
was taken back by Amara declaration before them. She held a calm composure in front of her beloved ones. However, since Amara's sudden reveal, Poe and Finn had brought Chewie, Lando, and Rose into the meeting.

"How are you sure on Nevarro?" Rose asks.

Amara crosses her arms on her chest, "A feeling." She says.

Ben shakes his head, "Karawn is playing you. He wants you to come to him. He wants to get in your head."

Amara looks at her brother, "I'm not stupid, Ben, and I'm not a child." She says to him.

Rey glanced at Amara, "I'm sorry but I have to agree with Ben. This can be too dangerous." She says.

Amara shakes her head at Rey's response.

Poe nods, "Amara, we don't know what we're going after-."

"We didn't know how bad it was going to be for Exegol but we gave it our all." Amara says.

Finn shakes his head, "That's different-,"

Amara turns to him, "No, it isn't."

The room stares at the daughter of fallen heroes. Lando could see so much of Leia and Han in Amara at this moment.

From the entrance of the command center, Freya stood with her arms crossed on her chest. She was watching this unfold.

"We were fighting to save the galaxy," Amara says, "And the Brotherhood is a legitimate threat. Ronon was part of their cult."

Poe placed a hand on her shoulder, "Exactly why we should wait for more information." He says, "Ronon was a skilled warrior all the way up until his passing."

Amara wanted to yell.

She turned away from everyone and moved towards the command table. All eyes were on her as she did this.

Lando and Chewie shared looks at each other. Rose looked concerned. Ben seemed heated about this while Rey was trying to at least calm him down. Finn looked worried. And lastly Poe looked protective.

Freya seemed to have an indifferent expression.

Amara turns to them, "This isn't about me. This isn't about the Resistance." She looks at them, "This is about a dangerous group setting out to threaten what we just did. They are threatening the galaxy that we've just saved from Palpatine."

Amara was now strictly looking at Poe and only Poe.

"I want- I want the galaxy to be free, to be at peace. I don't want Orson to grow up with any more hardship." Amara says.

"What you're saying- What you're planning," Ben speaks up, "Would put you in the front lines. What would happen if you fall to Karawn? To the Brotherhood?"

Amara glanced at Ben.

"What if they kill you? Or worst you turn over?" Ben asks.

Amara shakes her head, "I- I won't."

"You can't be certain, Mari-!" Ben yells.

Amara made her hands into fists, "I'm not afraid of it anymore." She says firmly.

Ben tilts his head, "That's what you said before,"

Poe turns to Ben, "Ben-,"

Ben takes a step forward, "You said you were done being afraid after we captured Ronon. You said you were ready to move forward in your training. You said you were no longer keeping all that potential back."

Ben was now in his sister's face.

"And then you killed Ronon and all that confidence and strength breaks away," Ben says, "So I find it hard to believe you are not afraid anymore."

Amara then slaps her brother across the face.

Rey gasped, Finn had a sort of impressed look on his face, Lando and Chewie share a head shake of displeasure, Rose looked worried, Freya shakes her head, and Poe glanced at Amara with worry.


"Amara-," Rey says softly.

Everyone noticed that the Solo siblings only looked at each other. Their gazes locked on the other. Ben had a firm look on his face and Amara had a glare across her eyes.

"Stop it, Ben." Amara says.

Ben raises his eyebrow in confusion.

"I know you and Poe share the titles of the most over protective person in my life, but stop it." Amara says firmly, "You told me that I am the most level-headed person around here. You said to not allow myself to slip into the void of the darkness."

Ben frowns.

"I know I am smarter than that. I know what I am capable of." Amara says, "I know what I need to do and if no one here is going to be okay with it,"

She finally breaks eye contact with Ben and looks around at everyone else in the room.

"I'll go myself and take down the Brotherhood," She turns back to Ben, "Alone."

"Amara," It was Poe.

Amara turns to meet his gaze.

"This is dangerous," He says.

Amara fully faces him, "Our entire lives have been filled with danger. I am not going to let it consume the next generation." She says, "I'm tired of more fighting and violence. I am tired of war."

Rey crosses her arms on her chest.

Poe rubs the bridge of his nose, "I want- I want to check out if this is the location or not. I don't want anyone walking into this blindly." He says, "Before you or anyone else goes in with their lightsabers, I am sending a small group to survey the area."

Amara rolls her eyes.

"Amara, I technically out rank you and you really don't want me pulling rank." Poe says.

Amara kept her eyes on him.

Instead of continuing her battle with Poe and the others, the silence concluded that they had won. She instead makes one last glance at Ben, before walking out.

"Amara-," Poe calls out.

"Let her go," Calls out Freya.

Everyone turns to her.

Freya moves from the corner of the room to the center where everyone else had been debating about this serious issue.

"Are you sure that's a good idea?" Rose asks, "She might just take off without us knowing."

Rey shakes her head, "She isn't going to leave."

Finn nods quietly.

Poe glanced at the Force users in the room and then back at Freya.

"She needs to cool off," Freya says, "But she is right about facing Karawn. It needs to happen sooner rather than later."

Ben glanced at her, "Are you suggesting that we let my sister go on a suicide mission?" He asks.

Freya's eyes land on the eldest Solo, "I am not suggesting that one bit. I am saying action needs to be taken. I know Karawn and the darkness that clouds him."

Lando lowers his gaze with a frown.

Chewie lets out a sad bark.

"Something happened in that battle you talked about before," Poe says, "Between Luke, you, and Karawn."

Freya glanced at the old men from her past and then to the next generation, "War leaves scars. You ought to know that." She says.


, Karawn! Surrender!" Shouted a much younger Luke Skywalker.

Standing in the desert planet of Ryloth in the middle of what seemed to be a cavern was none other than Luke Skywalker holding his signature blue lightsaber that had been once his fathers. In front of him stood a green Twi'lek wearing a black armor that had dings from blaster hits, black boots, and black gloves. The Twi'lek known as Karawn was armed with a dual wield red lightsaber.


"My, my. Aren't you very confident, Skywalker." Karawn sneered.

Behind them was Freya, she was hiding behind a rock. She was trembling. Her eyes widen, pure fear had came across her.

She had witnessed the destruction of what Vader could do, but watching a Force user murder innocent people by slaughtering them for sport was something new and horrifying.

As still as they stood, it suddenly changed by them quickly charging forward. The red and blue sabers clashing.

"You may have stopped the Empire, but you will never stop me, Skywalker." Karawn grins.

"I doubt that," Luke says.

Karawn grins wickedly.

Karawn pushes the saber harder, causing Luke's feet to be dragging back in the sand. Luke briefly glanced behind him, seeing his feet move back.

Gritting his teeth, Luke pushes back, causing the two sabers to slash away. Luke catches himself as he goes to swing in towards Karawn. While Karawn sees Luke's blue saber coming near him, he held his hand out using the Force sending him back against the cavern wall.

Luke grunts hitting the wall. Luke lifts his gaze and looks at Karawn. He sees the sick and twisted grin on Karawn's face, and then he sensed something.

"You're- You're not-," Luke seemed a little stunned.

Karawn took a step forward, "I assume you finally realized," Karawn says, "I'm not using my full power against you."

Freya's eyes widen.

"I thought I'd see if the stories of the great Luke Skywalker were true. You being a mighty Jedi who stopped Lord Vader and my Emperor, but clearly, that was a lie." Karawn eyes the human down.

Luke inhales.

He knows. He knows not to give in to his hate. Not to give in to his anger. He was better than that. He was a Jedi. He was not a Sith.

Luke raises.

Luke held his hand out and his saber is called to him and ignites. He gets in a fighting stance and looks at his opponent with a serious look.

Karawn chuckles, "I look forward to having the title of the one who killed Luke Skywalker," He says pointing one of the sides of his dual wield saber at him.

Without adding more, Karawn charged first.

He slashes his saber against the sand, causing the sand to gust up and surround the native Tatooine boy. He had been used to sand storms as a boy, but this was different. To avoid the sand getting into his eyes, he closed them.

He focused on the Force and remember his training when he was a mere boy in her early years of Jedi training with Ben.

As Karawn came near the Skywalker lad, Luke blocked the saber and shoved it back. That continued to happen, as Luke and Karawn fought. Even while Luke had his eyes closed.

After, Luke seemingly sensed the sand being cleared, he opened his eyes. He stares directly at Karawn.

Karawn's eyes drifts from Luke to Freya. He had noticed the woman follow them after Karawn fled into the cavern. But he had seen no use in attacking her or killing her, until what he sensed from her.

"Oh hello-," Karawn says.

Luke noticed, "Don't think about it, Karawn. Your battle is with me." Luke declares.

Karawn glanced at the Skywalker, "Oh you don't know," He grins at Freya.

Luke didn't like that.

So Luke charges forward to continue their duel. Karawn blocks the attack brought on by Luke, and they go back to their offense ad defense, block, block, strike, strike.

"You really don't know, Skywalker?" Karawn says, "About the woman?"

"She has nothing to do with this duel," Luke says.

Karawn chuckles, "Oh I think she does," He grins.

During their continuing strike, block, strike, block, Luke managed to slice Karawn's arm with his saber, which caused Karawn to jump back.

He hissed in pain and looked at his arm. He sees blood oozing out of his arm, he touches it with his black gloved hand and then looks back at Luke.

Without hesitation, Karawn held his hand out and pulled Luke into a Force choke. Lifting the man into the air, gasping for air. Luke drops his saber and his hands go around his neck as some sort of desperate act to free himself.

Karawn grins, "You can save him," Karawn says to Freya without looking at him, "All you have to do is-,"

And then, Karawn was Force shoved against the cavern wall much like he had done to Luke before, but the force felt harder.

Luke collapsed onto the ground and went looking for his saber, but noticed it move from the ground away from him. His gaze lifts to where the saber was being called to.


"Frey?" Luke spoke, "How-?"

Karawn laughs, "She repressed it!" He laughs, "But- But a shred of it escaped and I felt it."

Karawn stands and looks at Freya.

Luke was still stunned, "All this time-?"

Freya glanced at Luke with a sadden look, "I'm- I'm sorry, Luke," She says.

Karawn then reignites his saber and points at Freya, "I want to fight her," He says.

Luke rises, "Wait- No!" Luke yells.

Freya quickly ignited the blue blade and as Karawn came a swinging, she blocked the blade coming near her face. Which was inches from her face.

Karawn was laughing as he tried to push harder.

Although, he was stunned when Freya was pushing him back. His feet was dragging back into the sand. While Karawn was stunned by this, Freya elbowed Karawn in the head and then during his lost of balance, she sliced his saber in half.

Karawn was confused, and then felt a foot in the chest. He fell onto the ground with his sabers landing on the ground nearby. He lifts his gaze and looks at the blue saber above him.

"You're coming with us," Freya says.

Karawn grins, "My, my, aren't you something."

Freya sits inside the Falcon cockpit alone. She thought about that day so often. She thought about how despite beating Karawn in battle, he still got away.

And how afterwards, Luke was so shocked and so stunned by the reveal, let alone that he was probably one of the last to know, well Lando didn't know either, but how betrayed he felt.

Freya left.

"I- I can't believe you didn't tell me, Freya?" Luke had said.

Freya frowns.

"I thought you trusted me?" Luke had said.

She hated those memories. She hated them even to this day, because it was that fight. That argument that sent her galaxies away from him and she regrets that to this day.

"There is nothing more that I want to correct that mistake, Luke." Freya finds herself saying, "You were my everything and I didn't realize how much you meant to me until- until I felt you fade."


Poe or Ben who found Amara, it was actually Finn. Oddly enough, he didn't have to look to far. She had ducked out in Leia's old chambers, which no one had taken.

The chambers had been a moment frozen in time. Nothing had been taken out. Nothing had been touched.

Finn leans against the door frame after he had successfully opened the door to find Amara sitting on the floor with her back against the bed.

"Amara," Finn says.

Amara doesn't look at him, "I expected Ben or Poe,"

Finn let's out a sad laugh, "Rey thought it would be best if I come and check on you instead of them."

She finally looks at him, "Are they mad?"

"Uh- um- I- er-," Finn stammer.

Amara gives him a look, "Finn, don't beat around the bush, just be front with me." She says.

Her tone right there made him think of Leia. And it was shocking. How Amara, a woman who can encompass both her parent's traits can just say a sentence and he picture Han Solo or General Organa tell him it instead.

"Poe is a bit frustrated," Finn says, "Ben needed to take a walk."

Amara looks away, "They don't understand,"

Finn walks into the room, "Explain it to me."

He sits down next to her.

Her knees are to her chest with her arms wrapped around them. She was protecting herself, even though she was a grown adult.

"I know Karawn wants to battle me, and I can't shake why." Amara says, "I'm not Ben Solo or Rey Skywalker. I'm not the Dyads."

Finn looks at her.

"What makes me special?" Amara asks.

Finn shrugs, "I- I uh wish I could answer that for you." He says.

Amara sighs and looks up at the ceiling.

Finn was certain the conversation was going to end there.

"I confronted my dark side," Amara says.

Finn does a double take, "Wha- What?"

"In a cave here," She says calmly, "I was pulled there by some Convor- I- I don't know how to explain it but-,"

"It was the Force," Finn says understanding.

Amara nods, "I fought it. A dark version of myself. Twisted by hatred and anger." Amara says, "I- I know it was created by Karawn somehow,"

Finn looks at her, "And- And you beat it?"

Amara nods looking down, "Yeah and after the battle, I- I knew that I needed- we needed to go to Nevarro. I know- I know that is where Karawn is."

Finn looks up, "I think I know why Karawn is interested in you more so than the others,"

Amara turns her eyes to him.

"Neither Rey or Ben sensed that," Finn says, "Heck not even Freya and she fought that guy years ago. I think- I think there is something about your ability in the Force that is unlike any of us."

"That's what Anakin said," Amara says, "The Skywalker blood is-,"

Finn shakes his head, "I'm not talking about powerful bloodlines here," He says, "There is something in you, despite your lineage that separates you from Ben and Rey."

"And you," Amara says.

Finn grins sheepishly, "Yeah,"

There was silence between them for a moment. Finn glanced at Amara, watching her gaze lift to the ceiling and then notice him staring.

"What?" Amara asks.

"I uh- I appreciate you telling me," Finn says.

Amara sighs, "I kinda of expect you to leave here and give a report to Ben and Poe, so it's no big deal."

"Oh," Finn says.

Amara then lightly punches his shoulder, "But I really appreciate you listening," She says, "It means a lot."

Finn gives her a small smile.

And just like that the two young adults sat in the chambers of their fallen General, but for Amara's case her own mother, and sat in silence. Just sitting in each other's presence.

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