
HER EYES fluttered opened.

White was surrounding her.

Amara sat up and looked around, everything was gone but also everything was infinite. It was hard to describe, but also hard to understand.

"You're an idiot," Said a familiar voice.

Amara sighed upon hearing those words from that voice.

"You're a damn idiot, Amara." The voice repeats.

Amara heard the voice from behind her. Amara slowly stood up and rotated her body to face the direction where the voice was coming from.

"Hi, mom." Amara says.

"It wasn't your time, Amara." Leia says glaring at her, "It wasn't your damn time."

Amara frowns, "I know,"


POE'S BODY didn't even move. He just stared at the lifeless body of Amara Solo. Her body no longer appearing filled with life that it once was.

He didn't even register that he was crying either. Tears slid down his face and landed on the dead body of his beloved.

Orson collapsed next to Poe. The young boy had gone through enough trauma, had gone through enough death, had gone through enough loss. Orson wasn't sure if he could recover from this one.

Poe slowly moved his gaze to the action happening behind them. He sees Ben and Ahsoka squaring off against Karawn, while Rey was helping Finn back on his feet.

Poe looks from the battle and then to the weapons that laid next to Amara.

Poe knew one thing in life, he wasn't like the others dueling their sabers in battle. He wasn't a Jedi. He wasn't connected to the Force like those he cared so deeply about, that being said at this moment, Poe wasn't even sure if he wanted to even be alive in a world without Amara.

Poe grabbed one of the sabers.

"Poe," Orson slowly looks at the pilot.

Poe holds it tightly.

"Chewie," Poe says in a stern voice, "Get Orson back on the Falcon, right now."

Poe slowly lifts his gaze from the body to the Wookiee.

The Wookiee, that Poe wasn't even considering was also mourning the loss of someone he loved. Chewie had seen Amara grow up into the young woman she was. He had always considered Amara like a niece or something.

Chewie looks at the pilot turned general.

Chewie growls.

"I'll handle getting Amara back to the ship," Poe says, "Right now, my priority is protecting Orson."

Orson shakes his head, "No- I don't- I can-,"

Poe turns his gaze to the boy, "Amara wouldn't want you to get killed. She loved you with all her might. She loved me-," Poe shakes the tears away, "I'm not letting another person I care about die."

Orson felt his own tears slide down his face.

Poe stands up.

"Get him out of here, Chewbacca." Poe orders.

Poe's back is to them. His back is to Amara.

"That's an order!" Poe yells.

Chewbacca then grabs the boy, who yells a little, and then they run out towards the halls they've previously traveled down.

Poe slowly looks back at the body of Amara and then rubbed his tears away.

"It wasn't suppose to end this way," Poe says.

His gaze turns back to the battle in front of him.

His eyes narrow and his stare becomes a glare only at Karawn.

Poe then ignites the green saber that belongs to Amara.

"But I'm not going to live knowing that bastard still breaths." Poe says.


LEIA HAD sat down on what looked to be a white cloud chair. Amara looks around in the infinity of nothingless and then back to her mother.


"Is this what the afterlife is like?" Amara asks.

Leia looks at her, "No. Yes. Sorta."

Amara tilts her head.

"Amara, you're not exactly here with us dead Jedi." Leia says, "And you're not exactly laying on that floor while your friends fight against Karawn either."

Amara frowns, "I- I'm in between it all?"

Amara sits down next to her mother.

"Yes." Leia says, "Your heart stopped, but it doesn't have to end right here, right now."

Amara looks at her hands, "Shouldn't it?"

Amara lifts her gaze to her mom.

"I- I mean Karawn stabbed me," Amara says, "That's pretty much life ending right there."

Leia shrugs, "Yes. No." She looks back at her daughter, "What do you want?"

"Me?" Amara asks.

Leia gives her a look, "Who do you think I'm asking?"

Leia gestures to the nothing that was around them. Amara looks and takes it in, and then glanced back at her mother.

"What do you want?" Leia asks, "To die without living your life? Or to live a life you were meant to have?"

Amara frowns, "But on Exegol-,"

Leia shakes her head, "Enough of that Exegol bullshit, Amara. I'm serious." Leia lectures, "You are too damn smart to honestly think that you had to die in order to correct whatever problem you think the three of you caused on Exegol."

Amara says nothing.

"You and Ben made a judgement choice that day," Leia says, "We all loved it. Obi-Wan, Anakin, Luke, all the other past Jedi."

Amara slowly looks at her mom.

"They thought it was admirable." Leia says.

Amara frowns again.

"Amara, you must decide now." Leia says.

"I want so much," Amara says, "I want you and dad back."

Leia softly smiles.

"I want Vira." Amara says.

Amara feels her mother touch her hand.

"I- I want everything to return to what it was before Ben left to train with Luke," Amara says, "But-,"

"But you wouldn't have the friends you have now. You wouldn't be where you are with Poe if that was the case." Leia says.

A small smile appears, "And I wouldn't trade it." Amara says.

"So what's your answer?" Leia asks.

Amara smiles a little more and looks at her mom, "I want to live,"


KARAWN HAD tumbled back from Ahsoka's blades, that he didn't even notice the general coming in with Amara's saber in his hand. Poe swung the blade towards Karawn in a quickly manner, it manage to hit him on the arm.

Karawn hissed in pain.

Karawn stumbles back and saw Poe.

Finn holding his saber by Rey felt what she felt. Finn was certain not only Ahsoka and Ben felt it but so did Karawn.

Poe was radiating pure hatred at Karawn.

Finn's eyes drift to Amara.

"Amara-," Finn frowns.

Ben's eyes move.

He hadn't even sensed his sister in the time he took battle with Karawn and Ben hadn't even noticed.

"Mari," Ben frowns.

Karawn's eyes drift to Amara.

A big smile appearing on the evil man's face.

"Guess she wasn't as tough as I thought she was." Karawn says.

Ben glares.

Ben charges forward.

Karawn Force shoves Poe back, which caused the pilot to roll on the ground.

"Poe-!" Finn yells.

Finn ran after his friend.

Ben jumps in the air and slams his blade down against Karawn's blade. Both blades clashing their respected hues.


"I'm going to kill you-!" Ben yells.

Karawn laughs, "Looks like the Supreme Leader is back."

Ben's eyes narrowed, "Not the Supreme Leader," Ben glares, "But you'll beg for the mercy he might've showed you."

Ben shoves his blade hard, which caused Karawn to stumble back. Karawn didn't have time to relax cause Ben stabs his sword forward at Karawn, who jumped to avoid it.

Ben extended his hand out, Force shoving Karawn against the wall.

Karawn's body hitting it hard.

"Ben-!" Rey yells.

Karawn winced the second his body collided with the wall.

Ben, not even caring how far he'll go at this point, holds Karawn now in a choke hold. Slowly, but surely closing his hands more and more until it got into a closed fist.

That is when Karawn spit up blood and his body went lifeless.

Ben drops the body and turns to Rey.

"Ben," Rey stands next to him.

"If it was going to be any of us," Ben frowns, "Might as well already be the murderer."

Ben's eyes move to Ahsoka. There was something in her eyes, but it wasn't passing judgment onto him.

But that is when Ben moved his gaze back to his sister. He sees Poe back over where, with Finn hovering behind him.

Ben moves, its sluggish from being worn out by the fight but he then picks up the pace.

He doesn't even pay attention if Rey follows or not.

Ben slides down and kneels next to Poe. Ben looks over to the pilot and then back to his dead sister.

"I- I should've protected her," Poe cries.

Ben shakes his head, "I'm her brother," He says, "I should protected her."

Ben reaches his hand out to her body. He knew what he needed to do. He was willing to throw it all away for Rey, what was different about his sister?

Rey reaches out, "Ben-."

Ben shakes his head, "I- I have to do this,"

Ahsoka shakes her head, "Ben, you don't have to do that."

Ben nods, "Yes." He says, "What am I supposed to do?"

Tears sliding down Ben's face.

"She's my sister," Ben says.

Ben knew this was something he needed to do. Amara was everything he could never be, she was a constant good, a constant light. Ben was always shadowed by darkness. Amara can bring a beautiful future, Ben could destroy too much.

Finn frowns.

Poe looks at Ben.

Ben looks at Rey.

Rey had tears in her eyes.

"I love you, Rey." Ben says, "I had hoped to spend the rest of my days with you."

Rey sobs a little.

Ben sadly smiles.

"I love you too, Ben." Rey says.

Ben turns back to his sister. His hand hovering over the wound and then slowly placing it on top. Ben closes his eyes, inhaling deeply.

"Goodbye," Ben says softly.

"Goodbye?" A voice says.

Everyone turns.

It was Freya.

"Freya," Ahsoka says.

Freya was there on the base. She was a little bit away from them, but walked closer towards where the two men were kneeling down at.

"Looks like I came before you did something stupid, Ben." Freya says.

Ben looks at Freya.

"What? You think you get to sacrifice yourself?" Freya asks, "No. I'm sorry, but the one saying goodbye is me."

Ahsoka turns to her in shock, "Frey?"

Finn frowns, "What?"

Freya knelt down in front of Ben. She sat in between Ben and Poe.

"I've out lived a lot of friends. Plenty of enemies too." Freya says, "But I know this is something positive that I can do for Han and Leia since I did damage near the end."

Ben locks eyes with Freya.

"Besides, if you did this," Freya says to Ben, "She'd never forgive yourself."

Ben frowns at her, "You don't have to do this,"

Freya smiles softly at Ben, "Yes I do." She says, "This can be the last good thing I do for this galaxy."

Ahsoka looks at Freya.

Freya looks at Ahsoka.

"May the Force be with you, Ahsoka." Freya says, "I wished we could've caught up."

Ahsoka smiles softly, "I know I'll see you again." She says, "May the Force be with you, Freya."

Freya smiles softly.

Freya moves Ben's hand from Amara's body and then rests her hands on top of the wound that was inflicted by Karawn.

Freya looks at Ben one last time, "Make sure she doesn't feel guilty about this," Freya says, "Amara doesn't deserve that."

Ben nods, "I will."

Freya focuses her life force into the body of the young Solo. As she worked her life force into Amara, the weaker and weaker she became.

Finally the older Force sensitive woman collapsed onto the ground. All the color in Freya's body was replaced by a grey deathly appearance.

Ahsoka sits down on the ground and scoops up Freya in a hold. She mutters quietly to the corpse of an old friend.

Meanwhile, Poe noted the wound on Amara was healed and now the lack of color in her complexion had returned.

Poe leaned his head to Amara's chest, "She has a heart beat." He says pulling back.

Poe begins to tear up.

Amara's eyes begin to flutter.

"Uh-," Amara's eyes closed before opening, "Wha-?"

Poe's eyes widen, "Amara-!"

Amara opens her eyes.

"Poe?" Her voice was soft.

Poe watched as she slowly sat up in his embrace and then it seemed to him that she was registering everything. Her eyes darting to every Force user in the room, making sure that neither of them were the reason why she was back. That was until she landed on Freya.

"No-," Amara whispered.

Ben placed a hand on her hand, "She wanted to do this," He says, "She wanted to bring some light back to the galaxy."

Amara looks back at her brother, "Ben,"

Ben smiles softly, "Mari, don't you ever do something like that again."

Tears begin to slide down Amara's face as the fact that her loved ones had to witness her death and look at her lifeless form.

Amara sobs, "I- I'm so sorry,"

Poe engulfs her into a hug, "It's okay, Mar." He whispers into her ear, "It's okay."

Amara held onto him as if it were to slip away out of her grasp. She sobbed into his chests loudly.

Finn stood up straight and radioed Chewie on the Falcon to notify the news of Amara's sudden brought back to life. He thought that hearing the news would be something great for not only the old Wookiee but the young boy aboard the old ship.

Rey sat next to Ben. She rested her hand on his shoulder, before slowly it turns into an embrace. A soft and comforting hug.

The thought of it being Ben transferring his life force to Amara was noble, yes, to Rey but also painful. Because Rey has had a lot of loss already and she didn't want to loose anymore.

Poe just felt Amara's sorrows and regret seep into him with each sob that explodes out of her throat. He tries rocking her to make her feel calm, but he isn't sure if it is working. He isn't completely sure what she was crying about. Was it about her dying? Her loved ones watching it? Freya sacrificing herself for Amara? All of it? Or the deep emotions of just returning back from the dead?

Poe strokes her hair as he holds onto.

"It's okay, my love, you're okay." Poe whispers into her ear.

This day wasn't going to be known as the day Karawn was defeated. This day won't be referred to as the day Amara Solo died. This day will be known for Freya Koda sacrificing herself in order to save Amara Solo.

A day that will live on like her spirit forever.

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