《The Thing About Apholie: A Wolfwalkers Fanfiction》Chapter 4: The Transformation


That night, Abigail was restless. She highly unsettled by something she couldn't see.

Well, maybe that was because her eyes were shut.

But no. She could see something, but not in her world. She was in the forest again. All monotone colours again, following some kind of curvy line. She had to stop herself from making too much to noise that might wake up the other children (given that they all slept in the same room), but a few gasps and moans of panic and fright slipped out from here and there.

A figure emerged from the trees in front of Abigail, connected to the line. It was a pure black wolf. It didn't look threatening and Abigail began to calm down. But then she noticed that had exactly the same eye colour as her. Odd information, maybe, but it was crucial to what Abigail might be suspecting now.

Hold on, she thought. This doesn't seem right.

She blinked just once and was horrified to see herself in the wolf's place. That's when she realised what had happened.

Apholie bit me, Abigail thought. And then...

Her heart brutally sank.

Oh no.

She opened her eyes in real life and shook her head. She got up. But she felt different. Her hands were on the floor instead of by her sides. She took a step forward, then turned around to shockingly find a tail.

This confirmed her theory.

She was a wolf.

No, no, she thought, her panic rising back. This can't have happened.

She began to hyperventilate, only coming out as whines in her new form. She had to get out of there before she woke everyone up by accidentally barking.

"No. No, no, no, no, no, no, no," she muttered over and over again. She was VERY aware how much danger she was in now.


She headed over to the window by her bedside and opened it very slowly her nose. It creaked a little and she winced, hoping she hadn't woken anyone up.

She hadn't, thank the Lord. Only a few bed creaks from the other children turning themselves over in their sleep.

After she had enough room, she looked down below. For once in her life, she was glad the bedroom wasn't on the second floor. She was pretty sure she was going to be able to make it down without getting hurt.

She leapt out of the window and ran off, hoping she hadn't woken anyone up. She ran through the stone streets for a while, darting left and right with many new sounds and smells filling her senses as she went.

It made her panic all the more.

She had to get out of town before anyone found her. She had to get to the village gates and get out of there.

She'd most likely end up dead otherwise.

This was because the entire town hated wolves. They were the reason that the country's king was dead. Because the king never had any heirs (or a queen, surprisingly), his knights took over the country and they ruled with an iron fist. They ordered the forest destroyed and all the wolves inside killed.

They had nearly achieved that goal, Apholie's wolf pack was the only one that remained in the country.

What were they going to think of Abigail?!

Eventually, she found the gates. Avoiding the guards, she slipped through one of the holes in the bars and ran as fast as her new legs could carry her into the forest, genuinely surprised that no-one had found her.

But she couldn't worry about that right now.


She needed to talk to Apholie.


Abigail was about to plant head first into the vine wall (after running through the forest for what felt like forever), but she didn't care. She just had to get to Apholie. She needed an explanation.

And fast.

To Abigail's surprise, however, the wall immediately let her though.

Odd, she thought. Taking note of that.

She reached the other side with no trouble. Her legs were burning as they beat against the hard ground but she knew she couldn't stop. She needed answers to what Apholie had done to her.

She ran through the wolf den, hearing everything that was going on around her. The sounds blasted through her ears so hard, she had to flatten them in a hope to bring her some silence.

It didn't. Not even a little.

She burst through the trees towards the den. She picked up Apholie's scent. She was nearby.

Or, in the den at least.

Abigail sprinted up the pathway, breathing heavily. She kept following Apholie's scent up the path. Knowing she could do this only made her not want to be a wolf anymore.

But, when she reached the entrance, she wasn't expected Apholie in her wolf form to be standing there. Abigail ran into her and they fell, tumbling down into the den.

It hurt. Badly.

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