
sort of like a magnet for Skywalkers. Tatooine was where Anakin was born and raised as a slave before being taken away by Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jin and his padawan at the time Obi-Wan Kenobi. Tatooine was the place where Anakin witnessed the death of his mother. Tatooine was the place where Anakin was tempted by the dark side for the first time, by murdering the people responsible for his mother's death.

Tatooine was the place where Luke was raised by his uncle and aunt. Tatooine was the place where Luke loss his uncle and aunt, and then embarked on the journey to rescue the princess. Tatooine was the place Luke met Ben Kenobi. Tatooine was the place where Luke was told about his father being a Jedi. Tatooine was the place where Luke met Han and Chewie.

Tatooine was the place where Leia and the others found Han after being frozen in carbonite inside Jabba's palaca. Tatooine is the place where Leia showed off her ability to hold her own by killing Jabba the Hutt. Tatooine was the place that reunited Leia and Han.

Tatooine was the place where Rey had decided to lay the Leia's and Luke's, which was previously Anakin's, saber to rest. Tatooine was the place where Rey had decided to take the surname of Skywalker. Tatooine was the place where Rey had accepted that she may be a Palaptine by blood, but it doesn't define her.

Tatooine is the place where Amara must go.

It calls to her. It is awaiting her.

After spending so much time in the Resistance, it seemed that Leia had made it her personal mission to keep Amara away from Tatooine as much as she could. Amara had never set food on the desert planet. She had seen holos from the world, but never fully witnessed it.

Amara was staring out the window in the cockpit, lost in her thought. She was twirling Poe's ring around her finger.

Chewie barked at her.

Amara lifts her gaze to him, "Huh?"

Chewie barks again.

Amara frowns and then looks forward again, "I guess I- I might be second guessing what I am doing," She says and then points at him, "Only a little bit."

Chewie nods and growls at her, he had muttered something about how she was acting a little like her father.

A small smile appeared on her face with that comment.

Chewie barks again at her.

Amara looks at the older being, "I appreciate you thinking I'm doing the right thing, Chewie." She says, "When all less fails, you have my back."

Chewie barks, saying something about how she is his cub basically because how close he was with Han and Leia.

Amara looks at him with a gentle smile, "I know that dad named you my godfather," She lightly chuckles, "Even though mom had someone else in mind."

Chewie laughed a little.

The laughter died down.

Amara looks forward, "I- I can't help but feel a little nervous, Chewie. It's a little silly, but- but this woman," Amara turns back to meet the pilot's gaze, "She- She knew Anakin before Vader. She knew the real him."

Chewie looks at her.

"I- I always had so many questions. Luke had just the basics and- and mom only told me of Alderaan." Amara says, "Not that I didn't appreciate it, but- but I wanted to know more."

Chewie nods his head.

"And now- now I have this chance with Ahsoka," Amara says, "Things getting clarity and- and as amazing as it is. I- I am a little nervous about what I'll learn."


Chewie shakes his head, growling about how she has nothing to worry about.

Amara gives a small smile, "You're right, Chewie."


mediating at Amara's usual spot on Ajan Kloss. She used the location as a way to avoid people at the base, and Ben really liked that idea of being alone sometimes. It doesn't help when you used to have tried to enslave the entire galaxy.

Ben, however, couldn't focus on his mediation. Instead, for whatever reason he kept thinking of his sister. It wasn't like he sensed she was in danger. Maybe he was concerned? Maybe he just missed her?

"You know, you might be some cool pilot," Amara says, "But at least I can fix what you break, Benny."

Ben chuckles.

The twenty-one year old, Ben Solo, looked at the thirteen year old, Amara Solo. They were in an old Rebel hangar off world with their mother on some sort of work trip. However, while Leia was away, the two siblings had some sort of protection with them at all time.

Ben was trying to repair and old Y-Wing that was left in the hangar but, he kept getting shocked. Amara, however, was standing below just shaking her head at him.

"You're connecting the wrong wires," Amara tells him.

Ben looks down at her, "I think I know what I'm doing,"

"I think you don't." Amara argues.

Ben shakes his head, "Well I say I do,"

"You don't," Amara says crossing her arms on her chest.

Ben points the wrench at her, "I do," He says.

Amara shakes her head, "Fixing a speeder and a Y-Wing are two different things," She says, "For one, you're using the wrong wrench for the compressor and second, the more you keep frying yourself the more likely you're going to mess with the engine."

Ben looks at her and then to the tool box and then back at his sister again. Her expression remain the same, the stone cold determination in her eyes. Ben, without looking away from her, placed the wrench back in the tool box and was reaching for another tool.

"Jeez, Ben. If you were half the prodigy when it came to flying to repairing, you'd be a damn threat." Amara says.

Ben turns his gaze to the Y-Wing engine, "Language, Mari."

Amara kept looking at him, "If I recall, you're the reason I know all those words." She says.

"And we won't tell mom," Ben says.

"She already knows," Amara says, "I don't have to tell her, Ben. Mom always knows something we don't think she knows. We can never keep a secret from her."

Ben sighs and ran his hand over his face, "You were right about that, Mari."

Ben was messing around in the spot he was working at on the Y-Wing and then was shocked yet again. He pulled his hand back and was shaking his hand.

Ben looks over and noticed Amara staring.

"If I let you help, will you stop annoying me?" Ben asks.

Amara grins, "Oh you know you enjoy my company, Ben." She says.

Ben chuckles, "Only because I am stuck with you." He says.

Ben opens his eyes and stares at the horizon of Ajan Kloss. His gaze peaks to behind him, as he turns his head he spots Rey.

"I didn't want to interrupt." Rey says.

Ben shakes his head, "No. Not at all." He says.

Rey walks over.

Ben watches her walk towards him, and then sits down next to him. The woman always seemed to see the light in him when his whole family and even himself didn't think that part of him existed anymore.


Ben felt Rey hold onto his hand.

"We got word that she just arrived on Tatooine," Rey tells him.

Ben nods.

Rey looks from the horizon to Ben, "Soon she'll meet this Ahsoka Tano." She says.

Ben looks only at the horizon, "I hope she finds clarity." He says.


the Falcon and only the sandy surface made Amara think back to the mission to find Exegol and stopping the First Order. Except, that wasn't what was going on. They weren't looking for a Sith wayfinder. They were looking for an Ahsoka Tano.

Amara felt the heat hit her the second she stepped out from underneath the Falcon's shade. She looked around and noticed a small hut in the middle of the endless miles of sand.

"That it?" Orson asks standing next to Amara.

Amara nods, "Yeah," She glances at her party, "Let's go."

Amara, Chewie, and Orson led the group while the droids were right behind them. 3-PO looked around at the desert and then back at R2.

"I really didn't miss this planet, R2." C-3PO says, "I'll have sand stored in my parts for months, maybe even years."

R2 beeped at him, but rolled a little faster, causing 3PO to shout at the astro-mech and run after him despite not moving too fast.

Amara kept her eyes only on the hut as they walked closer and closer to the small building. She felt no need for concern, but she still had a lump in her throat, butterflies in her stomach. She would feel eyes on her, but refused to break her gaze on the hut.

Orson kept glancing between the hut and his mom. He didn't fully understand the Force like her, or the others who were connected to the Force. He sort of understood Poe's frustration with not being able to understand the world that they were apart of because of his lack of Force sensitivity. Orson wasn't like Amara.

As they reached the hut, they stood far enough from the door but close enough to the building that they weren't too far away.

Orson looks at Amara, "Mom?"

3PO looks around, "Why have we stopped?" He asks, "Isn't that the meeting place? Shouldn't we be going inside?"

Amara looks around and then spotted a Convor flying over head, but it seemingly vanished from her sight due to the sun blocking it from her.

Amara looks from the sky and then to the hut.

She took her first step and moved forward without saying a single word. Her focus was directly on the door. She halted from the door, looking at it and then grasped the handle.

She turned the knob and then it creaked as the door opened. They all followed Amara inside the hut, only to find it empty.

"Something doesn't sit right with this," Orson says.

Amara walked into the room and noticed there were belongings inside. Someone was making a life out there in the middle of nowhere.

Chewie barked.

Amara turns to the giant fluffy creature.

He pointed at a case. A case that sat next to the bed of whoever lived inside this hut.

Amara walked over and placed the case on bed as everyone gathered around. Amara opened it revealing it was empty, however, it appeared that there were spots for a weapon, no two weapons.

"Is that for-?" Orson asks looking at Amara.

"Lightsabers, yes." Amara says.

Amara sensed something. Her gaze shifted to the door.

"Stay in here," Amara says.

3PO waddles near, "Why? Are- Are we in danger?" He asks.

Amara kept her eyes on the door, "Not sure," She says, "Chewie, keep Orson safe."

Chewie barked in agreement.

Orson looks at his mom, "You are not going out there alone," He protests.

Amara turns to him, "What I am sensing is another Force user. This could be Ahsoka or someone from the Brotherhood."

Orson opens his mouth but is cut off.

"I am not taking that risk with you here," Amara says.

Amara stepped to the door and opened it again. She steps back into the heat, closing the door behind her. She takes a few steps forward and sees in the distance a speeder hauling towards them.

Amara reached for her sabers and held them in her hands.

She ignited her green sabers, just in case.

As the speeder got closer, Amara watched as the figure riding on the speeder jumped off of it and flipped in the air, reaching for their own set of weapons.

The figure flipped over Amara and landed with their back against the hut.

Then Amara saw the saber handles.

Amara got into a fighting stance, she wasn't sure if this was a good guy or bad guy.

The sabers ignite revealing white sabers.

"Who are you?" The figure voice was female, "And why are you snooping around where you don't belong?"

Amara tilts her head, "I could ask you the same thing," She says.

The figure looks up and Amara could make out the person, the species they were. A Togruta and was older, but yet due to how the species age, Amara couldn't be sure the exact age.

Amara watches as the Togruta turns her gaze to the building and then back at Amara. The two women were in fighting stances.

"There are more inside?" She asks, "If you were here to kill me, you wouldn't have came with a child."

Amara watches as the Togruta got out of her defense stance and turned off her sabers. She looked at Amara differently now.

"You must be Amara Solo," She says.

Amara turns off her sabers and the realization had finally hit her.

She stares at the woman in front of her with awe. The woman of legends. The woman from the time of the Republic. The woman serving in the Clone Wars.

Ahsoka Tano.

"Yes, " She finally speaks, "You're her," Amara says.

Ahsoka nods with a small smile, "Yes. I am Ahsoka Tano," She says, "It's a pleasure to meet you."

Amara attached her sabers to her belt.

Ahsoka watches, "Green, huh."

Amara blinks in confusion, "Wh- What?"

"Your sabers," Ahsoka points out, "They're both green."

Amara nods, "Yeah." She looks at Ahsoka, "Why do you ask?"

Ahsoka kept her smile on her face, "It just reminds me of when I was younger." She says, "Why don't we go inside and let your friends know they're not in any danger."

Amara nods.

The pair walked to the door and opened it, but when they opened it they were met with Chewie armed with his crossbow and Orson holding a blaster. The droids were behind the two.

"Lower your weapons," Amara says, "Guys this is Ahsoka Tano."

Chewie and Orson did as Amara had asked.

Chewie barks at the Togruta.

Orson nods, "Hello,"

Ahsoka smiles, "Hello." She says.

Amara looks at Ahsoka, "This is Chewbacca and Orson," She says, "Orson is my adopted son. And I believe you know the droids already."

Ahsoka looks at the two droids.

Just staring at C-3PO and R2-D2 felt like stepping back in time for the older Togruta. She could recall so many missions suddenly and remember going through the galaxy with the blue and white astro-mech at her side with her master.

Her smile slowly fades.

"Yes," Ahsoka says, "I remember them."

Amara watched as Ahsoka walked over to the two droids. Ahsoka placed her hand on 3PO's face and then knelt down in front of R2. She rested her hand on the top of droid.

Ahsoka nods to herself and then stands up.

"So," Ahsoka turns to face Amara, "You tracked me down. Had Hera contact me. You must really be looking for something, huh?"

Amara looks at her, "You always this pushy to get to the point?" She asks grinning.

Ahsoka grins a little, "My master was someone who didn't like to beat around the bush. He liked to get things done." She says, "So what do you need?"

Amara sighs, "Help," She admits, "Wisdom."

Ahsoka raises her eyebrow.

"Something," She says.

Ahsoka nods.

Ahsoka turns from Amara and glanced at the others inside the hut.

"Well, I assume you traveled long. Why don't we have dinner and," Ahsoka turns to look at Amara, "And we'll have a private chat about what it is you think you'll get from me."

Amara nod.

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