
TWO SHIPS landed outside the base that the Poe's squadrons had identified as The Brotherhood's hideout. Stepping out of both ships were; Finn, Chewie, Ben, Rey, Poe, Ahsoka, and Orson.

Finn looks around, "Of course another sandy planet." Finn mutters.

Poe glanced at them, "Come on," He says pulling out his blaster, "Let's go."

The party of seven quietly but quickly hurried over to the base building. They took cover so they wouldn't be spotted by anyone scouting.

But they didn't see any scouts.

They actually don't see anyone trying their best to guard the base. And for one that was odd. This was an important base and to leave it without scouts was a reckless move, unless the scouts were unable to do their jobs.

"Something isn't right," Rey mutters and glanced at Ben, "Do you sense that?"

Ben nods.

Poe glanced at the two, "What?" He asks.

Ben walked over to the panel, he ignited his saber and then stabbed it through it. The panel sparked out and then the circuits went crazy, causing the door to open. As Poe, Orson, and Chewie expected some sort of battle, they were met with the opposite.

Poe peaked his head around the corner and saw the bodies of unconscious Force users laying around the hangar.

"Amara has been through here," Ahsoka says.

Poe was actually stunned, "She did this?"

Ben nods, "It appears she was not wrong about her strength." He says.

Rey frowns, "And if this is what she's capable without death," Her eyes drift to Ben, "What is she capable of fully?"

"I don't know," Ben says.

Finn looks at the Dyads, "Either way, we need to hurry up." He says, "If you guys are sensing what I'm sensing it seems Amara is a little ahead of us."

Poe and Finn take the head of the party, with Ben and Rey behind, Ahsoka closely following, and Chewie with Orson.

Poe had instructed Chewbacca with the orders of protecting Orson at all cost, seeing as the young boy refused to stay put in the Falcon.

They ran through the hangar which was littered with unconscious Force users and ships of a variety models. They ran until the Force users pointed out the hallway to Poe to head down.

Orson, who gripped his blaster, was so worried.

'Be okay, mom.' Orson thought.


AMARA HELD a deadly glare at Karawn, who now held onto his own saber, but has yet to ignite it like Amara has. He doesn't seem to be wanting to fight, much like he said when he made his presence known.

Amara then sensed something.

Her eyes widen and her gaze turned behind her.


Her friends. Orson. Poe. They were here.

Karawn grins at that. He must've sensed them as well, because of course he did. He was strong in the Force as well.

"It appears your friends are here," Karawn grins, "But you didn't invite them, did you? You wanted to handle me yourself."

Amara's gaze moves back to him.

She gritted in response to his words.

She had a feeling that the others would come after her, of course they would. It didn't matter if she locked them up, somehow, someway, they'd find there way here.

Amara keeps her composure as calm as it could be.

"I can handle you myself," Amara says, "I am a Skywalker after all."

Karawn grins followed with a chuckle.

"That you are my child, that you are." He tilts his head, "But there is more to you then what meets the eyes."


Karawn still yet to ignite his blade, continues to stare at the younger woman. He seems to still want to talk, why? She wasn't sure.

"You are different than Luke. I don't sense what he had with you." Karawn says.

Amara tilts her head, "And what is that?" Amara asks.

Karawn grins, "Mercy."

Amara wasted no more time, she held her sabers tightly and rushed in. She lunched forward with her right saber going towards him. However, Karawn was quick.

He ignited his red saber.

"You are fast, Amara Solo, but are you fast enough to kill me before your friends arrive?" Karawn asks, "Or will they be too late and you'll be the one dead instead?"

Amara grins, "Don't underestimate me," She says, "I'm like you said, more than meets the eyes."

As Karawn was shoved back by Amara forcing her saber against his, he stumbled back. He looked at her, to see her jumping in with her left one coming near him.

He jumps back.

Karawn spins his saber with a grin.

Amara spins her saber to counter his. The two had their blades clashing against each other causing a green and red hue to glow from their respected blades.

Both of them pushed back, causing each other to stumble back.

Amara held a grin, "This is where the fun begins,"


MORE AND more halls they run down, the party noticed how many unconscious bodies there were. Amara was not messing around.

"I've never seen this much strength in Force since-," Ahsoka stopped herself frowning.

Ben glanced at her, "Since Anakin."

Ahsoka nods.

Ben frowns, "I know," He says softly, "She concerns me too."

Poe overheard that, "Why? What do you mean?"

They ran another corner.

They find more bodies laying on the ground, streaks of her lightsaber are found on the walls, the smell of blaster blasts was lurking in the hall.

"If- If Amara manages to take down Karawn it isn't an issue," Ben says, "But by some insane way he is able to sway her-,"

Orson shakes his head, "She won't-!" He yells, "She's too good!"

They all halt in the hall.

Orson looks to see the adults looks down at him.

Ben glanced at Poe, "He really shouldn't be here,"

Poe looks at Ben, "Does it look like I had a choice? He would've came regardless."

Ben frowns.

Orson looks between the two adults.

Rey placed a hand on Ben's shoulder, "Ben, it's okay. Chewie will look after him."

Ben shakes his head, "Children have no place in war."

Finn scoffs to himself, "Kinda rich coming from you,"

Ben shoots Finn a look.

Finn sighs, "Look I may have forgiven you over the whole Kylo Ren thing, but you are the reason I am a solider. You are the reason why Orson was trained as a solider as the same with all those kids in his unit."

Ben frowns.

"At this point, Orson isn't a child anymore. He lost that as I did when we were abducted by the First Order." Finn says.

Ben looks away.

Rey kept her hand on Ben's shoulder.

Orson looks at Ben, "I can take care of myself, Ben." He says locking eyes with him, "I want to save her. I want to save my mom. I- I don't want to lose anymore people I love."

Before more could be said in this conversation about having Orson in their party this late into the recuse mission, Chewie opens his mouth.


The Wookiee growled at them.

"He's right," Ahsoka says, "We are wasting time just standing here. I sense a battle happening."

Rey nods, "As do I."

Poe nods and grips his blaster tight, "Let's go save my future wife." He says.

And like that, General Dameron sprinted down the hall first and right behind him was Orson and then everyone else followed in suit.


KARAWN HAD slashed his blade at Amara's right one, and the way he did it, caused her to loose grip and it go flying back.

Amara stumbled back and briefly glanced to where it had landed.

She extended her hand out to grab it, but saw red coming near her face. Her hands gripped the now single blade she had and blocked Karawn's force.

"I have to say, compared to your uncle, you've lasted in battle longer." He grins, "But then again during that battle he had a thing to loose."

Amara glares.

She stares at him through the glow of their respected sabers.

"He had a moral compass," Karawn says, "Killing was only a last resort, but for you- you seem to want to go into this head on."

Amara narrows her eyes, "If it causes your force to crumple then so be it." She says, "For the greater good."

And then Amara saw Karawn let go of the saber with one hand, so Amara mirrors him. Both of them holding their hand out trying to push the other back by using the Force. They seemed almost equally matched.

Amara clenched her jaw.

She knew she could take him down.

She inhaled and then exhaled.

She twisted her hand an inch and then moves it a little forward, she was using a little more Force than Karawn.

Karawn sensed this and seemed a bit confused.

Amara pushed more.

She continued to push, which caused Karawn's feet to slide behind him. Every push Amara did cause another inch of his feet sliding back.

Amara grins at him, "Like I said, don't underestimate me."

Amara with all her might shoves Karawn back.

His body collides with the wall and he falls to his hands and knees. He winced from the pain from being thrown across the room.

His saber turns off.

He looks up at her.

He watches as she extends her hand out and calls for her other saber to return to her. She ignites it and turns to Karawn.

"Come on," She says, "I expected you to actually put up a fight."

Karawn grabs his saber, "You want a fight," Karawn chuckles, "You'll get one."

Karawn stands up.

"Let's dance, princess." Karawn says.


THEY WERE getting closer and closer, according to the Force users and that was making Poe eager but also worried about what they were going to find.

According to the Force users, Amara is unharmed, but that didn't stop the bang of concern and fear that something bad might happen to her.

"Up ahead-," Rey says pointing in front of them, "In that room."

They booked it.

They heard the familiar sounds of sabers in the middle of battle before they even caught sight of what was going on in the room.

Ben, Rey, and Ahsoka had their sabers ignited. Poe, Finn, Chewie, and Orson had their their blasters ready in their hands. Sure, Finn had recently made himself a saber, but had grown so use to fighting with a blaster than a saber.

The party stepped in.

Finding two green blades pushing down on one single red blade.

Karawn sees the party enter since his front side was towards the entrance while Amara's backside was facing the entrance. Although, that didn't stop Amara from sensing them.

"Eight on one," Karawn shakes his head, "Doesn't seem fair to me."

Amara shoves Karawn back.

The Twi'lek looks from the recuse party then to Amara.

"I thought you were going to be my opponent," Karawn said, "Not your friends."

Amara narrows her eyes.

"Amara-!" Poe yells.

Amara felt herself tense up hearing his voice.

Her eyes fluttered as she slowly glanced behind her. She finally met with the eyes of the man she loves. She took in his appearance.

He was tired and worried. She could tell because he was beginning to get a beard and he usually put off shaving if he is worried and or stressed.

"You shouldn't have come," Amara says softly.

Rey steps forward, "You don't have to do this alone."

Amara nods, "Yes I do." She says.

Amara turns her gaze back to Karawn, who shockingly didn't take this as a chance to strike her while she was caught off guard.

"Amara," Ben calls to her, "This isn't just your burden to make."

Amara shakes her head, "We cheated that day," She grips her handles tightly, "We all shouldn't be walking."

Ben takes a step forward, "But it doesn't mean you have to be the one who stops-!" He yells desperately.

Rey catches glimpse of guilt in Ben's eyes.

She knew on Exegol that Ben was ready to give his life for Rey. He wanted to give Rey a second chance, a chance to rebuild the Jedi Order, a chance to end all the pain and suffering he had created.

But because Amara suggested she and him both bring her back, they seemed to break the law of the Force. The law of life. As she suggests, they all cheated death and someone shouldn't be alive right now.

"Amara-!" Ben calls out.

Amara shakes her head.

She then turns her body partly and uses one of her hands to Force shove them all back, and it worked due to the other Force users being caught off guard.

They were shoved back outside the room.

Amara then turns back to Karawn.

Karawn spins his saber.

Amara spins her two sabers.

They charged back into battle.

Both sabers colliding.

It was almost like a dance between the two of them, as they each swung their saber at the other. Ducking and blocking.

Amara sensed them getting back up and coming back into the room. Them being here was a distraction for her. She was trying to focus only on Karawn, focusing on ending things, focusing on killing him.

But with her friends, brother, fiance, and son present, it was far too distracting. She was loosing her edge.

And Karawn knew it.

A grin appears on Karawn's face.

Karawn elbows Amara in the side of the head with a free hand, causing her to loose focus and balance, and then Karawn did it.

He stabbed Amara Solo in the stomach with his red saber.

"Amara-!" Poe screams.

Poe wasted no time.

He was running towards the woman he loves.

Ben and Rey also ran after.

Poe was firing his blaster at Karawn as he watched Amara's body collapse onto the ground. Karawn blocked the blasts and then was met by two Force users, beginning another duel.

But it wasn't just Rey and Ben that Karawn had to worry about, because Ahsoka had her white sabers charging into battle and Finn had ignited his blue saber and followed behind her.

Poe slid down and hunched over Amara's body.

"Amara-," Poe says, "Mar?"

Amara opens her eyes.

She sees Poe.

She sees Orson behind him.

"Mom-?" Orson sobs.

She sees Chewbacca next to Orson.

Chewie growls at her.

Amara gives a sad smile.

"You're going to be okay," Poe assures her, "It's not that bad,"

Poe fakes a smile with some tears in his eyes.

Amara winces, "Poe," She whispers, "It's not too good, is it?"

Poe shakes his head, "What are you talking about? It's fine."

Poe glanced to Chewie.

"Give me some bacta bandages." Poe orders.

Chewie nods and growls.

The Wookiee hands Poe the bandages and then Poe wasted no time in applying them onto Amara's wound.

She winces and even screams a little.

Is this how Amara Solo goes out? A single stab wound from a Force user after winning against the First Order?

Is this how she was meant to go? Dying before marrying Poe? Dying before completing peace in the galaxy for her mother? Dying before she and Poe could have a normal family with Orson on Yavin-4?

Amara winces, "This can't be how I die," She found herself saying out loud.

Poe holds onto her hands after he applied the bandages on her.

It seems to be working, but slowly. It wasn't going to last forever. What Amara needed was an actual doctor. And no one on base was a doctor.

Poe rests his forehead on her forehead, "No, babe. This isn't how you're going to die." He says, "We are going to get married first, maybe- maybe have a few little Damerons running the farm we'll have on Yavin-4. We'll grow old together and die together at an old age."

Amara smiles softly, "That was such a beautiful dream, Poe." She says, "But I feel myself slipping."

Orson was sobbing.

"I don't know how much longer I'm going to be breathing," Amara says weakly.

Poe shakes his head, "No. No. You're going live." He says, "You're going to live and everything will be okay."

Amara looks at Poe dead in the eyes.

"Let me go," Amara says, "Let me go, Poe."

Poe shakes his head, "No. No, I will not."

Amara knew how stubborn he was.

She knew that despite him seeing the state she was in, that the pilot turned General was not going to let her go. Not ever.

Amara's eyes flutter slowly, before shutting.

This is how Amara Solo died.

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