
WALKING THE base of D'Qar was fifteen year old, Amara Solo, for the first time. She had been escorted by a few Resistance soldiers that her mom had offered to bring her to the base. Amara had known so much about the Resistance, and not just from what the New Republic was saying about it.

Her mother was Leia Organa after all.

"Solo, huh?" A female voice gained her attention.

Amara halted by a few X-Wings being tinkered by mechanics. One had been looking at her, another female human. The female woman looked to be about nineteen, maybe a little older.

"Uh, yeah." Amara nods saying, "I'm Amara Solo."

The woman placed her tools in her tool box, "I know who you are. The General has mentioned you so often to us, that I basically know all about you."

Amara awkwardly smiles, "Oh uh- really?" She asks, "My mom talks about me in the middle of war?"

The other woman smiles, "Of course. We all know how important family is to the General." She says.

Amara frowns a little bit.

The woman seemed to understand how hard that comment might have hit the younger woman. So the mechanic stepped over to her.

"I'm Vira, Vira Kalo." Vira introduced.

Amara smiles a little, "It's nice to meet you," She says.

Vira held a smile, "Look, I know it might be a little hard coming here after what had happened with your-," Vira paused, "You know what, I am not going to mix myself up in the General's family business."

Amara raises an eyebrow.

"Besides the point," Vira continues, "I know being here without knowing anyone is going to be hard. You'll fit in soon, and obviously find a place that you work great at."

Amara smiles a little, "Maybe politics might be my strong suit," She says, "If my mom can handle them, it can't be that hard."

Vira giggles a little, "Such a spitfire, huh?" She asks, "I think I'm gonna like you, Mar."

Amara hesitates for a moment, "Uh- um."

Vira's eyes widen, "Oh shit," She shakes her head, "Did I overstep?"

Amara then shakes her head.

It felt nice. It felt genuine that someone just gave her a nickname. It had been years since she had a nickname.

"No- No it's, uh, it's great." Amara says, "Thanks."

Vira nods, "Oh- Oh okay, good." She says, "Why don't I give you a tour?"

Amara smiles, "I'd appreciate that, Vee." She says.

Vira gives Amara a grin, "Ah, so I get one too, huh?"

Amara also grins.

It felt right. It felt natural. Them just casually talking.


It felt like years since Amara had someone who wasn't a tutor or a bodyguard who spoke to her. She felt so isolated for years. After the death of Ben and after her father leaving, her life felt so empty, hence her joining the Resistance. Better be closer to family than alone.

Amara and Vira walked the entire base. They saw the command center, the med center, the mess hall, the quarters, the droids, the staff, and lastly the hangar.

"We have some amazing pilots," Vira says.

Amara was studying the ships, "My brother was a great pilot," She smiles softly, "I- I always wanted to be like him."

Vira glanced at her, "Do you fly?"

Amara lightly laughs, "Terribly," She shakes her head, "I flew my uncle's X-Wing once,"

Vira kept her eyes on Amara.


"Nearly crashed it into a pond," She says, "Then again wouldn't be the first time that ship's been underwater."

Vira laughs a little.

However, something catches her eye. She looks towards the X-Wings and noticed a certain pilot, he was decked in orange and holding his helmet.

The pilot Amara was looking at seemed well liked. He was laughing with a large amount of pilots. He seemed to be very social.

"Who- Who is that?" Amara asks, "He looks familiar."

Vira glanced from Amara to the pilot in question, "Oh- Oh," She glanced back at Amara, "That's Captain Poe Dameron."

"Poe Dameron?" Amara asks little loud.

The pilot they were talking about heard it, and not only did he hear it but so did the other pilots. And as soon as they took notice, everyone was looking over at the daughter of their General.

Vira looks at Amara, "You know him?" She asks, "Please tell me not some ex boyfriend because he's like twenty-six and you're-,"

Amara cuts her off, "I- I know his dad. His parents were good friends of mine. I just-," Amara glanced over to Poe, "I never met him before."

"Oh," Vira says and then nudges Amara, "Well don't get any ideas for two reasons,"

Amara glanced back at her new friend.

"One you're a child and I'd never let any friend of mine become some sort of conquest to Poe Dameron," Vira says, "And second, that guy is nothing more than some ladies man who just wants one thing."

"Which is?" Amara asks.

Vira scoffs and shakes her head, "I shouldn't be having this conversation with you." She says.

Little did they know said pilot was walking over with his small droid rolling next to him. The two girls noticed him as he got closer, and then he halted near them.

He had a grin.

"Amara Solo," Poe nods with his grin, "I was wondering if we were ever going to meet in person."

Amara looks at him, "I thought you were in the New Republic Navy?" She asks.

Poe grins, "That didn't work out," He shrugs, "Besides they don't see the threat that is the First Order. I want to be apart of the change. Be the hope."

Amara scoffs, "What a poster child," She says.

Poe laughs a little, "You've seen my posters?" He teases.

Amara nods with a grin, "I've seen children draw all over that face," She gestures at Poe.

Vira watched the banter between them. It felt natural, almost like a sort of banter that Amara needed, missed.

Amara noticed the droid, "Oh my," She knelt down, "You are so adorable."

Poe points at her, "Hey, you can insult my posters, but don't call my droid adorable."

BB-8 beeps at Poe.

Amara grins, "You're so cute." She says looks at Poe, "A BB unit?"

Poe nods, "Yeah, I got BB as a gift when I was kid."

Amara smiles softly, "From your mother?" She asks.

Poe nods, "Yeah," He says, "She delivered the parts and I had to put the little guy together."

Amara pat the droid before standing up.

"That's sweet," Amara says.

Suddenly, C3-PO comes over.

"Miss Amara, your mother had insisted I come find you. She wishes to speak to you privately." 3PO says.

Amara nods, "I was wondering when I'd be called by her," She glanced at the two, "Catch you around?"


Vira smiles, "Yeah." She says, "I'll save you a seat in the mess hall."

Amara smiles.

She glanced over at Poe.

"It was- uh- It was finally nice to meet you, in person." Amara says.

Poe nods, "You too," He says.

Amara then follows 3PO out of the hangar.

Within moments of leaving, Poe finds himself watching her leave. In two seconds flat, he feels a punch in his shoulder.

"Ouch-!" Poe yells.

He looks over and sees Vira glaring.

"What?" He asks.

"Don't "what" me, Dameron." She says, "You don't give Amara those eyes. She isn't another name to conquer."

Poe shakes his head, "It's not like that."

Vira crosses her arms on her chest, "Then what is it like, exactly?" She asks.

Poe grins a little, "I've met her brother a handful of times, and he- he always seemed to be different, I don't know how to word it, but I don't know-," He looks back at the direction Amara was walking off, "Something about her, I can just see her doing something amazing."

Vira shrugs, "I mean sure, she's a Solo and an Organa after all." She says.

Poe shakes his head, "Not because of that." He says, "We're the same. Children of legacy, Vira. I think, no I know she'll do something that'll change the galaxy."

Vira looks at Amara, "She does have some spitfire in her," She says, "Maybe, maybe she'll lead us if something were to happen to General Organa,"

Poe gives her a look.

"What? Don't give me that look." Vira asks, "She can't live forever and at some point, she'll need a successor. It would make sense to pass it to someone she trusts."

Poe nods.

"And she doesn't trust many people," Vira says, "I can only count on a few people that the General trusts with her life."

"And Amara Solo would be on that list," Poe says.


AMARA FINDS herself just staring at Ahsoka. It isn't just a stare filled with any sort of judgment, but rather with interest.

This woman is a hero. This woman is a legend. This woman fought not only in the Clone Wars but also during the time of the Empire.

Ahsoka Tano was a relic of an old time. A lost time.

Amara had heard stories of life events that Ahsoka had lived through, had experienced. So many things Amara wanted to ask, wanted to learn, but she had her own mission and her priorities were the reason why she came to Tatooine.

"I expect you to be riddled with questions," Ahsoka says.

The two of them sit outside the hut, while Orson, Chewie, and the droids remain inside. The day had been brought to an end and now the two suns were setting.

"I am," Amara says.

Ahsoka looks at her.

"So much about Anakin and- and the Jedi Order," Amara says, "So much of the war, but-."

Ahsoka gives her a small smile, "You aren't here for any of that."

Amara shakes her head.

"Your connection to the Force feels greater than Anakin's, and his ability in the Force was suppose to be one of a prophecy." Ahsoka says looking at her, "I am not sure if it has anything to do with the Skywalker bloodline or the fact you were just chosen to be powerful."

Amara shrugs, "I don't know." She says, "Ben and Rey are the Dyads, but- um yet here I am, strong in the Force. I feel brave enough to handle it now, but at the same time-,"

"There is still that small linger of fear," Ahsoka says.

Amara nods silently.

Ahsoka sighs, "Amara, despite you wanting to be brave all the time and not be fearful, it's perfectly normal for us to feel something." She says, "You- You weren't trained in the arts of the Force the same way I was as a child. You weren't even trained as a child."

Amara looks at Ahsoka.

"We have different upbringing with our connection. We make it our own." Ahsoka says.

"Yes but," Amara says, "I- I still do not understand why I can't feel Anakin or Luke through the Force. Before, I was able to sense them and even speak to them, but now- now it's like they're ignoring me."

Ahsoka looks at her.

"They're ignoring me?" Amara asks sounding a little annoyed.

Ahsoka grins and shakes her head, "No. I don't think that's the issue." She says.

Amara tilts her head, "Then what's the issue?" Amara asks.

Ahsoka offers an apologetic smile.

Amara groans with annoyance, "You don't know, do you?"

Ahsoka shakes her head, "I'm sorry. I'm no all knowledge Jedi," She says, "I don't even think I've truly been a Jedi in years."

Amara sighs.

Ahsoka looks at her, "But you are right about one thing,"

Amara looks at Ahsoka.

"Karawn needs to be stopped," Ahsoka says, "I don't know how you intend on doing that, but- but it needs to be done sooner rather than later."

Amara nods, "I know."


POE DOESN'T remember the last time he had fully got a decent amount of sleep. He had been sitting in the command center, waiting.


He was waiting on Amara.

They had communicated after Amara had found Ahsoka and promised to update later. And it is later now.

Kaydel had brought him food, Finn had forced him out to go to the bathroom and freshen up, Ben had kicked him out to go on a short walk. But every time Poe returns, no news.

Poe's mind begins to drift as he sits in the command center, mostly alone, waiting for the love of his life to respond.

Nineteen year old Amara Solo was known on base for being quite a loud mouth, not nearly as blunt as Poe, but she had a look that made her peers follow her orders. Maybe the look was genetic, or maybe it was because of who her mother was.

The freshly turned thirty year old pilot kept looking at the newly dubbed Captain. She had only been on base for four years and already has the rank Captain, to be far, Poe had been promoted to Commander and also they were understaffed.

Poe was cleaning BB-8 in the hangar and kept looking at Amara.

BB beeps at him.

Poe shakes his head, "No. No, I would never." Poe says.

BB beeps again.

"For two obvious reasons, buddy. One her mom is my general and second I see her as a kid sister. I mean, I met her when she was fifteen. It would be a little weird now, buddy." Poe says.

BB seemed to disagree.

Poe scoffs, "What do you know?"

Then he felt a slight nudge.

Poe lifts his gaze and see Vira had hit him over the side of the head. Poe lifts his hand up to rub the back of his head, as he winces.

"Wha- What was that for?" Poe asks.

Vira narrows her eyes, "For staring." She says, "Stop it."

Poe stares at the now twenty-four year old woman.

"Amara is not sort of piece of meat. I'd appreciate it if you weren't checking my friend out every second." Vira says.

Poe shrugs, "Oh like you do?" He asks, "I am not stupid, Vira. I see the looks you give her."

Vira scoffs, "Mar, she- she wouldn't be interested. Believe me, we're had that conversation before." Vira says.

Poe frowns a little.

"I know she's totally into guys, a hundred percent." Vira says.

Poe looks back at Amara.

He takes in the way she smiles, the way she laughs, the way she commands a room when she enters it. He sees so much of Leia in her, although his relationship between himself and Han weren't like the mother-son relationship that he and Leia have.

"Toss in being a Jedi or something," Poe comments, "And she'd be a force to be messed with."

Vira shakes her head grinning, "Amara is already a force in her own right. She's caused plenty of messes in past missions." She says.

Poe grins at that, "That last supply run, though."

Vira shakes her head lightly.

"She's still gonna do it, though." Poe says to himself.

Vira leans near him, "Still gonna do what?" She asks.

Poe nods grinning, "Of course." He says.

Poe was snapped out of his thoughts in a mere second.

"Solo to Resistance Base, over." A voice brought him back.

Poe smiles and answers, "Hello, Solo."

The blue hologram version of herself becomes activate in the room Poe sat in. He got a good look at her. She looked good. She looked a little exhausted but that was to be expected.

"How is everything?" Poe asks, "You've spoken to Ahsoka?"

Amara nods with a soft smile, "Yes."

Poe leans a little forward, "So what did she say?"

Amara got a little serious, "It's time to face Karawn. We have to sooner rather than later, Poe. I know that Blue squadron has eyes on his location. It's time to end things for good."

Poe frowns.

"Poe," She says, "We have to finish this before their power grows even more. Ronon was a big threat and who knows how many Force users Karawn has working with him. He- He has to be stopped."

"I know," He ran a hand over his face, "I just- I just don't like the idea of you and Orson being out there alone without me, Mar."

When Poe said that, he realized it had registered on Amara's face what he had said. One that he is very concerned for Amara's and Orson's safety and Amara was aware of that. The second thing being, that Poe had called her "Mar", a nickname that was only used by Vira.

Poe shakes his head, "Sorry- Sorry. I uh- um I didn't mean to call you that." He sighs, "I- Uh I know how much Vira meant to you and that nickname-."

Amara offers a small smile, "I think she'd appreicate it getting some use."

Poe looks at her with a small smile as well, "I think she'd appreciate more than just that," He says, "Like me not being such a flyboy with you."

Amara lightly laughs, "You're not that much of a flyboy to me, Dameron." She winks at him.

Poe looks at her holo version. Despite being blue, to him she looked so beautiful. Nothing in the galaxy could ever compare.

"We meet up on Ajan Kloss and figure out our next step?" Poe asks.

Amara shakes her head, "We have to go now." She says.

Poe sighs.

"I mean it, Poe. I- I feel something and we can't ignore it." She says, "Darkness is coming and- and we can't let it past us."

Poe nods.

"I should get to bed though," Amara says, "We can discuss what our next plan in motion will be tomorrow."

Poe nods, "Alright, get some rest." He says.

"You do the same." She says, "You look like you need it."

Poe chuckles to himself, "Alright, I will. I will." He says.

Poe slowly stops laughing and looks at Amara.

"I love you," He tells her.

Amara softly smiles, "I know."


AMARA AWOKEN in the middle of the night. She looked towards the door of the hut that Ahsoka owned. Her and her friends were staying inside the hut.

Amara noticed that she wasn't the only one up.

Ahsoka was.

And Ahsoka was reaching for her lightsabers as Amara was. So they were both sensing the same thing. A threat was coming.

Amara lightly nudged Chewie.

Chewie barked at her as he stirred.

"Chewie," Amara whispered.

Chewbacca looks from Amara and then to Ahsoka. The Wookiee noticed the two women holding their sabers in their hands.

Chewie barks at her.

"Keep Orson safe," Amara says, "And do not let anyone else inside unless we say so."

Ahsoka was already by the door when Amara got out of her makeshift bed on the floor. The younger Force user stood by Ahsoka as the two glanced at each other briefly.

Ahsoka had her hand on the doorknob and then turned it. The two stepped outside to find two individuals dressed in black standing about a good coupe of feet from them.

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