
AMARA FELT the ship come to a halt. She was sitting criss-cross on the bench in her cell aboard the enemy ship. She was meditating.

Eyes closed.

She heard the doors swish open. She heard the footsteps of her captors.

"Time to go, princess." One of them said.

"You will open my cell, uncuff me, and let me walk out free." Amara says with her eyes still closed.

One scoffed.

"You think Jedi mind tricks work on us?" The other chuckles.

Amara opens her eyes and locks on her captors.

"You will open my cell, uncuff me, and let me walk out free." Amara says again.

Her tone sounded different for her.

The two captors tilt their heads. As if they were in a trance. One walked to the cell door and opened it. The other approached her and uncuffed her.

She watched as they did nothing more as she passed them.

She looks at them and then had a thought. She extended her hand, using the Force to shove them inside the cell. She locked it and then turned out of the prison.

"Amara," A voice echoed.

Amara walked down the halls of the enemy ship ready. Eyes narrowed as she reached for the two green sabers attached to her belt.

"Nothing good can come of this path," The voice of Anakin says.

Amara ignites her sabers.

"Good and bad are relative," Amara says, "I'm doing what needs to be done."

"Slaughtering them will make you no better than them," Anakin advises.

Amara halts.

She turns to the Force ghost of her grandfather.

"I'm a Skywalker," Amara says, "Slaughtering people is kind of our thing."

Anakin narrows his eyes.

"This isn't funny, Amara." Anakin says.

Amara turns off her sabers and takes one step forward towards her grandfather.

"I'm not joking." She says, "All of us descendants of Skywalkers have murdered. None of us are innocent. We all have blood on our hands. Good. Evil. Its all relative."

Anakin frowns.

"This path you're taking will only lead to anger, hate, suffering." He tells her.

Amara shakes her head, "You don't- don't get to lecture me on that path, Anakin."

Anakin sighs, "If you don't want to listen to me about it, fine. I do want to warn you the consequences could be similar for you as they were for myself."

Amara says nothing.

"Are you prepared to lose everything for this? To lose Poe? To lose Orson? To lose all your friends in the Resistance?" Anakin says.

Amara looks away.

"Karawn has to be stopped. The Brotherhood must be stopped." Amara says looking at him, "This has nothing to do with my selfish wants and desires."

"You should have those desires, Amara." Anakin says, "You don't have to carry this burden."

Amara shakes her head.

"Amara," Anakin says.

"I lost dad and mom. I almost lost Chewie and Ben. I lost so many friends." Amara explains.

She has a single tear slide down her face.

"I lost Vira," Amara says, "My longest friend. A friend that- that I wished she told me how she truly felt about me. Even if I could never give her what she wanted, I deserved to know."

Anakin frowns.

"I can't force Ben to do this, hell I don't want Rey to go through this again." Amara says, "Finn is too inexperienced that it would be juvenile to ask."

"They'll never forgive you," Anakin says, "None of them."


Amara sighs, "I know. I just- I can't let it be Poe or Orson. I can't let them bare anymore violence."

Anakin sighs.

Amara looks at him.

"Nothing I can say will change your mind. You're already set in this plan." Anakin says.

"I'm sorry," Amara says.

Anakin shakes his head, "No you're not."

The ghostly figure watches as Amara turns around, her back facing the Force ghost, and begin to walk down the hallway.

"May the Force be with you," Anakin says softly before vanishing.


THE RAMP of the ship had opened. It was inside what Amara was assuming was the Brotherhood's base of operations.

Amara sensed them.

They awaited her.

"Solo-!" One female voice yells, "Come on out!"

Amara held her sabers tighter in her grip. She then ignited both of them and stepped down the ramp, revealing herself to the enemy.

With one of her sabers in her hands, she extends one hand and Force shoves a good few back. Some, who weren't armed with sabers of their owns, began to blast her with a blaster.

Amara used the two green sabers to block the blasts. Some bouncing back and hitting those who fired at her, and others just going into the wall.

She was indeed surrounded.

She sensed it the second her foot connected with the ground. She turned her body around and held her saber in her left hand up to block what was coming.

A red light now in her face.

"Heh, you're not bad." A human female says grinning.

Amara says nothing.

She swipes the left saber and moved the enemy's saber away from Amara, and then moved to attack with the right one. The attacker was smart and jumped back.

"That was close," She grins at Amara.

Amara narrows her eyes.

Amara didn't need to turn her gaze to sense what was coming from behind her. She turned her right saber towards the oncoming attacker.

Another red saber in her face. She held her green saber tightly in her right hand. She pushes forward, causing her attacker to lose balance and stumble back.

More blasts being fired at her.

Amara used her right hand to pause them in the air with the Force, while her left saber blocked some of the blasts. When she blocked the blasts with her saber, some went flying into the wall and the ships or in some cases hitting the ones who fired at her.

Amara spun her left saber and shoved the blasts she had been holding in the air by the Force forward towards the ones holding blasters.

They all scattered.

Amara noticed despite them scattering they were still surrounding her. She had a thought, an idea she had thought of before but never done it before.

She turned off both sabers and attached them to her belt.

Then Amara held her hands out, fingers spread, and then she lifted her hands up and then shoved them down with the Force flowing. This action caused the people in the hangar room to be lifted up in the air and then forcefully shoved down on the ground.

Many of them were wounded and others were knocked unconscious, either way they weren't getting up to stop Amara.

Amara looked briefly at her hands a bit stunned that it actually worked. She then grabbed her sabers, glancing at the people laying on the ground one last time before sensing which direction to go.


ABOARD THE Falcon, Finn felt something. He had been trying to connect to the Force like his peers could. It was all nature for Rey and Amara, not to mention all the training that Ben had. He wasn't naturally gifted.


But that didn't stop him from reaching his hand up to his head. It was throbbing and he wasn't sure why.


Finn snaps his head around.

He in the captain's quarters. He had brought a now sleeping Orson in to rest after everything. The poor boy had cried himself to sleep while holding onto Finn.

Finn looks and sees a blue ghostly figure appear.

"Leia," Finn gasps.

The ghostly figure of his former general appeared to him. She looked basically the exact same way he remembered seeing her.

"I always knew there was something special about you," Leia says, "But that's not why I'm here."

Finn shakes his head, "I- I haven't been able to lift rocks well let alone do what the others can do, how- how it this-?"

"I reached out to you through the Force, Finn." Leia says.

Finn watched the ghostly Force figure of the once beloved princess turned general of the Resistance move in the room. It felt like for Finn that she was actually there, alive.

"Why- Why me, though?" Finn asks.

Leia looks at him as she sits on the edge of the bed.

"Why not Rey? She was your student or- or Ben, he is your son." Finn says.

Leia gives him a sad smile, "It had to be you, Finn. It had to be you because of your connections to Poe."

"It's about Amara," Finn connects the dots.

Leia nods.

"What's happening?" Finn asks.

Leia watches the former trooper sit down on the bed next to her.

"My daughter is so much like her father," Leia kept her sad smile, "She plans to sacrifice herself to stop this."

"Wha- What?" Finn asks, "No- No. She can't."

Leia sighs, "My daughter has been implanted with the idea that her own selfish dreams aren't worth it if it means she can save everyone she cares for." Leia scoffs, "Just like me at her age."

Finn looks at her.

Leia looks at Finn, "You need to stop her, Finn. You all need to stop her." She says.

"We're on our way there now." Finn says.

"Finn, she is going to do whatever it takes to end it all and not walk away from it. She believes she, Ben, and Rey cheated death on Exegol and someone has to pay for it." Leia says.

Finn frowns, "And she decided it had to be her."

Leia nods.

Finn sighs.

Finn felt Leia's hand touch his hand as if she was really there with him. He lifts his gaze to the woman. She looked so much older but also she looked so much at peace, which was something Finn rarely saw when she was alive.

"I ask of you to save her." Leia says, "My children are not just legacy that I left for the galaxy, but- but they deserve everything in life. They deserve happiness, love, peace, a family."

Finn nods, "We'll save her, General." He tells her.

Leia smirks, "Who are you calling, "General"?" She asks, "Word on the street is you and Poe are generals."

Finn smiles softly.


POE WAS sitting in the cockpit of the Falcon. He and Rey met up with the others and hitched a ride to gef Amara.

He wasn't alone.

Rey is sitting in the other seat.

Poe has never piloted a ship alongside Rey before. Its been other pilots or Chewbacca. Never Rey.

"You're staring, Dameron." Rey says without batting an eye.

Poe glanced back forward.

"I know you're worried but she'll be okay. She's a survivor. She knows how to buy time." Rey says.

Poe nods.

"I know what its like to survive on my own on Jaaku," Rey starts rambling, "I couldn't imagine what it was like surviving when you're surrounded by people. You'd think you wouldn't feel so alone."

Poe frowns, "But it just numbs you from the silence,"

Rey's gaze tilts to him.

Poe sighs, "She lost her brother- well umm she thought she did at a young age, and her dad bailed." Poe shakes his head, "Bailing isn't the right word for what Han did. He wasn't an awful father, it's just-."

Poe hand a hand through his curly hair.

"Its just he didn't know how to deal," Poe says, "I remember overhearing calls between Leia and Han. They weren't pretty during that time."

Rey frowns.

"I couldn't imagine what it was like for her. To feel like everyone close to you would leave you " Poe says, "Maybe that's why she takes it the hardest when we lose someone."

Rey glances forward.

"I- I still wished Vira could've been saved." Poe says, "She had a lot to offer in the galaxy."

Rey glanced back at him, "And so do you." She tells him, "Amara doesn't resent you over Vira's death. Never."

Poe looks at her.

"She never told you?" Rey asks.

Poe shakes his head sighing, "It never came up."

Rey says nothing.

There is this moment of silence between the two pilots as they glide their spaceship through the stars. Both returning their focus on piloting the Falcon.

The doors slid open, revealing Ben and Finn.

"Finn-?" Poe cocks his head back.

He seemed to change demeanor the second he saw Finn's expression. He looked concerned, worried even.

"What is it?" Poe asks.

Ben looks at Poe, "What do you think?" He asks, "It's Amara. She's about to do something stupid."

Poe shakes his head, "I- I'm sorry, but Amara doesn't do stupid things."

Ben frowns, "You're right. She might think what she is doing isn't stupid, but I say it's stupid. I say she has no right to sacrifice herself."

Poe stands, "Sacrifice-!" Poe screams.

Finn frowns.

Poe glanced between Finn and Ben.

"Leia visited me," Finn admits.

The hidden jealous of never knowing that Poe would never connect through the Force to see Leia again crept in. He knew he could never see Leia the way Finn, Rey, Ben, or Amara could and part of it really angers him. Leia had been a mother to him after his mom died when he was a boy.

But this wasn't about Poe.

"What did she say?" Poe asks.

Finn kept the frown, "She wants to sacrifice herself, Poe. She believes that she, Ben, and Rey all cheated death on Exegol."

Rey has a somber look on her face thinking of that day.

Ben glances away briefly with a deep frown.

Poe ran a hand through his hair as he silently nods.

"Okay," Poe mutters to himself as he slowly sits back down at the pilot's seat, "Okay. Okay."

Finn steps forward, "Poe,"

Poe turns back to face the controls.

"We better hurry," Was all that came out of Poe's mouth.


AMARA MARCHED down the dark halls. No one was attacking, at least not anymore. Amara can't help but find some lingering guilt and shame for her actions, but she knew it needed to be done.

It is the way.

She sensed him.

She stopped in the middle of hall and glanced at the two parting directions before her. Left and right were her only choices. She glanced back and forth before stepping towards the right.

She took one step forward and her grip on her sabers tighten.

She continued down the looming halls until she found herself at a quite large door. She stared at it and then to the panel on the side.

She knew that her presence was known the second she landed. She wasn't a surprise. Not to another Force user.

Amara glanced at the panel and then to her saber. She ignited the green blade and stabbed it through the panel.

It was fried.

Sparks shot out of the machine.

Amara turned off her saber and then turned to the door which was now hissing. The door was parting.

Before her, she saw a dark room. It was poorly lit and no real way of knowing which way was the right one.

Amara took one step inside.

The second she was fully inside the room, the door shut behind her. Amara glanced back and then forward. In mere seconds she was in the darkness, all before she ignited both sabers.

She continued in the room.

The sound of her shoes touching the floor echoed. Which was really making her sneaking in even more impossible.

"My, my." A male voice from the shadows said.

Amara halted and got into a fighting stance. She checked over her shoulder or right in front of her, but she couldn't find anyone. At least not in her light.

"Amara Solo to finally meet you in person is such an honor in itself." The voice continued.

Amara scanned the room.

"What?" He asks, "Nothing? No comments?"

Amara followed the voice in the direction to go.

"Colder," The voice says.

Amara halted and turns her gaze.

Amara took another step.

"Colder," The voice says.

Amara shakes her head, "Why are we even beating around the bush, Karawn." She says, "Do the man think and show yourself."

Laughter was heard followed by lights slowly turning on in the room. It was at first too much for Amara, but it did seem to effect the figure in the room.

Amara held her sabers up, ready to fight.

"Don't be like that, Amara." Kararwn says, "Why don't we have a chat. I've been dying to meet you."

Karawn steps out to the open for Amara can get a full look of the Twi'lek. He looked much much older. Sorta of like Freya and Lando.

The green Twi'lek was wearing black robes and had sabers attacked attached to the belt. but he has made no move to the belt.

"I'll pass," Amara says.

"You really want to be like this?" Karawn says.

Amara points her saber at Karawn.

"It's time to end things," Amara says.

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