
red clash against each other.

Amara and Ronon were pushing their blades hard. Amara shoves forward, causing Ronon to stumble a little only to regain his footing to swing his blade across towards her. Amara had time to react and ducked to avoid the blade, she rolled on the sand only to quickly get up and blocked the next blow.

"I'm impressed," Ronon grinned, "Less of a bore than the last Force user I fought."

Amara narrows her eyes, "That was my friend." She says and spins to then kick him in the stomach, "And you attacked them."

Ronon fell on the ground from Amara's kick. He lifted his body and noticed his lightsaber handle laying in the sand next to him. His eyes drift up to see Amara pointing her green saber at him.

"You harmed them. You killed innocent people." Amara says.

Ronon grins, "And now you're gonna do the same to me?" He laughs lightly, "I may not have the same strength as you but I can sense it. You won't kill me."

Amara tilts her head and held the saber firmly in her hands.

"You're too afraid to have blood on your hands." Ronon smirks.

Ronon held his hand out, using the Force to call his saber back to his hand, only as the saber was inches away from Ronon's hand, it was cut off by Ben.

Ben had sliced up to Ronon's elbow. The man rolled over and screamed in agony over the pain of loosing his limb.

Ben looks at Amara and then to Ronon, "I'm not afraid to add another name to the lists of people I've killed." He says.

Ronon grits out a chuckle through the pain, "Of course the Supreme Leader has no issues with killing," Ronon lifts his gaze up, "He's a monster."

Ben's eyes narrow, "Takes one to know one."

Ronon scoffs at that.

Amara points her saber again at Ronon.

The man's gaze moved from Ben to Amara. He tilts his head and looks as if he was trying to get in her head, only to find out she is good at protecting her head.

She had plenty of practice.

"Now," Amara says sternly, "You can either surrender now and we take you into custody until we figure out what to do with you or-,"

"Or what?" Ronon asks.

Ben points his ignited blue saber towards Ronon's neck, "I take care of it."

Amara's eyes shift from Ben and then to Ronon.

"You think I'm the only one?" Ronon spoke, "You think I'm the only Force user out ready for blood, Supreme Leader?"

Ben tilts his head.

Ronon grins, "Oh you two have no idea." He glanced back and forth, "For being powerful Jedi, clearly we've gone under your radar."

Amara frowns, "Those visions weren't about Ronon," Her eyes shift to Ben.

Ben looks at his eyes.

Ronon laughs a little louder, "I don't know whatever vision you're talking about," He continues, "But if you think taking me as your prisoner or killing me will end it,"

Ben moved his saber closer when Ronon moved a little.

"It's just beginning," Ronon says and begins laughing.

Amara's eyes widen and then felt this painful feeling in her head. She placed one hand on her head and then dropped her saber, which turns off. Amara stumbles back and then collapses to her knees in the sand.

Ben glanced at Amara and then to the laughing Ronon. However, in a second, Ronon, despite in pain from his hand being sliced off, used the Force to call his saber to his other hand.


It landed in his left hand and ignited, the man rose and quickly dashed to Amara, but was stopped by Ben's blue saber.

"You will not touch her," Ben says narrowing his eyes into a glare.

Ronon grins, "Delaying what's to come, Benny?" He laughs, "Guess I'll have to kill you first."


something. She glanced at Finn, and based off his expression, he too sensed what she sensed.

Something was wrong.

"Finn," Rey spoke.

Finn glanced at her, "Yeah," He say walking over to her, "I felt it."

The two stood outside the command center on the base. Inside the command center was Poe, Lando, Chewbacca, and Freya. They were conducting a meeting about finally stopping the remaining First Order supporters.

"Something's wrong," Rey says and moves towards the tent leading to the command center.

Rey marches in with Finn right behind her, when the two younger Force users stepped in, they noticed they weren't the only ones sensing something wrong in the Force.

Freya had her hands holding onto the table for support. Her eyes widen and seemed to have a shocked expression on her face.

"Freya," Lando spoke holding his hands out to the woman, "What is it?"

Chewbacca growls in concern over the woman.

Poe glanced from Freya with worry in his eyes and then glanced to his friends. When his eyes connected to both Finn and Rey, he had a feeling something was wrong and he wasn't Force sensitive.

"Is it Amara and Ben?" Poe spoke looking at Rey and Finn.

Rey steps further in the command center, "I felt something- we felt something," She starts out.

Freya lifts her gaze up, "He's back,"

Eyes drift to Freya.

"Who's back?" Finn asks.

Freya glanced at Chewbacca and then to Lando.

It seemed that the three knew exactly who Freya was referring to. It must've been someone they had come into contact with back in the days of the Empire.

Freya straights up her posture, "After we defeated the Emperor," She glanced at the next generation of heroes, "The first time, there was still chaos in the galaxy much like there is now after the Final Order was defeated."

Lando nods, "We were still cleaning up the mess much like you are now," He says, "With rogue Imperial supporters still trying to take us out."

"But with the defeat of Palpatine and Vader it left a squad of Inquisitors without a master," Freya says, "They were out on the loose without much thought of what they're plans were."

Lando sighs, "Luke and Leia weren't sure how they were going to stop all those dark Force users," He says, "Some went into hiding and we never found them, but-,"

"But there were some we fought and defeated," Freya says, "All but one."

"Which is?" Poe asks looking at her.

"Karawn," Freya says, "He was born into the Eyan clan before the Empire took him at the rip age of twelve to train him the dark arts of the Sith."

Rey frowns.

Freya straights her stance, "We learned of this when we visited Ryloth on a mission after we stopped a few Inquisitors," She says, "We were contacted by an ally on Ryloth claiming they were being attacked by a powerful Force user."

Lando nods, "And we offered our help," He says, "We learned enough about Karawn from the elders,"

Poe crosses his arms on his chest, "How long as Karawn been out there?"


Freya and Lando glanced at each other.

"Since the defeat of the Empire, really." Freya says, "Like I said, plenty of Inquisitors took the destruction of the second Death Star and the fall of their leaders as the perfect time to scatter. Many went into hiding and others were out to slaughter for sport."

Finn grimaced at that idea.

Rey frowns.

"We did our best at collecting and sometimes stopping those who were out killing for the hell of it. Luke-," Freya paused, "He was at the time the only Force user we had."

Rey's furrows her brows, "But you're a Force user, are you not?" She asks, "If not why do you carry a lightsaber?"

It was then Lando noticed it.

"You finally made yourself a saber?" Lando grins, "Oh Luke would be so proud of you."

Chewie growls.

Freya reaches from the saber and then turns to the young Rey. She held onto her handle tightly and then soften her gaze.

"When I a little older than you are now, I rejected the idea of being a Jedi." She says, "I refused to let a soul know,"

Chewie barks at her.

"Sorry, I refused to let anymore people know," She says, "At that time I- I was still figuring things out so no, I didn't use the Force. I had my blaster and that's all that mattered at that time."

Lando shakes his head, "Not necessarily," He adds, "If I recall, during a brawl between Luke and Karawn, you did tap into the Force then."

Freya glanced at him.

Lando grins, "It was the first time I seemed to notice you wielding a lightsaber." He says.

Freya attaches the saber to her belt, "Well, yes." She says, "Nevertheless, we've fought Karawn before but before we had a chance to capture him- he vanished. And then we never heard from him again."

Finn frowns, "Until now," He says, "Right?"

Eyes shift to Finn only to turn back to Freya.

Freya nods, "Yes." She says, "It appears ghosts from the pasts don't know how to stay dead."


her head as the wave of intense pain just vanished from her. As the pain faded what remain was what she had sensed, she glanced at Ben.

Ben was battling Ronon, he either didn't sense it like her or he didn't have the same reaction as she did.

Which begged the question, why.

She let go of her head and then slowly stood up.

"Amara," The voice of Leia is heard, "Don't be afraid of what's to come next. Worry about this battle and returning back to Poe and the others."

Amara nods to herself.

She reaches out for her saber, which comes to her hand. She ignites it and then grabs the second one, as well as igniting it. She then charges over.

Ben swings his blade, spinning around Ronon before connecting his blade against the red one. Ben pushes his blade against Ronon's, only to sense Amara coming.

Amara jumped in the air and then Ronon's gaze moved up at Amara, he was kicked by Ben while he was distracted by the female Solo coming back to battle.

Ronon landed on the sand, hard.

He looks up and sees green coming near him, he blocks with his red blade. He kicks himself up and then slices his blade only to see blue blocking him. It looked as if it was some sort of angelic dance between the three Force users as they battled.

Ronon glanced, seeing Ben coming near him, so he kicked sand at Ben, which hit the man in the eyes.

Ben groans in pain, and stumbled back.

As Ben was distracted, Ronon went to try to take this moment to kill Ben, only to be stopped by Amara. Amara hopped in front of Ben quickly and crossed both her blades in an X pushing against Ronon's blade being held by one hand.

Amara grits her teeth.

Amara lifts her arms up as well as the blades and then slashes down, which ended up slicing off Ronon's other hand.

The man screamed in pain, collapsing onto the sand. He scooted back on the sand, wincing but not crying. Not pleading. Not begging.

He looks at her, "Well," He grins, "Are you going to kill me or not, Amara?"

Amara turns off her sabers and then kicks Ronon in the chest. The man lays flat on the sand, and then felt Amara's boot step onto his chest. He looks up to see her glaring down at him.

"What is the Brotherhood's plan?" Amara asks.

Ronon's expression changed. It changed from his cheeky grin that he has been having to a solid look of amusement.

"You saw them," He says, "In that vision, Amara, right? You saw our master. Our leader."

Amara narrows her eyes at him.

"You saw what is to come," He smiles, "Only darkness. Only death. Only us."

Amara knelt down and then grabs a handful of his shirt and lifts him up slightly. She does not looked amused by him.

"What is their plan?" Amara asks.

Ronon laughs, "Y- You think you can stop us?" He grins, "You saw how many of them there are. You're out numbered by Force users."

Amara shoves him back into the sand, "It's a bluff." She says.

"You think our organization is a bluff?" Ronon asks.

"The organization?" Amara asks, "No. I think that's real, but the amount of Force users, it's not accurate."

At this point Ben comes over, his eyes looked irritated from the sand that was thrown in it mere seconds ago.

Ronon glanced at Ben and grins, "Kylo Ren killed a good number of Force users, but it doesn't mean we're not working hard at finding followers." He says, "You should be afraid of us."

Amara shakes her head, "I've fought one war," She says, "This isn't worth being scared."

And then Amara slugged Ronon in the face, knocking him clean out. She rubbed her knuckles, due to the slight sting from punching him. She glanced from the unconscious Ronon to Ben.

"Another war is on the horizon," Ben says.

"Not if we stop it before it even starts." She says.


greeted with many friends upon their arrival back to the base. Amara had patched to the base about their return and the fact they had a prisoner.

With the news of their safety, Poe felt like a huge amount of relief was lifted from his shoulders. He even went to tell Orson, who was over the moon.

But, the whole base seemed to be waiting for them to arrive back. And just as expected, Ben piloted the ship onto the tarmac. And within seconds, the ramp opened up revealing the three.

The Solo's and their prisoner.

"Take the prisoner into a holding cell," Poe ordered to two officers.

The two officers escorted a tied up Ronon towards where they had a prison on base, it was built within the Tantive 5.

"Amara-!" Orson calls out.

But before Poe had a chance to embrace the love of his life, little Orson sprinted past first. The young boy ran over and nearly tackled Amara. Amara's eyes lit up seeing him, she accepted the hug from the boy.

Ben stepped down and was embraced quickly by Rey. The two silently held onto each other while surrounded by so much sound.

Poe watched Amara stand, while holding the boy, and her eyes drift to him. Poe sees a smile on her face as she walked over to him, still holding Orson. Once Amara reached Poe, she put Orson down.

"Hey," Amara looks at Poe with her soft smile, "I'm back."

"I see that," Poe says.

Amara gives him a smirk, "Did you ever doubt it?"

He shakes his head, "Doubt you?" He asks cupping the side of her face, "Never."

And then Poe kisses Amara on the lips.

The kiss was cut short by members of Black Squadron as well as Finn, Connix, Jannah, and Rose coming over to welcome back the Solo siblings.

From afar however was Chewbacca, Lando, and Freya. The three stood near the Falcon, which was in clear shot of the welcome home gathering.

"So that's their kids?" Freya asks looking at Amara and Ben.

Lando nods.

Chewbacca growls.

"Both of them?" Freya asks, "Really?"

Lando nods, "Luke trained Ben before- well before we had a second Vader." Lando says.

Freya nods understanding Ben had become before he had reformed back to the person he is today. The fact that Palaptine had lured him to the dark side and destroyed Leia and Han's family just crushed Freya.

"And Amara," Lando rubs the back of his neck, "Well honestly I don't know where she got her skills from. I know Leia spent her time training Rey, but I don't know if Amara had a teacher or not."

Chewbacca growls.

Freya glanced at the Wookiee, "She had a teacher?" She asks, "Who?"

Chewie barks.

"What do you mean, you don't know?" She asks.

Chewbacca growls again.

Freya shakes her head.

She turns back to the two Solo children. She her friends in them. She saw Han's expressions on Ben. The more Freya looked at Ben, the more she saw Han. As Freya glanced at Amara, she saw Leia. She saw Leia so much in Amara.

She just wondered one thing, if any of those kids carried Luke's heart.

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