a day so just look out for that, though i might be late because of school but ill try my best ive put the prompt for this one up at the top and one of my favorite songs id recommend im also working on my computor so sorry if the paragraphs are too long and heres some more fanart for your troubles

(once again not mine)

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