
RED BLADES clashing with the warriors protecting their friends inside. Ahsoka and Amara were both battling their own opponent.

Amara was facing off a larger man, a man bigger than life. He looked massive but still looked to be humanoid. He had a long saber, duel wield on both sides..

Amara connected her saber with one side of the longer saber, while she goes in for another attack, he moves his lightsaber, causing Amara to react. Amara blocks his attacks with her lightsaber.

"Not bad, runt." The dark fighter said.

Amara looks at him, "You're not so bad yourself." She says.

Amara pushes her saber against his hard, causing him to stumble a little. She took that slight lost of balance as an opening to strike, but as she went to slash at him, he extended his hand forward.

Using the Force, the larger than life man had shoved Amara back. She rolled in the sand and her sabers were shut off.

Ahsoka noticed this while facing off against the smaller man in comparison to who Amara was fighting. Ahsoka shoves her two white sabers against the smaller man's red blade.

Ahsoka noticed the larger man coming towards her. Ahsoka jumped back, flipping in the air, and landed in the sand.

She briefly glanced back at Amara, who was beginning to rise. No reason to worry, since Amara was getting back on her feet.

"Look ladies," The smaller one says, "We really don't need both of you. We only came for one."

Amara stands up.

"Now if we can collect who we're here for, we'll leave the others alone." The man continues.

Amara ignites her sabers.


FROM INSIDE, Orson had awaken from Chewbacca shaking him. The young boy looked outside and noticed the shadowy figures facing off against Amara and Ahsoka. From what he could see, he didn't need to worry about his mother or Ahsoka.

"My, my!" 3PO takes notice, "We're under attacked! And we don't have backup."

Orson glanced at the golden droid.

Orson then reached for a comlink that he had in his pocket. He pulled it out and clicked a button, it was a direct link to Poe.

"Poe, Poe!" Orson calls, "It's me, Orson."

"O- Or- Orson-?" The static filled in with Poe's voice, "Wh- Wha- What is go- goi- going o- o- o- on?"

Orson grits his teeth, "We're under attack. It might be the Brotherhood, maybe. But it's hooded Force users with red sabers."

"Fo- Fo- For- Force users? Or- Or- Orson, y- y- you nee- need to g- g- ge- get out of there!" Poe's static filled voice sounded frantic.

Orson looks at the sight before him.

Amara slides under the red saber of the larger man, and when she gets up she turns to slash her weapon at him. Her attack went blocked.

"F- F- Fi- Finn and- and- Be- Ben are on there way." Poe says, "They are th- the- the closest t- t- to your location."

Orson mentally wonders how long that'll be. Ajan Kloss isn't really close to their current location, so if that meant Ben and Finn were the closest it meant they were off world.

"I- I- We have to do something," Orson finds himself saying.

Orson had completely forgotten for a split second that Poe could hear him.

"N- N- N- No! You w- wi- will stay put!" Poe practically yells through the static, "Y- Y- You will be safer a- away from the fight."


Orson glares.

He finds himself shaking his head.

Chewie looks at the boy.

Orson shut off the comlink and then reached for his blaster.

Chewie howls at the boy.

"I am helping her," He tells the fluffy creature, "You can sit here and do nothing or help me."


AMARA CAN feel the beads of sweat sliding down the back of her neck. She can feel she is nearing exhaustion the more she fights.

She can only imagine how exhausted Ahsoka is.

Amara quickly moves, as the larger fellow slashes his saber at her. She rolls on the sand to avoid it, and quickly gets back on her feet. The gentleman's back was to her, so she went to attack, but he moved equally as fast to block her.

"Such a powerful creature you are," He grins, "I can feel you're holding back."

Amara says nothing.

"Karawn is right about you," He chuckles, "You're something, alright."

Amara goes to open her mouth, when a blast is fired and hits the man in the side. In another second, another blast goes off.

Amara's gaze moves to the source of the blast.

Standing outside was Orson, armed with a blaster, and Chewbacca right behind him. Chewie was armed with his crossbow and fires a few rounds at the one man fighting Ahsoka.

Both men jump away from them, and stand a little away.

Orson and Chewbacca came running towards the women.

"O- Orson?" Amara then turns to Chewie, "I told you to keep him safe."

Chewbacca growled at her.

Amara shakes her head, "Orson-!" She yells at her son, "Get back inside. It's too dangerous!"

Orson shakes his head at her, "No-!" He says, "I'm helping."

Amara then watches as Orson begins to choke, he reaches for his throat. The same happens to Chewbacca. Amara's eyes shift to Ahsoka, the older woman was doing the same.

"Tsk, tsk." Said one of the attackers.

Amara turns to them.

The larger one had his hand extended with a gleeful grin on his face.

"Let go of them," Amara demands.

"Why?" The smaller one asks, "They're in the way. They're not what we want."

Amara realized it.

They had tracked them to find Amara. They were after Amara all along. It should've been so clear. It should've been the first thing Amara thought of, but her main concern was Orson's well-being that she wasn't thinking to the reason why they had came.

Amara ignites her saber and holds it to her throat.

"Let them go," Amara says, "Or I'll just kill myself."

"M- M- Mo- Mom-!" Orson chokes out.

Amara's eyes did not waver. Her expression was firm and stilled as she stares at the enemy in front of her.

This did seem to gain their attention. It almost seemed as if they weren't expecting this sort of behavior from her.

"Your boss wants me alive," Amara says, "He'll be pretty pissed at you two if you deliver him a dead body and not be breathing."

The two look at each other.

"Let them go and I'll go with you," Amara says, "I will not resist. I'll surrender."

Orson shakes his head, "D- Don't!"

Amara inches her saber a little closer as they continued to hold her dear friends. Amara did not back down.

"I'll do it-!" Amara screams.

"Fine-!" The larger one yells.

The hold held against them was all dropped. Suddenly, air began to fill their lungs as quickly as it was forced by the hold.


Orson coughed and coughed.

Orson looks at the two dark figures and then held his blaster up at one of them, he was about to fire when a hand touched the blaster.

His eyes widen when he sees it was Amara.

She had turned off her sabers and attached them to her belt. She knelt down in front of her son with a sad smile on her face.

"I made a deal, Orson." Amara says.

Orson shakes his head, "N- No. Yo- You can't. They'll ki- kill you." She says.

Amara pulls him in for a hug.

"I'll be okay," She says, "Poe knows where to find me. I'll be fine."

She whispers something quietly into his ear and then pulls away. She pets his hair and gives a small smile, before she stands. She glanced at Ahsoka and Chewbacca, without saying anything she only nods.

She turns to face their attackers and walks over to them.

"Well, I'm your prisoner." Amara says.

The smaller one put cuffs on Amara's wrists.

Amara looks at them, "It's about time I meet Karawn face to face." She says.


A TRANSPORT ship lands roughly near the Falcon and traveling in the direction of the hut at such a quick speed was Ben and Finn.

When they arrived, a ship had just flown out of the atmosphere.

"You guys okay?" Finn asks.

Ben takes note that there was no attackers. He also notes that his sister was missing. His eyes drift to Orson and noticed the tears in his eyes.

"What happened?" Ben asks, "Where is my sister?"

Chewbacca growled.

Finn's eyes widen, "Sh- She surrender?"

Ahsoka looks at the two Force users, "She did it to protect us." She says, "Mostly Orson, I could sense she wanted him to be out of harms way."

Orson frowns.

Ben made his hands into fists, "So they have her?"

Ahsoka nods, "Yes."

Finn glanced at Ben, "Poe isn't going to like this one bit."

Ben says nothing.

Orson shakes his head, "I- It's my fault. I- I should've stayed inside."

Ahsoka placed a hand on his shoulder, "It took courage to step out here to help us. She knows that, but she also knows that you weren't going to be able to handle them. None of us were."

"They were that strong?" Ben asks.

Ahsoka looks at Ben, "They attacked at night. They knew we'd be exhausted." She says, "They could've been trying to tire us out and then collect Amara."

Finn nods, "But they have to know we know where their base is."

Ben glanced at Finn, "Oh, I know Karawn knows." He says, "This whole thing has been a set up from the start. Every little thing we've been doing has been falling into place for Karawn. He got what he wanted. He got Amara."

Finn frowns, "Now what?" He asks.

"Now, we contact Poe." Ben says, "And then we go recuse my sister."


AMARA SAT in a cell on board the ship the men from the Brotherhood were piloting. It was a good size ship.

The cell was cold. But it wasn't too cold.

She sat on a bench. Her cuffed hands rested on her knees. She stares at her hands and then to what was in front of her. The cell door was bars. She could see some of the room, but what blocked her view was obviously something she couldn't make out.

She closes her eyes and lowers her head.

"Be with me," She whispers to herself.

Amara, still eyes closed, moved her position to a mediation sit. Her legs pull up on the bench and criss-cross. Her hands, awkwardly, rest in her lap.

"Be with me," She whispers.

"So kid, how did you end up like this?" A familiar voice spoke.

Amara did not open her eyes, "Oh, so you're finally talking to me." She says.

A small chuckle escapes, "We weren't ignoring you, Amara."

Amara opens her eyes.

She lays her eyes on the ghostly figure of her uncle. He stands before her, before he moved over to sit next to her.

"Luke," Amara says looking forward, "Karawn is,"

"Powerful and not someone to to take lightly," Luke says and followed it with an exhale, "You did the right thing. They would've killed everyone there in order to bring you back."

Amara looks at her uncle, "I think I know what I have to do, Luke, but- but the issue is." She paused in her train of thought.

"Amara," Luke says.

Amara reaches her hand, but it ended up being both since they were cuffed, to her face. She had her hand touch her forehead with ease.

"The only way to end things is to end Karawn," Amara says, "Is to end it all. Destroy it from their core."

Luke frowns, "What you're suggesting is a suicide mission."

Amara glanced at her uncle.

"But you already knew that the second you told them you'd surrender." Luke says.

Amara moves her gaze away.

"Amara," Luke says.

"It's to ensure they don't have anymore pain, anymore violence. It's to ensure peace." Amara says, "I want them all safe."

"But what about you?" Luke asks, "You deserve peace."

Amara smiles sadly, "One of us was suppose to die on Exegol." Her voice gives out a sad chuckle, "Rey lost her life after defeating Palpatine, and Ben was going to give her his life Force. I suggested we give half."

Amara shakes her head.

"One of us was suppose to die," Amara says, "We've cheated that day and- and I guess I'll make up for it."

Luke shakes his head, "It doesn't have to be you. You don't have to make that choice."

Amara looks at her uncle, "I already did, Luke." She says.


POE WAS frozen in disbelief. He was leaning against the command table where he had just spoken to Ben and Finn about what had happened.

Amara was missing.

Poe ran his hand over his face.

He had just spoken to her. He had just talked to her for what he felt was hours ago. He shakes his head in frustration.

"Poe," Rose spoke, "Poe."

Poe shakes his head again and looks at her, "Yes."

"Are you going to stay here?" Rose asks, "Rey is wanting to go after Finn and the others to go help recuse Amara."

Poe sighs.

He wants to be there. He really does. He wants to be there to protect Amara. He wants to be there for Amara.

But he had a responsibility here.

"Rose, I-," He was cut off.

"You're going, Dameron." It was Rey's voice.

Poe turns to look at Rey.

"This is Amara we're talking about," Rey says, "If it were you, she'd be there within moments."

Poe looks at her.

"You know I'm right," Rey says.

Poe nods, "I know."

Rey reaches out and placed her hand on his shoulder.

"Poe, you need to be there." Rey says, "It has to be all of us."

Poe looks at her, "I- I can't lose her."

"You won't, Poe." Rey says, "We'll save her."

Rey then pulls Poe in for a hug. He was a little shocked by the fact he was hugged by her, given the fact that Rey and Poe aren't really close.


ORSON COULDN'T help but feel like this was his fault in some way. He thought going out to help Amara and Ahsoka would turn the tides in their battle. That it would mess with their invaders.

But nothing.

Amara left with them in order to protect him. Protect all of them.

Orson ran his hand through his hair. He already lost a set of parents and he didn't want to lose another. He had been given so much from Amara and Poe that he doesn't understand how lucky he is.

"Orson," A voice snapped him back to reality.

It was Finn.

Orson had been sitting in the storage compartment of the Falcon, to brood or just be alone.

"It's my fault," Orson replies to Finn.

Finn sits down next to him.

"No. It's not your fault, Orson." Finn says, "It's not your fault."

Orson frowns.

"Why does everyone keep looking at me like it is, though? I- I mean explain that one." Orson asks.

Finn sighs, "No one is blaming you. Honestly, kid. We're all worried." He says.

Orson felt a hand rest on his shoulder.

Orson looks at Finn.

"We're going to find her, Orson, and we'll bring her home." Finn says.

Orson wants to believe it'll be that easy. After all, these are the same people who stopped the Final Order. The same people who stopped the Emperor. The same people who allied themselves under General Leia.

Although, he just wants to believe in Amara's Resistance family, there was something lingering in the back of his head. And that is what Amara had said to him before she left.

The very thing she had whispered to him.

"I love you, Orson. Tell Poe that too," Amara's voice sounded sad, "I'll see you on the other side, kid."

Was she planning something dangerous? Was she planning on something extreme? Was she planning on not coming back?

Orson shake his head and then looks at Finn.

"I can't lose her," Orson says.

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