
being held prisoner in a cell on base. The idea of him being on the base seemed to make plenty of people on the base nervous, but other people felt having plenty Force users including one of their generals and former Supreme Leader made their odds seem a little better.

Meetings were being conducted on how to handle the Ronon situation as well as the future threat that he and others like him pose.

Amara was offered to be in those meetings, but she decided against it. She settled for being with Orson. Orson was wanting to stay by Amara's side since she had touched the ground on Ajan Kloss. Orson talked and talked Amara's ear off, but the younger woman kept feeling this strange feeling in the Force.

She did wonder if it related to Freya.

Amara felt odd having this older Force user around. It wasn't that she disliked Freya, it's that she doesn't know her. Freya was just a person Amara had just found out about.

Freya had been this person who loved her uncle and her uncle loved back. They fought against the Empire together. Freya was like a sister to Amara's dad. And yet, no one ever uttered the name Freya Koda.

As Orson and Amara passed the mess hall, she spots Freya speaking to Lando.

Amara studies the older woman. She seemed so different than how she pictured, but then again she was picturing a younger woman when Luke talked to her about Freya.

As if it was on que, Freya glanced over.

After Freya looked over so did Lando.

Lando gestures for Amara, "Ay, Amara! Come over here!"

Amara smiles softly.

Amara glanced at Orson, "I'll see you in a little bit. I need to talk to Lando and Miss Freya alone." She says.

Orson glanced between Amara and the older people.

He nods, "Uh- sure."

Amara watches as Orson ran off to find the other kids.

Freya watched Amara well. Amara had this parental way towards Orson that was really obvious. Amara cared for the boy. Freya was certain part of the reason she felt she had to care for the boy was a meaning of guilt of what Ben had done to the boy's family.

Another part was, Amara seemingly just connected with the boy having come from normal families that just fell apart.

Amara walked over and gives an awkward wave.

"Hi, Lando." Amara smiles and then glanced at Freya, "Hello, Miss Freya."

Lando laughs a little, "Miss Freya," He chuckles.

Freya elbows Lando.

"Ouch-!" Lando exclaims.

Freya turns from Lando, she's giving him a look, before a more gentle look was given at the daughter of her best friend.

"Just Freya, please." Freya says to Amara.

Amara nods, "Oh- uh okay." She says, "It's uh- nice to meet you."

Freya smiles softly, "Likewise." She says, "Did- uh did they ever tell you two about me?"

Freya wasn't wasting any time but going directly to what she wanted to hear. Freya had known she had left on the worst terms with the Skywalkers/Solos, but she needed to know.


Amara shakes her head, "Uh no. I'm sorry." She says, "It- It wasn't until a while ago while I was training that Luke told me of you."

Lando looked a little shocked, "Luke?"

Amara nods, "Force ghost, you know." She slightly grins.

Freya nods her head, "I see. I saw your mother." She says, "As a Force ghost as well. She's the reason I am here."

Amara looks back at Freya.

"I owe it to Leia. I owe it to Han." Freya sighs, "I owe it to plenty of them. Maybe, mostly Luke."

Lando placed a hand on her shoulder.

Amara sees the sadness in Freya's eyes. The guilt and regret eating away at her, even to this very day.

"You look so much like them." Freya says, "It's- It's shocking."

Amara smiles a little.

"But Ben- Ben is a mini Han." Freya says.

"Don't let him hear that," Amara says softly.

Freya nods.

Amara sees Finn coming over, he was pointing at her. Seems like it was important, but Amara didn't want to end the conversation right there.

"Uh- I have to go, but- but-," Amara locks eyes with Freya, "If it helps in any way, Uncle Luke- he- he never stopped feeling what he felt about you."

Freya nods with a sad smile, "Thank you."

Amara isn't sure how to just leave after that, so she nods at both of them before turning towards Finn.

Amara walks over to Finn.

He looks worried and stressed.

"Finn, what is it?" Amara asks, "I am not needed in those meetings."

Finn shakes his head and pulls her close.

"Torrin left his bed in medical." He says, "And- And it seems like the prison where Ronon is being kept is locked."

Amara looks paler, "No-,"

Finn nods, "We think he left medical to take revenge on what Ronon did to him." He says.

Amara glanced in the direction of the cell, "What is the plan of action?"

"Well Poe is wanting to-," Finn starts off.

"Yeah, yeah." Amara says.

And then Amara charges off in the direction of the prison.

"Amara-!" Finn yells.


arrived at the post where the cells were. There were some men stationed outside for the case if Ronon escapes. Amara pulled her sabers off her belt and then walked forward.

She took notice how none of the men stopped her or at least tried to.

Amara seemed to assumed that this was what Poe and Finn had suggested, have a Jedi fight a Sith right?

Amara walks in.

She passed unconscious men on the floor. She walked further and further into the room and finds herself in the presence of Ronon, who was on the floor laughing, and Torrin, who held a blaster to his head.

"Torrin-?" Amara calls out.

Torrin glanced at her, "Amara?"

Amara looks at Torrin's eyes.

The boy was terrified but also fueled with hatred and rage. He was shaking but also seemed calm, it was impossible and yet here she was watching it unfold.


"Torrin, what is going on?" Amara asks.

Torrin glanced back at Ronon, "Go away, Amara. I need to take care of this."

Amara shakes her head, "No. This isn't right." She says, "We don't kill our prisoners."

Torrin scoffs, "Why? He'd kill all of us."

Ronon laughs.

Amara glares at him, "Shut up!"

Ronon looks at Amara, "What?" He asks her, "You think this boy has it in him to actually kill me? He doesn't have the balls!"

Torrin grits his teeth.

He pushes the barrel against Ronon's head.

"You don't think I have the balls!" Torrin screams.

Amara held her hands out, "Torrin, calm down."

"Don't tell me what to do!" Torrin screams, "You're not my commander!"


angry? Yes. Was he made at Finn? No. But he was angry that Finn didn't try to stop Amara or maybe go after her. But then again, what was Finn really suppose to do? When Amara gets an idea, no matter how crazy, she sees it to the end.

Poe stands outside the post with Finn.

"I- I should've-," Finn says.

Poe shakes his head, "It's okay."

Finn shakes his head to himself.

Poe and Finn were waiting on Rey and Ben.

He wanted Force users to go in and help Amara. Poe knew how much of a struggle the two of them had against Ronon, so maybe three Force users would make things a little easier.

Poe felt a hand on his shoulder.

It was Rose.

"Poe, she'll be okay. Breathe." Rose says.

Poe didn't realize he had been holding his breath.

He looks at the entrance of the makeshift prison. He just worries. Sure, he knows Amara is strong. She helped take down Palpatine, but she had help and it was Rey who ended him.

Ronon isn't strong like Palpatine, but he is scarier to Poe.


her hands near her sabers. She didn't want to harm Torrin but she didn't want to be vulnerable in case Ronon takes them on.

Amara knows Ronon.

He's a big threat.

"Torrin, I'm not Rex but he'd also not want this." Amara says, "He wouldn't want you to go down this path."

Torrin kept the blaster against Ronon's head.

"Do it, punk." Ronon grins, "Do it."

Amara takes a small step forward.

"Torrin," Amara says, "Put down the blaster and we can talk about it. No one needs to get hurt."

Torrin shakes his head.

Amara sees the tears in his eyes as she stands next to him.

"Please," Amara says.

Ronon glanced from Torrin to Amara and sees her two sabers.

Ronon swipped his feet out to Amara, causing her to land on her back. Ronon rose while Torrin was stunned and was headbutt hard by the evil man.

Torrin was hit again and again by Ronon's head.

Torein stumbled back and felt blood sliding down his face.

Amara lifts her head up to see. She quickly gets on her feet but noticed a saber on her belt was missing.

Ronon looks at her with it in his mouth. Ronon snarls as he ignites the green lightsaber.

Amara gets on her feet and ignites the other one.

"Torrin, you okay?" Amara asks.

Torrin touches the blood on his face and then looks at Amara.

Torrin nods.

Amara, keeping her eyes on Ronon, gestured for Torrin to come towards her.

Amara did not blink.

Torrin slowly moved his foot and then Ronon charged. Amara reaches with one hand to grab Torrin by his shirt, and yanked him back. She held up her saber to block Ronon, who was using her other one.

Torrin fell onto the ground. Falling awkwardly due to his missing limb.

"What do you expect to do, Ronon? Walk out of here?" Amara asks, "This place is crawling with firearms."

Ronon grins, "I can kill as much as I need to." His voice was muffled due to the saber in his mouth.

Amara frowns.

Amara used the Force to send Torrin back a little. She pushes her saber hard against Ronon, who was doing his best to shove back.

Ronon swung the green saber and Amara kept blocking it.

Amara dodged a swing coming near her. She leans back and rolls onto the ground, and stands behind him. She kicks him in the back, causing him to let go of the saber and collapse onto the ground.

"Its over," Amara says.

Ronon chuckles, "Is it? Is it really, Amara?" He asks.

Amara looks into his psychotic eyes. Hr was beyond saving. He was beyond it all.

Amara kept her saber pointed at his throat.

"Amara, just- just kill him!" Torrin yells.

Amara doesn't look at Torrin.

"What's it going to be, Amara? Are you going to kill me along with my secrets or what?" Ronon asks.

Amara kept her composure.

"Or are you too weak to do it? Should I give you some convincing of what I'll do once I get on my feet and kill you and your friend?" Ronon asks.

Amara tilts her head.

"I'll slaughter them all. Starting with the boyfriend, then the child, and I'll end with your brother." Ronon says.

Amara held the saber tightly.

"All of them will die at my hands and it'll be your fault!" Ronon screams.

Amara does not bat an eye.

Amara just stabbed the saber through Ronon's chest. She didn't even hesitate. She just did it.

Although when it happened, she quickly pulled it out in horror of what she did.

She turned off her saber and dropped it to the ground.

She backed away from Ronon. She collapsed against the wall.

"What- What have I-?" Amara spoke in shock.

Torrin looks at Ronon's dead body.

"Good. He's dead." Torrin says.

Amara shakes her head.

"I've crossed a line," Amara says.

Footsteps could be heard coming closer and closer.

Amara doesn't look up, but she knows who it is.

Rey and Ben.

Both prepared for battle. But when the two stopped in front of the scene they arrived at, they were shocked.

"Amara?" Rey spoke.

Amara doesn't look up. She doesn't move. She just stares at what she had done. She had killed a man. Bad or not. She murdered someone.

"I- I crossed a line," Amara says before shutting down.

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