
had checked in with Poe and Finn. They had arrived at the location but had begun to set up surveillance. Poe and Finn spent a long time talking to Blue Squadron's commander before the holocall ended.

The two generals exchanged looks before going on to their next task.

"Connix," Poe calls out, "Any word on Jannah and her company on finding splinter cells of First Order supports?"

Connix turns over, "She sent an update during your call with Commander Kallus," She starts, "Currently Jannah has formed two teams, her and Jace are leading each team into the facility. As far as they can tell they won't be over powered."

Poe nods.

"Any word on the possibility of more children there?" Finn asks.

Connix shakes her head, "Only speculations of weapons and officers."

Finn nods.

"Thank you, Kaydel." Poe says.

Connix nods and then goes back to the datapad in her hands.

The two generals head out of the command center, when they stepped outside, they are met with Amara walking over with a bag slump over her shoulder.

"Amara?" Poe starts confused, "We discussed that-,"

Amara shakes her head, "I will wait to face Karawn," She says.

Finn gestures to the bag, "Could've fooled us."

Amara looks at them, "I've done some meditation," She says, "My connection to the Force feels isolated and distant. I- I tried reaching out to many past Jedi for some sort of guidance, but it seems one has been trying to reach out to me."

Finn tilt his head, "Really?"

Poe furrows his brows, "Who?" He asks.

"A former padawan learner of my grandfather," She says, "Ahsoka Tano. I- I've been reading over any sort of information mom had about her during the times of the Clone War, the Rebellion, and any last known locations."

"Leia had information about her all this time?" Poe asks.

Amara gives a small smile, "Apparently the title of Fulcrum was originally a title Ahsoka went by during the time of the Empire. She was a key ally in the Rebellion." She says, "She helped aided the Ghost crew."

Finn and Poe listened to her.

"I commed Rex. He told me as much as he could about Ahsoka as he possible could. She- She got the chip out of him that was used to get all the clones to turn on the Jedi and kill them." Amara says, "She's- She's someone I need to speak to."

"Now?" Poe asks.

Amara nods, "Yes, now." She says, "I- I can't go to Nevarro until your squadron gives the okay, so- in the meantime, I need to embark on this quest."

Poe looks at her a little sad, "You can't just up and go across the galaxy on a wild chase."

Amara drops the bag on the ground, "I can't just sit here on this planet and do nothing. I- I can't just sit here and wait to go after Karawn and the Brotherhood." She says, "I- I need to do something."

Poe sighs, "You know," He says, "Your stubbornness is striking of Leia's."

Amara nods, "I know."


Freya was sitting at a trading post somewhere deep in the Outer Rim. She was getting her ship refueled as she found herself as a cantina.

She wandered inside the cantina and found eyes drifting to her.

She was relatively famous. Her name and face was once wanted by the Empire. Her head was worth a lot of credits.


She tried to keep her head down and wandered to the bar. She quietly ordered a drink and tried to look anywhere than the large amount of people looking at her.

Then she felt someone shove her.

She looks up.

A large half slug half humanoid creature glared at her with a humanoid also glaring at her. The half humanoid half slug was blue with red eyes. The human had a large scar across the nose of his face and no hair. He was bald. Their clothing appeared to be mechanics in the area.

"Rebel, huh." The human spoke.

The slug creature muffled something in his native language.

"He said you costed us a great deal of credits." The human spoke.

Freya says nothing.

Her drink was placed in front of her and she went to grab it, only for the guy to grab it and then splash it in her face.

The slug creature said some sort of insults in his native tongue.

"You ought to be taught a lesson," The humanoid says.

"I second that," A female voice from behind says, "A lesson needs to be taught, but not to her, but rather to you fellas."

Standing behind them was a female Togruta. She lowered the hood on her cloak and stared at the two with such a calming look it felt intimidating.

"You threatening us?" The human spoke.

"Isn't that what you're doing to her?" The Togruta asked.

The slug creature spoke.

"Betrayed the Empire?" The Togruta spoke.

Freya felt the Togruta's eyes shift to her and then a familiar sense came to her. She was like Freya. Another Force user.

"How about," The Togruta starts, "You leave the girl alone and no one has to get hurt."

The two begin to chuckle.

The Togruta moves her cloak to reveal by her hips hung two lightsaber handles. The two noticed them and looked at her stunned.

Word was there was a Jedi in the area.

"We can forget about this," She says, "Or things might have to get ugly."

The slug creature nudged his friend, and then the pair walked away.

Freya watched them leave the bar and then the Togruta approaching her. She appeared older than Freya, but Freya wasn't sure how much older given how different the Togruta's species age.

"Thank you," Freya says, "You didn't have to,"

The Togruta smiles, "I wanted to." She says, "I am surprised though. You are one of the heroes who fought along side the Rebellion to stop the Empire, and yet you're here at a random trade post instead of restoring full order in the galaxy."

Freya shrugs, "I- I had to leave."

"Want to tell me about it?" The Togruta asks.

"It's because I'm like you," Freya says, "I'm Force sensitive,"

The Togruta seemed genuinely impressed by what Freya had said to her.

"I didn't think you'd be that upfront." She says.

Freya frowns, "Sorry," She says, "I- A friend of mine found out about my ability that I've kept quiet since we met and- and I left."

"You ran away." The Togruta says.

Freya nods, "I don't know how to control it and- and I lost control once and- and that side of me was-," She shakes her head, "I don't want to put my friends in harm."

"So you decided leaving would protect them?" She asks.

Freya nods.

"Oh child," The Togruta shakes her head, "Let's have a drink and talk."


The Togruta called the bartender and orders two drinks for herself and Freya. Then Freya sees the Togruta turn to her.

"Your name is?" The Togruta asks.

"Freya Koda," Freya says.

The Togruta smiles, "Nice to meet you Freya Koda, I'm Ahsoka Tano." She says.

Freya opened her eyes from the rock she was meditating on. She remembered that day like it had been days ago, but that was far from the truth.

That day, Freya had made a stop to refuel her ship and didn't expect to meet another Force user. Sure, she had heard the rumors and had decided to stop there in case she could meet the person, but she felt it wouldn't have happened.

Ahsoka had taught her so much. She was wise and ideally the perfect person to answer plenty of her questions that made her nervous about the Force. She had only wished, just deeply wished that she had been able to have the courage to see Luke before his time in this world was gone. Just so she could tell him, she met his grandfather's padawan.


like an overprotective parent at this point. He didn't like the idea of Amara throwing herself into the Brotherhood without any sort of information about the base, and now she wants to leave Ajan Kloss to find some Force user who was trained by Anakin.

"How do we even know this Ahsoka is even alive?" Ben asks.

"Freya had seen her in the past," Amara says, "Rex had communications with her for a while after the war, but things became quiet on his end afterwards."

Rey looks at her friend, "And why is that?"

"Because she was looking for a friend." Amara says, "That's what Rex said. He said a Mandalorian girl called Sabine and Ahsoka went on a quest to try and find their friend, Ezra Bridger, who is also a Force user."

The conversation was being held in the Falcon lounge area. Inside was Chewie, Ben, Rey, Poe, Finn, Amara, and Rose.

"Torrin mentioned that," Rose spoke, "Him and Janan spoke about how their father's fought along side an Ezra Bridger."

"Him and the crew of the Ghost fought on Lothal." Poe spoke as he stroked his chin.

"And that's where I'm going," Amara says, "I am traveling to Lothal to speak to Rex and some of the members of Ghost who are still alive. See if they can give me any sort of clues to where Ahsoka is."

Poe turns to her, "You know this mission could take weeks, maybe even years to find one person in the galaxy." He says.

Amara turns to him, "I don't think so," She says, "She had reached out before and I'm certain she'll know I'm trying to do the same."

Poe nods his head, "I assume you know that because of the Force?"

Amara nods, "Yes."

Poe frowns.

Amara steps over and placed a hand on his shoulder. Slowly she place her other hand to cup his face. She looks into his eyes.

"Poe, I know I have to do this." She says, "I- I'll be a holocall away. I just know I have to find her."

Poe sighs, "I know you have to." He holds onto the hand that is cupping his face, "I guess you are taking your turn of going off and doing Jedi stuff."

Amara gives a sad smile, "I guess so," She kisses his lips briefly, "I won't be gone long, and if anything comes up with Karawn, I'll be there."

Finn steps forward, "You're going alone?" He asks, "Don't you want a squad or something?"

Amara glanced from one general to another.

"We have resources to send you with some backup." Finn says.

Chewie growled.

Amara smiles, "Alright," She says, "I'll take your offer, Chewie."

Chewbacca had just offered himself and the Falcon for this journey. And no one in the room objected to it. It was after all, Chewie's ship but also it was Amara's too.

Chewie growled again.

"We leave soon," Amara says.


happened relatively quick, because Poe and Finn wanted to keep this mission quiet. Not a secret, but at least off record in case.

Amara had hugged Orson goodbye. She had hugged all her friends that were there; Finn, Rose, Kaydel, and Rey. She gave a bow to Freya. She hugged Lando. She had hugged her brother tightly as he sent her off. And lastly she gave her man a passionate kiss before leaving.

She left on the Falcon with Chewbacca, C-3PO, and R2-D2.

They had left Ajan Kloss and headed into hyperspace when the two droids came into the cockpit where she and Chewie were.

R2 beeping at her.

She turned her head in confusion.

"Excuse me?" Amara asks.

"R2 says there is another life form on the ship." 3PO says.

Amara looks at the Wookiee in confusion, but heads out of the cockpit. She follows the droids to where they had found the life form, and then stopped at a compartment her father used to smuggle things in.

She lifts the opening of it, and inside was Orson.

"Orson-!" Amara basically yelled.

Orson looks up, "Uh- um, hi."

Amara was stunned.

The eleven year old had managed to smuggle himself on board and her focus on piloting left her a bit distracted to even notice him on board.

"Wha- What are you doing here, Orson?" Amara sounded like a parent, "Do you realize how dangerous this is?"

Orson climbs out, "Yes, which is why I came."

Amara shakes her head, "No. You are suppose to be on Ajan Kloss with Poe and the others." She says.

Orson shakes his head at her, "No. No. I am not staying behind while my mom flies first into danger." He says, "You did it already with Ronon but not again."

Amara frowns, "Orson,"

Orson pulls out a blaster from a holster attached at his hip.

"They taught us enough before you guys recused us." Orson says, "I can defend myself."

Amara shakes her head.

R2 beeps at her.

Amara turns back, "3PO can you send a comm message back to base?"

"And say what, Miss Amara?" 3PO asks.

"Notify Poe that Orson has smuggled his way onto the ship." She says, "And I am not turning back so he'll be coming with me."

3PO nods and walks out.

Amara closes the compartment and then the two stand up.

"Don't do this again," Amara says, "Or you'll be grounded."

Amara walks back the way she came with R2 accompanying her, meanwhile Orson had a big smile on his face.

"You're not off the hook," Amara called back at her son.


met with company when the Falcon lands on Lothal. Standing below the ramp, greeting them was Rex and a handful of his comrades.

"Greetings," Rex smiles at them.

Amara, Chewie, Orson, and the droids had down the ramp.

"Rex," Amara smiles.

Rex held his hand out to the young woman, only to be hugged instead. He was a little shocked, but accepted the hug nevertheless.

"It's good to see you," Rex says.

Amara pulled back from the hug, "You too." She says and then gestures, "You remember Chewbaca, R2-D2, and C-3PO?"

Rex nods, "Of course."

Amara then gestures to Orson, "This is Orson," She says, "He's my adopted son."

Rex seemed a little shocked, "My you've been busy." He says.

Amara lightly smiles, "Yeah. You can say that."

Rex gestures for them to follow him, to which they did.

Orson watched Amara, she looked very much how Poe did when he was having an important holocall or meeting. She was very stoic and spoke softly, but the way she spoke it carried weight.

They arrived to a small base that had been rebuilt in the time Amara had last been to Lothal. It was nice to see something put together and not destroyed by the First Order.

They walked through the base and came to where the operation room was, and entered it. Inside were a few officers, who Rex dismissed to give them some privacy.

Well, only the officers left, the room did had some new people to Amara that she wasn't entirely sure who they were.

One was a Lasat, which made Amara only assume it was Janan's father, Zeb. Next to Zeb was a female green Twi'lek, and a female in Mandalorian armor.

"Allow me to introduce you all to some friends of mine. This is Zeb Orrelios, Hera Syndulla, and Sabine Wren. They are the Ghost crew." Rex says.

Then an aggressive orange astromech droid comes rolling in making grumpy sounding beeps.

Rex laughs, "Oh and let's not forget Chopper."

Chopper wheels over to R2-D2. The two astromechs beep at each other as C-3PO tries to get a proper introduction in, before the droids roll off with 3PO following after them.

Rex turns to the Ghost crew, "And this is-,"

Amara steps forward with her extended forward, "Amara Solo," She says with a smile.

Zeb tilts his head, "Solo, huh?"

Amara nods, "For now." She smiles softly.

Hera accepts Amara's hand, "We've heard a lot about you, Amara. You're work in the Resistance along side your mother," Hera then softly says, "I'm sorry about General Leia. She was truly an inspiration to all of us."

Amara smiles softly, "Thank you,"

Hera and Amara stopped shaking hands.

"This is my adopted son, Orson." Amara says.

Hera smiles, "It's a pleasure to meet you," She says to him.

Sabine then crosses her arms on her chest, "So should we get to business?"

Amara looks at Sabine, "Yes." She says, "I appreciate you all meeting here to speak about Ahsoka Tano."

"No, don't thank us," Hera says, "We feel we ought to do something."

Amara held a small smile, "Your crew has done plenty to help win the war. You don't owe me anything." She says.

Hera smiles softly, "I mean to help another Jedi, we don't mind." She says, "After all two of our own were Jedi."

Hera slowly reaches her hand to cover her heart as she closes her eyes. She thinks back to those days. Running from the Empire on the Ghost with Zeb, Sabine, Chopper, Ezra, and Kanan.

"What do you want to know?" Hera asks.

Amara smiles softly, "Everything," Amara says.

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