
months have gone by. The Resistance, or rather what was left on Ajan Kloss, continued to bring down the reminding First Order cells that had gone off the grid as well as stop any Brotherhood followers before another threat could emerge.

Poe had been working very hard with speaking with leaders of planets to form a new New Republic, the name being a bit over board. He had been traveling with Rose at his side at these meetings.

Finn had been working with Jannah and others trying to find their families. He had managed to find more children that were kidnapped and reunite them with their families. Jannah had found out about her parents, which wasn't good news. Apparently her mother tried to flee with her as her father tried to fight off the troopers. That left the troopers to shoot to kill both her parents and capture Jannah to make their soldier. Jace had a similar situation, although his parents didn't try to fight the First Order, but they were still murdered regardless.

Rey and Ben had been trying to find more Force users in their quest. They haven't been forcing parents to hand over their children if they were Force sensitive, but rather explained what their child was gifted with and offered a chance to guide them. They were offering a new Jedi Order.

Which is where Amara found herself.


Amara was following a service droid inside a building as she was on her way to see the Chancellor. She had heard much of it from Poe's visits, but she had only come to this planet once and she was a very young child.

Amara had cut her hair to her jawline. She needed to be fresh, a new start for this new beginning. She was wearing a light brown tank top, black tight pants, a black belt around her waist that carried her sabers, and black boots.

"This boy is dangerous. They sense it, why can't you?"

Amara looked out the window as she walked with the escort of the droid to the Chancellor's office.

"All mentors have a way of seeing more of our faults than we would like. It's the only way we grow."

She was hearing voices. Voices of the pasts.

"It's not the Jedi way! He must live!"

Amara winced at that one.

She almost stopped, but instead put a hand to her head.

She had gotten used to these echoes, as she calls them. She sometimes hears voices from the past. Voices that connect her to the Force. It's strong here. A lot of connections. A lot of memories. A lot of pain.

"The Chancellor will be with you shortly," The droid says as it comes to a complete stop.

Amara almost bumped into the droid. She hadn't been paying any attention to it, to even noticed that they stopped walking.

Amara nods, "Thank you."

The droid nods.

Then Amara watched the droid walk off.

Amara's eyes gazed back to the large windows. That's what made Coruscant so unique she figured. They had a lot of windows and they were quite big. She stared at the city covered planet.


She took in a deep breathe and then exhaled it slowly. She could sense so much being in this building. There was fear in the back of her head, although she knows from Poe that the Chancellor is not Palpatine, so there was no need to worry.

She lifts her head towards the door a moment before it opened. Stepping out was none other than the Chancellor but also Senator Ara.

"I appreciate you taking time out of your busy schedule to meet with me, Chancellor." Ara says.

The Chancellor grins, "You make it sound like I was avoiding you, Senator Ara, and I assure you I wasn't." He says.

Ara rolls her eyes, "Oh sure, Erwin." She says.

The two share a playful smile before noticing Amara there. Ara's expression went from playfully political to genuine happy.

"Amara," Ara says, "I- I didn't know you were coming to Coruscant."

Amara smiles softly at her cousin, "I have business." She says.

Ara nods, "Understandable,"

The Naboo native walked over to Amara and hugged her. The two have been working on their relationship as cousins; her, Ara, Dorian, and Ben. They were what was left. They were their only last living blood family.

The Chancellor smiles, "Ah so you must be Amara Solo," He says, "I've heard so much from General Dameron."

Ara let's go of Amara to look at the Chancellor, "You mean soon to be Amara Dameron." She glanced back at the woman, "You know Dorian and I will be there for the wedding, right?"

Amara smiles softly, "Of course, Ara." She says.

Ara nods, "Good. I wish we could talk more, but guess that'll wait til the wedding. I have to meet the other senators for a voting on a new bill." She says, "Wish me luck."

Amara kept her friendly smile, "Good luck."

Ara glanced at the Chancellor, "Don't give her the run around, Erwin."

"Ara, please." Amara says.

The Chancellor gives Ara a look, "Goodbye, Senator Ara."

Ara gives the Chancellor a look before heading off down the hall Amara had just traveled from. Amara watched her cousin go.

"Miss Amara, are you ready?" The Chancellor asks.

Amara nods and glanced at him, "Of course."


as the Chancellor sat behind his desk. He gestured for Amara to take a seat as well. The woman accepted the seat in front of his desk.

She stared at the older, dark skinned man. He looked old enough to be her father, but yet also too young at the same time. He looked old enough to have seen the Empire in person, but too young to never have seen the Republic fall the first time.

"Now, Miss Amara-," He starts.

"Please, Chancellor, no formalities needed. Call me Amara." She says.

The Chancellor smiles, "If that's the case, call me Erwin." He says.

Amara smiles a little at that.

"In our messages back and forth, I've come to the understanding that you want to use the old Jedi Temple as a place for the Jedi to train once again?" Erwin spoke.


Amara nods, "Yes. I know of its complicated history, but all the better to reclaim our roots and not necessarily erase the bad history but celebrate where we are now." She says.

Erwin nods at her comments.

He ponders over it for a moment.

"Why now? Why bring back the Jedi Order now?" He asks her.

Amara furrows her brows, "Why not?"

Erwin shrugs, "Are you doing in hopes to become the protector of the galaxy or to rise up in order to command?" He spoke with unease.

Amara shakes her head, "The Jedi had done enough for the galaxy. We don't need to interfere in what the government should be doing. Jedi are peacekeepers, not soldiers."

Erwin tilts his head, "Easy for you to say, you fought in this war after all. Weren't you fighting with your sabers?"

Amara frowns, "That's different."

"How? How is that different?" Erwin asks.

Amara kept her eyes on the Chancellor.

"Because I wouldn't be training these students to be soldiers. I wouldn't be training these children to suppress all these memories and feelings. I wouldn't be forcing their families to hand them over." Amara says, "I don't want what was in the past."

Erwin looks at her.

"The Order failed in so many ways and I don't want to be apart of that. I don't want these students to believe that love and hatred are things we shouldn't feel. My emotions makes me stronger." She says, "I need them to understand that feeling a certain way won't lead you to darkness, but only the actions you make along the way."

Erwin nods.

He stands up and walks to the large window in his office, because of course he has a large window in his office.

"I wasn't born when the Jedi purge happened, but my father only said that it was the darkness moment in the galaxy's history." Erwin says, "I grew up under the control of the Empire. I only knew of one Force user and it was Vader, well until a random boy named Luke decided to join the fight."

Amara smiles a little.

"The stories I heard of your parents and uncle," Erwin smiles a little before getting serious, "Regardless, you want to bring back the order only for them to train alone?"

Amara stands up.

She walks over.

"I want to bring it back to maybe do it right, Erwin. I want feelings and emotions to be accepted. Love, loss, angry, sadness. These are things the Jedi Order said wasn't allowed. Said attachments aren't allowed." Amara says, "I wouldn't have been able to stay in the Order if it was happening now with my relationship with Poe."

Erwin kept his eyes on her.

"I- I want to train these people to have them connect with the Force. I want them to learn of their abilities. I want them to be able to protect themselves and friends or family. I want them to be able to grow and spread the lessons of the past with them." She says, "I want this to out live me."

"And you want to do this in the old Jedi Temple?" He spoke.

Amara nods, "I know what it looks like now. I know if we get some people on the grounds to fix it up, it'll be perfect." She says.

Erwin glanced outside.

"And who will teach?" Erwin asks.

Amara smiles a little, "Myself, Rey, my brother, my friend Finn, and my grandfather's old padawan." She says, "If Force users who had training of any kind come forward, they are more than welcomed to teach."

"Is it okay? To have your brother teach?" Erwin asks.

Amara nods with a grin, "Of course. We will accept anyone, regardless of their past. Your past gets left outside the temple when you come, no one will judge you for it." She says, "And that's not to say people can't leave. If they want to stay at the temple they may or if they want to come and go, that works too."

Erwin smiles a little, "You've put a lot of thought into this."

"Yeah, I did. Didn't I?" She grins.

Erwin kept the smile on his face.

"So is that a yes, Chancellor?" Amara asks with a grin.


outside the remains of the Jedi Temple. She looked up at it from the large steps that would take people inside. She knew its rocky history, but now she was going to shine away from the darkness and welcome the light.

R2-D2 rolled next to her.

R2 beeped at her.

Amara glanced at the small astro mech.

"I know that you still remember about your times here, R2. I know it must be difficult." Amara frowns at the droid, "But I know memories can be damaged, tainted, like this building."

Amara frowns staring at the temple. What was once beautiful and full of life looked dead and hollow. Amara remembered hearing her mother tell her what the temple looked like before the Empire by her adopted father.

"But as tainted as some things may be, they could always be repaired." Amara says, "A stepping stone for tomorrow."

Amara glanced at the droid.

R2 beeps at her.

Amara smiles a little at the droid. She placed a hand on top of the astro mech. It amazed her in her time in the Resistance, she went her entire time without a droid. Poe had BB-8 trailing behind him the whole war. C-3PO followed Leia around everywhere. R2 was sleeping until they completed the map to Luke, and then he stayed with 3PO.

Now, now the astro mech seemed to take a liking in Amara. Maz even thinks so. Maz believes that R2 feels its time to follow a new Skywalker. R2 was Anakin's droid, then became Luke's droid, and then became Leia's for a bit, and so it was fitting that R2 would then become Amara's droid.

Amara hears a small beeping from her comlink.

"Solo to the Resistance, what was that?" Amara asks.

"General Finn to Solo," Finn had a light-hearted tone, "We were wanting updates on your meeting with the Chancellor."

Amara smiles, "Operation New Order has been green lit." She says.

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