refused to go to sleep, even when he was forced out of the command center. The man was beyond worried about his love.
He knows soon, soon Amara and Ben will be face to face with Ronon. Soon the love of his life will be battling with his mad man and he is here. He is on Ajan Kloss.
He is helpless.
Poe was dragged out of the command center by Zorii. She had been the one to haul him out when Kaydel and Rose's attempts proved to fail.
Poe hadn't returned to his empty quarters. The quarters he and Amara share. It felt wrong to rest now, now that she was possibly in danger.
Poe instead just wandered the base.
He saw Orson resting in the tent with the other kids, he had to check on him for Amara. Poe knew Amara would want Orson to be taken care of, and he promised to do that. To do that for his son.
Is Orson his son now?
Poe wasn't sure.
Poe wandered around the base until he discovered Rey.
Rey was sitting outside by the Falcon. She was staring up at the clear night sky. Poe looks at her and then a thought occurred to him.
The thoughts and feelings he was experiencing about Amara are the same feelings and thoughts Rey must be feeling about Ben.
Rey's gaze lowers to him, "Can't sleep, General?" She asks.
Poe shakes his head as he ran a hand through his mess of a hair, "No. And I see the same for you."
Rey nods.
Poe watched as the brunette scoot over on the log she was sitting on for Poe to join her. Poe slowly walks over and then practically collapsed on the log.
"So who managed to get you away from the command center?" Rey asks looking back at the stars.
"Zorii," Poe says looking up at the stars.
Rey grins, "Figured." She says, "I bet it didn't take her that long."
Poe also grins, "No. She wasted no time."
The two share a small laugh together, before they began silent.
"I know I'm no Jedi or Force sensitive, but- but I know you're worried about them." Poe says, "Worried about Amara and Ben."
Rey nods.
Poe glanced at her. Rey was still looking up at the stars.
"I've faced Palpatine, as did Ben and Amara." Rey says in a somber tone, "It was touch and go for a while. I- I died, Poe. If it wasn't for Ben or Amara, I- I wouldn't be here."
Poe puts his arm around her in a protective hold. He pulls her against him and kisses the top of her head as a way of comforting her.
"I've seen Ronon. I've seen how dangerous he really is, and- and." Rey trails off.
Poe hugs the young Jedi, "I know. I'm scared for them too."
Rey pulls back from him, "So you admit to worry about Ben, then?" She asks.
Poe looks from her to the stars, "Once upon a time, Ben and I were friends. I always cared about him, maybe even when he became Kylo Ren." Poe sighs, "It just stings in the aftermath of all that still. It's- It's hard to move forward but, I'm trying."
Rey looks at him and nods.
Poe sighs, "I really wish I could be there," He says, "I feel so helpless not being there."
Rey held onto Poe's hand, "We're exactly where we need to be, Poe." She says, "I believe in Ben and Amara."
Poe glanced to Rey, "Me too."
landed on Vrogas Vas.
The ramp opened out and the two siblings step out. The planet was how Amara recalled from her vision. This is where it took place.
Amara followed behind Ben as they walked down the ramp and onto the sand.
"Keep your guard up," Ben says.
Amara eyes him, "You don't have to tell me that." She says.
The two halt when they have taken a few steps on the sand. They look around, clearly Ronon was not going to greet them the second they arrived.
Amara's gaze moved towards the right, in the distance she sees what appears to be structures. It was familiar, it was from her vision.
"I sense him," Ben says reaching for his saber, "He's close."
Amara nods, "He's at the ruins." She says, "Waiting."
Ben glanced at her and then in the direction of the ruins. They were close but a bit of a walk. Ben looks at the ruins in the distance and then to his sister.
She had grabbed her handles of her two sabers, holding them in each hand.
"Ready?" Ben asks.
Amara glanced at him and nods, "Born ready."
to the ruins and sure, they could sense Ronon but he had yet to make his appearance to them.
It however, didn't stop them from keeping their guard up.
Amara was the one to stop Ben, when she looked at the structures of the fallen remains of a Jedi ruins, and then glanced to her brother.
Ben looks at Amara.
Before anyone could say a thing, they hear the sound of a slow clap.
"Well, well, well." It was Ronon.
Ronon stepped out from behind a partially standing pillar. He leans his left side against the pillar as he fully stands in front of the Solo siblings, grinning.
"It's good to see you," He says and then glanced at Amara, "In person this time."
Amara and Ben hold their saber handles tight as they fully face Ronon.
"Now," Ronon turns to Ben, "Should I be bowing? Calling you Supreme Ruler? Kylo Ren? Or is it Ben again? With all these new names it's hard to keep up."
Ben glares when Ronon grins at him.
"What?" Ronon kept the grin, "Don't you want to catch up? It's been quite a while since you killed Alister."
Ben looks at him, "And look what happened to you. You've fallen from the pathway of the Jedi and became the very thing you sought to never become."
Ronon cackles at that, "That's rich! That's damn rich coming for you!" Ronon screams, "You! The man we all looked up to! The man who was a prodigy and look what you've done!"
"It doesn't excuse what you've done, Ronon." Amara says calmly, "You've killed innocent people. That isn't the way of the Jedi."
"And you know the pathway of the Jedi?" Ronon asks turning to her, "Your god damn grandfather was the reason the Jedi were almost wiped out!"
Amara's eyes narrowed.
"But we aren't here for dear old grand-papa now, are we?" Ronon asks, "We are here because of you."
After Ronon said that, he pushed himself off the pillar and grabbed his lightsaber. He ignited his red saber in front of the Solo siblings.
The second Ronon ignited his saber, Ben and Amara were seconds behind him. Ben ignited his blue one in his right hand and Amara ignited both of her green sabers.
"I'm here to avenge Alister." Ronon says.
Amara shakes her head, "Revenge will not satisfy you." She says, "You'll long for more."
Ronon shrugs, "Maybe, but as long as the Solo's are gone, why worry about the future." He says.
A second was not wasted, Ronon charged forward towards Amara, however, Ben beat Ronon. Ben used his blade to block Ronon's red saber.
Ronon and Ben were pushing against their blades, hard.
"Ooh!" Ronon says grinning, "You've gotten stronger."
Ronon's eyes peak over Ben's shoulder to notice Amara running over, Ronon jumps back, this causing Ben to loose his balance for a split second.
However, as Ben leaned forward, Amara hopped over her brother's back and landed in front of Ronon using one blade to block him while the other one attempting to hit him, but he used his blade to block her and then his hand to hold it back with the Force.
Ben comes running over.
Ronon uses his strength to Force shove Amara back.
She is thrown into the sand, dropping her sabers.
Ben and Ronon clash their blades against each other. The red and the blue it felt poetic, familiar in some sorts to Ben, back to when he was the one wielding the red.
Ben shoves Ronon back.
Ronon stumbles back and tilts his head at Ben.
"What? Regretting all that blood on your hand, Kylo?" Ronon asks grinning, "Regretting all those people who you slaughtered like cattle!"
Ben grits his teeth.
to her feet and then grabbed her sabers. She placed one on her belt and re-ignited the other one.
She sees her brother and Ronon a little ahead, so she sprints after them. She jumps on the fallen pillar that is on the sand, and then flips in the air to land behind Ronon with her ignited saber.
Ronon somehow managed to use his one blade to block both her and Ben's blow.
"I'm impressed," Ronon says, "Most people I fight are dead at this point."
"Well we aren't just some people," Amara says.
Ronon kept his grin, "No, you're a challenge." He says.
Ronon used his free hand to Force shove the siblings back, which sends them rolling into the sand. However, Amara rose within a second. Ben was stumbling up, but was standing.
Ronon glanced from Amara and then to Ben.
"I know what I want, but I can't get it from a fight against two people," Ronon says, "I need to make this more fun."
Ronon extended his hand and pointed it at Ben.
Ben is levitated into the air and is gasping for air. Ben reaches his hand to his throat in an utter panic.
Amara's eyes widen and then turns to Ronon.
"Now, Amara, let's see some of that Skywalker strength." Ronon grins.
Amara glanced at Ben.
Ben pleads at her, but not to spare her, but to let him die, let him pay for his sins.
Amara would not allow it.
She glanced back at Ronon.
"Don't run from your fear, Amara." The voice of Luke Skywalker echoes in her head.
"You need to accept your burden, Amara." The voice of Anakin Skywalker is heard in Amara's head.
"Amara, you have nothing to fear. We're all by your side." The voice of Leia Organa is heard in Amara's head.
Amara takes a breathe in, "Mom," She whispers.
But then she is brought back to reality, her mom is here. Those voices were just voices guiding her. Helping her. They aren't here.
No, instead Ronon is here. He is here and is choking her brother. Her brother who is hovering in the air, gasping for air.
"What are you scared or something?" Ronon asks.
Amara glanced at her brother again before back at Ronon.
"No," Amara says, "Not scared."
And then with all her strength, Amara extended her hand towards Ronon and Force shoved him back. The intense force in her ability caused sand to blow in the air where he was thrown back.
Ben collapsed onto the sand.
Ronon had knocked over the pillar he was leaning against prior. It was now broken in half. Ronon struggles to stand, but he does.
He looks at Amara.
Amara ignites her saber.
"Get up," Amara orders Ronon, "Or are you too scared to fight a girl?"
Ronon grins, "I'm gonna look forward to killing you in front of Ben."
"You will try," Amara says.
in the command center with Finn, Connix, Rose, Zorii and a few other members when this signal came in. Before they played the signal trying to contact them, Finn had sent for Poe and Rey to be brought in.
And within little time in came the pilot turn general and the Jedi hero.
"Is it Amara?" Poe asks, "Is she okay?"
Lando looks at him, "I don't think so, General."
Chewbacca growls at him.
"An old code?" Poe asks.
Rey looks from Poe to Chewie, "Who?"
Finn glanced at Poe and Rey, "We were waiting on you to arrive before we answered."
Poe glanced to Connix, "Patch them through."
Connix nods, "Yes, general."
Connix presses some buttons and then turns to the generals, nodding. She nods to indicate that the communication is open between the two parties.
"Hello my name is General Poe Dameron of the Resistance. To whom am I speaking to?" Poe asks.
"Dameron?" The voice is female, "Like Kes Dameron? Are you Shara Bey's son?"
Poe is taken back by that, "Uh- um yes." He says a little stunned, "Who are you?"
A small chuckle can be heard, "Oh I'm sorry, I guess I'm not a familiar face or name in your area, but believe me I am trustworthy. Isn't that right, Chewbacca?"
The Wookiee growls a sort of happy growl as he recognized the voice.
"Yeah, sorry it's been ages you big guy. You can lecture me later." She laughs, "And I bet Lando is there to,"
"Hello," Lando smiles as he also recognized the voice, "It's been too long dear friend."
Finn shakes his head, "I'm sorry? What is going on?" He asks, "You two know this person?"
Lando laughs, "Know her? We fought in battle together in the days of the Empire."
And that's when Poe put it together.
"Freya Koda?" Poe asks.
"That's me," She says, "I was sort of hoping you'd allow me to land on your base. I may have been gone for so long but- but I was hoping to come back home."
Lando looks at Poe, "She's like family,"
Poe nods, "Of course, you have permission to land."
"Thank you, general." Freya says and hung up
Finn glanced around in utter confusion, "Who is she?" He asks, "Really? Who is she?"
Rose shakes her head, "I don't recall a Freya Koda before."
"That's because she left after the defeat of the Empire." Lando says, "She's put herself in hiding for years. She didn't want to be found until today apparently."
Poe glanced at Lando, "Why now?"
Lando shrugs, "Guess we have to find out."
And then Lando, Chewie, Rose, and Poe as well as a few others exit out of the command center. Finn glanced back and noticed Rey still inside with him.
"Rey?" Finn asks.
Rey glanced at her friend, "You sensed it right? That woman, Freya, she's Force sensitive." She says.
Finn nods, "Yeah." He says.
"I don't like this," Rey says, "Ben and Amara aren't here and this new person shows up who is Force sensitive."
Finn placed his hands on her shoulders, "Whoa, whoa. Lando and Chewie seem to trust her, so we should do the same."
Rey sighs and nods, "Sorry, I- I'm just-,"
Finn nods, "I know."
Finn then guides Rey out of the command center as he and Rey follow after the others. The others gather to the hangar as they watch a ship lower down until it lands.
A few moments past and then a ramp lowers with an R7 astromech coming down the ramp first, and then lastly a redhead woman.
First heard is Lando laughing with glee.
"I can't believe its you!" Lando grins as he moves over towards the woman.
Lando engulfs Freya in a big hug, before the Wookiee comes over growling with glee and then picking up the two of them in a big hug.
Freya laughs, "I know, I know. I missed you too." She says directly at the Wookiee.
Her eyes dart towards Rey and Finn first.
Freya touched Chewbacca's hand and moves it from her shoulder as she walks over to the next generation of heroes.
Freya glanced at Poe, "General Dameron," She says, "Gosh you look so much like Kes. It's almost scary."
Poe extends his hand, "It's a pleasure to meet you," He gestures to Finn and Rey, "This is my co-general Finn and Rey Skywalker."
"Skywalker?" Freya asks.
Rey smiles softly, "Adopted the name."
Freya nods, "I see," She says, "And where are Leia's and Han's kids?"
Poe frowns, "Off world,"
"Why?" Freya asks.
"They're fighting a strong Force user," Rose explains, "His name is Ronon."
Freya frowns, "Oh yes, I've heard of him. He's quite dangerous." She says, "But they have each other, I assume they'll be alright."
Before more could be said or asked, Rey watches as Lando and Chewbacca basically haul Freya away to talk more. But Rey noticed the saber on her belt, a lightsaber handle.
It's proof there.
- In Serial52 Chapters
Summon Imp!
Travel with a newly born demon as he grows and learns in his own world as well as in other worlds as he gets summoned again and again. Usually to die or kill for others in strange and exciting places, but it's never certain what the next one will bring. It has its perks. With each new world comes a new story with new experiences and new lessons. There is always more to see, more to learn and more to know. Maybe, someday, it will all make sense. For now he will just work hard to become stronger, to be useful and, hopefully, survive that way. A coming-of-age story, but different. Things start to slow down to a crawl. Colors blur into one another until my vision is completely white. All I can think is "Shit, not this again!" I hate being summoned. _________________________________ updates once a week until I get more time The idea for this story began in two places. One was the ridiculously rapid pace of gaining power in many novels. Both in games and in novels, I enjoy the struggle of the beginning character, why always the rush? The other was the way many monster or non-human MCs always seem to hurry to become human (again). It always felt like a cheap way to grant the character extra powers without the difficulty of writing a non-standard thought process. Thus I wanted to write the slow(ish) progression of a monster character gaining strength and intelligence, while remaining distinctly non-human. There are no stats, xp or systems, no reincarnated soul or completely formed being to start with - unless I want to make fun of those. While the MC 'evolves', the process takes months if not years to proceed step by little step. Sit down with me and imagine, what would it be like if...
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Heart of Cultivation
Book one is now available for purchase or download through Kindle Unlimited! Jian was a prodigy, at least until he discovered that his path of cultivation had hit a dead end almost as soon as it began. That was all years ago, though. He has long since resigned himself to his fate and prepared himself for a dull, ordinary, but happy life. Stunted cultivation or no, he's clever enough to carve out his own comfortable niche. Unfortunately, not all of the matters from his past have been settled. When a reckless mistake threatens to cost him everything, Jian will have to prove that he's desperate enough to rise to the occasion. Or that he's capable of avoiding the consequences. This is an affectionate reconstruction of the xianxia genre. I will be deploying the tropes from the genre that I enjoy in a framework that I think makes sense. The story updates on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and sometimes other days.
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The Man With RPG
Just a guy minding his own business but then tragedy struck. Sent back in time thirteen years in the past, he relived his school days not without a partner in crime. A system in his head, he thought he was crazy but it was real, but a bigger surprise waited for him. The past didn't seem like the past that he knew. A past with heroes and villains running around in the world with each day world-ending events kept on happening. What should he do? Turn into a hero or be the bad guy? Better yet should he be just a bystander and mind his own damn business? Well, we'll see.
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Re: Apocalypse Games (GAMELit)
Re: Apocalypse game now has a Webtoon adaptation!Aliens have invaded our world. A hundred metallic flying saucers covered the skies of the world’s largest cities, forcing 10 million humans each year to play their absurd VR ‘apocalyptic games’. [Entering game, round four...][Human vs. Bio Mutation][Main Mission: Survive for 7 days] Humanity was forced to survive a series of different apocalypse scenarios: Ice age, Nuclear Fallout, AI Meltdown, Apex predators, etc. all for one promise: [Defeat all rounds and we will leave your world in peace] Every year, the whole world would watch the games in terror as their loved ones suffered and died, with less than 1% managing to return. After 8 years, Alan D. Angello and his team, humanity’s greatest hope, were also defeated. When all hope was lost, Alan was reincarnated 3 years before he joined the games. Will Alan be able to make a difference this time? ##### This is my fifth Novel, hopefully, this one will show all my experience after writing for 2 years. Its VR + Squid games + Apocalypse moviesIf you like any of those you will like this oneCheck out the movie trailer to give a teaser of the novel. Click link below Re: Apocalypse Games Teaser Trailer
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The Incredibles
Male Violet x Female ReaderBased off of the movie The Incredibles (Y/n) = Your Name(L/n) = Last Name(H/l) = Hair Length(H/c) = Hair Color(E/c) = Eye Color (S/c) = Skin ColorI OWN NOTHING!!! ALL RIGHTS GO TO DISNEY!!!
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Toxic love - Central Cee
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