
and forth was Luke Skywalker, in the wake of what had happened previously. In the middle of the Falcon wasn't just the lone Jedi; Leia stood by Han, Han sat in a chair, Chewie was sitting at the table with Lando, and Freya stood by the doorway.

"I mean- I mean you shut yourself from the Force, all this time?" Luke asks.

Freya shakes her head, "Not the whole time," She says refusing to look at him.

"And everyone knew?" Luke turns to accuse his friends.

Chewbacca growled at Luke.

Han gestures to the Wookiee and then stands up. He moves away from Leia, who wanted him to stay where he was.

"Yeah, so what we knew?" Han asks, "It wasn't our place to tell you."

Luke looks at Han, "I'm not surprised. You're good at secrets."

"Luke-," Leia says.

Leia steps over towards her man and her twin. Leia interlocks her fingers with Han's to hold his hand. She looks at Han and then to her brother.

"Luke, it was not in our place to share." Leia says.

Luke's eyes drift to Freya.

"I- I can't believe you didn't tell me, Freya. I thought you trusted me," Luke says.

Freya finally looks at him, "I do,"

He heard her voice waver as she tried to keep herself from crying. It was apparent from her eyes getting red and the small sniffs that tears were threatening to slide down her face.

"You have a funny way of showing it," Luke says crossing his arms on his chest.

Freya pushes herself off the frame of the wall, "What was I suppose to say-!" She screams.

The room got silent for a moment. A little shock at the scream that came out of Freya's mouth.

"You could told me the truth," Luke says.

Freya ran a hand through her red hair, "I- I wasn't even ready to accept it, Luke. I- I don't even know if I want this life."

"Freya," Luke says, "You have an incredible gift. You can help me restore the Jedi Order."

Freya shakes her head.

"We can take the training slow," Luke says calming down, "I mean, based off how you handled Karawn, it wasn't bad, better than my first attempts."

Freya frowns at him, "No. The Jedi Order is not something I want to be apart of, Luke." She says.

"But- But," Luke says.

Han frowns and looks down.

Leia rubs Han's arm in support.

Chewie just shakes his head.

Lando seemed a little lost, but didn't say anything.

"Don't you understand? Sure, the Jedi are good and are protectors, but there is also a temptation to that darkness," Freya says with tears in her eyes, "I've seen what I could do- and- and it's not pretty."

"Wha-?" Luke seemed lost.

Han looks up, "Kid, just respect that she doesn't want your dream." He says.

"Han," Leia says.

Leia pulls Han back to try to get him to silence, but her boyfriend was not the type to follow what she said. He was almost a foot in the mouth kind of guy.

"It's not a dream," Luke addresses Han, "It's a destiny."

"Call it whatever," Han continues, "Either way, don't pull her into it if she doesn't want to."

Luke looks at Han, "You know something about what she's saying," He says and turns to Freya, "You told him?"

"I didn't have to-," Freya says, "Han was there."


Chewie growled.

Luke looks around him and then back at her, "Frey, we can work on controlling it together."

She shakes her head, "I saw what I could do. What harm I could with the Force and who- who I'd hurt. It's not safe. It shouldn't be a power we have. Maybe the purge was a good thing, to remove a problem."

"A problem?" Luke asks confused.

"Jedi and Sith are very dangerous," She says, "And- And maybe the galaxy would be better off if we didn't exist or if we just shut ourselves off from the Force."

"You can't believe that?" Luke asks.

"Sure I do," Freya says.

Freya then walked out of the lounge of the Falcon, leaving her friends in her dust. Leia looks at Han and then to Luke with a worried expression. Chewie let out a sad growl.

Meanwhile, Lando looked indifferent.

"If it helps out," Lando says, "I didn't know a damn thing."


Ben watched as Poe and Finn were speaking to a squadron who were being set out on a recon mission to the planet of Nevarro.

"Ben," Rey says.

Ben glanced away from the pilots.

"Amara does have a point," Rey says, "We have to stop Karawn."

Ben looks at her, "I know that." He says, "Of course, I know that."

Rey tilts her head, "I sense concern over Amara's safety from you." She says, "As much as I do not agree with her brash outburst inside the command center, I do agree that we need to stop the Brotherhood before we have a second First Order."

Ben looks away from Rey, "I know."

"Ben," Rey says reaching her hand to touch his arm, "Talk to me."

Ben glanced back at her.

Rey watched as he ran a hand over his face. His breathing picked up a little, like he was nervous, maybe panicked a little.

"The Skywalker bloodline," Ben begins, "Our ties to the Force. Our legacy."

Rey stares at him.

"Anakin was seduced to the Dark side so easily," Ben sighs, "As was I. What's it to happen to Amara as well? It doesn't matter how much she claims she won't- she could fall to the darkness."

Rey nods, "It's true. Master Skywalker had said how strong the Skywalker bloodline is in the Force. He had mentioned how he always saw you as probably stronger than his father-,"

"Which turned out to be wrong," Ben says, "My strength in the Force is nothing compared to Amara."

Rey looks at him.

"On Starkiller Base, when I- when Kylo Ren took the life of Han Solo, she exploded with raw power that never came out of me without any training." Ben says, "She was able to get to where she is now by training on her own for the past few years."

"She wasn't exactly training alone," Rey says.

Ben looks at her.

"Master Anakin Skywalker helped train her." Rey says.

Ben nods.

Rey interlocks her fingers in his hand. Ben looks at their hands before looking back at the brunette.

"I sense something different with Amara," Rey says, "It's familiar to me. I think she faced her own darkness."

Ben gives her a puzzled look.

"I faced my own darkness on Kef Bir," She says.

Ben tilt his head, "You never mentioned it,"

Rey gives him a small smile, "I never thought to bring it up." She says.


The Jedi couple watch as the two generals come walking away from the squadron, that had just taken off to the planet of Nevarro.

"Blue squad will notify us when they arrive to Nevarro," Poe says.

Ben nods.

Finn glances from Poe then to his fellow Force sensitive friends. Poe seemingly noticed the glance Finn was giving.

"What?" Poe asks, "You haven't mentioned what you and Amara spoke about?"

Finn rubs the back of his neck, "We spoke about how she felt she needed to face off against Karawn." He says, "Her also worry on why it feels like it has to be her."

"She doesn't have to do this alone," Rey says.

Finn looks at Rey, "She knows. She just- She just faced her dark side and afterwards had clarity on to finding Karawn." He says.

Ben looks from Rey then to Finn, "She said that?"

Finn nods, "Yeah. She said she was led by a Convor," He says, "She was called through the Force and faced her darkness."

Poe crosses his arms on his chest, "And she won? Obviously, right?"

Finn nods.

Rey glanced from Finn to Ben.

"I- I suggested that maybe the reason why Karawn is interested in her and not the Dyads is simple as there is something about her connection to the Force that is so much unlike us." Finn says.

Poe tilts his head, "You mean because of her family bloodline?"

Ben adds, "No, there is something about her that makes her different than the rest of us." Ben says, "I should've seen it back then."

Rey and the generals look at Ben.

Ben ran a hand through his hair, "Snoke even sensed something about her back then- even Palpatine." He says.

Rey rubs Ben's arm as support.

Poe bites his lip.

Ben looks at them, "If Amara really means what she says about finally getting past her fear," Ben says, "Especially after facing her dark side, she probably could take down Karawn without us."

Poe looks at Ben, "No way in hell she's doing that alone."

Rey stands in the middle, "And she isn't,"

Finn nods.

Ben locks eyes with Poe, "I am not suggesting sending my sister out alone." He says, "I am letting you understand that as much as we want to protect her, she is capable of handling this."


Amara were cleaning some of the droids on an isolated part of the base. She had briefly saw Rose, who had been hanging with Orson.

Orson was cleaning an R5 unit while Amara was cleaning R2.

"I've been hearing talk," Orson says.

Amara looks at the boy.

"That you are going after the Brotherhood," Orson says.

Amara placed her rag down, "Orson-,"

Orson slams his rag down and then stands up.

"No-! No! You aren't going-!" Orson cries.

Amara stands up, "Orson," She says softly, "I wanted to talk to you about this and not have you hear this from gossip."

Orson frowns, "I found out anyways," He says.

Amara fumbles with the rag, "I have to go," She says.

Orson shakes her head, "No- No you don't!" He yells, "Ben and Rey are powerful Jedi. They- They can stop them!"

Amara gives a sad smile, "Perhaps, but- but Orson I- I sense that I am needed there." She says, "I know it doesn't make sense to you, The Force, but I assure you I am going only to ensure you have a better future."

Orson shakes his head.

"I- I know how much the First Order took away from you," Amara says stepping towards her adopted son, "I lost a lot too, but- but the Brotherhood can threaten all the good we've done in stopping them."

Orson refuses to look at her.

Amara knelt in front of him. Her hands touch his shoulders. Her eyes meeting his, despite him not meeting her gaze.

"I- I don't want another little boy or girl ripped from his family. I don't want more families to suffer." Amara says, "The violence and death needs to end."

Orson looks at her.

Amara cups his face and gives him a weak smile. Her eyes watering up with tears threatening to come out.

"Once this is all done," Amara says softly, "I want to marry Poe. I want to settle down on a planet away from all of this. I want a simple life."

Orson looks deeply at her.

Amara kept her smile on her face, "I want to watch you grow. I want to see what kind of man you become. I want to have more children, either by having them or finding special kids like yourself."

Orson begins to cry.

Amara begins to cry as well.

"I- I just don't want to loose you," Orson says.

Amara pulls Orson into a hug, "Don't worry. You'll never loose me." She says.

Amara realized what had just been said. She and her own mother had this conversation before Amara left Ajan Kloss to find the Sith wayfinder.

"Don't worry dear," A voice of Leia Organa was heard by Amara, "You're going to be fine."

Hearing her mother's voice as if it was a whisper by her ear nearly made Amara weep into an uncontrollable sob. However, Amara just hugged her adopted son in between the two R units.


Freya mediating on a rock next to the Falcon. He eyed the infamous ship and then the woman he remember as a fearless redhead.

"Mediating?" Lando spoke, "That's new."

Freya opens her eyes, but remains sitting crossed legged on the rock. She looks directly at the man from the clouds.

"I picked it up from a few new friends I made in traveling." Freya says.

Lando nods, "These friends also Jedi?" He asks.

Freya smirks and shakes her head, "They do not call themselves Jedi because they do not practice the code." She says getting off the rock, "They were merely Force sensitive individuals who had a new way."

Lando tilts his head, "A better way than Luke's?"

Freya shakes her head frowning, "We're not going to discuss that."

"I think we are, my friend." Lando says.

"We were never friends," Freya says, "You betrayed us the first chance you had-,"

"And yet I risked my life to get Han out of carbonite at Jabba's palace if you forgotten. I stayed and faced the Empire at the end at the Battle of Endor." Lando says, "I was even there afterwards, picking up the pieces, after you left."

Freya held her gaze, "You weren't forced to stay,"

Lando nods, "I know." He says, "But it felt right to finish what was started."

"You trying to guilt me?" Freya asks.

Freya moves closer to Lando.

"Do you think I don't have regrets, Lando? Cause I have a shit list of things I've done that I've regretted." Freya says, "Leaving the way I did, never coming back when the First Order rose to power, not seeing Han one last time, not telling Luke how I felt, and- and not saying goodbye to Leia."

Lando frowns.

"I am what I always been, Lando, a scoundrel." Freya says.

Lando shakes his head, "No. You've never been that, Freya." He says lightly, "You were always the reason to Han's impulsive nature. You are a war hero. You are plenty of things, Freya, but a scoundrel-,"

Freya hears Lando laugh. She sees a smirk appear on the older man's face.

"I- I don't even think when you were smuggling Force knows what with Han, you were even a scoundrel then." Lando says, "You are a good person, and that comes rare in that line of work."

Freya gives a small smile.

Lando placed a hand on her shoulder, "And if it made you feel better," Lando says, "I'm certain he was smitten about you."

Freya looks at him, "I wished he could've found someone."

"He did," Lando says, "He just knew one day you'd be reunited."

Freya had a sad smile, "Maybe,"

Then the somber mood vanished when the two heard a person clearing their throat. Freya and Lando look over and saw Amara standing there.

"Um- I wanted to speak to Freya, but if-," Amara was cut off.

"It's alright, Amara." Lando smiles.

Amara felt Lando mess with her hair before parting ways up the Falcon ramp. Amara watched Lando disappear inside her father's ship before turning to Freya.

"I did what you suggested for what I saw and sensed leading me to that waterfall, and again I saw it." Amara says.

"Saw what?" Freya asks.

"A Convor," Amara says, "And I just felt like it was telling me to go."

"A Convor?" Freya spoke, "I- I recall someone having a Convor watch over them."

Amara's eyebrows furrow, "Really?"

Freya nods, "A Force user by the name of Ahsoka Tano,"

"Ahsoka Tano- wait- wait I know that name," Amara says, "She- She was a padawan to my grandfather. Back- Back in the Clone Wars."

Freya tilts her head.

"3PO told me a lot about the Clone Wars," Amara says, "But- I thought all the Jedi from then were killed during the purge?"

Freya shakes her head, "My father made it out and did plenty of Jedi and padawan learners." She says.

"Really?" Amara asks.

Freya nods.

Amara nods as she was gathering her thoughts to say something.

"So- So is Ahsoka Tano trying to communicate?" Amara asks.

"I don't know, maybe." Freya says.

"Have you met her?" Amara asks anxiously.

Freya smiles softly, "Once." She says, "She saved my life when I was on the run from the First Order."

"So she's alive," Amara says leaning closer to Freya with interest.

Freya tilts her head, "Yes. She was alive the last time I saw her." She says, "Why are you planning on finding Ahsoka Tano?"

Amara gives a small smile, "Maybe. I don't know." She says, "I did promise Orson after the Brotherhood, I want to be done with this life. I want to have a normal life."

Freya looks at Amara with a small smile.

"But finding Ahsoka Tano could- could give me so much insight into the ways of the Force that I was never properly told through my own training." Amara says, "Maybe she could tell me why she sent her Convor here to send me to that cave."

Freya nods her head, "I see."

Amara reaches for her lightsabers and held them in her hands. She looks at the handles of the sabers before turning her gaze up at the older Force user.

"Would it be foolish to try and find her? Now?" Amara asks.

Freya gives Amara a small smile, "Perhaps," She then pats the top of Amara's head, "But I am certain your brother and Poe would be thrilled to hear you wanting to search for a Jedi than go head first into danger."

Amara gives Freya a look, "I am still going after Karawn."

"I didn't say you weren't," Freya says, "But I would leave you with these words. Which quest do you feel is more important right now? The quest to stop the Brotherhood or finding Ahsoka Tano?"

Amara frowns.

"You don't need the answer now, but mediate over it." Freya says.

Freya moves past Amara and heads to the ramp of the Falcon.

"Was she-?" Amara starts.

Freya halts.

Freya turns and looks at Amara. Deep down, Freya could see Han and Leia in the young Solo girl, but also see Luke. Freya wondered then how much of her grandfather is in her, but could tell that the darkness was not harboring inside of her much like it had in Anakin.

"Was Ahsoka- What was she like?" Amara asks.

Freya has a small smile, "From what I gained from her, Ahsoka is an incredible woman. A strong and powerful Jedi." Freya says, "She really owes her strength to her master."

Amara looks at Freya.

Freya then bows her head, "Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to rest." She says.

Amara watched as Freya step into her father's ship. Freya left Amara alone, but not necessarily alone on the base. Amara placed her sabers back on her belt and then looked up at the sky on Ajan Kloss.

"Which is more of an importance?" Amara spoke to herself, "Stopping Karawn or finding answers from Ahsoka Tano?"

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