
alone in the command center. He was obsessively staring at the screens in front of him. He was slightly hoping for some sort of answer, from who he wasn't sure. From Blue Squadron being led by Jess or any sort of news from Amara.

He wished he could've gone with her, but he couldn't. He was a general and needed to stay behind. He had to man the base, as Amara told him as she was packing to leave.

As comforting as it was to know she wasn't alone because Chewbacca was with her onboard the Falcon, as well as R2-D2 and C-3PO, but after finding out Orson went rogue and hid away on the Falcon made Poe a little upset.

He knows how much Orson means to Amara, and last thing he wants is something bad happening to the kid.

"You okay, general?" It was Ben.

Poe turns around to face the other man, "Honestly?"

Ben raises his eyebrows to indicate he wants the truth.

"No, I'm not." Poe says.

Ben sighs as he steps further into the room.

"Yeah, well, Mari has always been like this. She's too headstrong and very stubborn when she makes her mind up." Ben let out a sad smile, "She reminds me so much of our mother, its scary."

Poe heard a small chuckle escape the other man's lips.

"I- I recall the first time we were properly introduced," Poe started rambling, "Amara was a bit timid and nervous, I guess that was to be expected given what happened-,"

Poe glanced over at Ben.

Ben had ducked his head in shame.

"But- But the more I got to know her over the years," Poe smiles softly, "The more I did see similarities to Leia and even Han, but she is much more than their daughter."

Ben nods, "I know."

"I can even see some of Leia's spark in you too, Ben." Poe says.

Ben snapped his gaze over at the former flyboy turned general.

"For what it's worth," Poe offers a small smile.

Ben slowly loosened up, "I appreciate it, general." He says.


and Orson sat with Rex, Hera, Zeb, and Sabine inside their command center on the base of Lothal.

"I can't say I've seen Ahsoka since then," Zeb says, "I have a hard time keeping in contact with my own son, let alone a Jedi."

Amara nods, "I- I'm sorry we kinda recruited Janan."

Hera shakes her head, "Zeb doesn't mean it as an insult." She says, "We are really proud of what you all have done in the Resistance to defeat the First Order. We're really proud of Janan and Torrin."

Amara offers a small smile.

Rex glanced over at Amara, "We heard about the injury Torrin faced." He says, "He commed here a couple nights ago to speak to us."

Amara's smile vanished, "Right." She says, "Yeah,"

Sabine tilts her head, "Is it possible you can shed a light on the situation?"

Amara glanced at Sabine and then to Orson, "I uh-,"

Orson shakes his head, "I was forced into the First Order," He says, "And I live on the base. I am capable of hearing the truth."

Amara frowns.

His innocents was beyond repair at this point. Children hauled into warfare are corrupted so easily.

"He was off world finding the homes of children who were abducted by the First Order. We had found a planet that seemed to be homes for some based off chain code we received from-," Amara was cut off.


"Former Supreme Leader Kylo Ren," Zeb says.

Hera turns to him, "Zeb."

Chewie barks at him.

Amara shakes her head at the Wookiee, "It's okay, Chewie." She looks to direct the comment at Zeb, "I understand your distrust in the fact my brother is on the base."

Zeb stands, "He is a war criminal! You know what he's done!" He yells.

Amara's frown stays, "I know what Kylo Ren and the First Order has done." She says, "It doesn't excuse it, but- but my brother was corrupted by the-,"

"Karrabast, shifting his actions on the dark side. Do you believe we're stupid?" Zeb asks.

Hera now stands up placing a hand on her friend's arm. He looks disgusted and angry at Amara, but then his expression softens when he looks at Hera.

"Kanan always told us the Force can corrupt the minds of Force users to make them- well not themselves." Hera says.

Sabine frowns, "The Dark Side almost took Ezra from us." She says looking at Zeb.

Zeb frowns but says nothing.

Hera gestures for Zeb to sit back down, and he does along side Hera. Hera slowly turns her gaze from her friend then to Amara.

"Please, continue," Hera says.

Amara nods, "Ben and myself knew of a threat coming, but we weren't sure when or where. He- He showed up on the planet and did a lot of damage."

Amara's expression gets hollow recalling.

"Torrin- Such pain was exploding off him," Amara looked down at her hands, "He was covered in his own blood and screaming."

Zeb scoffs as he hates to imagine how his own son handled himself during that situation, after all Janan and Torrin basically grew up together.

Sabine frowns.

Hera had concern filled in her eyes.

Orson looked at Amara as she talked about it. She did her best not to cry, even though it did look like she was going to. As quickly as Orson saw some sort of pain in Amara's eyes, he saw her shift her expression to something more stoic. She was really good at putting her feelings aside, making him wonder if she had to train herself to do that with all the suffering she had in her life.

"The man who attacked them, Ronon, was captured on base. We had him guarded but- but Torrin left our med bay to confront him." Amara says remembering it clearly, "I interrupted his intention of killing him. Then there was a brawl where I came out as the victor."

"So the Force user who harmed Torrin is dead?" Sabine asks.

Amara nods, "By my own hands." She admits.

Hera kept her eyes on Amara, "You're strong with the Force, huh?"

Amara glanced at the captain of the Ghost crew, "I've been told that."

Hera nods, "We're all glad that the Resistance was able to give Torrin a new arm and sure it can't fully replace what he lost but- his father greatly appreciates it."

Chewbacca barks.

"Right," Amara says to Chewie and turns to the Ghost crew, "We'll let our generals know."

Hera nods.

There was a humming silence for a moment.

"Ahsoka has been known to go off the grid." Hera says, "I heard at one point she was on Corvus seeking information in trying to find Grand Admiral Thrawn, but that's been years ago."

"Before the First Order," Sabine says.

Amara nods, "I see."

Rex coughs, "But we have had contact with her recently."


Sabine shrugs, "Eh, redefine recently, Rex?" She says lightly, "Because it's been at least maybe a month."

Amara glanced at Sabine, "Does she- Is she able to comm you?" She asks.

Hera nods, "Yes. Upon our departure, we all gave each other a communicator to always keep in touch. Ahsoka may have commed us a few times." She says.

"Do you think it's possible she'd answer you?" Amara asks, "Send her a message and I- I could meet with her?"

Zeb glanced at her, "What is your business with Ahsoka Tano?" He asks.

"As a Jed- no, as someone trying to figure some things out in the Force, I need some answers. I need answers before I confront Karawn." Amara says, "Maybe the clarity can help in the battle."

Hera shrugs her shoulders, "It's hard to say, Amara."

"Please," Amara says.

Hera nods, "Alright."


meeting, Amara stepped outside to call Poe back on Ajan Kloss. She wanted to give him some sort of an update, even if it didn't seem like much.

"So they're contacting her?" Poe asks.

"Trying to, yes." Amara says.

"And if they don't find her?" Poe asks, "What will you do then?"

Amara shrugs, "I don't know."

Amara sees her fiance sigh through the blue image she has of him as a holo. He looks down and then back at her.

"We got word from Blue Squadron," Poe says.

"And?" Amara asks.

"Karawn is on the planet. Him and the Brotherhood." Poe says, "Jess and her squad had managed to avoid them, but Ben thinks Karawn let them go. Ben was saying something along the lines that he probably sensed them the second they landed on the planet."

Amara nods, "That is a possibility." She says, "Well, when I get word from Ahsoka I'll join-,"

"If you can't contact Ahsoka, you should come back home." Poe says, "And that's not an order from your general, but something your fiance would appreciate."

Amara sighs.

"I mean it Amara," Poe says, "I trust you. I trust your ability. I just worry with the fact that I can't be there, and of course Orson is with you. I don't want him to get hurt."

"He won't," Amara says.

"Not if Karawn tries to begin the battle to you," Poe says.

"Poe," Amara says.

"Don't deny that the thought hasn't crossed your mind," Poe says, "Because Ben has been thinking that, hell so has Rey and Finn."

Amara frowns.

"I- I just don't want-," Poe says.

"I know," Amara says softly, "I'll let Hera try and contact Ahsoka and- and if she won't respond than we'll return to the base."

Poe nods.

"Don't you have a meeting with senators to be getting to?" Amara asks.

Poe grins, "Trying to get rid of me?" He asks.

Amara shakes her head with a smile, "No, but thinking you should get to work, general." She finishes with a smirk on her face.

"Ha ha," He says, "Besides Finn is currently in the meeting."

"You left poor Finn with those senators. How will he survive?" Amara asks.

"One of which is your cousin," Poe says.

"Oh no, he's stuck with Ara. How will he make it to dinner?" Amara joked.

Poe smiles at her joking humor.

"I'll be fine, Poe." She softens to a little serious, "I know you'll worry regardless, but I just have to tell you. I'm fine and will be fine."

Poe sighs, "I know. I know."

"I'll contact you soon with an answer," Amara says.

Poe nods, "Alright." He says, "Goodbye, and I love you."

Amara grins, "I know."

Amara had lowered her communicator and placed it in her pocket. She looks down and then at the horizon of Lothal.

She remembers when she was first here.

The pain she had endured, it had felt like another life time ago. She was such a different person then, she was afraid then.

She also had spoken to Anakin for the first time here.

It was the first time she had felt so connected to the Force in a way she had never been before. And sure, she knows how strong she is, but the connection still felt torn.

"Anakin," Amara whispers, "Luke. I need to hear from you. Please."


next to Chewbacca inside the command center. He heard the door open and the droids had returned, but he was hoping it was Amara. C-3PO was saying how rude Chopper was, and the two astromechs just beeped at the golden droid.

"What's your story, Orson?" Sabine asks the boy.

Orson glanced over at the older woman.

"How did a kid like you end up in the Resistance? And adopted by the daughter who founded it." Sabine asked with curiosity in her eyes.

Orson glanced up at Chewie.

The Wookiee barked at him, he was basically telling Orson that it was okay to share. That none of the Ghost crew would judge him.

"Well uh-," Orson says, "I was abducted by the First Order right before the end of the war. They came by and kidnapped a lot of us kids from our homes."

Sabine frowns.

Zeb looks up from the corner of the room he was standing in.

"I- I was ripped out of my mother's embrace. She- She was crying for them to let me go, but- but her screams faded as did my father's." Orson says looking down.

Rex glanced over from the command table and looked at the young boy. He was once a solider in a powerful army with allies they trusted. Allies his brothers had killed. Purged.

"We were conditioned early," Orson recalls, "I- It wasn't a pleasant experience, but we were prepping to go to Exegol to face off against the Resistance, but- our hyperdrive on our destroyer was broken."

Orson let out a sad laugh.

"I think one of the cadets sabotaged it," Orson admits.

Sabine nods, "Well it's a good thing you weren't there." She says softly.

Orson nods as well, "I thank my lucky stars that I was still stuck on that destroyer." He looks at her, "We were left there for maybe a month without any orders from the higher ups and then- we were boarded by a crew with the Resistance,"

Chewbacca growled.

"Right, Jannah and her crew were also former First Order who broke out." Orson says, "They offered a safe place at the base for those who didn't resist, but that was mostly the older soldier. Us kids, we- we just wanted to go home."

Zeb growls to himself as he shakes his head muttering something.

"They brought all of us kids on board of the destroyer to their base. We were frightened at first, but we saw the Resistance as the opposite of what we were told." Orson says, "Finn, a trooper who left, helped us with giving us an identity. A name."

Sabine smiles softly.

"I- I had a name again," Orson says, "I- I was so conditioned by the First Order, I- I don't even remember what my name use to be."

Just as fast as her smile had appeared on her face, a frown dropped on Sabine's face.

"And we made the base our home, I mean some wanted to find their families. I- I think I knew deep down my parents were gone, but didn't want to admit it." Orson says, "But that didn't stop me from meeting Amara."

Orson ran a hand through his hair.

"She- She was training in the forest when I found her. She talked to me like she would to anyone. I- I had never met someone so kind than her. And it just felt- it felt like we were meant to have met." Orson says, "And- yeah, I grew attached to her and didn't want to leave."

Chewbacca looks at the boy.

"So when they told me that my parents were-," Orson paused for a moment, "As I grieved, I was a little relived because I could stay. I could stay with her and- and stay with Poe. He- He had let me in his X-Wing. He- He promised to teach me to fly it."

Sabine had a smile again, "Looks like to me, you found yourself a good place." She says.

Orson nods, "Yeah- Yeah, I have." He says, "I- I don't want to loose it. I don't want to loose Amara or Poe. Heck, I don't want to loose any of the new friends I've made."

"Does that include Kylo Ren?" Zeb scoffs.

Chewbacca growls.

Sabine turns to Zeb, "Zeb-!"

"Ben Solo," Orson corrected.

Zeb and Sabine looks at the boy.

"His name is Ben, and- and I know he feels uneasy around me. He should after all, he was the reason I became an orphan." Orson says, "But- But I don't hate him. I kind of understand what Amara explained to me about the dark side, even if it goes over my head sometimes."

Sabine smiles softly.

Zeb just shakes his head.

The door opens and Orson turns his head. It was Amara. She walked inside and greeted everyone with a small smile.

"Everything is fine," Amara says, "Just a check in."

Chewbacca growled at Amara.

"Poe isn't brooding that I'm not there," Amara grins a little, "He's fine. He has political meetings to go to."

A laugh escaped Chewie's mouth.

Amara smiles softly.

Sabine shakes her head, "Ugh, politics. I am not brave enough for that."

"Tell me about it," Zeb says crossing his arms on his chest.

Amara walked over and then sat back down next to Orson.

As Amara sat down, Sabine paid attention to how much at ease Orson seemed the moment Amara returned to the room, and how calm he seemed when she sat next to him.

"So what are we talking about?" Amara asks grinning.

Orson hesitates and looks around.

Chewie barks.

Amara rolls her eyes, "The good old days?" She glanced at the Wookiee, "What are you telling my kid about?"

Orson quickly chimes in, "He was- He told me about the Kessel Run."

Amara groans with irritation, "Oh Force, dad use to tell that story so much." She says, "Like it was cool the first time, Orson, but after the twentieth time it gets old."

Orson and Chewbacca catch each other in their gaze, the two nodded, feeling proud that they managed to pull a fast one on Amara.

There was some laughter in the room.

And then Hera stepped into the room, she had been on the other end of the room trying to contact Ahsoka. The second they saw her, the laughter died down. Everyone looked up at the captain of the Ghost.

"She is willing to meet," Hera says.

Amara nods, "Alright, where?" She asks.

"Tattooine," Hera says, "In a day."

Amara nods.

"Think that bucket of bots will get you from Lothal to Tatooine in time?" Rex asks joking.

Chewbacca growled at the clone.

Amara pats Chewie's arm, "He was only teasing, Chewie. And the Falcon can do anything." She says.

Amara then stands up.

"Alright," Amara says, "We best be on our way then."

Amara extends her hand out to Hera.

"We really appreciate it." Amara says.

"You're welcome." Hera says, "I'll send you the location where she wants to meet."

Amara nods, "Thank you."

Orson and Chewbacca follow Amara in standing. Orson watched as Amara called for the droids to come on, and then was embraced by Rex in a hug.

"It was nice meeting you, Orson." Sabine says, "Good luck."

Orson looks at her, "Thanks. I was nice meeting you too, Sabine." He says.

Sabine held her hand out to the boy and he shook it. Then they let go.

The Resistance group stood at the door, ready to step out of the command center and to head back into the Falcon to fly to Tattooine for a meeting with Ahsoka Tano.

"Amara," Rex says before the group left.

Amara turns to him.

"May the Force be with you," Rex grins.

Amara smiles, "May the Force be with you too, my friend." She looks at the Ghost crew, "To all of you."

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