《Love triangle (editing)》Ten



"Ayo ,this bitch has me all the way fucked up. Like I love her , but this isn't the right time." Deff don't want her to meet my moms and having to tell her she is pregnant first time meeting her! Like she needs to be think about how this could damage us right now .

On the other hand tho I'm excited! I always wanted to be a father and I want to be there for my kid if she chooses to keep it because my father wasn't there for me . My father died in a motorcycle accident when I was 7. It sucks that I didn't have a lot of time and make a lot of memories with him but I can remember bits and pieces.

My fathers name was Andre. He was a big time basketball star in high school and he played college ball at Ohio State University and that's where he met my mama. They were head over heels for each other and when he found out she was pregnant, they had a shot gun wedding because he wanted to step up and be a man and take care of the both of us. He really grew up loving motorcycles and dirt bikes and was starting a collection of his own. He went out riding with some friends one day and one of his friends tires flew off and it crashed into my dads bike and it had him peel off the highway. My mama is strong and she raised me well trying to be both mother and father. But it's nothing like having a dad, I always envied my friends who's fathers were active and involved in there lives. Sometimes when I can't talk to my mom about certain shit I just look into the sky and talk out loud to my father. He doesn't answer but I always get signs or a weird way of getting an answer as if it was from him to answer what I was talking about. I didn't mean to distance myself from Amani , but I just was shocked. The way I approached her about her being pregnant was all wrong . I was selfish, I need to hit her up because me and her really need to have a conversation.


I need to have a conversation with Tiffany too. I need to see where her head is to see how I'm moving forward with things. When I talk to her imma be straight up and be honest about everything. I should have been done it but better late than never . I need to accept that I have been involved with both women and I'm dead ass wrong. BUT I LOVE THE BOTH OF THEM!‼️ DAMN THIS IS GOING TO BE SO FUCKING HARD ON GOD‼️

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