《tmnt 2016 out of the shadows wolfwalkers sequel》showdown with Kraang/ending
*at the foot clan's lair Baxter put's the last piece on the machine as the portal open's up*
shredder-It's working!
Baxter-Yes. We did it Once it's fully powered, the portal will be just wide enough for the Technodrome to come through piece by piece. This is gonna be insane! Galileo... Isaac Newton...Steve Jobs. Their names will be footnotes in the annals of science after what's about to happen here
*shredder looks to the cage holding wolf Ashlyn as she had a metal collar on connected to chains which jingles when she moves. at the NYPD police station Vern walks in*
Vern-Chief Vincent I'm Vern Fenwick. You might know me as The...Doesn't matter. Listen You need to see this
*they saw the true footage on the computer*
Bebop-Hey, Rock, who is that?
shredder-O'Neil! Get that canister!
*Casey and April walks in*
Chief Vincent-Let them go Thank you, "Falcon."
Casey-Uh, Chief?
*Casey holds up Chief Vincent's phone as she snatches it from him*
Casey-You might need this
Chief Vincent-Well played Great. So I've got a rhino and a warthog to add to our troubles.
April-Good looking out
Chief Vincent-I want an APB on a Dr. Baxter Stockman And get a few...
*everyone looked outside seeing the portal opening same with the turtles in the lair on the monitor's*
Leo-What's happening out there, Donnie?
Donnie-Oh, my gosh. Shredder did it. The portal's opening
*in the city*
new Yorker-Where did that come from?
*back in the lair*
Donnie-Amazing. This alien warship is coming through piece by piece.
Robyn-Hacking into the main data core Okay. Ship's designate is the Technodrome.
Donnie-Commanding Officer goes by the name of Krang.
Mikey-I don't know that guy
Mebh-but I hate that guy!
Donnie-If Krang were to finish building this thing, it wouldn't just be a ship It would be a war machine that would end all life here.
Robyn-It would be the end of the world
Donnie-But there is something we can do. The atmosphere around the Technodrome would be toxic to anyone with a standard cardiovascular system.
Moll-What are you saying?
Donnie-We may be the only ones who can survive around that portal, the only ones who can get close enough to this Technodrome to shut it down.
Mikey-But how? We're being hunted. They think we're monsters.
Raph-Yeah, we're gonna need the cops at our backs.
Bill-They're trying to lock us up.
*in Donnie's room*
Donnie-One sip, and we'll stay the same on the inside, but look like humans on the outside
*Donnie gives Leo the vial who takes it. Leo the vial of purple ooze*
splinter-Your boyhood is drawing to an end You are becoming young men The choice is yours
Leo-I'll do whatever you guys say It's your call
*raph takes the vial chucking it at the wall smashing it. moll, mebh,bill and Robyn lays down as their spirit wolves comes out turning into their wolf form as Donnie put's on their communication collars. in the city with the NYPD*
Chief Vincent-You're sure they're coming?
April-They're coming
*the manhole covers opens as the turtles climbs out of the sewers as the wolfwalkers climbs out in wolf form*
Chief Vincent-Hold your fire
officer#1-Hold your fire
officer#2-Hold your fire
Chief Vincent-What are you?
Mikey-We're not really into labels
Leo-Some call us freaks
wolf Robyn-Monsters
Raph-Let's just say we're four brothers from New York who hate bullies and love this city
Donnie-And right now, we're the city's best hope
Chief Vincent-Why should I believe you?
Leo-You don't have to take it from us Take it from him
*Leo points to Vern*
April-Go ahead, Vern Tell her about the arrangement
Vern-What arrangement?
*raph cracks his knuckles as Mebh,Moll,bill and Robyn started growling*
Vern-Oh, that... Arrangement. Look, The Falcon is still The Falcon I just may have gotten by with a little help from my friends These four are the ones who took Shredder down the first time I was kind of more of a wingman
Leo-We've been doing our part to protect this city from the shadows
*a loud noise was made as everyone looked up and saw pieces of the ship breaking off pieces of buildings*
Leo-And we think we have something to offer We're gonna need...
Donnie-And boatloads of heart
Chief Vincent-Load up!
Donnie-April, Casey and Vern need an escort to Pier 90 The electromagnetic force of the portal is coming from there that's where the foot is holding Ashlyn Casey's wolfwalker sister Forwarding you the coordinates
Leo-Send a team! Take us to the Chrysler Building. We'll make our way up to his ship and take down Krang on his home turf
*Casey, Vern and April made their way in Casey's car*
Vern-Come on, O'Neil, get in!
*at the foot's lair*
Baxter-I installed a breathing apparatus in your helmet This will help us survive the unique atmosphere of the assembling Technodrome And I made a handheld version of the teleportation devi...
*Karai takes the device from Baxter*
Baxter-Look at what we've done This is undeniable We'll be gods to future generations
Shredder-I'll be a god You'll be just what you've always been
*two foot ninjas walked up behind Baxter*
Baxter-What's that?
shredder-A footnote
*the foot ninjas grabbed Baxter by the arms*
shredder-Take him to our facility in Tokyo
*the foot drags Baxter into a car*
Baxter-No! No! No! No! No! You can't do this to me! No, you... No. No, you will... No! I've done everything you asked! You promised! No! I am a legend! I will be... No! I will be a legend! You cannot do this to me! The world will know my name!
*they drive away as karai gives shredder the device*
shredder-No one will ever know who you are
*shredder teleports to the ship with the turtles and the other wolfwalkers*
Chief Vincent-We're 90 seconds out I've got tactical gear, weapons, communications standing by
Leo-All we need is cover to get up there
Wolf moll-When we do, we've got to find that beacon that's drawing all those pieces together
Donnie-If we can send that beacon back to where it came from, and April, Casey and Vern can close that portal on our command...
Mikey-Good-bye, Technodrome.
raph-Good-bye, Krang
wolf Mebh-Team effort
wolf bill-Team effort
Casey-All right, they're splitting up.
Vern-Wait, we aren't going with the turtles? Why aren't we going with the turtles? When something bad happens, you want to be with the turtles!
*on the ship*
shredder-Commander Krang
kraang-There you are, Shredder! I thought you'd never get here
shredder-As you asked, the beacon has been set And once the Technodrome reassembles, we can rule the planet
kraang-I'm sorry. "We"? "We" will rule?
shredder-We were a team
kraang-"We were a team!" Teams are for the weak Family is for the scared The Earth is my toy! And I do not like to share!
shredder-You betrayed me!
kraang-Actually, I barely even thought about you
*kraang freezes shredder taking him in the ship with other frozen beings*
kraang-Back in the toy chest with the rest of the things I've broken Silly little earthling Now for a new game Look out, Earth! It's playtime
*the police, turtles and wolfwalkers arrive at the Chrysler Building*
officer#1-Move it, let's go!
officer#2-Go, move, move, move. Get your team in position!
Chief Vincent-Shields up!
*the police raises their shields*
Chief Vincent-Okay, let's get them in
*the turtles and wolf walkers jumps out as the police shields them as they got in the building*
Jade-Tight form on that barricade!
officer#4-Keep it tight!
*with Casey, April and Vern*
Casey-Hold on! I'm going in!
*poles came up from the ground stopping the police, Case, April and Vern from entering* until the three crash into the foot's lair*
April-Casey! Casey!
*back with the turtles and the wolfwalkers*
Donnie-This thing's 57% complete If we don't stop it now, it's gonna be ready to go in less than four minutes
wolf mebh-what are we waiting for?
Leo-You got this?
raph-Yeah I got this Surf's up, New York!
*the turtles and other wolfwalkers jumps onto each piece towards the ship back with April, Casey and Vern*
Casey-Do you hear that? It sounds strange.
Vern-Like "alien spacecraft in the sky" strange?
*they saw bebop and rocksteady on motorcycles*
Casey-No That kind of strange
bebop-We've got to keep our eyes out for intruders
rocksteady-Well, what do intruders look like?
bebop-Anybody that's not a big pig or a big rhino
Casey-Oh, Oh, boy. Listen You guys find Ashlyn and secure the portal device I'll deal with those two
Vern-"Secure the portal device"? What does that even mean?
Casey-It means kick the butt of anyone that's guarding it, wait for Donnie's go signal, and shut it down
Vern-Yeah, but we don't know how many people are guarding it!
Casey-Well, do you want to switch?
*Vern looked at bebop and rocksteady seeing rocksteady letting out a rhino roar startling bebop*
Vern-Yeah, no. We're gonna secure the portal
Casey-I thought so Hey, fellas! Remember me?
bebop-Look who it is.
rocksteady-Hey, cop, how's your noggin?
Casey-Come on!
rocksteady-As you wish
bebop-It's on, baby!
*they chase Casey as April and Vern ran to find the portal*
Donnie-Ultrasonic scanners indicate the beacon's location is somewhere near the command module a few hundred feet ahead
Leo-Okay. We've got to stop this thing from completing
wolf bill-And how are we supposed to do that?
wolf moll-Let's start with whatever that thing is.
Donnie-That must be Krang.
Leo-All right, fall in, guys!
Raph-Whoa It's not that bad, it's just a dumb robot
Mikey-Huh I was expecting way worse
wolf Robyn-And what would that look like?
wolf mebh-I don't know, like a mustache maybe?
Mikey-Evil goatee or something. You know what I'm saying? Ahhh! It's like a chewed-up piece of gum! With a face!
Kraang-I'll only warn you once. Get off my ship!
Leo-Donnie, Robyn get to the console Let's send this jacked-up disco ball back where it came from Hey, Bubblicious, let's see what you've got
*they start fighting*
Kraang-I'll show you what I've got! This!
Raph-This dude's tougher than I thought
Bebop-You better run! You cannot escape the Bebop!
*April and Vern sees a foot soldier as April nods to Vern*
Vern-*whispers*What? Why me?
*April gestures to herself as Vern Jumps down pushing the foot soldier against a shipping container knock the ninja out back with the turtles and the wolfwalkers*
Leo-Let's go!
Raph-Come on, Mikey!
wolf mebh-You're going down, Krang!
Donnie-Okay. About ninety seconds before this thing is complete All you, Donnie
wolf Robyn-No pressure, no pressure, no pressure.
kraang-You know, I'm looking forward to enslaving you A cage full of tortoises might be nice
raph-We're turtles, not tortoises! There's a big difference
Leo-Yeah Turtles bite!
*Leo slices off kraang's fist stopping him from punching Donnie and Robyn*
kraang-You don't think I've got spares for this?
Mikey-Guys, he is literally rearming
*at the foot's lair*
bebop-Gotcha, pipsqueak!
*rocksteady drives by kicking Casey as he was hit hiding tapping chair wheels to the bottom of his shoes*
bebop-You see him, Rock? We know you're here somewhere
*back on the ship*
Leo-Donnie! Robyn!
Donnie-Just give us ten seconds.
Mikey-Guys? I don't think I'm tall enough to ride this ride!
kraang-Stupid reptiles!
raph-Leo, hang on!
*at the foot's lair*
bebop-You're starting to be a real pain in my butt And do you know what Bebop does with pains in his butt? Get over here, little boy
*Casey picks up a pipe shaped like a hockey stick*
bebop-Put down that popsicle stick
*Casey skates away making the mutants chase him*
bebop-Ha! Game on, baby!
*April and Vern sees the portal device seeing karai guarding it and wolf Ashlyn in her cage*
April-Look There's Ashlyn and the portal device
Vern-Oh, great She has a sword We have a hubcap
*on the ship*
Leo-Where's the beacon, Robyn and Donnie? We're running out of time!
kraang-You already have Prepare to watch your city crumble
wolf bill-What's happening, Donnie?
Donnie-Robyn and I was right. It's a massive weapons system He's bringing it online!
Robyn-I got it! we found the beacon! It's just up there
Leo-Mikey, go!
Mikey-Oh, I'll get that beacon
Kraang-Okay, turtles Play time is over!
*kraang attaches a blaster to his robot's chest blasting away*
Mikey-Whoa! I'm vertical!
*the wolfwalkers and turtles charges at Kraang*
Kraang-Oh, you want some, too?
*they were blasted away*
Mikey-I got it!
*in the foot's lair*
Bebop-Get him, Rock!
*Casey leads the two mutants into an open empty shipping container as Casey grabbed a grenade from Bebop's bike*
Rocksteady-Whoa, stop, stop!
*Casey pulls the pin tossing it in the container closing the doors then skates away to April and Casey to help them out*
rocksteady-Oh, no
*it explodes into gas*
rocksteady-Yeah, Beebs?
bebop-My man
*back on the ship*
Mikey-Hey! Heads up, Donnie
*kraang knocks Mikey off his board grabbing him by the shell*
Mikey-The beacon!
*Kraang removes the blaster from his chest wrapping his arms around Mikey hugging him very tight starting to crack his shell*
kraang-Come here, little turtle Let me give you a hug Good-bye
wolf mebh-MIKEY!
Leo-moll! Raph! goodfellowe! With me!
*they ran and jumped on a flying ship piece*
Mikey-Little help, guys!
Leo-Hang on, little bro!
*Leo, raph,moll and Robyn's wolf father jumps on kraang as raph and Leo stabs the robot with their weapons as bill and moll sunk their teeth in the robot*
raph-Nobody messes...
Donnie-With Mikey!
*Donnie slams his staff in the robot zapping it after raph ripped the head off*
Leo-Guys, Krang is down, but his ship's still building
*at foot lair*
Karai-Come on
*April and Vern started fighting karai. back on the ship*
*Mikey tosses the beacon to his smart brother catching it with his drone*
Donnie-Drone activated, It's gonna be close
*the beacon was pulled away from the ship as the ship was taken apart back through the portal back in foot lair karai was knocked out as Vern opened the cage holding wolf Ashlyn removing the metal collar as Casey skated in as he went up to his wolf sister hugging her as Casey spoke since he was a wolfwalker*
Casey-I thought I would never see you again
Wolf Ashlyn-same here big brother
*the screen was hacked as Donnie showed up*
Donnie-Guys, now! Close the portal now!
Casey-I got this
*Casey slams his stick into the machine closing the portal. with the team the drone made it through*
the turtles and wolfwalkers-Yes!
Leo-okay, this is our stop
*they Jump on a rooftop on a building*
kraang-I'll be back, turtles, a thousand times stronger!
*as the portal closed the shockwave knocked them back*
Mikey-It's cool, It's cool
Leo-Yeah, I knew that would work
Mikey-Wait, so you seriously thought us four teenagers and five wolfwalkers could save the whole world?
Leo-Sure, Guys, we got something no one else has
raph-Garbage truck!
wolf Moll-Garbage truck?
Mikey-Well, we do have one
wolf Mebh-The other one.
April-Escaped convicts Bebop and Rocksteady are now in police custody, while Dr. Baxter Stockman remains at large Authorities assure us that the city is once again safe, however questions remain about last week's events What was that threat from the sky and how exactly was it averted? But the bigger question is, does it even matter? Do we need to give our heroes a name and a face? Or is it enough to know that they're out there watching over us from the shadows?
*at the statue of liberty the wolfwalkers and Ashlyn was back in their human forms as they and the turtles were getting key's to the city*
Chief Vincent-For your incredible valor within this community, and for your uncompromising cooperation with this agency, I present to you the keys to the city, a symbol of our appreciation, respect, and for our continued partnership To you brothers,friends Leonardo, Raphael, Donatello, Michelangelo and our wolfwalker friends Robyn goodfellowe, bill goodfellowe,moll og'mactire,mebh og'mactire...Uh...Last name?
Donnie-Uh... Not so much
Mikey-I never thought of that
Mebh-That's no fair
Chief Vincent-Congratulations
*everyone claps*
Vern-I got one of those No big deal, I helped them. They're friends of mine
female officer-Oh
April-So, you got plans next weekend?
Casey-Just my regular hockey game Do you want to come watch me play?
April-Watch? I'll take you one on one And I'll kick your butt
Casey-I bet you will
*Ashlyn walks over to her brother leaning against him with her arm on Casey's shoulder*
Ashlyn-I would love to see you whoop Casey's butt in hockey that way I can rub it in his face!
*Ashlyn flicks Casey's forehead only for Casey to put his hand on his sister's face pushing her away*
Casey-you wish
Mikey-My key's totally bigger
Donnie-It's bigger than your key, man I got the big key
*Chief Vincent walks over*
Chief Vincent-I think you should give people more credit They'll accept you now
Robyn-You're probably right But, uh...I think we'll stick with the arrangement we've had
Leo-If you ever need us
Moll-April knows where to find us
Chief Vincent-Really? You could live a normal life, like the rest of us
Raph-Normal? What fun is that?
*on the torch the turtles and the wolfwalkers were on as they cheered celebrating their victory*
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