
a little better speaking to Poe about her concerns, but she still worries. And now, Poe knew her concerns and worries.

Amara found herself in the Falcon cockpit to be by herself.

Poe had a meeting with Finn. Orson was off with Rose learning how to repair a droid. Rey and Ben were off training, or something.

Amara was sitting in the pilot's seat.

Her father's seat.

She looked out the window and then closed her eyes.

She sighs.

"I sort of expected to find you here," It was Freya.

Amara didn't turn around in the seat.

Freya stepped further into the cockpit. She took notice the lack of response from the younger Solo.

"I use to spend all my time trying to fix this rust bucket. Your father always believed in this ship." Freya smiles.

"It's saved our lives plenty of times," Amara says.

"That it has," Freya says smiling at the familiar controls.

Amara watched as Freya sits down in the co-pilot seat next to her. Amara doesn't hold the gaze long, she darts her eyes elsewhere not to look at Freya.

"I make you uneasy?" Freya asks.

Amara frowns.

"Why now?" Freya asks.

Amara sighs, "The Force is testing me."

Freya leans back in the seat, "Isn't it always testing us," She says, "But I assume this has to do with the feeling you've been enduring for a while now?"

Amara sneaks a glance at Freya.

"You're not the only one who senses it." Freya says.

"Ben too?" Amara asks.

Freya nods, "Rey and I'm certain Finn does as well."

Amara covered her face with the palms of her hands. She shakes her head in frustration. She has been worried about the Brotherhood. She has been worried about Karawn. She has been worried about not feeling the presence of her family.

"You took a life, Amara." Freya says, "It doesn't get easier to bare that burden."

Amara lifts her hands from her face.

"I've been where you've been. With my stained hands due to bloodshed I had done in my youth." She says, "I was a little older than you are now."

Amara glanced at Freya.

"It was life or death, Amara. You did every possible way to find a peaceful solution, but at the end of the day you were not reasoning with a person with a sane mind." Freya says.

Amara frowns.

"I can't stop picturing it," Amara says, "But- But that's not the worst part of it."

"What is it?" Freya asks.

Freya watched as the young woman pulls her legs up to have her legs rest against her chest. Her arms wrapped around it as some sort of protective barrier.

"I nightmare of my friend who- who we lost in the war. She was a Force user in the dream- no she was a Sith. She wasn't Force sensitive. But- But she had sliced her blade through me." Amara says.

Freya frowns.

"It's- It's been so scary." Amara says, "The fact that Vira knew of the Brotherhood. I- I feel like I was speaking to Karawn. Somehow."


Freya looks forward out the window.

"Maybe," Freya frowns deeper, "Maybe you were speaking to him."

Amara glanced at Freya, "That doesn't reassure me one bit." She says.

"I'm sorry it doesn't help, but I say try mediating again. Maybe away from your usual spot." Freya says, "Maybe you'll find your connection."

Freya gets up and walks out of the cockpit.


herself walking through the jungles of Ajan Kloss. As soon as Freya left, Amara headed into the jungle. She had notified C-3PO and R2 where she had been going in case Poe or Ben got paranoid.

As Amara hiked through the jungle, she heard something.

A howl from a bird.

She lifts her head and sees it. A Convor flying above her. Most Convors were brown but this one wasn't. It was mostly white with green. The eyes were green.

Amara watched the bird fly above her, circling her before flying in the opposite direction. Amara suddenly felt this urge to follow it. So she sprinted after it.

She ran through the jungle, nearly stumbling over rocks and logs as well as nearly being hit by branches to catch the bird.

When Amara reached a clearing, she tripped over a root and landed face first in the dirt. She groans as the impact hurt. She slowly lifts herself up and then finds herself in an unfamiliar clearing.

She was surrounded by a waterfall and a stream.

"Where- Where am I?" Amara asks.

And then she heard the bird again. She glanced over and saw the Convor land on a half broken branch, and was staring at her.

"Uh- um," Amara says.

The Convor tilts its head as it stares at Amara and then turns its head towards the waterfall. Amara follows the gaze of the waterfall and then back at the Convor.

As she turns back, the Convor flies off.

"Hey-! Hey! Wait!" Amara yells.

But too late the Convor is gone.

Amara frowns, "Great, now I'm lost." She says to herself.

She slowly turns back at the jungle she had escaped from before, she was plotting her trek back to the base. This was a waste of time.

But then something was calling for her in the cave.

She turned towards the cave.

"This is probably not going to end well," She says, "But I'm already going to get lectured for running off without telling a soul that isn't a droid, so whatever."


was cold and wet. And the further she went the darker it felt. She glanced back at the entrance of the waterfall and then it appeared that where she had just came from was even further away than it actually was.

Amara turns forward and sees pitch black. She reached for her saber and ignites it.

Amara walks on top of the granite surface as she moved further and further into the darkness. She reached a point where she could no longer walk, but when she turned around to see if there was another way out, she saw the only light source was her saber.


"You'll never defeat the Brotherhood," A voice says.

Amara frowns.

"You're fear to let go is your biggest weakness," The voice says, "You fear of turning into your brother."

Just then a red light appears. And stepping into clear view to Amara was another version of her. She was staring at what could've easily been a twin or a clone.

This version of her wore all black. A black leather tank top with black leather shorts, black boots, and black fingerless gloves that goes up to her elbow.

"This is a test," Amara says.

"Is it? Is it, Mari? Or is this your future?" The Sith Amara says, "How much you've been running from the darkness but finding out it's the only thing that hasn't abandoned you."

Amara frowns.

"Your brother leaves. Your father leaves and then dies. Your uncle dies. Your mother dies." Sith Amara says, "You keep loosing people. Is the light really worth is?"

"Yes," Amara says, "Yes it is."

"I doubt it, Jedi." Sith Amara says.

And then the Sith Amara charged forward. Amara was quick, she ducked and rolled on the granite as the Sith Amara sliced her red blade at the rock behind where Amara had stood. Amara stood up and had a second to block before she was met with a saber. Amara reached for her second saber and then felt Sith Amara Force shove her into the wall.

"Tsk, tsk." Sith Amara says, "Two sabers is too many."

Amara frowns.

Sith Amara goes to do a high strike, only for Amara to block it with her blade. Amara gets to her feet and pushes Sith Amara back. The Sith counterpart stumbles back a little bit before looking at Amara.

A second was all Amara needed. She kicked Sith Amara onto the ground in her stomach, the Sith counterpart it the ground hard. Amara kicked the saber out of her reach and then pointed the green saber at her body.

"My, my." Sith Amara says, "I hate to say it, I'm a little impressed."

Amara says nothing.

"Well, what are you waiting for? Finish me." Sith Amara says.

Amara shakes her head.

"Coward-!" Sith Amara screamed.

Amara shakes her head at the counterpart, "Karawn, you want me. Come get me." She says, "I'm tried of this wild chase."

Sith Amara smirks, "You realize what you're asking for?"

"I've fought one war," Amara says, "I'll take on another mad man with power."

Amara begins to walk away, and as she does the further away from the darkness she gets. And the closer she gets towards the light.

The walk from cave to the outside didn't take long.

Once outside, Amara glanced back at the cave and then turned forward to continue onward. She had work to do.


POE WAS panicked. He was told by C-3PO that Amara went for a walk in the jungle and that was hours ago. She hasn't checked in. She hasn't been seen by anyone.

Poe was sitting in the command center.

"I'm sure she'll turn up, General." Kaydel says.

Poe turns to her.

Just then Finn, Ben, and Rey came in.

"Any sign of her?" Poe asks.

"None," Rey sys, "But- But we still sense her here. She hasn't left the planet."

Finn steps further into the command center. He went to his nerve-wracked friend, a friend who was thinking the worst.

"Poe, maybe she just lost track of time. She hasn't been herself since-," Finn says.

Poe nods, "I know- I know." He sighs, "I just- I'm worried about her, you know."

Ben and Rey step further into the command center to stay by the two generals of the Resistance.

"Freya did say she spoke to Amara before," Rey says, "We think that maybe her idea to walk off came from Freya."

Poe lifts his gaze to Rey, "Huh? Why?"

"Because of what we've been sensing," Ben says.

Poe frowns, "What have you all been sensing? And why haven't I been told?" Poe asks.

Finn steps towards his friend, "Poe, relax. We just- We just thought it was the possibility of the Brotherhood lurking but-,"

"We think the shadowy feeling we had been sensing was Amara." Ben says.

"Amara?" Poe asks.

Ben nods, "Her emotions after the death of Ronon had hit her hard. She had been shaken from it. It has caused some complications in her connection to the Force."

"Complications how?" Poe asks.

Rey frowns, "Her connection towards Luke and others." Rey says, "I- I've spoke to Master Skywalker. He and the others know something is wrong."

Poe wanted to throw a desk.

"Why didn't anyone tell me?" Poe asks.

"We just did," Ben says.

Poe sighs.

He leans against the table in the command center to gather his thoughts. His stress was getting worst and he mentally swore that he hated Force users so much because he wasn't one.

"Where are we on finding her?" Poe asks.

"Don't need to," Amara says.

Everyone turns.

Amara is standing tall and proud. Something about her has changed. Her funk is gone, her sad attitude is gone.

"Amara," Poe approaches her, "Wher- Where have you been?"

Amara gives a small smile, "A Convor took me on a trip." She says, "Either way, I'm ready to take things to the next stage."

Finn furrows his brows, "Uh- what exactly?"

Amara stepped into the command center and then to the table her husband to be was holding onto as he had a meltdown. She typed in some location and then after she was done a planet appeared before them.

"Nevarro," Amara says, "That's where I'm going."

"Nevarro?" Rey asks, "Why?"

Amara looks at the holo version of the planet then to her loved ones, "Because that's where the Brotherhood is. And I'm going to stop them, once and for all."

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